𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘗𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘵

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The next morning, Lauren stood near Marlow as he kneeled by Gunpei's grave, Lauren's eyes focused on the picture of the Japanese soldier that saved Marlow's life at the sacrifice of his own proving that despite the war when push comes to shove, they'd work together. "This man's name was Gunpei Ikari. But you take away the uniforms and the war, he became my brother," Marlow expressed to James and Mason who were standing a few feet away. "And we swore we'd never leave each other behind," Marlow added with tears in his eyes, Lauren placed her hand on Marlow's shoulder and sent him a reassuring smile, Marlow lightly patted her hand in a fatherly way.

"Let's get off this island," Marlow spoke as he stood up. He reached for the Katana that once belonged to Gunpei, sheathing it into its scabbard. Mason and James step to the side to talk while Lauren looked around the shipwreck, she was already feeling nervous about leaving the Island she had been living on for seven years; she couldn't imagine how Marlow would be feeling right now. She knew he was eager to get home to his wife and son, to be able to live a normal life away from the survival instincts that hit when you are on an Island filled with deadly creatures. She began to really think about what she wanted to do if she returned back to society.

The four of them made their way out of the wanderer, James stepped up next to Lauren and walked with her as Marlow and Mason spoke about more of his time on the Island. "How are you really feeling about all of this?" James asked Lauren noticing her anxious behavior. "Truthfully, I have no idea. When I first saw the helicopters, I was excited about seeing the world again but it's been seven years... I doubt there is anything or anyone out there waiting for me," Lauren answered him, her trust in the tracker made James feel warmth in his chest. "You never know. Maybe they aren't out there waiting for you," James replied softly.

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The group of survivors work together to get their ploat up and running, Slivko having to tell them off at one point when they started the engine before his okay. "Prime the lines," James ordered. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Slivko replied making Lauren smile to herself, he was only seventeen and it really showed in how he behaved even through the maturity he presented. "Wind it up, let's go!" James spoke up as Marlow shut over the covers. Mason winded the crank as James worked to start the engine, Lauren closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer hoping for the Ploat; thankfully, it purrs to life.

They all celebrated before Lauren noticed all of the Iwis watching them, she frowned slightly knowing that though they don't speak, they knew what this meant. Not only were Marlow and Lauren leaving but the chance of someone else coming in was heightened. Marlow and Lauren walked to the edge of the Ploat to stand face to face with the Iwis, both were saddened for leaving the family they had while on the island. "I guess this is goodbye," Marlow spoke up first breaking the silence while Lauren bowed her head, the Iwis bowed their heads to her. "Thank you. If you're ever in Chicago, look me up," Marlow added as they lifted their heads, Lauren smiled with teary eyes.

The gate opened to let them leave down the river, James placed his hand on Lauren's shoulder before she sniffled and walked toward the cabin of the Ploat. Marlow took the wheel and Slivko turned on his music as they headed down the river, Mason taking photos as San and Brooks talk about the different things they'd seen. Lauren moved from the cover of the cabin to where James was standing on the bow of the Ploat, she placed her hand on his shoulder to steady herself before admiring the large mountains. "I've always loved the view here," Lauren told him as she took in a breath of the fresh air.

After some time, the group crowded closer together with San and Brooks sitting together still while Lauren and Mason stood near James who was in charge of the wheel, and Marlow leaving Slivko to sit on top of the cabin with Nieves lurking nearby. "I got a wife. Had a wife? Have a wife? Guess I don't know anymore," Marlow explained after handing the photo to James, he looked it over before passing it back to Marlow. "We got hitched right before I deployed. Got a telegram from her the day before I got shot down. She said we just had our baby boy," Marlow continued as he slipped the photograph into his chest pocket close to his heart.

"I got a son out there. Grown man, I've never met," Marlow finished off causing Lauren to frown slightly, she hoped Marlow would get a chance with both of them. "Yeah, she definitely thinks you're dead, man," Slivko told him as he messed with the radio. James hit the roof of the cabin in protest to his words, "Hey!" Lauren sighed as she shook her head. "I'm just saying," Slivko replied to him. "You don't know that..." James spoke up, Lauren turned her head to him as he continued, "You'd be surprised by how long people will wait." Lauren smiled fondly at his words, James turned his eyes to Lauren and smiled softly at the admiration in his gaze.

"Ah, truth is, I don't expect them to be waiting," Marlow spoke up breaking Lauren and James' locked gaze. "I'd be fine either way. I just want one last chance to see them. That'd be good enough for me," Marlow added while Lauren nodded. "I get that. I don't even know what my mother is doing or if she'll be expecting me back, but just giving her closure would be nice," Lauren told everyone, Mason smiled at her positive nature. "We're gonna get you home. Both of you," Mason assured the two, Lauren smiled at her before looking out to the scenery.

"Fox Five, Come Back. Is there anyone out there?" A voice came through the radio alerting everyone and bringing a smile to Slivko's face. "Hey! This is Fox Five. We hear you. Yeah! We're on a boat. We're on a boat headed up north on a river," Slivko replied through the radio immediately. "A boat? Where'd y'all get a boat?" The voice replied to Slivko. "We met this, like, crazy Santa Claus, time-traveler guy from World War II and the Island's warrior. You'll meet them," Slivko answered him making Marlow and Lauren share a laugh. "What kind of boat y'all got?" The voice asked.

"It's more of, like, a plan than a boat, really. Let's call it a Ploat. We're on a Ploat," Slivko replied to him making Lauren laugh before moving into Slivko's view. "We need their location, Reg," Lauren told him as she crossed her arms against her chest, a smile on her face at his smile. "Send up a flare so we can find you," Slivko told him through the radio. "Roger that, Fox Five," A new voice replied before a flare appeared in the sky revealing where they were. "There!" Nieves points out as he moves towards the bow of the Ploat, the others cheering excitable.

"I repeat, we have a visual. Two klicks to our north," Slivko informed them through the radio as Lauren noticed the way the leafwings were flocking. "Roger that, Fox Five. Fox one out," The communication was cut and there was a new air of joy. Lauren's instincts went haywire as she spotted one of the Leafwings swooping, she swallowed before rushing forward in time to push Nieves out of the line of sight. However, the sharp beak of the Leafwing cut through Lauren's shoulder causing her to scream out, the others pulled their guns and shot at the Leafwings sending them away to protect themselves.

"Ren!" Mason called out as she rushed over to her, Lauren's breathing was heightened from the adrenaline searing through her body but the sight of blood pouring from the deep cut across her shoulder made her panic. "You need to calm down," Mason told Lauren who immediately looked around to ensure the Leafwings were gone. "What's happening? She was level-headed before!" Brooks called out as he and San checked on Nieves. "She's in fight mode," Slivko answered having seen that behavior by Chapman in the past. "Hey! You're safe. Nieves is safe. The Leafwings are gone," James spoke as Mason moved back so Lauren wasn't cornered.

James applied pressure to the cut once Marlow had handed over some material to do so. "It's okay, you kept us safe," James whispered as he moved closer, Lauren looked into his blue eyes and began calming down knowing that the Leafwings wouldn't come back knowing who they had harmed. "Let's get this bandaged up," James told her receiving a nod from her, he cleaned up the blood and took a bandage up from Mason, and began wrapping her arm. "Thank you," Nieves spoke once he had relaxed, his eyes on Lauren who nodded at him; his complaining days were finally over as he realized how close he just was to death.

"Are you alright?" James asked Lauren who finally found her voice. "Yeah... I just... noticed their actions and it was like..." Lauren sighed as she leaned her head back against the ploat wall. "You took action and saved a man's life. Our warrior," James said as he finished up with the bandage, his hand resting on her wrist. "Heh... yeah, warrior," Lauren stated mockingly before closing her eyes. "I think I'm ready to get off of this island," Lauren told James with a small smile. She opened her eyes to see James' amused expression, "Just be careful next time." Lauren nodded submissively to the Brit's words.

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Rosemary Speaks

I saved Nieves purely so Lauren could play a hero.
Main character vibes, ya know!

See you next chapter!

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