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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter One❞
                                                                           ━━━ Fraternizing With The Frenemy . .

Eleven (11) Years Hence. . .

Dear Dad (because Mum was hopeless at this),
What is it like to have a crush? Butterflies in your stomach?

Prongs says 'I dunno. Butterflies in your stomach?'

But what if your crush doesn't like you back? What if she likes someone else?

Prongs admits 'I shoulda asked your Mum about this. . . because I felt terrible when she didn't like me back. . .

Thank you, Dad, for reminding me how bad it feels.

Harry Potter, an average teenager who lived with a wild man and a tired man, was in a predicament. Even the magically charmed diary which Remus, the tired man, had given him was of no use. His 'parents' who wrote back were totally hopeless when it came down to his love life. Harry harboured a crush as huge as The Eiffel Tower itself on a Ravenclaw girl who went by the name Cho Chang. Unfortunately for him, the girl never once looked at him that way.

"Man!" he shouted in frustration, messing his already unkempt hair even further.

"Oi Potter! Shut it!"

Harry frowned. He turned around in his chair and shouted back at his enemy. "What's your problem, Weasley?! No one asked you to get trapped in my dormitory!"

A mane of red hair which was worse than a lion's majestic mane, whirled around and hit his face, leading him to use an array of choice words. "What d'you mean?! Obviously, none of this would have happened if it weren't for you telling Ron to lock the door!" she shouted, her teeth bared and her brown eyes blazing. "It's all your fault that I am stuck in this stinky room for Merlin knows how long! I have Quidditch tryouts in case you forgot!"

"Shut up, Ginny. I am the Captain of the team in case you forgot!"

"Then get me out of here, Captain." Her tone was sarcastic, not that Harry had heard her speak in any tone but cheeky. Then again, he was reminded of the fact that she was especially sassy only with him, her arch rival.

"I don't have my wand on-"

"Then throw yourself at the door and open it."

"Why don't you try doing it, my prospective Chaser?"

"Alright, fine, you numpty!"

"Good luck, Señorita."

"There is no need for you to wish ill to me."

Harry paid no heed to her final sentence. He turned back to his diary.

Sorry, Dad. You see, I'm stuck with Señorita for over ten hours. . . or was it ten minutes? Hold on, what's that star I see in the late evening?

A bright star was twinkling in the dusk sky, catching Harry's attention completely.

That's weird. It's not even night!

Prongs ponders, 'I guess I know what star that is.'

That's beyond the point. Let's just leave it there. Anyways, I told Ron to lock the door from inside but that git of a best friend locked it from outside just when she was about to exit the dorm after a particularly nasty runaway from idiotic boys. And she's just too obnoxious, loud, and not to mention, sassy. Huh? I guess she just broke an arm. I will tell ya about Cho later! Hold on. . . should I ask for advice from someone else?

Prongs says, 'You are one impatient fella. Just like your Dad, I daresay. But here is my advice: follow your instincts.'

"Did you crack a nice hinge?" Harry asked, smirking at a huffing Ginny. She shot him a glare.

"You aren't helping."

"I don't intend to."

"Boys," she snorted.

"Not every guy is a stalker, Weasley. I'm rather surprised a good number of blokes find your sassy tongue interesting," Harry shot back, messing his hair.

"What, everyone but my brothers and enemies find me attractive," she boasted, throwing a lock of her flaming hair behind her shoulder. Harry snorted. She harrumphed before continuing, "Look in the mirror before telling me, Potter."

"What's wrong with me? I'm really brilliant in every angle. Any girl with a sane mind would know that," he stated defensively.

"Buut," she dragged the conjunction. "your crush doesn't like you back, ouch!"

"How did you find- Ahem, I mean, I am not crushing on anybody!" Harry tried to cover up his poor slip of tongue. Ginny made a clicking noise.

"You might forget that you don't write without talking out loud," she reasoned. "Now, tell me who this girl is."

Harry wanted to hit himself for his stupidity but he had to answer. "You don't want to hear it."

"I just wanted to help you get her, y'know, if you opened this door," she replied.

Harry thought about it. "You are a girl."

"Congratulations on finding that!"

"Shut up. I just wanted to tell you about her."

"So, what's she like?" Her tone immediately turned curious, something he had very rarely heard from her.

"Will you really help me get her?" he asked unsurely, feeling rather dumb. Who am I kidding? This is Ginny Weasley I am talking to.

"If you break open this damned door," she responded, poking her thumb at the innocent door.

"Fine, alright." He looked at his special diary. The words 'follow your instincts,' were written in shabbily chic handwriting.

"What is she like?"

"She's special, very pretty. She's got dark silky hair, deep and mysterious eyes. . ." Harry began describing Cho, his thoughts automatically whirling to form a picture of her in his mind.

"D-do I know her?"

Harry turned to face the red-haired girl. "Yeah. It's Cho. Cho Chang from Ravenclaw. She is Corner's g-girlfriend. . ." Michael Corner was another Ravenclaw in his year. Ginny had dated Corner for a few months, ultimately ending it after hearing his prejudices about Gryffindor.

"Mhm. But she's already taken. . ." she murmured.

"That's why I'm holding back!" Harry shot back.

"Have patience, Potter. I did not complete my sentence." Harry's eyebrows shot up. "Well, I was about to tell you that their relationship was faring no well the last time I heard Hogwarts' Rumor Mill," Ginny explained. "Probably a bit of push will help you get her."

Harry pondered on the thought. "How?" He found himself asking.

"All you have to do is date someone else-"

"Hold on, I don't like-"

"Will you ever let me complete my sentence, Potter?!" she shouted, annoyed. Her eyebrows were furrowed.

Harry raised his hands in surrender. "Go ahead, Señorita." That word, as Sirius, the wild man, taught him, was to be used sarcastically. However, Remus had made it clear that it had to be used respectfully to address a lady. Harry had to admit, he was rather wild to listen to the tired man.

"Stop calling me that," she hissed before her tone turned normal. "If she sees you with someone else, she might realize that she has feelings for you."

"How d'you know if s-she has feelings for me?" Harry's question was completely asked out of insecurity; something that he never wanted Ginny of all people to know. She, however, did not seem to mind.

"Trust me, Potter. I ain't gonna cheat you here."

"But won't it mean that I will have to toy with someone's feelings?" Harry enquired. Ginny seemed to ponder for a moment.

"You are right. . . Wait. . . You need someone to make Cho jealous and I need someone to get rid of the stalkers. . ." she wondered, glancing at him. Her vague idea caught up with him and his face broke into a sweat. Cho's pretty face reminded him to take up her offer.

"Ginny," he breathed. "Will you do the honor of being my fake girlfriend, Señorita?"

She said yes, albeit harshly and tomorrow, the quest to gain Cho's heart begins, Dad.
- Your Harry ;)

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter!

Word Count: 1312 words

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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