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"So." Thor began. "You're the Man of Spiders?"

Peter looked over at him, bewildered.

"Am I wrong?"

"N-No! It's just- how did you know?" Peter sheepishly stammered.

Thor softly smiled and put an arm over Peter's shoulder.

"Just a hunch."


Terry walked back into the department and sighed as he slammed his papers down on his desk. He widened his eyes and muttered under his breath.

Jake turned around in his chair, catching sight of Terry's exasperated state. He pushed himself off of his desk and rolled into his view. Jake turned to face him and leaned his hand on his desk.

"What's up?" He said finally.

"I don't know, Jake, there was just something off about him." Terry began. "As if he was lying..."

"Who?" Jake said, confused on which case he was talking about.

"Samael Stein. The witness in the Brooklyn Bloodshed case." Terry reiterated. Brooklyn Bloodshed was what the public was calling all of these serial murders. It was very cheesy and did not capture the seriousness of these murders, but it somehow became an accepted name among the rest of the police department.

"Oh." Jake made a face. "That dude's a total loser."

Terry made a face that clearly meant 'really?'.

"His smile is really creepy." Terry and Jake both turned their heads to see Amy standing there raising her eyebrows.

"Right!? When he walked into the police department he kind of had this knowing smile on his face. As if he'd seen it before." Terry said, agreeing with Amy.

Jake made a face of agreement and clapped his hands. "Yes! But the weird thing is he doesn't have a criminal record. So he couldn't have been here before or long enough to be familiar with it."

"He seemed way to familiar with everything." Terry muttered, loud enough for Jake and Amy to hear.

"Was he an officer?" Jake questioned, more to himself.

"Him?" Amy scoffed. "Are you blind? He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Exactly. He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly." Jake replied, while emphasizing the word 'looks'.

Amy narrowed her eyes. "Yeah." She nodded her head. "That's what I just said."

"What if he wanted to look gentle? It's all an act!" Jake exclaimed, slamming his hand onto Terry's desk out of excitement.

"Oh my god. This is getting so interesting." Charles said from behind them, dunking a donut into a cup of coffee.

Amy, Jake, and Terry turned around to see Charles and simultaneously rolled their eyes.

"We don't have enough evidence for a warrant." Amy said, returning to their conversation.

"We can get enough evidence, though." Jake said.

"How?" Terry furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head towards Jake.

"Two words." Jake replied holding out two fingers.

"Peter. Parker."


"Peter, it's okay! I'll be fine!" May protested as Peter helped her into the apartment.

Peter scoffed and continued to lead her to her room.

"Don't move around too much." Peter lovingly said to his Aunt as he tucked her into bed.

May nodded her head as Peter went to get her pain killers.

She closed her eyes and sighed, recollecting the events of that day. She knew what she saw that night. She knew what Peter did. The only thing she didn't know was how to confront him about what happened. How and where did he get his super strength from?

She always wondered how Peter suddenly had abs. He never went to the gym, let alone wanted to.

May knew that they had to eventually talk about it. It was probably better to do it now than later.

What was her nephew hiding from her? Was he in a gang? Did he take steroids? No, that wouldn't explain the super strength...

She gasped. Was it alien steroids!?!

The door suddenly opened bringing May out of her destructive thoughts.

Peter handed her a glass of water and a pill. May quickly took her medicine and cut to the chase.

"So, you do realize that I saw you right?"

Peter snapped his attention towards her. "Huh? W-What do you mean?"

"That night. When you, uh, saved me? I saw you bend that metal pipe with your bare hands. You didn't even break a sweat." May paused and looked at her now pale nephew.

"Oh, honey, what did you do to yourself?" May reached a hand out and stroked her nephew's hair.

Peter froze. 'What did I do to myself?' Was May serious? I bet she thought I took steroids or something. I swear to god, May. Okay let me go about this carefully...

"What do you think it was, May?"

"Well, I didn't want to assume the worst... But the only logical explanation is drugs. I'm sorry, Peter, but where else would you get this super strength from?"

Peter sighed. I knew it.

"May, no, it-it isn't drugs." Peter looked down, with his hands on his lap.

"I-I'm Sp-" Peter groaned. Why can't I just get it out?

"You're what?" May's face looked like the calm before the storm. The moment Peter tells her that he's Spider-Man, might be the moment he loses her forever.


May sighed. "It's okay, you don't have to-"

"No!" Peter exclaimed. "I-I do."

May solemnly nodded her head, removing her hand from Peter's hair.

"Okay, the truth is..."

She gestured for him to continue.

"It's a family trait." What the hell am I saying? I am such a pussy! Meet Peter Parker - pathological liar.

May widened her eyes. "What? It's a what?" She exclaimed, bringing Peter out of his weirdly comical thoughts.

Peter internally groaned and shut his eyes closed. Can't go back now.

"Yeah, it's a trait that's passed down from generations in the Parker family." Oh my god, what the hell am I saying?

May remained to be in utter shock and disbelief.

"So Ben? He had super strength, too?"

"Y-Yeah?" Peter said feeding into the lie.

"And you never bothered to tell me?"

Peter shook his head and sheepishly looked down.

"I don't believe you."

Peter snapped his head up so fast he almost got whiplash.

It was Peter's turn to say 'what?'.

"Tell me the real truth. Now."


"Listen, I don't know who you take me for but I'm not an idiot. Like I've said, countless of times before, don't underestimate the power of a woman."

"B-But-" Peter stammered out. He didn't know what to do.

May softened her intense gaze when she looked over at Peter, who was shaking uncontrollably. He clearly wasn't ready to tell her yet.

"Fine. You don't have to tell me."

Peter looked up with a teary gaze.

"Really?" Peter stuttered.

"I'm not letting you off that easy, though. You're going to have tell me eventually."

Peter stared blankly at her.

"Got it?"

May finally let it go once Peter nodded his head.

"I'm going to go." Peter abruptly stood up and left the room to take a shower.


What am I supposed to tell her? I have to tell her I'm Spider-Man somehow because I can't keep her out of the loop forever...

Peter had gotten out of the shower and laid down on his bed in agony long ago, with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

He muffled a scream into his pillow and pulled out his phone - a useful distraction - minutes later.

He scrolled through the news for any recent information regarding the Brooklyn Bloodshed case.

But, what he found left him flabbergasted.


Brooklyn Butcher ARRESTED

The BROOKLYN BLOODSHED has come to an end...


1234 words.

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