𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥

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The large group of around seventeen people made their way through the large fields of the island towards the West where Jack Chapman's last location was known. Lauren fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist as they walked, she was repeating her father's reassuring words in her head as she mentally prepared herself to walk back into the graveyard she had lost Sherry in and faced a Skull Crawler for the first time. And soon enough, they had reached the border of the West Graveyard's crater which was filled with bones and gas.

Lauren's heart clenched at the sight of the remnant bones left by Kong's parents, she swallowed slowly as she stood between James and Mason who were stunned by the sight before them. "Welcome to the Skull Crawler's territory," Lauren spoke once everyone was closer together and looking down into the crater. "Yeah, you smell that?" Marlow asked everyone before answering, "That's death." Marlow and Lauren shared a worried glance, they knew what happened to those who walked through this territory. "What the hell is this place?" Slivko asked with wide eyes.

"This is what's left of Kong's parents," Marlow answered him. "I've taken enough photos of mass graves to recognize one," Mason added as she felt Lauren lean closer to her. "The crash site's just on the other side of this valley. We'll cross through and make it to the highest point west," Colonel Packard informed everyone without a care about the heavy risks they were all facing. "Uh-uh. This place is a real no-no, sir," Marlow replied to Packard as Steve Woodward, Nieves' coworker spoke up, "We need to be going to the north side right now." Lauren scoffed as she turned to them, "He doesn't care."

Packard and Lauren had a staredown until James stepped in front of Lauren to block the Colonel's view. "I'm not leaving Jack out there. Now, who's with me?" Packard argued without room for any other plan. "We can make it," James said with a determined voice, Lauren looked up at him as he turned to her. "You know the area," James said but Lauren could see he meant no harm in this, she needed to face her memories and he was right, she knew the Skull Crawlers better than anyone else. "You're mighty right, we can make it," Packard encouraged, "Now, stay sharp. Keep an eye out." Lauren nodded to James before leading the way.

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Lauren's survival instincts were kicked to its highest point, she was analyzing the space around them despite the low visibility due to the thick foggy gas. She was focused on the sounds around her, the subtle purrs that a Skull Crawler seems to let out prior to an attack. James watched her cautiously, he knew she was good at survival but he couldn't risk her freezing up or playing the hero like she had done so before. The others were impressed by Lauren's light steps, attentive reactions, and the way she seemed to pick up on the slightest sounds.

Lauren could hear the clicks of a camera but she knew that Mason wouldn't take many photos of this place understanding the true story behind it. She turned her head to see Randa taking photos of Kong's parents' remnants, she rolled her eyes as Packard and his soldiers moved ahead of her with their guns raised. The group spread out despite Lauren signaling for them to stay closer together, she rolled her eyes before stopping by James who was kneeling down beside a large indent in the soil of a reptile's print. He looked up at Lauren who frowned before looking around the area, something felt off.

A sudden explosion caused Lauren to jump, she turned to see Cole and Mills standing together and held her hand out in a 'what the hell' motion. "Watch those fumes!" Randa shouted only adding to Lauren's annoyance, she spun around slowly as she focused on the vibrations beneath her feet. "Ren?" James whispered to her. "Something's off... we shouldn't have done this," Lauren told him as her hands began to shake. "Hey, we got this," James assured her despite his own doubts. "Let's go, we gotta move," Packard ordered, the group continuing their mission to rescue Jack Chapman.

A distant screech pulled Lauren's attention, her grip tightened on the two blades in her hands as she stepped ahead of Mason and looked around the area. "Be prepared. They move quickly. I don't think your guns will do much but fire is better," Lauren told them before taking in a deep breath ignoring the stench of the flammable gas in the air. "Run!" Marlow shouted causing everyone to split up in different directions however, Lauren stayed in her place rolling her shoulders before raising her hands ready.

Mason realized that she couldn't see Lauren, her eyes widened as she heard a familiar whistle which pulled the Skull Crawlers' attention away from where she was hidden near James and Marlow. "What is she doing?" Slivko spoke from his spot next to Marlow. "Reminding him who is Queen," Marlow spoke as the Skull Crawler moved towards Lauren. "Come on you son of a bitch!" Lauren snapped out, the Skull Crawler rushed toward her while the others watched unsure whether they should step in. Lauren ran forward, sliding underneath the Skull Crawler to cut through its weaker underbelly.

The Skull Crawler screeched in anger and pain before using its tail to throw Lauren into a rib bone, she groaned at the impact before brushing off the pain and turning to the Skull Crawler headed toward her. She dodged its mouth and climbed up onto its leg, driving one of the blades into the top of its spinal cord sending its nerves haywire. Lauren pushed off of the Skull Crawler and tried to dodge its spasming tail only to get swept off of her feet as it took off into the fog. "Ren!" Mason rushed over to her with James by her side. "What were you thinking?" Mason asked her with a worried gaze.

"It'll come back," Lauren told them through a wince, her arm was bleeding again and she had a gash on her forehead. "Rally up! Someone cover the civilian's six!" Colonel Packard ordered as he got everyone moving again. James helped Lauren to her feet before moving her to lean her weight on Mason, Lauren scoffed and pushed off of them. "It will be back," Lauren repeated sternly as she moved forward with her last blade in hand. Lauren's statement was proved when the Skull Crawler consumed Randa from behind everyone, she pushed Mason behind her as she told everyone to run.

"Set up the fifty!" Packard ordered but Lauren knew that wouldn't work, she stepped forward and watched the fog to see where it would come from. Thankfully, Randa's camera was defective and continued flashing within the Skull Crawler's stomach alerting them to its presence. "Death before dishonor," Marlow spoke in Japanese as he held his katana at the ready, Lauren cracked her neck before stepping into a steady fight stance. The Skull Crawler immediately charged Marlow who managed to step aside and slice down its leg.

The Skull Crawler smashed into the skull of the triceratops where a soldier had set up the big gun, the monster sent him into the air before reaching out with its tongue to pull him into its mouth. The Skull Crawler turned to go after Mason but Lauren quickly intercepted the chase, driving a piece of bone she had picked up into its eye. The Skull Crawler, no doubt extremely pissed with Lauren, turned its attention to her, deciding she was its biggest threat. Lauren continued running as the others fired their guns at it without damaging the beast.

Lauren used the ribcage of Kong's parents to evade the creature before taking an opportunity to try and drive her blade through its neck but the Skull Crawler evaded her attack. The Skull Crawler moved to snap its jaws at her when another body collided with her own sending the two tumbling down a small dip away from the Skull Crawler who became interested in the people shooting it. An explosion pulled Lauren from her daze after hitting her head, she turned to see Jack Chapman leaning over her. "Renny!" Jack called before pulling her up and towards the others.

"Slivko!" Lauren called spotting the boy in the distance, she noticed James heading towards him as Leafwings flew into the area and began attacking people. Lauren raised her hand to her mouth and made a pitched whistle sound pulling the Leafwing's attention, she adjusted its tone causing the flock to fly away from the scene. "Mason!" Lauren called out as she threw James' lighter at her as she ran by, Mason lit the lighter and tossed it towards the Skull Crawler causing it to hit the flammable bones exploding the Skull Crawler before it could reach the others. Lauren let out a breath at the death of the Skull Crawler and the arrival of Jack Chapman.

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Rosemary Speaks

Lauren's a badass. Genuinely wanted that scene like that because she had been on the island for seven years fighting by Kong's side so her trying to protect everyone was normal for me.
Also, yeah, I kept Chapman alive. I couldn't help myself, his boy deserves a dad.

See you next chapter!

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