XXVIII. 𝐌𝐒𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐒-π‚π¨πœπ€π›π₯𝐨𝐜𝐀-𝐃𝐨

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Ϋ« ΦΌΒ  Φ΄ Ϋ«Β Β  Λ‘ Φ— 𓏲˖ 𑁍 ΰ£ͺ Φ΄ Ϋ« ΦΌΒ  Φ΄ Ϋ«Β Β  Λ‘ Φ—
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Bryce didn't realize how boring his life was without Sam in it. She's been away visiting her aunt for the next week.

He huffed and puffed, rolling around on his bed. Jodie, recently released and doing rather well, looking down the hallway. "Bryce, baby. Have you got a girl in there?"

"I'm so bored of my life, Mom!" he huffed in defeat, beyond restless as Picasso stared at him. "So bored!"

"Wanna watch Wheel Of Fortune?" she yelled back. "I've got a meeting in fifteen minutes but we can get half an episode in."

Bryce stood up and walked down the hallway to stare at her. "Momma?"

"Yes?" she looked up to him with a smile.

"I know you suck at math, but how long do you think it's gonna take you to get to the meeting?" the blue eyed boy gave a questionable look, leaning against the door frame.

"Eh, maybe ten or fift-" Jodie began before her face fell. "Oh my God."

"Mhm." Bryce nodded as she ran around looking for her shoes. "Aren't you so lucky you have such a math-wiz as a son?"

"Oh, so lucky." she cupped his face and kissed him on the cheek. "We'll watch Wheel Of Fortune when I get back! Swear on it! Don't eat my left overs! I love you!"

She slammed the door as Bryce fell on the couch. "Love you too."

He exhaled and was about to start huffing and puffing again before his phone buzzed. He dug into the pocket in his basket ball shorts and flipped it around to face him.

sam: i miss you so much. i'm so bored without you.

Bryce grinned, leaning back against the couch.

Bryce: who's this?

sam: i hate you so much.

Bryce: Ah, now i know who it must be. What are you up to, Samantha?

sam: just laying in my aunts guest room. what are you up to?

Bryce: alone? ;)

sam: you're such a boy.

sam: but, yes. alone.

Bryce: i am also alone.

Bryce stood up and ran down the hallway, smiling at Picasso. "Picasso, I love you. But, you need to go into Moms room so I don't look like a bad father."

Picasso didn't understand him, but he went into Jodie's room anyways to chew on her shoes. Bryce smiled as he shut the door, going back into his room and shutting the door, locking it for safe measures.

sam: i think this is the most suggestive as you've ever been.

Bryce frowned his eyebrows and sat on his bed, his mood dropping a little as he texted her back quickly.

Bryce: what do you mean?

sam: idk. you never really make sexual comments. it doesn't bother me but i was thinking maybe you weren't into me that way.

sam: lol!!

Bryce frowned as he stood up, not even being able to sit down. Wasn't into her that sort of way? Did he really make her feel that way? Was she trying to hid behind her "lol" even though it was clear she was bothered by it?

Bryce: I really really really am.

Bryce: I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, or like i was just into you for that reason.

Bryce: I didn't wanna you to feel like I was anything like Kyler.

sam: i'd never think you were like kyler. he's the worst, and i'm comfortable around you. i've never said or suggested anything because i didn't want you to think i was like masy.

Bryce cringed and shifted around awkwardly when he read her name, now absolutely and completely not in the mood. But, that was okay when he clearly made his girlfriend feel like he wasn't attracted to her.

sam: i know she was the last person you ever had sex with, and i know that takes time to heal from after what she did. i never wanted you to feel like you had to do anything for me.

Bryce: I don't feel like that. And I don't think you're like Masy, i'm 100% on that.

Bryce: I guess it's always in the back of my head, but i'm not gonna let her ruin a part of my life just because she's crazy and a weirdo. If i'm comfortable with you, I know i'll be okay.

Bryce: Im sorry I made you think I wasn't attracted to you. I so am. You're so hot, I think about your leggings all the time!!!! Ask anyone, they've all seen me staring.

sam: lol, i will ask everyone now!!!

sam: i think you're hot, too. especially at the waterpark.

sam: and it's okay, i'm sorry i doubted you and brought it up. i probably made you feel weird and like i was sex crazy or something.

Bryce: I don't feel weird. A little disappointed I'm not there to show you how wrong you are, but not weird.

Bryce: maybe when you come home???

He stared at his phone as the three bubble came, then disappeared. His leg bounced as he waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. But, nothing. He fell back against his bed with a harsh groan. "Why would you say that? Dumbass."

Picasso barker from the other room as Bryce nodded. "Thank you for your inpu-"

His phone buzzed, he practically fell off his bed and grasped his phone.

sam: that sounds good!!

sam: sorry it took me so long to answer, i was taking a picture in my leggings you like so much. do you want it?

Bryce smiled and tossed his hands above his head. "Yes!!!"

The day she came home, Chozen called a lesson. Bryce was slightly late due to dropping his Mom off at a meeting on the way, meaning everyone else was there. Sam and Robby were in the middle of one of their very first civil conversations when her eyes shifted to the gate, seeing it get pushed open. "Bryce!"

"Hey." he dropped his bag and lifted her off the ground when she hugged him tightly. "I missed you."

"I told you." Eli shook his head as he looked to Demetri and Miguel. "He's got nothing to worry about with Keene."

"To be fair, I'd probably have nothing to do with other guys if I had your brother either." Demetri pointed out as Eli gave him a look of disbelief. "Theoretically speaking and if you didn't exist. Only then, of course!"

"Me too." Miguel shrugged his shoulders honestly.

"I missed you too." Sam smiled as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, just as Chozen called them all to line up. Bryce wiggled his eyebrows to Sam to show his minor excitement for a new sensei. She pulled him in line with her.

"So, where are my Dad and Johnny?" Sam looked his way.

"Not here." he said back. "Today, you train with me. Attention!"

They all stood up straighter. Chozen gave them a phrase in Japanese, everyone glanced at each other. He exhaled with a disappointed look. "Bow."

They all did so. "Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare. Come."

"This is gonna be badass. Check out that throwing knife." Assface whispered to Chris as they all gapped at Chozens choice of weapons.

"Damn." Bryce gave a wild look. "I didn't know those were actually a thing."

"You should have seen the All Valley." Sam laughed, knowing Bryce missed that part due to being with his Mom in the hospital.

"Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina." Chozen explained to the group.

"What is that? Like, some top-secret karate move?" Chris grinned due to extreme impression. "Like a throat rip?"

"No. It is bird." Chozen corrected him. "In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly."

"Hence, endangered." Demetri pursed his lips, Bryce looked back to him with a lowkey grin.

Chozen pulled out a dozen eggs and removed the cloth from them. Miguel was the first to speak about them. "So these are the rail eggs?"

"No. Trader Joe. 3.29." Chosen shook his head, Sam handed Bryce an egg. "Take egg."

"I hate this already." Bryce cringed entirely as he tried to be gentle with the egg, but he had the urge to completely smash it in his palm. "I feel like i'm gonna hurt him."

"Point of lesson." Chozen nodded to Bryce, smiling at how happy he was that someone got it.

"So, what do we do with them?" Sam questioned as she got an egg for Robby and Anthony as well.

"Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg." Chozen went on as an explanation. "From Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. Protect egg like Yanbaru Kuina. You must do same."

He turned the hourglass upside down. "Begin your preparation."

"What are we protecting them from?" Robby gave a questionable look.

"Me." Chosen pointed as He waved his set of weapons around with a yell. "Go! Go!"

Sam and Bryce shared a look before they separated. Though, they weren't apart long considering they had the same idea. Bryce snuck into the dojo from the back, raising an eyebrow as Sam stuck the egg in her bag. "You can't stay away, can you?"

The sound of his voice scared her, a gasp leaving her lips as she spun around with wide eyes. "Jesus, don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry." he smiled, sitting his egg near the metal of honor. "You think you're bag will protect your egg-son?"

"You think The Metal of Honor will?" Sam rose an eyebrow, nodding toward it.

"Mr.Miyagi will protect it in spirit." he shrugged his shoulders, glancing out the small opening in the door, seeing everyone either far away or no where in sight.

"You re-" she began, being cut off by his hands grasping her waist and pulling her into a kiss. Sam didn't expect it, but she liked it once she realized what was going on. Her hands held his face while his clutched her waist, pulling her up against him to be as close as possible. He did promise her the best summer ever, now was the time to shine.

Bryce turned them some so he could head toward the mat, keeping her with him the whole way down. His hands left her waist and traveled lower, feeling Sam grin into their kiss as she pushed more weight down into his lap. Bryce laughed against her lips, pulling back and forward slightly to do it again. While it felt good for him, it felt good for her too due to the breathable leggings she had. Sam hummed against his lips as her chest heaved just a tad, helping him out more by moving her own body at the same motion, just in a quicker pace.

Bryce pulled away from her lips just a little as a moan left his lips, the dojo doors flew open as they both paused and looked over with wide eyes.

"Shame." Chozen stared as the remaining of Miyagi-Fang stood behind him, shaking his head at the two. "Such shame."

He used his foot to crush Sams bag, only having to push Bryce's egg off the small table as it broke on the floor. "Up. Join us outside for rest of lesson."

Eli was trying hard not to laugh while Anthony looked offended. Sam gave Bryce a tight lipped smile. "That was probably a bad idea anyways."

"I don't know, it seemed to be going pretty good at first." he shrugged as Sam laugh, flushed in the face as she stood up. Bryce walked close behind her to join the rest of the defeated group.

Chozen was crouched down. "You are not good Yanbaru Kuina."

He stood up and looked at the teens. "Snakes will take you down one by one. I tried to tell you what you must do. But you do not listen. You must learn to adapt. Or soon, you will be extinct. Take new eggs. Try again."

Sam brought the cartoon to the boys as they each took one. Demetri sighed. "Sensei Toguchi's real cryptic, like Mr.LaRusso, but aggressive like Sensei Lawrence."

"It's like the hardest part of both styles." Chris agreed with his words.

"You still here?" Eli waved his hand infront of his brother face when he zoned out entirely. "I saw you in there."

"Stop." he warned him.

"Can't wait to get our asses kicked again." Mitch clutched the egg in his palm as they all began to spread out.

"Uh. No. No. No." Anthony stumbled over his words to encourage them back. "G-guys wait."

Anthony gave Bryce a look. "As glad as I was to see your egg get tossed on the floor, I might have an idea."

"Tell me." Bryce encouraged him.

"All right, he said that, uh, the snakes will take us down one by one." Anthony explained with a nod. "Right? It-It-Just like he took us down one by one, but...but what if we weren't a bunch of ones? Like, what if we were..."

"Together." Sam finished for him.

"Yeah, exactly." he agreed. "Like, um, a raiding party in Dungeon Lords."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Demetri caught on fast with a smile. "I mean, even if you're a level 85, you can't mount an attack on the grand realm alone."

"Exactly. He needed a team!" Eli nodded from next to his brother. "Everyone has a special role."

Bryce didn't speak nerd, but he caught on. "Ah, team work makes the dream work."

"The only way we win is if we work together. As one." Anthony agreed with him. "Team work makes the dream work. Like you said."

"See." Bryce pulled him into his side and rubbed the top of his head. "You aren't mad at me for kissing your sister."

"That looks like a lot more then just kissing." Demetri argued before they all sorted out a plan together. "So, we're sure we want to put all our eggs in one basket? You're specifically not supposed to do that."

"This is gonna work." Anthony spoke, hope in his tone.

"Anthony likes me, doesn't he?" Bryce whispered to Sam with a nod. "Like, we get along good."

"Yeah, he likes you." Sam nodded. "He's probably gonna tell my Dad what he saw."

Bryce's eyes widened. "Should we sew his mouth shut?"

"If me threatening to destroy his video games doesn't work, absolutely." she nodded her head in agreement.

Chozens loud whistle echoed as Mitch looked to Chris . "Oh no, oh no. Oh god!"

"Get it together, penis breath." Eli rolled his eyes as they all locked arms tightly.

"Has anyone seen him yet?" Sam looked around.

"Oh shit." Miguel spoke after a moment as Chozen yelled and changed their way with his bo. "Ready!"

Eli caught the bo first, shoving it away as Robby cut in and kicked it away. Bryce broke free from Sam to help Miguel, ducking under Chozens bo and shoving it toward Miguel to grasp on.

"Get the bo!" Migeul called as the group all did so. Chozen ducked under it, sliding across the deck. Sam grunted as she kicked his way, having her blocked before she tried to swing at him. Miguel went to help her, kicking until Sam caught his arm but was shoved away. Robby and Eli shared a look before kicking him on sync.

With his back turned, Bryce grasped him from the back and spun around toward Demetri so he could kick him in the chest before they retreated back with the group, guarding Anthony and the hat of eggs.

Chozen stared as he went to charge again, but they all stayed on sync to keep him guarded. He stood up straight. "Snake, concede."

Bryce smiled in pride for Anthony.

"Dude, it worked!" Eli lifted him in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you." Bryce cut in as he did the same.

"Proud enough to finally play another game of Call of Duty with me?" he gave him a hopeful look.

"One game." Bryce nodded as he held up a finger. Anthony beamed as Sam elbowed Bryce with a smile, nodding her head as a thank you.

"This is what we have that Cobra Kai does not." Chozen confirmed, catching his breath. "Their movement mile wide, but only inch deep. But our movement, inch wide, but mile deep. Now that you have learned to work together, I will teach you how to master your defense."


kylie speaks

bitch. i love it when boys

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