𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘭 𝘗𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘥

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"Their flare was only two klicks north," James spoke as he helped Lauren off of the Ploat, "They should be here soon." The group huddled together as they awaited the arrival of the others. "Unless they were eaten by something that's bigger than us," Mason commented making Lauren laugh to herself. "Someone's becoming a pessimist," Lauren teased from where she was sitting. "Just keeping it real," Mason replied to her with a shrug. "Have some faith," Lauren told her with a quick brow raise, the others enjoying the banter between the two friends. Nieves sat down near Lauren, he sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I worked behind a desk, I never saw myself going out on something like this," Nieves spoke making Lauren laugh quietly. "But despite my complaints, despite the risks... At least I can say I've lived, right?" Nieves asked Lauren who turned to him. "Yes, you can. It really shows you how quickly your life can go in a way you'd never expect," Lauren replied to him, Nieves smiled in agreement. "Kong... He isn't really a bad ape, huh?" Nieves asked as San and Brooks moved closer to them with small smiles on their faces. "No, he isn't. He's just protecting his home, his legacy, and his honor," Lauren told him as she looked out to the river wondering where Kong would possibly be and if he was wondering where she was too.

The group heard rustling from the trees, they all stood ready for anything that would come out but to their relief, it was the soldiers and Nieves' coworker. "Holy shit!" Slivko called as he got up and ran over to his squadron, they all embraced each other happily. "Slivko!" One of them called out, "Thought you were taking a dirt nap by now, Slivko." Lauren chuckled at the soldiers as she kept back with Marlow leaving the familiar faces to reunite with each other. "Never thought I'd see you guys again," Slivko told them as San and Brooks were approached by another man who was familiar to Lauren. "You Randa?" Lauren asked causing Brooks' eyes to widen.

"That's him," Nieves said after he had shaken hands with another man in a similar jacket. "Good to know," Lauren said before she stepped in front of him and punched him in the face causing him to stumble back, the others watching shocked. "Lauren!" Brooks called as Lauren shook out her hand from the tingles in her knuckles due to the impact. "I said I'd punch him. Just keeping my word," Lauren told him before walking towards James who had an amused smirk. "Colonel Packard, this is Lauren Hartman. She's been trapped on the island for the past seven years," James introduced as Colonel Packard shook her hand.

"Quite a right hook you have there," Colonel Packard said with an impressed expression, he had been tempted to do the same thing. "What's your count?" James asked Colonel Packard while Lauren stayed by his side. "What you see is what I got," Colonel Packard answered him motioning towards the small group behind him. "We almost lost one," James told him before looking down at Lauren, "She saved him." Colonel Packard raised a brow before looking at Lauren, "You seem like someone worth having on my team." Lauren shrugged as she analyzed the man before her, "I do what has to be done to protect who I can."

"Good to see you fellas," Marlow spoke as he stepped up to the three. "Who the hell is this?" Colonel Packard asked as Slivko waved Lauren over to him. "We picked up a hitchhiker after Lauren helped us out," James told Colonel Packard. "Lieutenant Hank Marlow of the 45th pursuit squadron," Hank introduced as Lauren approached Slivko. "Guys, this is Lauren. She's a damn good fighter. Been here on the island for the past seven years," Slivko told the others, they all looked at Lauren impressed. "I'm Mills," Mills introduced before pointing to the older man standing next to him before the guy on the other side, "That's Cole and Reles."

"You've been here since World War II?" Colonel Packard asked Marlow. "Yes, sir. I miss the parade?" Marlow asked as Colonel Packard chuckled amused by Marlow's presence though Lauren felt uneased by Colonel Packard's tense stance and the crazed glint in his eyes. "I'll be damned. Snap to, Lieutenant," Colonel Packard spoke as he and Marlow saluted each other based on their ranks. "We're gonna get him home, sir," James spoke up before looking at Lauren who smiled at him but James could see that Lauren was hesitant about something. "If we follow this river, we'll make it to the boat and we'll make it to the north shore in time," James continued as he turned back to Packard.

"That sounds good," Colonel Packard spoke before continuing, "Back we're not leaving yet. Still got a man out there, Conrad." Lauren perked up at that and walked over to them. "Wait a second. You got someone out there?" James asked Packard while Lauren sighed and shared a glance with Mason, the blonde could see the cogs turning in Lauren's head. "Chapman," Packard answered pulling Lauren's attention again. "Wait, Jackson Chapman?" Lauren asked with wide eyes, she knew his probable wife Grace due to their mother's shared work. "That's him. You know him?" Packard asked her with a raised brow considering her seven years on the island.

"I know Grace. Our mothers work together, meet Jack through her," Lauren answered, she wasn't gonna leave him behind if it meant Grace losing someone. "He's with the downed sea stallion just West of here," Colonel Packard spoke causing Lauren to freeze in place, Marlow looked at Lauren before turning to Colonel Packard. "West? We can't go west," Marlow immediately denied as he moved closer to Lauren who had hardly breathed since her frozen state. Lauren's mind was running wild as she processed the words and placement of Jack's crash, she didn't know his chances of survival; she hoped he found her warning signs.

"That's where the Skull Crawlers live," Lauren finally spoke but one glance at Colonel Packard showed that he didn't care and it made her think that it wasn't Jack he was worried about. "We have an old saying here, 'East is best, West is worst'. That's why we say it!" Marlow expressed to Colonel Packard. Lauren locked gazes with James, she kept her face blank to let him make the call. "You know Southwest... we can talk more about that. But you're gonna need a lot more guns if you're gonna go west," Marlow continued while Lauren looked down in thought, James still watching her before turning to Colonel Packard.

"Guys, I think that we should listen to Marlow. This is crazy," Mason spoke up, she had been watching Lauren's reactions, and based on her story; she knew that going west would be their deaths. "Hey," Colonel Packard pulled James' attention, "Your job is finding lost men, right?" Lauren knew what Colonel Packard was doing and she knew that James would fall to it, she just hoped that they all got out alive. "Okay, sir. But if we reach that position and he's not there, we don't send out a search party. We're back here by nightfall, understood?" James asked Packard. "In twenty-four hours, we have to be on the other side of this island," James finished off.

"Roger that. Hear you loud and clear," Packard replied to him but Lauren was still uneasy about the whole situation. Colonel Packard turned to his men, "All right, you heard the man. Moving out in ten." Lauren sighed as she walked towards Mason, James stopped her. "I get you are doing what you were paid to do but... this isn't going to end well," Lauren told him with a frown, "But it's your call." James stayed silent as she walked by him, he turned to her and frowned at the distant look in her eyes. "This is a good group of boys," Marlow began as everyone prepared for their travel. "We're all gonna die together out there," Marlow said directly to the three that Slivko had approached.

"You're a good group of boys to die with, I'll tell you that much," Marlow continued causing them all to become a little more doubtful and hesitant in their Colonel's orders. "You shouldn't have come here," Marlow said with a crazed chuckle. "Marlow, enough," Lauren warned as she pulled out two small knives from her bag, "They need to be prepared for what we are gonna face. Skull Crawlers ain't gonna like us on their grounds." Marlow nodded in agreement with Lauren while Slivko looked toward her, she sent him a reassuring smile in hopes to settle the nerves that had set in by Marlow's taunting.

"Don't forget to tell me this is a bad idea," James spoke up as he stood by Lauren and Mason, the two friends sighed before Lauren looked up at the tracker. "This is a horrible idea," Lauren replied to him as he sat down next to her. "But if there is a chance that Jack is still alive out there... We can't leave him behind," Lauren continued as she looked up at James, he nodded to her words while Mason ran her fingers through her hair. "What's our best chance of getting out alive through this?" Mason asked Lauren as she was the one who had experienced the west of the island. "Honestly... very low," Lauren answered as they fell into silence.

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Rosemary Speaks

A tough situation here...
Who will survive? And who will not?

See you next chapter!

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