chapter xx

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umich's finest

Attention 🗣️

Dude it's 1am wtf do you want

pretty boy <3
You're literally the only one upstairs

Yeah you're missing out on Minions

you guys are watching minions without us😔

You're saying you WANT to come over?

no, she's not saying that

i'm all warm and toasty in my bed

i can make you warm schnookims


Guys I tried to stop him he was literally vibrating in his bed



What do you want Luca?

pretty boy <3
Congratulations he paused Minions bc of your needy ass

I mean Luca helped me not miss Minions

What while you blow up the toilet?

i'm shocked that's usually luke's job

He forgot to take his dairy pills


You didn't need to bully me like that Stassie

i'm not sorry

Okay what tf do you want Luca

I want to go to sleep

Hold on I'm wiping


Man has no shame

Okay so Stassie when is your birthday

october 22...


Oh that's it I was just wondering when it was

and you couldn't of just texted her privately?

Man woke me up for no reason

Ok I'm back what did I miss


mark wtf did you do

pretty boy <3
He didn't do anything

Yeah he didn't do anything

the only thing he should've done is tell you guys not to do anything for my birthday

Luca's laughing really hard

because of how stupid he is?

Tbh probably

I'm putting you all on dnd



enjoy your minions, boys

MARK HUFFED AS he threw his phone down in the space next to him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, as he leaned his head back against the sectional. It had been a long ass day. With the first game of the season ending off in a win, him and the group had gone out to a nearby bar for a couple drinks, enough for them to feel a bit tipsy by the time they arrived home. Of course, his girls (plus Sofia) were practically begging to sleepover at the soph house, but he knew how Lola and Anastasia were on Sundays– it was their 'reset' day. So even if he did allow them to come over, they wouldn't even be allowed to enjoy themselves since they would be stressing about having time to clean up their dorm for the following week.

"Luca is such a fucking idiot," Luke grumbled from Mark's side. The sound of the Minions movie was loud enough for them to hear, but not loud enough to wake up Mackie who was asleep upstairs. It was dark in the open downstairs of the soph house, the light that was omitting from the television casting shadows across the boy's faces. "I know, he practically blew our cover," Mark responded with a slight laugh.

Luke was in the middle along with Duke, and Mark and Ethan were sprawled out on the ends. It was secretly their favorite thing to do: relax after a long day, put on a movie as they drink a couple beers. It was their second year together, and they were each other's home away from home. And the girls were slowly becoming a part of that home. Mark had always loved his girls but getting to experience college with them, made them impossibly closer. He's glad that he finally got to call Lola his– the girl he's been infatuated with ever since she and her best friend stumbled into his english class on the first day of his sophomore year.

And Anastasia, don't get him wrong, she was beautiful but he could never see her in that way. And same goes for her. That's why he loved her, she never pushed boundaries, and was always there for him after a hard break up. And so was Lola, but in a different way. Stassie was always urging him to ask Lola out all throughout high school, but he never did. Because he was scared she didn't feel the same way. Despite their countless make out sessions that followed after his break ups.

Ethan blew a raspberry through his lips, "He's such a fucking idiot," his face was illuminated by his phone screen, that he held above his face as he laid down. A small smile was on his face as he typed. "When are you ever gonna tell us about your secret girl from MSU?" Duke questioned half-heartedly, his attention mainly being on the movie that played. "Yeah, you've been hella quiet about her. Not that we're trying to pry it's just we're interested." Luke shrugged.

The Canadian dropped his phone on his chest, and looked at his friends with that same smile on his face. "I'll tell you guys when we're ready," He turned his face more so he could focus on Luke, "And I don't even wanna hear you talking. Little Miss 'I'm in a relationship with my hook-up from freshman year'," He shot back, which caused Luke to sink down further into the cushion of the couch, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Ethan chuckled slightly as his reaction before he adjusted his position, " We just aren't ready to be public. It's not 'cause we're embarrassed we're just simply enjoying the privacy."

At his words, Mark's eyebrows furrowed.

Those were the exact same words Stassie said when she was telling him about her relationship.

But he shook off the thought, just telling himself it was a weird coincidence. "I'm happy for you, bro. I can tell she means a lot to you." Mark smiled, which caused Ethan to reciprocate the gesture. "Yeah, you have this like glow to you that you didn't have last year." Duke agreed, only to be met with borderline disgusted looks. "Okay, you have been spending too much time around the girls." Luke stated, which caused the guys to chuckle. "Not my fault I don't have a girlfriend to give me that glow." Duke mumbled, crossing his arms across his chest.

"So can we talk about Stassie's birthday party?" Mark questioned, which caused the boys to sit up slightly, nodding their heads, invested in the conversation. "Okay so we're doing a halloween theme?" Ethan asked, as he opened his notes app on his phone.

Since being with Anastasia for a couple months now, he's picked up a few quirks from her: he's been more organized. He's found himself making random lists on his notes app, for the important things, of course; grocery lists, homework, things Stassie smiles at when they're walking around campus late at night, and now, a list of things to do for her 19th birthday party. He knew she didn't want him (and his friends) to make a big deal over her birthday, and apparently she never has. Mark had said that even in high school, she hated when him and Lola made a big deal of it. But Ethan wasn't going to let that slide, he wanted to make sure his girl had the best birthday ever.

Duke nodded, "Yeah, Halloween is her favorite holiday so I was talking with Nolan and Luca after practice and they said they'd be down. So basically that means the whole team would be down." "Yeah and I talked to Lola, she said she was good to distract Stassie for a majority of Saturday. But she's gonna have to leave early to get to the club. So someone's gonna have to pick her up," Mark stated. "I'll pick her up." Ethan said, typing away on his notes app. And that same feeling appeared in his chest again, but he brushed it off, again.

"Alright and Luke you said your parents were renting out a booth at a club?" Mark questioned, picking up his phone to see he got a text from Lola. "Yeah, I talked with them and they somehow, don't ask me why, agreed to rent out a booth and at the club that's about five miles from campus." Luke chuckled slightly, given the fact that he didn't exactly know why his parents were more than happy to help out with the party.

"Okay so if everything is set and stone–" "It's not," Ethan and Mark interrupted Duke at the same time, a hint of sass in their tones. This earned a narrow eyed look from Duke, "Can we please get back to actually watching the Minions?" He practically begged, which made all of them laugh because of how dead serious he was. They organized just a few more details of her birthday party before they complied, and put all their focus back on the television that was above the fireplace.

"Oh my god what if we dressed up as minions?" Duke questioned enthusiastically, which only earned him stern looks of disapproval from his friends.

stassiegreen has posted!


Liked by edwards.73, lola.thompson and others

stassiegreen my boyfriend takes the best pictures


lola.thompson jealous of your boyfriend rn
nolan_moyle Me too
sofia.commm me too
luca.fantilli Me too
rutgermcgroaty Me too
edwards.73 Me too
dylanduke25 Me too
jhugh Me too
trevorzegras Me too
markestapa You have got to me fucking kidding me

sofia.commm god he's so lucky

rutgermcgroaty Hey sweet cheeks! Are you interested in being a sugar baby? Specifically mine? DM if you're interested!
stassiegreen i hate you

user1 is this one of the admins for umich?
stassiegreen i am!
stassiegreen i'm quick like that🥱

user2 that hand has to be luca
user3 no it's obviously nolan's
user4 guys. it's 100% marks
user2 marks with lola you idiot

markestapa You got fans Stassie

luca.fantilli You got feet pics?
stassiegreen let's be SO FR luca...

edwards.73 Nice socks

umichhockey our fav admin
stassiegreen i actually prefer sofia!
lhughes_06 Me too
sofia.commm sorry lukey i'm goin w stassie tonight
lhughes_06 You're literally with me right now
sofia.commm ok and?


TO CLARIFY STASSIE AND EDDIE HUNG OUT THE DAY AFTER THE BIYS LITTLE MINIONS WATCH PARTY!! so that's why sofia and like are hanging out... yk bc it's sunday.... and the minions scene was saturday night...

i'm sorry i didn't update yesterday 😔


this is short but it's a small little thank you for 10k READS?? that's insane thank you all so much🤭🤭

next couple chaps are gonna be FUn to write...

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