CH#34: ~It's Over~

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*Warning* Mentions of abuse.

Fade's Pov:

A day earlier, who knew life would become the same again. Having fun with Stefan never really reminded that I'd end up like this which was what I had before. I lifelessly stayed in this huge, dirty underground cabin with a cloth in my mouth and my arms chaines up.

It hurt, it hurt so badly, my arms were bruised and there were bruises on my face, neck and arms and they were pretty much affected and it stung. I shuddered as a cold breeze made it's way inside the cabin which meant someone entered.

I expected it to be Valentine but it was my father, Seth. He saw me as he sighed annoyed.

"Why didn't you leave our lives alone?" He asked me pulling out a chair putting it in front of me sitting down. My mouth was gagged up so I just gulped as two lone tears travelled down my red cheeks.

"You are like your mother, so fucking stubborn. She left but didn't take you with her, she should've taken you or I should've killed you!" He screamed at me at the end as I looked away with more tears pouring down my face.

"I don't like you considering you could've been better but you came in my daughters life to ruin it," he blurted making his way back upstairs. I cried my heart out after that and tried pushing off the shackles connecting the chains but it restrained me to do so.

I screamed maybe someone would help, but to my avail no one showed up. What did they want I don't know. I fought against the change but it would not open.

Eventually because of the cold and me being tired I went into a dreamless sleep.

Endless nights, endless ocean views came into view which couldn't be comprehended. I lay lifeless on the sand as the rain droped everywhere but on me.

People ran past me happily singing and laughing while my tears silently rolled down my cheeks. It showed that I could never be happy nor anyone good make me. It showed how my lonely life is, how much heart broken I am and how much I intended for someone to be with me but no one was there and it hurt as a arrow strike to my heart.

I woke up a while later to notice that it was light outside maybe it was morning because the only noises were the birds outside. My arms were now sore and blood had froze on them making disgusting black patches on them. My throat was so fucking dry that it felt like blood would seep out of it if I didn't get any water.

With a spur of a moment I heard noises of people shouting more like recognizable voices of people fighting. I listened closely as the conversation led on.

"Daddy are you fucking dumb or what?! Do you even know what you're doing?!" Valentine lashed out on her father.

"Val you have to understand, I did this for both of us and to get rid of her once and for all," He uttered back.

"Really? By bringing Stefan here you think he will get rid of her?!" She screamed back.

"You will not understand sweetheart, you will understand when you see what I will do."

"Fine," Valentine whined back.

What did they mean? Once and for all about what? Stefan? Please no not him. Nothing is his fault.

The door to the basement opened and Valentine stepped in wearing her usual red dress with heals off course.

"Fade you're a fucking asshole, YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE!" She screamed making me cower away from her as I started crying again. "My father is bringing Stefan here because of you! And if something happens to him, I will kill you understand!?", She said as I nodded.

"Oh I am not done with you," she spoke as she brought something in her hand. My eyes widened when I realized it was a whip.

I shook my head again and again, trying to get away but she didn't stop. She whipped my back making me scream in pain. My screams were the only thing that echoed in the whole area.

Blood ran down my back and I passed out from the extreme pain.

Waking up yet again I saw Valentine and Seth in the room setting up some stuff.

"Get up you slut," she spoke moving towards me unlocking my chains. I couldn't even stand properly as I got tied to a chair facing the main doors. Suddenly someone entered and a slight smile overtook my face as I saw the most beautiful face of all time. Stefan, he was here? To save me?

Stefan's Pov:

I arrived to this place and it looked like a cabin more like underground cabin. I entered as someone called me making me move downstairs. As I cornered the stairs I saw Valentine standing by the wall with Seth and Fade. Oh my God it was FADE!

"What the fuck?" I asked nearing towards them as Seth put a gun on Fade's head. And then I noticed her condition. Her face was bruised and it looked like she was tortured to the brim. These assholes touched her, how could they?

"Well well well, look who is here. My very own son, my son in law," Seth spoke smirking and laughing a bit.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled back as I momentarily neared towards Fade.

"If you come any closer, phew she dies, your beloved dies," he spoke showing me the gun as I froze in my tracks. What did this man want? I looked at Valentine as she blew me a kiss to which I scowled and looked back at Seth.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said in a very angry tone because of his stupid behavior.

"I want to give you a choice," he stated. I furrowed my eyebrows as I listened on.

"I have this gun, you tell me now. Who do I shoot your Bailey or your Fade?" My eyes widened at his words as my little sister was brought from behind also tied to a chair making Fade's eyes wide as well.

"I don't think you wish for Bailey to die I mean look at that child, she is so young," he spoke. What the hell? How the fuck did Bailey get here?

"You have 5 minutes to think Mr. Stefan. Either Fade dies or Bailey dies," he said as Valentine came to me. "Come on Stefan baby, you know what to do", she spoke flirting with me. I grabbed her hand and pushed her back, "Stay the fuck away from me."  She just rolled her eyes at me.

I ran my hands through my hair as Fade spoke to me, "Choose her. Let him shoot me. Not your sister" she said tears pouring down ger beautiful face.

"What?! No!" I said as a panic shoot through me.

"Okay 5 minutes have passed, your precious time is gone," Seth spoke reloading his gun.

"NO FOR GOD SAKE STOP-" I was cut off by Valentine.

"Make a choice baby," she said as I gulped. "Shoot me," Fade said.

"NO! I cannot let this happen, please Fade", I cut her off in a plea. "Then who will you let him shoot! Huh?! Your sister has nothing to do with this! Let him kill me," she interrogated as her lips wobbled but I nodded my head sideways. I couldn't let her die, no no no what the fuck is this choice.

"Time is ticking Stefan," Seth spoke eyeing me closely.

"Shoot me Seth," Fade trembled speaking as I just couldn't do anything.

"Hmm is it your choice Mr.Stefan?", as I just looked in between both Bailey and Fade. She hadn't uttered a single word as she looked in horror at all of us. My poor babygirl.

"Choose me STEFAN! For fucks sake not your sister, she is just a child!!" Fade screamed at me as I didn't know what to do.

Seth lowered his gun towards Fade and two shots were fired. Wait what?

"NOOOOO!" I screamed making my way towards her as sirens and police cars were heard outside. I looked back at the exit and saw Derek holding a gun towards Seth who was groaning in pain on the floor along with police outside. I nodded at him.

Bailey had started crying in the back as Julie came to pick her up. Both Valentine and Seth arrested and just what they both deserved. Not just because of kidnapping but because they had wrongly taken other people's money.

The one thing Fade doesn't know that her Uncle and Aunt along with their daughter are in jail too. They had abused a minor for a very long time and Maisie was also involved in all of this. They also got what they truly deserved.

"Fade! Fade please stay up you can't leave me," I spoke taking her hand and pressing a cloth to her deep wound on her stomach. "Stefan....," She darted breathlessly at me as her breathing slowed.

"Please please don't leave me," as I saw my tears dripping on her shirt she closed her eyes with a smile etched on her face. The ambulance had already arrived and they took out her on a stretcher taking her in. I came inside the car as well grabbing her soft hand.

Bailey was also taken to the hospital with Derek as he had also come.

I prayed for her to not leave me, the only best thing that has ever happened to me. What the fuck happened? We both were just so happy.


Hey guys, so I have some news. The next chapter will me last and off course I will write an epilogue:)

Anyways Goodbye for now. xoxo


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