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"Aryaa, is something wrong ?" Bela asked, as she ornamented the hair of Dhisana.

As the sun slowly peeked through the windows, casting a gentle glow upon the room, she noticed the faint signs of distress etched on Dhisana's face. The usually radiant and joyful expression of the Mleccha princess was replaced by subtle signs of sadness and fatigue.

However, Dhisana remained silent, her lips seemed to be sealed shut. She didn't say a thing, she just shook her head in a 'no'.

"Rajkumari, forgive me if I overstep my boundaries, but I can't help but notice that something troubles your heart." Bela said, willing and wanting to offer solace to the princess.

"It's nothing." Dhisana said with a distant gaze.

The handmaiden observed the subtle sense of sorrow that lingered on the delicate face of the princess.

"You do know you can share anything with me." Bela told.

Dhisana looked at her, and for a fleeting moment, she contemplated confiding in the handmaiden, knowing that her unwavering loyalty and discretion would cloak her troubles in an invisible shield. But then decided against it, for it was a very vulnerable matter between her and her husband.

"I appreciate your concern Bela, but this burden I carry is one that only my heart can bear. You have been a constant source of support, but this is a personal matter, a journey I must embark on alone." She said.

Bela nodded, her gaze brimming with understanding and compassion. She respected the princess's wishes, recognizing the personal matters. Silence pervaded the room as she finished getting Dhisana ready.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Dhisana ?" The voice of Draupadi came from outside. Dhisana went towards the door and opened it.

But the moment Draupadi's gaze fell on her the smile on her face dropped seeing the distressed countenance of Dhisana.

"Did something happen ?" Draupadi asked concerndly, as she got hold of Dhisana's hand.

"Fight with husband." Bhanumati said coming there with Chandramukhi, sly expressions adorned both their faces.

Draupadi looked at them, and then at Dhisana who shifted her gaze uncomfortably, for she knew it Bhanumati knew it, then she would've gossiped about it with the rest.

"Well, we all occasionally have disagreements with our husbands. Let's not engage ourselves in a couple's personal matter." Draupadi said in a firm voice.

"True. Let's not trouble poor Dhisana much. She's already troubled by her husband." Chandramukhi said

"What brings you here ?" Dhisana asked, diverting the topic.

"Well, today is the feast in your honour. We were gathering our jewels, I thought to give you some of my own. Since...." Bhanumati looked at the minimal jewellery of Dhisana, "You know." She said.

"I thought we were here to invite her to apparel selection." Draupadi said.

"That too. But since seeing her outfit, I couldn't help but notice she doesn't have much jewellery to wear. I'd be happy to offer mine." Bhanumati said with a smirk.

Dhisana's heart sank as she stood in the shadow of Bhanumati's mockery. She forced a weak smile, hiding her disappointment and hurt feelings beneath her graceful demeanor.

"I think apparel selection can wait. Let's call upon some jewellers first to buy jewelleries." Draupadi said.

"Whatever suits you." Chandramukhi said folding her hands.

"Dhisana, come. Let's tell our husbands, so they arrange something for us." Draupadi said.

Holding the hands of Dhisana she walked away, although the princess of Mleccha didn't want to face her husband, she couldn't say 'no' to Draupadi.

"I want to see the tension." Chandramukhi said.

"So do I." Bhanumati said and both of them followed the lead of Dhisana and Draupadi.


"So this is the part that you cleared ?" Yudhishthir asked looking at the map. The Pandavas were present in the room of Manvendra, discussing important matters.

"Yes. And that part is the Khandav van, where Takshak and the others are residing." Manvendra said pointing at a place on the borders of Yamuna, "But the entire land is barren, uninhabitable and in ruins." He told.

"Don't worry taat. We'll make something out of it." Arjun said.

"You should've asked for something more. In the name of division, you have gotten next to nothing." Manvendra said.

"We don't need anything else. Maharaj Dhritrashtra has already done enough." Bheem said.

"Yes. The kingdom we shall establish will be our own." Nakul said.

"And not a charity from anyone." Said Sehdev.

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Manvendra said. The door opened revealing Draupadi coming in with Dhisana as Bhanumati and Chandramukhi followed behind.

Seeing the ladies, the eyes of the men automatically lowered themselves, except Manvendra, who kept looking at Dhisana.

Her lips slightly parted looking at her husband, her vision was getting blurred by the tears after remembering the secret he had hidden from her. Dhisana diverted her gaze to the side, Manvendra looked down in guilt.

"Arya, we were thinking to shop for jewelleries for the feast today." Draupadi said to Yudhishthir.

"Don't ask dear, just say. I'll have the foremost of jewellers at your service." The Dharmraj smiled.

"Arrange one for Dhisana as well, Jyesht. So she too can buy some." Bhanumati said, her tone quite belittling.

The Pandavas frowned at the use of words. Dhisana took a deep breath, while Draupadi was quick to come to her aid.

"I and Dhisana shall pick together." She said.

"Dhisana already has heaps of jewelleries." Manvendra said, the intention of the wives of Kauravas to belittle his wives didn't go unnoticed by him.

Dhisana looked at him with a frown of confusion. Heaps of jewelleries ? And her ? She couldn't even imagine that.

"Follow me." Manvendra said as he walked ahead.

A smile appeared on the face of Draupadi, as she looked at Yudhishthir who nodded at her, giving her permission to follow along. She took Dhisana along her behind Manvendra. Bhanumati and Chandramukhi too decide to go along, they too were confused as to what he meant.

Manvendra walked ahead while the ladies followed him. He took them towards a room, which was only next to his. After he opened the door, they all entered the room.

The jaws of Bhanumati and Chandramukhi dropped, for stepping into the room was like stepping into a hidden world of opulence and extravagant beauty. The air was heavy with a delicate fragrance, as if the room held the essence of luxury itself.

Rays of sunlight entered through the windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the precious gems that were kept as if they were plain stones worth nothing. Diamonds sparkled like stars, emeralds glowed with an otherworldly green, and sapphires glimmered like the depths of the ocean. Rubies, like drops of frozen fire, added a touch of passionate intensity to the glamorous symphony of colors.

On the plush velvet cushions were necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, each one more shimmering and radiant than the last. Heaps of gold could be seen in every corner.

Draupadi smiled seeing the shocked expression of Bhanumati and Chandramukhi, who stood uncharacteristically silent, seeing treasures which were a thousand times more valuable than what their husbands presented them with.

Dhisana although not swayed by these material possessions couldn't help but appreciate the beauty before her, and marvel at them. She looked up at Manvendra who was already smiling at her, apologetically.

The smile of his was worth more than all the treasures in the room. Seeing it Dhisana was getting swayed, hence she lowered her gaze, making him sigh.

"H-How ?" Bhanumati breathed out.

"I obtain a lot of treasures in battles." Manvendra said simply.

"This much ?" Chandramukhi said with wide eyes.

"It's not 'this much' there is more in the next room, and the room next to that." Manvendra told and then looked at his wife, "And it all belongs to Dhisana." He said, but she still kept her gaze down, her hair very well hiding the red tint of her cheeks.

Bhanumati and Chandramukhi forced a smile, yet glimmers of jealousy danced across their faces. Their eyes held a hint of envy.

"Take whatever you need Dhisaney, and if you want, you may also give some to your younger sister-in-laws." Manvendra said and walked out.


Not only is he a green flag.... He RICH rich 🤣🤣🤣

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