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— june 1995 —

IT WAS the day of the final task. Unlike the two previous tasks, all the champions knew what the final task consisted of. The maze to the Triwizard Cup. 

Everyone was joyous and celebrating as they sat in the stand. They were split into four groups. Those supporting Fleur, those supporting Viktor, those supporting Harry and those supporting Cedric.

Priscilla, like her classmates from Beauxbatons, stand in the stand for Fleur. Finn Sparrow was next in Krum's section, next to him was Katie in Harry's section. Fred and George were sat on the end of Harry's row, close to the start of Cedric's. In Cedric's corner sat, Lorelei, Troy, Jesse and Zola all on the front row and cheering along with the school song. Zola was even holding up Cedric's Quidditch jersey that he lent to her for the occasion.  

Amos ran out with a large grin as he welcomed his son onto the opening. Everyone cheered as Cedric came into view. Yet he only had his eyes on Zola. She cheered, waving his jersey in the air proudly as he winked at her. 

Next was Fleur and the Beauxbatons began chanting their own school song in her honour. Next out was Viktor, then finally Harry yet he looked slightly terrifed as Dumbledore spoke to him privately.  

Cedric excused himself from his father and quickly jogged up to the stand's barrier, near his friends. He lent up in front of Zola. "Give me a kiss good luck?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Their friends around them whistle at his words, causing a blush to flush over Zola's face. She lowered the yellow and black shirt to her lap and leaned down to press a small to Cedric's lips.

It was only meant to be a short peck but Cedric's hand found solace on the back of her head, keeping her secured to his lips. Zola began to smile uncontrollably against his mouth, causing one to grow on his too. Her delicate hands travelled from her lap to trail up his arms, to eventually end at his shoulders. 

Cedric pulled away reluctantly yet there was still a boyish grin plastered to his lips. He winked once more, leaned back down. "I think that should be plenty of luck, thanks, love."

Zola scrunched up he face. "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe one more. Better safe than sorry," She spoke playfully, her hand finding his collar and clutching in, bringing him back up for another kiss. This one shorter and more passionate, more loving. Cedric could feel her anxiety through her kiss worried for his safety. She had heard a lot of stories of the maze from her family and she had told them all to Cedric a few weeks prior. He knew she was worried for him but was trying not to show him so he could focus on winning.

She pulled away with a loving smile. "Good luck," she whispered against his lips. "You're gonna win, I have a feeling. Even if you don't, you'll always be a winner to me."

Cedric grinned, his eyes shining at Zola's words of pride and encouragement. She believed in him, and that was a win for him. His father began calling him over as Dumbledore took his place at the podium. The Hufflepuff boy sent the Slytherin girl another wink before walking back towards his father. 

Lorelei nudged his best friend's side with wiggling brows. "Where did Little Miss I-don't-care-about-the-tournament go?"

"Or Little Miss I-don't-need-a-partner-to-be-happy?" Troy teased too, noticing how much happier Zola has been since she started dating Cedric. 

Zola shook her head with a grin. "Shut up, you lot."

Dumbledore began his speech, explaining to those who don't know what the final task consisted of. He explained that Professor Moody placed the Cup deep in the forest and the order of the champions who would enter first. Cedric, Harry, Viktor then Fleur the order of the winners from the last round. 

The cannon blasted through the air and Cedric hesitantly ventured in first. Zola sat nibbling on her nails as he disappeared from sight. 

IT WAS an agonising hour. Everyone was sat in suspense as their waited for someone to come back, holding the cup high over their head.

Both Fleur and Viktor had escaped without the cup, leaving either Harry or Cedric to come back with victory. Whatever the result was, all the Hogwarts students were ecstatic as it meant that they had won their Triwizard Tournament. 

Though Zola was left chewing on her nails in suspense.

"It shouldn't be taking this long, right?" Zola asked for the 50th time in the last 30 minutes.

Lorelei rubbed Zola's back soothingly. "Cedric will be okay, Z."

Fred and George leaned across the stairwell to talk too. "If he can survive some severe burns," Fred began.

"Then he can survive the maze," George continued. 

Zola took a deep breath and sighed. "You're right. He'll be okay."

It wasn't until a few minutes later than a small flash of blue light emitted from the entrance of the maze and both Cedric and Harry were laying on the floor. Everyone burst into applause and cheers, yet Zola couldn't bring herself to do so as she watched the pair. 

Harry was positioned over Cedric's body, his form shaking as if he was violently sobbing. Red flags began to aggressively wave in Zola's mind so she stood up from her seat and rushed down the grassy ground. In a hurry, she knelt beside Harry and Cedric and noticed that her boyfriend's chest wasn't moving.

He wasn't breathing.

With shaking hands, teary eyes and uneven breathes, she gently pushed Harry off of Cedric's body with Dumbledore's help. Trying to calm her breathing, she lent her head down onto Cedric's chest, trying to hear any sort of sound that would indicate he was still alive.

It was difficult to concentrate when everyone was still oblivious to the situation still but she could still hear the faint and dull drum of his heartbeat.

Zola immediately sprang into action, using her techniques that she learnt from Muggle studies. She pushed down on his chest evenly, only stopping to give him the kiss of life.

5 minutes in and Zola could feel her arms aching and eyes water even more, making it even more difficult. But she wouldn't stop. She couldn't. Zola wouldn't let herself stop until Cedric's eyes opened and was breathing again.

Over her shoulder, she could hear that the other students began to realise what was happening and began gasping and screaming, which only made Zola's sobs increase further.

But then it happened.

A gasp flew out of Cedric's mouth and his eyes shot open. Zola fell backwards with relief flooding over her body. The Hufflepuff champion dropped his head to the floor with a deep breathe but looked up to Zola was was still partially leaning over me.

"What happened?"

Tears fell from Zola's eyes but there was a smile under the tears. She latched herself onto Cedric, embracing him in a longing hug, careful not to hurt him. Though he was in pain, he brought the Slytherin girl even closer to his chest, burying his face in the crook of her neck. 

"Don't do something any this stupid again," Zola mumbled.

Cedric chuckled. He pulled away to caress Zola's face fondly. "I promise. I'll take your advice next time," He chuckled softly, referring to their first real conversation in August, when they first met for the Quidditch World Cup. He remembered Zola saying 'anyone who joins the Tournament has a death wish' and he realised early on that she wasn't lying, but he had only only admitted to it.

Zola smiled as Cedric wiped away her tears. "You better," They smiled at one another as everyone cheered around them. "Does this make you the Triwizard Champion?" She gestured down to his hand that was wrapped around one handle of the cup, while Harry held to other handle.

Cedric grinned, looking between Dumbledore, Harry and Zola for reassurance as he stood up with Amos and Zola's help. The Headmaster stepped away, raising his arms to gain everyone's attention. "Your attention, please! It is with great pleasure to announce that the winner of the Triwizard Tournament is... both Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory!"

Everyone screamed in excitement and happiness at the news. Cedric wrapped his arms around Zola's waist, pressing her against his chest and swinging her around as excitement and pride filled his body.

"Thank you, Zola Montgomery," Cedric mumbled into her ear as he lowered her to stand back on her feet.

The dark-haired girl furrowed her brow. "What are you thanking me for?"

"I wouldn't have made it this far without you," Cedric smiled. "You helped me with the dragons. You were the one to went to the Ball with me. You helped me with the egg. You were my treasure that pushed me to come first in the second challenge. You were the one who saved me just now," he pointed to the floor where he was once laying unconscious. "You're everything to me."

A smile graced Zola's lips. "I love you, Cedric."

"I love you too, Zola."


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