chapter six: killer drone

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You explore a store with Betty and Ned, hoping to find something interesting to look at, while you wait for your teachers to announce that it's time to go back to the bus. You stumble upon something that makes you feel as though your heart has stopped beating and a knot is tightening in your throat as you go around. You walked over to it and grabbed it. It was a mug that showed Tony Stark and Iron Man side by side. Your eyes started to well up with tears as your fingers gingerly ran over Tony's face in the cup. With a deep breath, you carefully put it back in its proper place.

Betty and Ned noticed you still staring at the mug and they both stood beside you. Betty reached her hand out to you and patted your back. "Whatever happens, we're here for you."

You looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, Betty."

"Okay. Put your one foot in front of the other, and everybody back on the bus. Let's go!" The three of you heard Dell's announcement from outside.

Along with the others, you headed back to the bus. Dimitri went to his spot behind the wheel, ignoring the noisy chatter coming from the back. Michelle and you sit side by side beside the window. You brought out your backpack, pulled out a book, and put on your earphones. Michelle was your reading partner when you began to start reading.

Michelle tapped your shoulder, so you looked at her and removed an earphone from your ear. "Can we share?" You nodded, and you lent her an earphone so she could listen to the same music you were listening to at the time.

Peter looked at Brad and saw him scrolling down on his phone to find his picture. Peter looked away to activate E.D.I.T.H. "E.D.I.T.H?"

"Hello, Peter." E.D.I.T.H. greeted. "How can I help you?"

"Hey, umm..." Peter started playing with his fingers nervously. "There's this guy in my class who's..." he said softly.

"Peter, I'm having difficulty hearing you." E.D.I.T.H. interrupted. "Can you please speak up?"

"Umm..." Peter cleared his throat. "Brad Davis. He has a photo of me."

"Brad Davis. Is he a target?" E.D.I.T.H. asked.

"Is Brad a target? Umm..." Peter looked back at Brad and saw on his lenses his photo with the Seamstress. Peter looked at you, reading quietly, before looking away. "Yeah," Peter replied with a nod. "He's a target. He's a target.

"Copy that," E.D.I.T.H. replied. "Target is Brad Davis. Initiating strike."

Peter blinked in confusion. "Initiating what, now?"

"Intercept point determined." E.D.I.T.H. continued. "Releasing kill vehicle."

"E.D.I.T.H?" Peter asked.

Glancing from your book, you watched Peter get to his feet and turn to face the back in fright. With puzzlement, you lifted a brow.

Peter saw a drone coming towards the bus; its weapon was ready to fire. "Oh, my God..." Peter whispered.

"Dope glasses, Parker." Flash snatched Peter's glasses from Peter. "How'd you pay for these?"

"Flash, come here." Peter hissed softly. "Give me that, Flash."

"I'm really paying you a compliment..."

"Please, please!"

Accidentally, Peter hit Flash, knocking him out. Peter gasped quietly. "I'm so sorry." He whispered before getting his glasses back. "E.D.I.T.H., don't kill Brad."

You saw Peter breathing heavily, and you knitted your brows. To hear what's going on, you remove an earbud from your ear.

"Peter, do you want me to cancel the drone strike on Brad Davis?" E.D.I.T.H. asked.

Peter was about to answer but was interrupted by your classmate. "Did you just punch Flash?"

"No!" Peter denied. He quickly regretted his response E.D.I.T.H. replied, "Firing."

Immediately, Peter shot a web at the stirring wheel and pulled it. The vehicle violently veered to the side as Dimitri lost control of the wheel. As soon as Dimitri took control of the wheel, he noticed that the killer drone was shooting at the side mirror.

"Hey, this is not the autobahn!" Dell yelled. "Harrington! Is this the autobahn?"

"Appears to be."

"E.D.I.T.H.," When Peter attempted to communicate with E.D.I.T.H., he discovered that his contact with the A.I. had been disrupted because he was no longer wearing the glasses. It was lying on the ground when he turned to look around. He snatched it up and put it on immediately.

"Commencing the second strike," E.D.I.T.H. said.

"Peter, plant your fanny in that seat and buckle up, right now!" Harrington exclaimed.

Peter immediately thought of an excuse or distraction so he pointed at the window. "Look at the baby mountain goats!"

Harrington's face lit up. "Baby mountain goats?"

Although you didn't bother to look, your friends, pupils, and teachers hurriedly peered out the window to see where Peter had pointed out the baby mountain goats. Rather, you observed him leap out and direct his webs toward an object. When you turned to look behind you, the deadly drone was destroyed and had webbed up.

You didn't notice Michelle seeing the whole thing.

Peter, just in time, was back on the ground when your classmates and teachers looked back at him. "Don't see any mountain goats..." Harrington told Peter with disappointment hinting in his voice.

Peter panted and his hair was a mess. "You missed them."

Harrington looked down and frowned. Betty looked at Peter while Ned was astonished, realizing what Peter did. "I know you think none of us have noticed, Peter..."

Peter started panicking again. "What?"

Betty smiled. "...but your new look, I love it." Betty looked at Ned. "Right, Babe?"

"Yeah. Sophisticated, classy, very European." Ned nodded along.

Peter sighed in relief. "Thanks." He sat on his seat again and deeply exhaled. "Oh, man... Let's try that again."

After a few minutes, Brad came to you and tried showing you the pic of Peter and the Seamstress. "Uhh... this is so weird. It was right here on my phone. I..."

"Yeah. Weird." You glanced at Peter suspiciously and Peter saw you looking at him so he quickly looked away. "Okay first of all, why are you following Peter?" Michelle asked Brad, furrowing her eyebrows in curiosity and confusion.

Brad suddenly became quiet.

'Does Peter like another girl?' While Brad was explaining what had happened, you were thinking to yourself and paid little attention. On the other hand, a lot of questions cross your mind about why the drone would kill everyone or just a certain individual in the bus.


When the bus arrived at its location, you got off with your classmates. Peter and Ned were behind you, while Michelle and Betty were together with you. When you overheard the two boys discussing about a girl, you figured it was about Peter's crush.

"If you like her then why don't you just tell her?" Ned asked in a whisper.

Peter sighed in frustration. "I can't tell her now because my plan is all ruined because of these Elementals, Ned! I don't want to end this trip without me confessing to her."

You sighed and walked faster causing Michelle to be confused. Peter and Ned joined her walking. "What's up with her, MJ?" Peter asked worriedly.

"Probably because she heard you both talking?" Michelle shrugged. "She's clearly upset."

Peter frowned. "Wait what? Upset about what?"

"She thinks you have feelings for another girl, Peter."

"What? Why?"

You've all arrived at a luxurious hotel. You roamed the lobby looking around. Although it was not as lavish as any other hotel you had visited, this one was still far superior to the one you stayed at in Venice.

"Wow. This place is so classy."

"Yeah, so why are we here?"

Flash scoffed. "Speak for yourself. I'm home." He breathed deeply as he spread his arms wide open as if he was back home.

Harrington grinned as he looked around. "What can I say? The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease." Harrington faced all of you as you all circled. "Everyone, get settled in, rest up. Because tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights."

You saw Peter walking away and seemed like talking to someone on his phone. "Hello?"

"Parker, it's Hill." Maria Hill said. "There's an earpiece with your suit. Put it on and await further instructions. Understood?"

Peter nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Yeah." Then Hill ended the call. Ned walked towards Peter with a worried look. "Hey, man."

"Hey." Peter greeted back.

"Look, I am so sorry if I seem like I'm preoccupied with my relationship." Ned apologized. "You know I'm still your guy in the chair."

Peter shook his head. "No, no. It's all good. Don't worry about it."

Ned smiled. "Okay. Great. Great."

"It's fine."

"So, what's the status on the Elemental thing? Where's it gonna happen?"

Peter turned to see if anyone was watching, and to his relief, no one was in the area to listen in. "Uh, here... in the city."

Ned's smile vanished and was quickly replaced with a frown. "Peter, we're here."

Peter nodded. "I know. I know. It's not good. I'm figuring it out."

"You have to do something, Peter. Please." Ned pleaded. "We're all counting on you."

"Ned..." Betty called out.

Ned looked at her and waved at her. "Yeah. Yeah, Babe." Then he went back to her side and they both listened to the teachers. "The good news is, we've all got our own rooms."

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