CH#35: ~Forever And Always~

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Stefan's Pov:

"Doctor please tell me she will be fine," I spoke with tired eyes and messed up hair everywhere. Dr. Bennet who already checked Fade looked at my state.

"Look Mr. Stefan. I can't say a lot about her condition but if she wakes up in the next 36 hours she will be okay. By looking at her previous injuries, the bullet affected her more than it would to anyone else," he explained.

"The bullet really out did her stomach, and she lost a lot of blood. But we stopped most of it and now we wait for her to wake up," he spoke calmly patting my shoulder as he went back to work.

I smiled at him as I had been already worned out because of lack of sleep since 27 hours ago. I already hadn't slept when Fade got kidnapped and now this, it was worse. I couldn't believe this would happen to her, if only I knew I wouldn't have let this happen. I decided to ask the doctor if I could see Fade and just sit with her for a while and he agreed.

I was sitting beside her bed, as an oxygen mask was connected to her pale face. Tubes connected to her arm with drips of different kinds made me want to kill Valentine right here and then but my self control was good which stopped me. I held Fade's hand as I don't know for how long she would be like this.

Fade's Pov:

A day later:

A warm hand gently pressed to my face as I tried opening my eyes but it was too hard to do that. "Princess please wake up, I have spent far too long without you and your smile. Please come back, it's been 2 days," someone spoke but I quite couldn't figure out who it was.

Voices could be heard here and there and I finally squinted my eyes to see Stefan sitting on the chair beside my bed.

"Princess?" He said smiling as he went out the door to get a doctor. A few minutes passed as a doctor came inside my room to examine me. "Well, it seems she is up but she will be observed for next few hours to see if anything is wrong", he said as he took off my oxygen mask but let the IVs still in my skin.

"I was so fucking scared for you,"  he whispered pulling me up so my head was on the head board as he put pillows beside me to make me comfortable. As he was about to sit back on his chair, I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. I patted a space beside as he happily came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"This isn't the first time you were scared for me were you?" I spoke chuckling a bit as he put his head into my neck to hide from me.

"Yeah it wasn't," he spoke as I raked my hands through his dark curled locks. He tilted his head up as I traced his under eyes frowning. "I couldn't really sleep, I just had bad nightmares", he spoke his lips trembling a bit. "Oh my God...,"I said softly grabbing his chin pulling his face towards mine. His lips so soft and warm as I cupped his face. He pulled back to breathe a little before connecting his lips to mine again.

The feeling gave me so many butterflies and made my toes curl as I smiled into the kiss as he pulled away resting his forehead on mine.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked concerned looking at my face and I nodded smiling.

We both just closed our eyes and felt eachothers presence as our legs tangled and his arms wrapped around me. "You haven't slept in day's, Stefan!" I whined as he just rested his head on my boobs, yeah he said it's comfortable.

Our hands were still interlocked as he rested his head on my chest. In just a few minutes he was asleep. My poor baby looked completely worked up.

I smiled as I rested my own hands on his back as we both just slept. It felt good knowing he was sleeping too because I had already slept for so long and it was beyond me to be tired again.

My eyes opened when the hospital door unlatched and entered Julie, Bailey and Derek. I smiled as they all made there way here. "Stefan wake up," I nudged him while he groaned lifting his head off of my chest.

"Do you do that a lot man? I don't know why I find this funny," Derek spoke placing the flowers beside my bedside table as Stefan rolled his eyes glaring at him. Cute.

"How are ywou Fade?" Bailey asked me climbing on my bed. "I am good now. How are you cupcake?", I asked her as she giggled for I had called her the silly nickname. "I am better now,"

We all talked for a while, laughing and smiling at different things as I was happy. They all left after a few hours.

"What happened with Valentine Stefan?" As he sat beside me side hugging me. "She was arrested, don't worry about it," he spoke as I nodded. He looked at me and kissed me.

Well he kisses me a lot. He cupped my cheek and kissed me more deeply, tilting my head to the side for a better access.

"Oh how much I am resisting right now," I flushed a crimson red color as he chuckled at my reaction. We both stayed like this for a while as I sighed happily knowing that nobody could change what we have right now.

The Misery finally ended and we could finally be happy and live our lives like normal people.



So this book finally ended and it was a great experience.

Well it's not a goodbye still because an epilogue is still to go!



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