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Duryodhan and Dushashan were revelling in joy, for Hastinapur now belonged to them after they successfully removed Yudhishthir from the path in the guise of division. They had cunningly upsurped the kingdom for themselves by giving the waste part to their cousins.

"Finally we won !" Dushashan said pouring more alcohol in his glass.

"I had to win." Duryodhan said, sipping wine.

Suddenly their revelry was interrupted by crying sounds of women. They frowned seeing Bhanumati and Chandramukhi entering the room impulsively.

Their hearts were burning with resentment, after seeing the amount of wealth that belonged to Dhisana, both Bhanumati and Chandramukhi were consumed by jealousy. Unable to bear the sight of her prosperity any longer, their emotions reached a tipping point, as they hurriedly excused themselves, and came running straight to their husbands.

"Dear ! What makes you upset ?" Duryodhan asked making his wife sit beside him.

"Oh, my heart weeps with envy and disappointment ! Just look at that vast treasure amassed by your cousin and his wife. It is simply unfair !" Bhanumati said sobbing.

"What ?" Dushashan frowned in confusion, looking at his own wife for answers.

"I cannot bear it. How can Dhisana possess such opulence while we, the true Kulvadhus of Kurus, struggle with mere trinkets and meager offerings from our husbands ?!" Chandramukhi said in a choked voice, as tears fell from her eyes.

"Hold on ! Hold on ! Tell me the entire thing." Duryodhan said.

"Arya, your cousin Manvendra showed off his wealth in front of us." Bhanumati said.

"Oh, he has heaps and heaps of gold and gems." Chandramukhi sighed.

"And then he had the audacity to insult us. He told Dhisana that if she wants she can spare her jewels to us ! As if we don't have any !" Bhanumati exaggerated in anger.

"THAT INSOLENT MAN !" Duryodhan stood up throwing his glass of wine.

"Brother, we must teach him a lesson !" Dushashan said.

"Blood for blood, and insult of wife for insult of wife ! Let that Mleccha woman come at the feast today, I shall humiliate her in front of all ! I shall make her feel exactly how you both felt !" Duryodhan proclaimed.


As the day gradually draws to a close, the sky gets adorned with vibrant hues of the sun, which was slowly beginning to descend towards the horizon, showcasing shades of fiery orange, warm reds, and soft pinks that were blending harmoniously. 

Dhisana was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at her reflection. Although the maids headed by Bela were adorning her in the most expensive ornaments and most luxurious garments, still she looked lack lustre. For her sweet smile wasn't gracing her lips.

Although surrounded by women, Dhisana was felt extremely lonely. Ever since she has come to Hastinapur she was feeling lonely. In Gajasaharya, Manvendra was with her always, now she rarely even sees him. Over that the revelation of the secret had made her upset with him.

Thus, despite her longing for company, Dhisana hesitated to seek solace in her husband's room. Her eyes wandered over the table, there were small Kohl pots, perfumes, pigments and stains, but none seemed to spark her interest.

"Arya ?" Bela came in the room, she was carrying a bunch of Lotus flowers in her hands, a satisfied smile graced her lips.

She knelt in front of Dhisana and kept the flowers on her lap. The Princess of Mlecchas raised a brow looking at them.

"Rajkumar Manvendra sent them for you. He stands outside Antahpur, wishing for your presence." Bela said, her voice lacing with excitement.

Dhisana stared down at the lotuses, each petal seemed to emanate a message of peace and a longing for reconciliation. While she felt tempted to reach out and see her husband, her upsetness held her back.

But the idea of rejecting the flowers to show her resentment didn't sit well with her either, knowing the thoughtfulness behind the gesture.

"Bela, go and tell him, that I accept the flowers but I do not wish to see him at the moment." Dhisana said.

Bela sighed, but she obeyed the orders of the princess nevertheless. She stood up and left the room, while Dhisana still kept looking at the lotuses, admiring them. She held the exquisite flowers close to her heart, it seemed to be giving her the much needed solace she was looking for.

Meanwhile, Bela walked up to Manvendra who was standing outside Antahpur, staring at the oblivion.

"Rajkumar, the princess accepted the flowers." Bela said.

A relieved smile appeared on the face of Manvendra hearing that, "Well, where is she ?" He asked.

"Forgive me Rajkumar, but Rajkumari Dhisana said she doesn't wish to meet you at the moment." Bela said.

His face momentarily fell before regaining it's composure. He understood that her refusal to see him indicated the depth of her anger and sadness.

"Well, I hope the 'moment' passes soon." He muttered and then walked away.


Dury Bhai ko maar khaani hai lagta hai 💀

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