chapter xxiv

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THE CLOCK THAT hung on the wall of the club read 11:46 pm. The group had been there for a solid 2 hours by this time, and now only two of them remained. Sofia and Luke had left around the third time that Sofia kicked salt off of Luke's neck, Mark and Lola left when he saw Lola shotgun a beer, Nolan had found some girl that was on the diving team and took her back to his apartment, and the rest of the guys slowly trickled out of the club one by one, with various girls hanging on to their arms as they came up to Anastasia and bid her goodbye, by placing a chaste kiss in her cheek.

Only Stassie and Ethan remained. And to be honest, she didn't know how they were the last ones standing. Her halo headband had been lost on the club for when some random guy picked her up and involuntarily made her crowd surf, and only a few speckles of her body glitter remained. Throughout the nights, Ethan hadn't left her side, whether it be while they're dancing, or when she's jogging back to the table to check her phone quickly, he was there, with his arm around her waist or shoulders almost at all times.

As she slumped back against the cushions of the booth, she couldn't help but admire Ethan at the moment– even if he was dressed in a Scooby Doo onesie, to her, he looked absolutely beautiful. His chest glistened in sweat due to the low light that hung above the table, strands of his brown hair stuck to his forehead, and his cheeks were flushed. Whether that be from the alcohol wearing off or the dancing, Stassie didn't know. All she did know was that she found her heart beating faster and faster not just at the sight, but at the fact that she felt herself falling deeper and deeper into her emotions for the boy.

It seemed each time her eyes fell on his frame– whether that be on the ice during practice or his games, when he walked down the stairs when she was laying on the couch of the soph house, or even when she just laid awake, as the sounds of his slow breathing calmed her anxiety caused by her schooling; when he fell asleep with his face in the crook of her neck, his arm slung over her waist, pulling her closer to his side. Every scenario, every touch, every stolen glance, every kiss– Anastasia's chest clenched in the best possible way.

Ethan looked up from his phone, only to be met with his girl already looking at him, a loopy smile on her smudged red lips. Her lipstick was half on her lips and half on his neck, given the fact that while they were dancing, and especially when their friends started to leave, she started getting more touchy, if that was even possible. She would leave kisses along the column of his throat, her hands tangled in his mop of hair that she seemed to love as she danced against him, lost within the crowd of intoxicated people.

"Whatcha staring at pretty girl?" He quipped up, as he leaned over to grab her glass of water that was between her hands on the table. "Nothin'," she shrugged, peeling her bare shoulders and back from the booth. "Just sitting here, wondering when you're gonna give me my present." She buried her teeth in her bottom lip, suppressing a smile. Ethan couldn't help but match her expression, as he averted his gaze down to the table before looking at her once more. "Who said I have a present?" he smirked, as he took a big sip from the glass of water. "Me," she shrugged, with an obvious look on her face. "I don't expect the guys to get me gifts but I do expect my boyfriend to get me one."

He took a moment to respond to just stare at her– black hair that del down her back and was tucked behind her ears, her hazel eyes making his heart thump loudly in her chest, slightly chapped lips, red lipstick smeared around her mouth, cheeks flamed pink, which made her freckles pop out even in the low lighting. God, the feelings he was experiencing for this girl was insane. And quite frankly, it scared him.

Sure, he's had girlfriends before but Anastasia just felt different. And he didn't know why. He didn't know if it was the fact that she was his best friend's best friend, or that she was so gentle with him, maybe it was her smile. The smile that made his chest leap each time he saw it, whether it was intended for him or not. Or maybe, it was the fact that she was so desirable, so off limits, that he couldn't help but want her, crave her.

"You're telling me this whole ass party wasn't enough for you?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, setting his jaw in place as he watched his girl's movement's meticulously. She got up from the booth and did a quick glance around the club, to ensure the fact that none of their friends were still there. Stassie was happy to see not one familiar face in the crowd. Maybe a few people she recognized from her statistics class, but other than that, nada. She sat sideways on his lap, her arm coming around his neck and his hands weren't slow to wrap around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.

She shook her head, her lips in a thin line as she looked up at him, their noses brushing due to how close they were. "I already told you want I want as my present," She shrugged, her free hand that wasn't around his neck coming up to trace faint patterns on his bare chest.

And when she planted her lips along his exposed throat for the umpteenth time that night, her teeth biting down softly on his sensitive skin, that's when he lost it.

THE DRIVE BACK to her dorm has been excruciating. It felt like the Uber couldn't drive fast enough. But Ethan didn't want to be a dick and asked the driver to floor it. It was just flat out embarrassing when he had to initiate a casual conversation with the Uber driver when he was sporting a semi, and when his girl writhing in the seat next to him.

She was restless when she got in the car, the leather of the back seat was cool against her hot skin, the felt like it sizzled at the touch. The throbbing between her legs was all too prominent, she could feel her wetness seeping through the lace of her underwear. And she would've been embarrassed if it weren't for the alcohol that flooded her bloodstream. She had sobered up somewhat towards the end of the night, now she was only tipsy.

Her thighs were aching due to how hard she was pressing them together, trying oh, so hard to suppress her desire that was brewing hot in her body. And it also didn't help that once again, Ethan had his hand planted firmly on the inside of her thigh, his fingers occasionally squeezing her flesh there.

The street lights casted shadows on her reddened tan skin through the windows, she gnawed on her lips relentlessly in anticipation, not caring the listen to the mindless conversation Ethan was carrying with the Uber driver. Anastasia hadn't even learned his name this time. And that's due to the blood that was humming in her head, deafening out her hearing.

She let out a yelp out of surprise when she felt Ethan pull her over his shoulder when they got out of the car, as he made the walk back to her dorm. If it weren't for her slightly intoxicated and horny state, she would be banging her fists on his back out of protest. But considering she didn't even trust herself to walk properly– especially in 4-inch heels, she didn't even mind. Not even when Ethan's hand trailed up the back of her thigh and landed a harsh, playful smack on her dress-covered ass, which caused her to let out a string of giggles that seemed to keep on coming.

Even when he walked them up to the door of her dorm room, as he silently thanked god that she was on the first floor. Even when he asked her for her keypad code, to which she only responded by giving out a strew of slurred together number, and somehow he understood her nonsense. Even when he plopped her down onto her bed, and sat himself down on the edge of the bed. She still couldn't seem to stop laughing. Her nose scrunched up, her chest and face flushed in red due to her lack of air from laughing. Ethan thought she couldn't of been more beautiful in that moment.

When the pale white moonlight shined through the partially open blinds of her window, when caused her obsidian hair to glisten, it sprawled out around her head on her pillow like a halo. Ironic, given she lost hers somewhere on the dance floor of the club they were at when she was completely wasted just an hour ago.

"Are you done laughing?" He playfully questioned, as he placed his hand on her ankle, beginning to help her take off her heels. She was thankful at his gesture, and sighed in relief when she could finally feel her pinky toe. "I don't know," she shrugged, pursing her lips as she watched him get up from her bed and place her heels in her wardrobe. "Why?"

The crickets that were still alive despite the cold autumn air of Michigan chirped outside her window, and the sound of students trying to be quiet in the halls of the freshman dormitories bled through the thin walls of her and Lola's room.

He turned around after closing the door of her wardrobe and gave her a sly smile, he was choosing to stay silent. Loving the way that he already knew he was pushing her buttons. "Wait is it because I was annoying? I'm sorry I just thought it was funny," she began to ramble, her mind slightly clouded.He just chuckled at her mindless words, as he bent down to look underneath Lola's bed. Her rambling stopped, due to the fact that Ethan looked like a child stuffing dirty clothes under his bed as he blindly stuck an arm out.

"What are you looking for?" And when Stassie didn't get a response, she only huffed, and started taking off her cheap, black angel wings. Rubbing at her shoulders when the elastic was finally not digging into her skin. She threw the wings somewhere into the dark abyss of her room as she got comfortable in her bed, and waited for Ethan to finally start paying attention to her. As if.

"Fucking finally! She shoved this shit so far in her ass," He whispered to himself, as he got up from the floor with a plastic bag in his hands. Stassie's eyes lifted up from the loose thread on her sheets she was toying with when she saw his figure walking over to her. She pulled her legs under her, a bright smile on her face when he sat on the edge of her bed once again. She could see his teeth glinting in the moonlight as he grinned at her. "So I know this is basically a late birthday present since it's past midnight," He joked, letting out a small airy chuckle. "But this is my present, and I figured it wouldn't be the best gift to give in front of the guys."

Anastasia felt excitement bubble up in her chest. She could tell he was nervous, but chose not to comment on it. He placed the plastic bag in her lap, and she saw the outline of a rectangular box. "Do I have any reason to be scared?" She teased, locking her gaze with his. He chuckled at her playfulness, "I don't think so?" "Wow thanks that helps me so much, E."

She reached into the bag and pulled out the box, her eyes squinting due to the lack of light in her room. "I cant even see what it is," Ethan huffed as he pulled out his phone from the pocket of his onesie, and turned in the flashlight.

Anastasia's breath hitched in her throat. Her mouth turned dry, and she felt a spark that only he could ignite burn within her. She opened the box and grabbed the content that laid inside. "I know it's kinda weird and I could totally return it if you don't want it. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I just thought that it would be fun–" "How does it work?" She interrupted him, her eyes focused on the vibrator that laid in her hands, her fingers ran over the silicon of it, the small etch marks on the buttons. She's never seen or owned a vibrator in her now nineteen years of living. She's always resorted to her hand or the showerhead; sure, she was aware that Lola owned one, and as odd as it sounds, she was too scared to asked her about it. Yes, their friendship was very open, and they've known each other since they were little kids, but she had to draw a line somewhere.

Ethan darted his tongue out to wet his lips as he felt his cock twitch as her words. He noticed how her breathing had become deeper, and just how red her cheeks had turned (thanks to his phone's flashlight), all at the sight of a fucking sex toy. He scooted closer to her, "This button is for the intensity of the vibrations," he placed his hand on top of hers, and guided her fingers as he explained the controls. It was definitely an ego boost when he watched her close her eyes just from his touch. "This one is for different patterns," his voice was soft, as he thought that if he were to raise it he would scare her away.

He didn't know why he was having all of these negative thoughts due to a fucking vibrator, because from what he could see, Anastasia's eyes were blown wide. Whether that be out of amusement, surprise, or shock, he didn't know. "And this one," he pressed down on the button, "Turns it on." The vibrations scared her slightly, which caused her to jump out of surprise. Ethan couldn't help but laugh lowly at her actions. Stassie let out a small giggle as well, as turned off the power.

The alcohol that was left in her system wasn't doing much to conceal her normal personality; and Ethan could tell when she looked up at him with a teasing smile, "You were scared to give me a vibrator in front of the guys?" She quipped, which caused the Canadian to scoff playfully, "Well I wasn't sure how you would feel about it because I know you're an independent and smart and shit but I didn't know how you would react and if you would be embarrassed or not–"



"Do you want to show me how to use it?"

The hockey player was quick to nod his response to her question, as he practically tackled her so her back laid against the thin mattress of her bed, which caused her to let out a small giggle. The sound made his chest flutter, when he connected their lips. Her laughter died down quickly, when she felt his tongue prod at her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. She didn't deny his request, as she let out a small whimper into his mouth at the feeling.

He shifted their positioning so that he laid between her parted legs, his hard-on pressing against her covered core, given the fact that her already short dress was now pushed up around her hips. He groaned at the feeling, as he slowly ground his hips into hers, wanting nothing more than to be closer to her. Reluctantly, Ethan removed his mouth from hers as he started to trail open mouth kissed down her neck, the loss of the feeling of his lips caused her to whine out of protest, but the sound got caught in her throat when she felt the tip of his cock hit her clit directly.

His hands were laced with hers that were beside her head. He lifted his face from her neck to make sure she was okay. His senses were focused in on her and her only. So the sound of her breath hitching made him worry. That is until he saw her eyes closed tight, and her bottom lip caught behind her teeth. He watched her face carefully as he ground his hips harder against hers once more, which caused her to throw her head back against the pillow and let out a small whine. "Oh you like that don't you?" His words caused Anastasia to open her eyes and look at the godly man that was above her.

Just the sight of him alone made every pleasurable feeling she was experiencing. His usual mahogany scent flooded her sense of smell, his hair was moving with each buck of his hips, his chain dangled from his collarbones, his lips were red a swollen, and a sly smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, all while he was wearing a fucking Scooby Doo onesie. But to her defense, he had unzipped it just enough that she could see the muscles in his chest flex each time he breathed. And Anastasia couldn't help but let out a moan and let her eyes roll back into her skull at the feeling of his cock brushing her clothed clit once more. Her skin felt tingly, and her fingers gripped tighter around his, as she felt a small knot form in her stomach.

He didn't wait for a response from her as he continued his movements, just watching as he eyebrows furrowed and her swollen lips pressed into a thin line as she tried her best to conceal the noises that threatened to spill out of her mouth. Her tan skin practically glowed to him, she looked absolutely beautiful, and that just caused his chest to tighten.

It wasn't until she pulled her hands from his and let out a quiet mewl that he slowed his hips down, a look of concern etching its way onto his face. "Something wrong, pretty girl?" He muttered, as he brought a hand up to cradle her cheek, hoping to god that he hadn't pushed a boundary, or maybe she just suddenly wasn't in the mood. And if that was the case, he would just tuck her into bed and cuddle her like it was the end of the world. "I want you closer," she whined, as she brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, and pulled him so that he was laying flat on top of her. Her action made him chuckle, their noses brushing together and their breath intermingling with each exhale the other made. "I'm crushing you, baby," he mumbled, as he placed small kisses all over her face.

He couldn't help but place his hands on either side of her head once more, lifting himself slightly off of her due to the fact that he was genuinely worried that he would crush her. "I don't care," she whined, tightening her arms around her neck to only pull him closer, as she desperately tried bucking her hips up, in order to receive some type of friction against her bundle of nerves. "Just want you," she spoke breathlessly, since after what felt like an eternity, (which was actually only two minutes), Ethan finally lowered his hips against hers once again.

Her words caused his mind to realize the intimacy of all of this. Sure, he's seen and touched parts of her that only he is able to see and vice versa, but she still had a slightly buzz of alcohol in her system. Did she usually act this clingy and lovey when he was trying to make her come? Yes, but he would expect a few more sarcastic comments then she was providing. And since those were nowhere to be found, he thought of an alternative.

"How about I use your little gift on you, and then you can be close to me, yeah?" He questioned, watching as her eyes lit up at the pitch of his idea. She nodded her head swiftly, a bright smile on her face which caused him to reciprocate it, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he looked down at his girl.

Ethan was quick to get off of the bed and strip his onesie off, leaving him in just his boxer shorts. She followed his lead, and had him unzip the back of her dress, which left her clad in a black lace thong. He was slightly embarrassed about how painfully hard he was, but who could blame him when you had the hottest girl practically grinding against you?

He pulled her back against his chest as he positioned them on her bed– him sitting up against the wall and her between his legs. She could feel the beating of his heart against her back, his erection poking through his boxers, and  the rapidness of it meeting her heavy breathing's rhythm. The fact that their heart beats were in sync made her stomach flutter– and that wasn't because of the sexual desire the coursed through her veins.

Anastasia leaned her head back against his chest and tried her best to look up at him. She brought her hand up and let her fingers play with his chain that sat against his collarbones as he grabbed something that was off to the side. "Are you ready, pretty girl?" He questioned, looking down, only to see that his girl was already gazing up at him. She suppressed her smile by burying her teeth into her bottom lip. Ethan couldn't help but chuckle deeply at just how excited she was. And it was all caused because he got her a vibrator for her birthday because frankly, he couldn't think of anything else to get her.

He leaned down and placed his mouth against hers, and the quiet humming to the vibrator coming to life was the only sound that Anastasia could hear due to the blood that was rushing in her head.

He trailed the vibrator over her shoulder and down her chest as their lips were still molded together. He placed it on its lowest vibration and placed it against her nipple, which caused her to let out a small whine into his mouth at the feeling. She was practically twitching in anticipation as he moved to her other breast, and traced around her hardened nipple.

"For the love of god Ethan, I can't take anymore."

There's his girl.

His laughter made him pull away from her lips, his right hand moved the vibrator agonizingly slow down her stomach, as his left moved her hair over to one side, giving him the space to place sensual, open-mouthed kisses along the back of her neck. She shivered at the feeling, his mouth and the teasing he was doing was only making her writhe against his chest. Stassie tried her best to be patient, she really did. But when he was only trailing the vibrator anywhere but where she needed it the most, that's when she had to give him a piece of her mind. "E, I will bite your dick off if you don't–"

Her back arched off his chest at the feeling of pleasure that suddenly coursed through her. Ethan had placed the vibrator directly against her clit, the vibrations being able to be felt even through the black lace that still kept her decency... somewhat. He couldn't help but chuckle lowly at her reaction. He pulled her legs over his so that she wouldn't close her thighs around his hand because, she had a tendency to do that when she came. He placed his chin on her shoulder, his lips close to her ear, his breathing was hard, as he watched the scene in front of him.

The closeness of his body, his breath tickling her ear was enough to make the familiar knot of euphoria tighten in her stomach.

To be honest, Anastasia felt somewhat pathetic for already being close; but when the guy you've found yourself falling hard for was grinding down against you just minutes before, that'll do it to you.

Ethan knew she was close; from the slight shaking of her thighs, the increased tempo in her breathing, and the unusual quietness from her, he knew. "Are you close baby?" He whispered in her ear, to which she could only answer with a nod of her head. And who was he to deny such a pretty little thing pleasure?

He increased the vibration speed, and pulled her black lace to the side, which only made her throw her head back against his chest once more. With no barrier, the knot tightened quicker and quicker. Small beads of sweat collected along the bridge of her nose, and at this point, she couldn't conceal her noises anymore. She whined as he pressed the vibrator harder against her clit, her eyes shut tight as she just knew that her vision would have spots if she were to open them.

"I'm gonna need you to say thank you, alright?" He whispered, pressing his lips on her ear, which sent tingles down her spine. She only nodded her head in response, too lost in the pleasure she was feeling to verbally respond.

And when he pressed the vibrator harder against her little abused bundle of nerves, is when she saw her vision go white behind her eyelids. Euphoria spread and flooded her veins, and every sense known to man. Her toes curls as she bucked her hips against the vibrator, her mind unknowingly searching for more pleasure that couldn't possibly exist. Her brain was erased with every logical thought. "Thank you thank you thank you," she cried loudly, her words trailing of as Ethan clamped his hand over her mouth to muffle her noises.

Given the fact that it was now almost one in the morning, Ethan would think that all of her surrounding neighbors would be sleeping, so he didn't want to take any chances.

He made sure that she rode out her orgasm, and when her hips stilled, he turned off the vibrator and threw it somewhere within her sheets to be found later. Her body slumped against his as her breathing slowed. He placed his chin on top of her head and threw the duvet of her bed over their intertwined bodies. She still hadn't said a word, and if he was being honest, he was scared that she had passed out.

That is until he felt her place her arms on top of his that were around her waist. And for some reason, Ethan's heart swelled in his chest at her actions. "W-what about you?" Stassie questioned breathlessly, as she peeled her eyes open, only to be met with the darkness of her room, given that her pupils still needed to adjust to the lack of light.

Ethan's thumb rubbed soothing circles into the bare skin of her waist, as he kissed the crown of her head and inhaled the scent of her coconut scented shampoo. "Don't worry about me, pretty girl. You just go to sleep." She mumbled a quiet 'goodnight' to him before she snuggled deeper into his touch and the warmth of the duvet.

Frankly, he had forgotten that he was as hard as a rock at the moment. But that didn't matter, not when his girl was curled up into him and small snores could already be heard from her. His chest fluttered at the sound, and the feeling of her skin against his. He would much rather suffer blue balls than to disrupt her sleep.

"I just wish I could show you off to the world," he mumbled into her hair, as he tightened his arms around her slightly. "Sucks balls I can't."


this took so much longer than i anticipated AND IM SO SORRY

i've been really busy over the past couple of days and I HAVENT HAD THE TIME😔

but i hope you guys like this update🤭a little late night summer update is good for the soul!

i'm kinda not proud abt this but lmk what you guys think!!!

do i sense... an evolution in feelings?????

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