chapter xxv

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stassiegreen has posted!


tagged: sofia.commm, lola.thompson



Liked by edwards.73, nolan_moyle, and others

stassiegreen 19!


sofia.commm the hottest fucking trio
stassiegreen ong🫡

lhughes_06 Oh yeah and thanks Luke for the booth🙄
stassiegreen thanks luke for the booth!
lhughes_06 You're lucky I choose to tolerate you

markestapa Happy birthday dancing queen!
stassiegreen dude i'm not 17 :|

trevorzegras Shout out to Luke for showing me this girls insta🫡
jackhughes I would also like to thank Luke for not knowing I was looking over his shoulder
stassiegreen OH MY GOD HI
lola.thompson heyyyyyyy trevor
sofia.commm hey jack *winks*
stassiegreen you couldn't of just put the emoji😐
lola.thompson nah that's too cliche
markestapa 😔
lhughes_06 You guys held me down until I told you her name

luca.fantilli Best booth partner out there
stassiegreen you know it

nolan_moyle Nothing beats watching you dance when you're wasted
stassiegreen hey i'm a good dancer!
nolan_moyle Not what I meant
markestapa DUDE.

rutgermcgroaty Hello! I'm the CEO for a necklace company and we would love to have you become one of our ambassadors! Please DM us if your interested🤩
stassiegreen *you're and no!
rutgermcgroaty Not you.

edwards.73 I like the girl in the black dress
stassiegreen IKR ISNT SHE PRETTY??

user1 puck bunny

mackie.samo Soooo glad I took a pregame nap
lhughes_06 It was so good mans still had drool on his cheek at the club
mackie.samo AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?
edwards.73 Oops?

user2 she's so fucking pretty

dylanduke25 Nineteen. The best age ever when you're in Australia. You've been able to legally drink and smoke for a year. It's just as fun as being 18, 'cept you're a little bit smarter
stassiegreen did u just urban dictionary me?
markestapa It's kinda his thing. We don't know how to stop it

umichhockey Happy birthday Stassie!

user3 she's gotta be with the whole team atp

lhughes_06 has posted!


tagged: sofia.commm

Liked by markestapa, jackhughes, and others

lhughes_06 Best party with the best girl. (Happy Birthday Stassie)


sofia.commm baby boy can actually show affection!
stassiegreen cant say i blame him if my gf looked like you
sofia.commm i want you so bad

lola.thompson mf didn't even tag his teammates for the female audience 🙄
lhughes_06 My fault?????
markestapa Ik you're talkin abt me Lo don't even have to worry abt it ;)
rutgermcgroaty Gag me with a fucking ruler
luca.fantilli A RULER OUT OF ALL THINGS?

dylanduke25 A 'best girl' is a female character in an anime or video game series that is subjectively chosen to be the 'best.' The term 'best girl' is used by fans to express their opinion on their favorite character being superior to others based on individual traits they may possess, as well as their abilities.
sofia.commm i'm not a fucking anime character duker
lhughes_06 He knows that

njdevils Our favorite Hughes
lhughes_06 Damn straight
jackhughes 😐

trevorzegras Didn't know little man got himself a lady
lhughes_06 Yes you did
trevorzegras No I didn't
jackhughes Yeah bro you did
trevorzegras Oh🙂

stassiegreen sof you should totallllyyyyy leave luke rn
sofia.commm don't have to tell me twice🫡
lhughes_06 Damn.

markestapa has posted!


tagged: stassiegreen

Liked by dylanduke25, lola.thompson, and others

markestapa Happy birthday to Stassie and Stassie only!


stassiegreen awww markie actually posted me for once
markestapa You're literally all over my acc????
stassiegreen i'm literally not????
markestapa There's a highlight of you and Lo on my account.
stassiegreen that's not enough 🙄

lola.thompson did u guys only take one picture
rutgermcgroaty I tried telling them🙄
luca.fantilli Bull shit you were complaining and wouldn't shut up about how we were going to be late

mackie.samo Mark can u come make breakfast
markestapa Go to Mcdonald's dude
mackie.samo But I don't wannaaaaaaa

dylanduke25 Stassie. A mole, particularly one of the many that rested on Aristotle Onassis' face, back and genital region.
dylanduke25 I stay on my grind😈

edwards.73 Rehehehehe
markestapa Zoinks Scoob!
mackie.samo Jinkies!
lhughes_06 Gang, it looks like we have a mystery to solve!
lola.thompson suddenly, i'm single
sofia.commm ^
stassiegreen ^

lola.thompson has posted!




tagged: stassiegreen

Liked by markestapa, rutgermcgroaty, and others

lola.thompson like the true best friend i am, here's a stassie post.

happy birthday baby! i'm so happy that our moms forced us to be friends when we were little girls. you mean the world to me and i cant imagine life without you. you've seen me and my worst and at my best, and you have stuck by my side through all of it. here's to more random sam's club trips, showering with our clothes on when we're wasted, late night face masks, and hikes! i love you anastasia, my partner in crime🩷


edwards.73 Plz she's actually on the brink of tears
markestapa You're with Eddie and not me?????
stassiegreen oops?

lola.thompson DAMN STRAIGHT 🫡

user1 so this is marks girl?
user2 ya apparently they've been friends for years

dylanduke25 Best friend. A best friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin. It's someone who listens and understands you. Someone you can call anytime about anything you feel you need to 'tell' or 'vent'.
stassiegreen i'm a proud hater of your urban dictionary shit but that definition is too real
lola.thompson my partner in crime😈

edwards.73 She's so pretty
stassiegreen she's so single too🤩
lola.thompson no you're mine, kitten😈😈😈
rutgermcgroaty Get on Discord kitten😈

luca.fantilli The only duo I'll tolerate
mackie.samo RIP the Fantilli brothers. Shit😭😭😭
markestapa That made no sense Mackie

lhughes_06 You guys showered with your clothes on?
stassiegreen listen we were crossed and didn't know we lived in america give us a break

edwards.73 posted a story!

lola.thompson replied to your story!

smooth dude

Ethan Edwards
Cant be having ppl be suspicious

are you w her rn?

Ethan Edwards
Yeah I'm in your guy's dorm

is she next to you?

Ethan Edwards
Nah she's in the bathroom

ok good

so when tf are you guys hard launching

Ethan Edwards
Wtf is a hard launch

yk like posting the other on the socials..

not hiding each others faces..

Ethan Edwards

God I want to so bad



Ethan Edwards
But Mark bro

Wouldn't he be like pissed

ain't no way you just bro-ed me

and fuck mark (i already have)

i can handle him and smack some sense into him if needed if he starts acting like a baby

Ethan Edwards
Ok wow thanks I didn't need that visual of you and Mark in my mind

Are you sure though?


i'm not talking like tmr or whatever but like def do it before next semester

Ethan Edwards
Damn who would've thought I would be taking advice from Lola

shut up you love me and you're lucky i like you

Ethan Edwards
I love you and I'm lucky to have you😵‍💫

yeah ok bud

Seen at 9:26 am

stassiegreen posted a story!

markestapa replied to your story!

So he like Frank Ocean hmm?

stassie :)
i pick 'em good🫡

And Nights is your favorite song

He might be a keeper Stas

stassie :)
did i just receive a stamp of approval from THE stop sign?

Let me meet him and you just might

Seen at 11:43 am

JUST THE SCENARIO that she was living through had the freshly nineteen year old feeling giddy. Her and Ethan had decided to drive up to Lansing for the day given that it was actually her birthday. They had dressed up somewhat, with him being clad in forest green corduroy pants and a black t-shirt, and her wearing a forest green flannel with a white tank top underneath and some jeans. Hey, to her, any outfit that involved jeans was 'dressing up'.

Ethan had one hand on the steering wheel and the other comfortably placed on her thigh. The soft voice of Frank Ocean played through the speaks of his car. Specifically, Nights off his blond album. And what's weird is that she remembers only mentioning that the song was her favorite once to Ethan. And he was the one who queued it.

They had remained silent for a majority of the drive, besides the quiet murmuring of lyrics that came from Ethan. The silence had given her some time to think and reel in her thoughts. Not that there were any negative ones, she just liked to think. For example, she was thinking about the upcoming game the boys had in Minnesota, and how that meant she would be missing her classes, and leaving Lola behind. She felt bad for leaving her best friend behind, even though Coach Naurato specifically said he only wanted one trainer for the trip, she still felt bad; despite Lola being completely understanding and supportive when he told the girls one day after practice. Stassie remembers Lola saying that she had a concert coming up while they were gone which only made her feel worse given the fact that she would be missing watching her best friend perform.

Her schooling was becoming just slightly overwhelming. With her major being in sports medicine and her minor being in nursing– it was a struggle, a balance that Stassie was still figuring out. She wanted to spend time with the boys (her boy to be more specific), with Sofia and Lola, and go to all of these sporting events. Hell, she hasn't even gone to a football game yet. But to Anastasia Green, her education came first. And that's something she prided herself on.

She also was thinking about her relationship with the man that sat beside her. How they met, how they flirted back and forth until one of them (her) finally spoke up about their feelings, and how they have had to keep their feelings a secret. She didn't show it, but hiding the boy that gave her the most happiness and attention in the world was a task she didn't know would be this big. Especially when she felt herself growing to love him.

Love was a big thing for her. She had been surrounded by her parents love all her life and she wanted nothing more than to find someone to love her like her father loved her mother. But what she didn't realize was how overwhelming and scary the feeling of love was.

She knew she loved him from the moment she saw him smiling at her almost a year ago in the locker room when Mark dragged her and Lola after his game. His smile made a fluttering feeling appear in her chest, his touch calmed her, his lips soothed her, even the sound of his breathing could lull her to sleep. But what really seemed the deal on her feelings towards Ethan was when he walked into her dorm and saw her a sobbing mess over her pile of medical books.

It was a busy day, all of her professors had given her homework that day, and she had a huge project due in a couple days in her Biology class. And what better way to solve her problems than to cry? She didn't expect Ethan to come over that day, given he also had classes along with morning skate and practice in the evening, so she though he would be at home resting. But when her dorm room door opened quickly, it caused her to lift her head from her hands and see a smiling Ethan who held up a Starbucks cup. The sight only made her start crying harder; out of stress, embarrassment, and now adoration.

She looked a hot mess– her lips, nose, and eyes puffy from her crying, her face red, her hair basically a rats nest thrown up into a messy bun, her cheeks stained with her salty tears, and she wore nothing but one of Mark's old high school shirts and a pair of men's boxers (that she bought herself because let's be honest, they're comfortable as fuck).

He was quick to set down the Starbucks cups and rush over to sit on the edge of her mattress. He shoved the pile of books off from her lap, all while he pulled her into his chest, which caused her to sob harder as she curled up, wanting nothing more than to be closer to him. His arm hooked around the backs of her thighs as he pulled her into his lap. Ethan didn't speak a word– knowing her well enough to know that all she needed was someone. Someone to hold her, console her, comfort her.

And that's exactly what he did. With his hand cradling her head to his chest, and his thumb rubbing soothing patterns into the skin of her thigh.

They stayed like that until the sound of her crying calmed down to quiet sniffles.

She pulled her head from his chest and met his gaze. Hey lashes were wet and her eyes were red. Rogue strands of hair that fell from her bun had fallen in from of her face and stuck to her forehead. He pushed his flyaways back and cradled her cheek. She leaned into his touch, his thumb rubbing away the tear stains that streaked her face.

Neither of them spoke as they just looked at one another. Her eyes traced his face– his saddened expression, furrowed eyebrows, a couple strands of brown hair fell in front of his eyes. She loved his hair. She loved him.

Stassie closed the gap between them as she placed her lips on his in a slow, gentle kiss. She felt a blooming in her chest, her eyes squeezing shut, trying to avoid the stinging of oncoming tears. But not out of sadness or frustration, out of love and admiration.

When she pulled away, she could only mumble a soft 'Thank you', before she buried her head in his chest once again, and sighed in relief when she could hear his heart thudding in his chest, the sound soothing her frazzled mind.

A pat on her thigh disrupted her brief flashback. Anastasia whipped her head to see Ethan with a small smile on his face. "You good pretty girl?" Her heart stuttered at his pet name for her. She was completely his whether he knew it or not. "Yeah, sorry I was daydreaming," she nodded, her lips tightening into a smile that matched his. She placed her hand on top of his and wrapped her fingers with his.

A beat passed, as the sounds of another song played soothingly through the speakers. The familiar beat of No One Knows by Brent Faiyaz. Anastasia couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "What're you laughing at?" He quipped, his gaze focused on the highway in front of them. She shrugged, "The song is called No One Knows," she trailed off, thinking he would get the hint. And when she was met with silence she sighed.

"Just listen to the lyrics and you'll get it, pretty boy." She teased with the nickname, knowing how flustered he got whenever she called him that. Stassie took pulled her hand from his only to place in on the back of his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair as he drove.

She was nothing but a girl in love.


i'm proud of this one children, so showed me with praise.

a short little authors note bc i don't wanna spoil too much ;)

also thank you guys so much for 20k views!!! that's absolutely insane

i love you guys so much MWAH <3

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