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— april 1995 —

ZOLA AND Cedric had been dating for 4 months now and things were going amazingly. But their friends all believed that they were moving to quickly. They had already said the 'L word' two months into their relationship.

The couple didn't pay too much mind to their worries. As long as they knew where they were, then they were happy.

All the students from Year 3 to Year 7 were allowed to go to Hogsmeade for the day. Cedric was planning the most perfect date that he could ever think of for the two of them. The plan was to start off at The Three Broomsticks for some Butterbeers. Then, they'd go around the shops — specifically, Honeydukes Sweetshop and Zonko's Joke Shop, as they were both of their favourites in the village. Then, they'd go walking — wherever their feet take them, usually the spot that looks over the abandoned Shrieking Shack, where they'd both wonder what was inside it.

But like all great plans, something has to go wrong. And that was their friends gatecrashing their alone time.

Of course, Lorelei and Priscilla just had to snatch Zola away from him and browse through Gladrags Wizardwear Shop. And when they came back, Fred, George, Jesse and Troy had dragged everyone to Zonko's with them — all of them piling their arms full of items. Then Lorelei and Priscilla had pulled Zola towards Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for lunch while the boys lead Cedric to the Three Broomsticks. Just when Cedric thought he was going to get more than 5 minutes alone with his girlfriend, he was proven wrong. Hermione came up to her, gushing over a new book she found in Dervish and Banges and Zola immediately went after her — Lorelei, Jesse and Priscilla following after her, also intrigued.

It was frustrating, and it was showing on Cedric's face. "You alright, mate?" Fred asked the Hufflepuff boy.

"Yeah, you look like you might punch someone any minute," George snickered.

"It's a little terrifying," Troy commented.

Cedric sighed, his hand roughly dragging down on his face. "I had planned a really nice day for me and Zola but we haven't had any time alone together," Cedric ranted. "I'm not blaming any of you," Cedric said, gesturing between the shop that the group had just entered and the boys around him. "I just really like her, you know?"

Troy, Fred and George shared a smirking look. "Of course, Pretty boy Diggory," Fred and George said in unison, causing the boy to groan at the nickname that they had adopted for him. "We'll back off so you can do your thing," Fred said, wiggling his brows suggestively.

Cedric's eyes widened at his silent suggestion. "No! Not like that!" The twins and Troy burst into laughter at their friend's despair. "I just wanted some time together where we're not talking about the Tournament or school."

The boys nodded with knowing smiles. The girls and Jesse returned, bar Hermione who left to find Harry and Ron with a bundle of books in her arms. Zola only had the one book in her hands — a new book discussing Muggle traditions and customs, something she was always fascinated with.

Fred immediately spoke up as they approached. "Right, kiddos, we should be off!" He clapped his hands, ushering Lorelei away. Troy did the same with Priscilla and George with Jesse.

"Hey, wait!" Lorelei called out. "I still want to go to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop with Z and Pri!" Fred pushed her quicker.

"There's always next trip!" Fred shouted. "Lets leave the lovebirds to it, yeah?" He spoke quietly to the three friends.

Zola watched them leave with a furrowed brow before turning to Cedric. "Did you make them leave?"

"No," Cedric trailed off. "It was the twins idea!" He partially confessed.

Zola chuckled. She walked up to him, her free hand toying with his Hufflepuff scarf. "Who would've thought that Pretty boy Diggory was so mean. Should've been a Slytherin with that attitude."

Cedric groaned, his arms found solace around her waist. "Not you too!"

Zola giggled at his childish whine. "I'll only use funny nicknames if their true," She smiled. Cedric blushed at her sentiment. "The twins are masterminds when it comes to nicknames. Yours in my favourite. Ron's is a close second."

"What's Ron's?" He tilted his head with a smile and a squint.

"Icke Ronnikins," Cedric burst into a fit of laughter at the nickname for the youngest Weasley brother.

"That's amazing!" Cedric breathed out.

The smiling Slytherin gaze up at her boyfriend's laughing laugh with awe. "So, Captain, what do you have in store for us for the rest of the day?"

Cedric looked around at the closing stores and pubs then to the darkening sky. He sighed. "I'm afraid nothing anymore."

Zola scrunched her nose. "That's not the attitude, Mr Prefect," Before he could question her, Zola was dragging him towards Honeydukes just as the owner was locking up. "Hello, Mr Flume. Could we use the secret passageway back to Hogwarts please?" Zola asked sweetly.

Mr Flume smiled kindly, letting the couple slip through the door. "Of course, Miss Montgomery, Mr Diggory."

Zola all but dragged Cedric through the passageway until their where on the third floor corridor, careful of Filch as he wasn't aware of this secret passageway just yet. Holding onto Cedric's hand, Zola ran towards the Quidditch field, unlocking the spare broom cupboard and grabbing two. She handed them to the boy with a grin.

"What are we doing, darling?" Cedric asked confused but still took the brooms nonetheless. Zola searched the cupboard for a Quidditch set.

"We, my dear, are going to play some Quidditch before curfew," She breathed out, carrying the heavy chest with both her hands. She brushed passed him causing him to whip around and follow her towards the pitch. Cedric smiled as Zola dropped the chest with a deep exhale. "No snitch because that's not fair."

Cedric whined. "But I'm a seeker. That's all I know!"

Zola snorted. "Well, I'm not a seeker, so I don't know it! Plus, you started off as a chaser like me. You just got..."

"Promoted?" Cedric smirked, knowing it would grind her gears.

"No," she pointed her finger at him. "You got... transferred."

Cedric rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Captain," he said as he mounted his broom. Zola grabbed the quaffle, copying Cedric's actions. Together, they flew up and began to play together until they were exhausted.

After about an hour of playing and laughing, they collapsed on the grassy field beside the pitch. On their backs, they stared up at all the stars and consolations.

"I love you," Zola whispered, her eyes still fixated on the dark sky.

Cedric turned his head to see her smiling face, causing one to creep onto his too. "I love you too."

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