chapter seven: fire elemental

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"Hi, (Y/n)!" Morgan, your sweet little sister, greeted you through the phone. "Where are you?"

"I'm in Prague, baby." You told her with a smile. "Pretty great out here."

"Prague?" Pepper asked. "Shouldn't you be in Paris today? Prague isn't part of the trip."

"Yeah, I know, I know." You said as you sat on your bed. "It was unexpected, and no one told us anything. Change of plans, I guess?"

"But Paris is the place you wanted to go." Morgan frowned, and you can feel her frown and sadness. "Even Dad wanted to come back there."

You sighed. "Yeah, it's okay. Hey, maybe next time I can go to Paris, but this time, you and Mom are with me. We can celebrate Dad's birthday in Paris."

"What about Peter?" Morgan asked.

You blushed and cleared your throat. "Peter? You want to bring him along?"


You chuckled. "But you only met him once."

Morgan pouted. "Pleaseee?"

"Alright, fine. I'll try to bring him along."

"Yay!" You heard Morgan cheer. You chuckled slightly and stood up. "I miss you, (Y/n)!"

"Aww... I miss you too, Morgan." You grinned. "Tell Mom that I miss her too."

"I miss you too, (Y/n)." You heard Pepper reply. "Now stay safe out there."

You smiled. "Love you, both. Bye!"

You both ended the call. Once you were downstairs, you went to meet up with your friends who had been waiting for the instructors' approval to attend the festival.

"Good news..." Harrington grinned. "We're going to the opera!"

"Huh?" A classmate of yours asked. "The opera?"

"Don't look at me." Dell shook his head as he raised his hands in defense.

"What happened to the carnival?" You asked with a frown.

"Well, this is upgrade living, guys," Harrington responded. "Come on. The tour company just gave us these tickets. For free! Do you have any idea how much opera tickets cost?"

Ned looked up at Peter, who just gave him a slow nod and assured him they would be safe if they went to the opera. That was the plan he came up with.

"No," Flash argued. "Because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera. Ever."

Michelle nudged you. "I think going to the opera's pretty great. Please don't be mad."

You rolled your eyes and smiled. "I'm not."

"Well, I think this is gonna be culturally enriching for us." Ned excused.

Harrington pointed to Ned and nodded. "Thank you, Ned." Betty frowned and whispered to Ned about agreeing to come to the opera. "Everyone, this is gonna be, maybe, the best four hours of our whole trip."

"Four hours?!" All of you exclaimed, except for Peter and Ned.

"Guys, I think this is gonna be really fun. Seriously." Ned said positively.

You groaned in annoyance. "This trip is getting worse." You mumbled under your breath before glancing at Michelle. "Sorry."

Michelle shrugged. "No, I'm with you. Opera's fun, but the festival is way more fun. But hey, there's one thing interesting here in Plague."

You looked at her with a curious look. "Oh, yeah? What is it?"

"You know there's a bridge here where they used to execute people? They were like... in a basket, and they would drown in the water."

You chuckled. "Yeah, I think I heard of that one."

"I really hope I can see that bridge." Michelle sighed. "At least that would be more interesting than going to the opera."


"I bet now you're all happy that I had you pack a nice outfit." As he adjusted his tie, Harrington remarked. You all followed him as you walked to the opera while most of the people were going to the carnival.

"Yeah, because we'd much rather go to a four-hour opera instead of the biggest party in the world," Flash complained as he let out a huff.

"Again, don't look at me." Dell raised his hands again in defense.

You all arrived at the opera. It was bigger than you thought it would be. Tony was also never a big fan of operas, which is why you've never gone into one.

"Okay..." Harrington sighed. "Here we are. Lucky for us, we got the best seats in the house. Let's go."

Your classmates followed Harrington and Dell while you stopped there for a moment to admire the opera. Brad tapped your shoulder and smiled. "Hey, I'll save you a seat."

He walked away after you smiled and said "thank you." Unbeknownst to you, Peter witnessed the entire thing, and his mood went slightly down. He took a moment to survey his surroundings before turning to face you. When he saw that you were dressed simply but elegantly, his mouth dropped. In his eyes, you seemed like a rare, stunning diamond. "Woah... you look really pretty."

You turned to Peter and smiled. "Oh? Thanks. And therefore, I have value?" You asked him teasingly.

Peter's eyes widened in fear as he panicked. "No. No, that was not what I meant at all. I was just..." Peter tried explaining, but you cut him off.

"I'm messing with you." You chuckled, earning a sigh of relief from Peter. "No, really. Thank you." You said.

Peter blushed. "You're welcome."

"You look pretty, too." You said awkwardly.

"Oh, thank you."

It was still unusual for you two to be together on your own, even if you have been friends for a while. It made you both awkward that even though you both have love feelings for one another, you two aren't willing to confess them to each other.

"Thank you." Peter smiled.

"Oh, my gosh, opera glasses!" You heard Betty chirp.

"So cute!" Ned squealed.

Peter cleared his throat and looked back at you. "Want to go in on a pair?" You asked.

Peter blushed again, a bit redder than before. "You mean we sit next to each other?"

"Yeah." You nodded with a small smile. "Why not?"

"Parker." Nick Fury called out through Peter's earpiece. "Are you in position?"

"No." Peter absentmindedly responded.

You blinked and frowned, thinking Peter was rejecting you. "Okay. No..."

"Why the hell not?" Fury asked.

"You don't wanna sit next to me, or you just don't want..." Peter saw you getting upset and disappointed.

He realized what he had said and quickly panicked. Peter gasped softly and shook his head. "I didn't mean that. I, uh... If you go ahead, I'll go... grab us a pair."

Your smile returned, and that's what Peter loved the most: your smile. "I'll save you a seat next to me, because... there's a lot of seats, so I'll be over there," You told Peter.

Peter grinned. "Awesome." You smiled at him before finding a seat for you and Peter.

"Parker." Fury hissed.

Peter sighed. "No, I'm coming. I'm..." Peter saw Ned, so he stopped him from walking any further. "Hey, I gotta go. Um, could you just tell (Y/n) that I'm sick or something?"

Ned nodded. "Okay. Be careful. And Peter, whatever you do, please steer the monster away from the opera house."

Peter stared at him for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, Ned. I know. Gotta go."

Ned walked with Betty and sat next to you. Peter turned to face you as he was about to leave. Ned explained Peter's excuse to you. You silently nodded while letting out a sorrowful sigh. Peter's heart broke. It was his opportunity to take a seat beside you and spend time with you without Brad interfering in any way.

When the lights went red, Brad got up from his chair and glanced at the stage before turning to face Peter. For a brief while, Brad and Peter exchanged looks. With a scowl and a middle finger, Brad gave Peter his middle finger and moved to sit next to you.

Peter was furious and was ready to run and charge towards Brad, but was stopped by Fury, who called him through his earpiece. "Parker! You better be on your way."

"I'm coming." Peter hissed before leaving. Peter had just left the theater when you turned to seek him out. You snuck out to follow him out of curiosity, but Betty and Ned caught you leaving. Brad also noticed you and realized you were pursuing Peter, so he let out a deep, heartfelt sigh of disappointment that he would never be able to call you his girlfriend.

"Where do you think she's going?" Betty asked Ned. "Do you think she's going to the carnival? We should go, too. Yes, we should go." Betty stood up from her seat and grabbed Ned's hand, while Ned reluctantly followed Betty, knowing there's no stopping his girl.


"All right. I'm in position." Peter reported. "As soon as I see something bad, I'll let you know."

"Roger that," Beck responded.

"How's the suit?" Fury asked.

"The suit's great." Peter complimented. "It's awesome. It's a little tight around the old web-shooter..." Peter whispered as he adjusted a bit his suit.

"Parker!" Fury, who heard what Peter said, exclaimed.

"Okay," Peter replied. "I'll shut up."

Looking around, you assumed that Peter was at the carnival, presumably not to enjoy himself at the fair but for some other purpose. You reached for your glasses, put them on, and turned them on. "Hey, Fri?"

"Hello, Ms. Stark." F.R.I.D.A.Y. greeted.

"I need you to scan this place." You commanded. "I don't feel so good about this."

You stopped in front of a statue and observed it when you saw steam coming out of the ground. "Energy spiking." F.R.I.D.A.Y. detected.

You looked down and saw lava. You gasped. "We have seismic activity," F.R.I.D.A.Y. added.

The fire monster came out, so you and the other civilians ran away. "Fri, find me a safe place!"

"On it!" F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.

"Okay, he's here," Peter reported. "Beck, are you ready? You know what to do."

"On your lead, Spider-Man." Quentin Beck, also known to you and your friends as Mysterio, flew towards the monster and started shooting his powers at him.

You found a hiding and safe spot, but you can still see the fight. You watched in awe as Mysterio and Spider-Man fought the fire elemental. 'Wait. Spider-Man? Peter?' You squinted your eyes to see clearly if it really was Peter who you're seeing. 'He has a new suit?'

"Fri, can you check if that guy is Peter Parker?" You asked.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. scanned him. "It is Peter Parker."

You crossed your arms and huffed. "Tummy ache, huh? He couldn't just tell me that he has to fight this dangerous monster."

Spider-Man fired a web after a few battles but unintentionally hit something that appeared to be a projector. With the webs surrounding it, the device dropped and struck the ground where you were standing.

You picked it up and observed it. "What is this?" You asked.

"You got him!" Peter exclaimed.

The fire creature bumped into some metal, causing him to become bigger and stronger. Beck shook his head. "No, no, no."

Hill and Fury arrived at the scene and watched as Mysterio tried to stop the fire elemental. "It's too late," Hill whispered.

Mysterio stopped and looked at Peter. "Whatever happens..." Beck removed the fishbowl helmet he has. "I'm glad we met."

"Beck, what are you doing?" Peter asked as he kept the Ferris wheel steady where Ned and Betty are at.

Beck put his fishbowl helmet back. "What I should've done last time."

Peter's eyes widened. "Beck! Don't do it! Beck!"

You watched as Mysterio used all of his abilities to battle the monstrous creature, ultimately defeating it, as you looked up at the sight. Mysterio was lying on the ground, wounded.

"Mr. Beck?" Peter asked as he went to Beck to check on him. Beck started coughing meaning he was alive. Peter sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God."

'Beck...' You thought to yourself. Before anyone could see you, you left the scene. You tapped your glasses. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., do you recognize this tech?"


"I need you to analyze this for me and tell me what exactly this is and why the hell is this thing inside the fire monster."

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