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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

❝Chapter Two❞
━━━ Lovely Nicknames. . .

Dear Dad,
Today is the day. . . the game begins!

Prongs asks, 'Is it Gryffindor versus Slytherin?'

No, dad. It's me against Corner!

Prongs asks, 'Which corner? Don't tell me it's your study corner, son. I definitely don't wanna study!'

/Lily pushes Prongs off the page/

Lily says, 'Don't listen to him. Go and win her, Sweetheart.'

/Prongs gets back on stage/

Prongs asks, 'Is it about that Co girl?'

It's Cho, but, yeah.

Prongs says, 'Oh.'


Wish me luck, y'know? Don't be lazy. It's the matter of your son's love life!


Prongs says 'Don't get Toe-ragged.'

Lily says 'Don't take /Prongs/ advice.'

Umm. . . Okay. . . See you, I guess. . .
- Confused Harry :0

Harry was dining with a serene atmosphere around him. There was no over-eating Ron or no pessimistic Hermione. It was just him, and oh, he had never appreciated solitude so much before. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, every good thing must come to an end; the tranquil setting was sliced off like grated parmesan by the appearance of a grumpy Ginny Weasley. Harry frowned when she slipped into the seat beside him.

"Why are you sitting here?" he asked her moodily. She shot him a glare which silenced him.

"I'm supposed to be your 'girlfriend'. Now help me to get rid of those guys standing by the entrance," she hissed. Harry frowned at the archway under which three boys with big beady orbs were standing. They had one thing in common, even if their houses were different: their eyes were concentrated on the redhead beside him.

"What do you want me to do? Stop your skin care and forget your hair care as well. They'll stop their eye nourishment," Harry shot back.

"Are you kidding me?! Okay, fine. I'm not helping you with Chang, Hissarold," she replied, swinging her legs off the chair and kicking his thigh on purpose.



Harry grabbed her hand before she could leave, and pulled her back to the seat. "Hold on! I'll give them a taste of my hexes."

"That's of no use. I've used the bat bogey hex and they are still not damned," she pointed out.

"Take a look at the captain, Señorita," he said determinedly before striding towards the guys. He could hear Ginny's displeasure at being called Señorita but he did not care. If he succeeded in shooing these guys away, she would be more serious in helping him. "Oi!" he exclaimed as soon as he was within their earshot. The Ravenclaw of the group frowned at him.


"That, I am," Harry stated. "But if you so much as even chance a glance at her." He jabbed his thumb at Ginny who was seated rows away. "Then consider yourself spaghetti noodles."

"What?" The Slytherin asked.

"It's a dish, mate," an Hufflepuff supplied.

The Slytherin sneered. "And who are you to tell that? Make me!"

Harry felt a strange anger bubble inside him. "She is my girlfriend. I'm warning you for the last time!" With a nerve pulsing in his forehead, he walked back to the table and slumped down beside Ginny.

"Wow, Hissarold-"

"Please don't call me that. I'm don't speak Parseltongue always."

"You even got Chang looking at you!" Ginny continued, ignoring his previous statement. "And I must say, there was a tinge of jealousy when you mentioned who I 'am' to you." Harry's ears perked up and he began searching for the Asian girl's face. He found her staring at them so he waved his hand. She nodded in response before going back to her plate. Harry's heart sunk. Does she think I'm really in a relationship with this mad hatter?

"Y'know," Ginny interrupted his musings. "If you think this loud, she wouldn't chance a glance at you."

Harry gulped. "What? Y-you heard me?"

"Yep," she popped the 'P'.


She nodded. Oh no, this can't be good. . . Her silence shows her anger. . . and she's the only one who can help me. . .

"Ginny! I'm so sorry!" Harry apologized. "I'm sorry for calling you a mad hatter!"

"So, that's what you were thinking, eh?"

The ravenhead blinked. "Pardon?"

This time, Ginny looked absolutely infuriated. "You did not think aloud. I tricked you into saying what you were thinking, you git!" Unfortunately, or fortunately, she stormed away, letting the cold breeze ruffle his hair.

At least, I'm peaceful right now.

I can't be peaceful without plotting with my enemy!

"Weasley!" Harry dragged the name. The girl in question did not respond.

"Ginevra!" His tries were futile.

"Girlie Girl!" He had been trying to grab her attention since the last fifteen minutes.

"Ginny!" Nope, she's really mad at me but I have one secret up my sleeve.

"Señorita Weasley!"

Ginny turned to face him, her face showing fury. Yep, that worked. Doesn't change the fact she's still mad at me. "What. the. hell. do. you. want. Potter?!" she accentuated each and every word, her teeth baring with despise. Truth be told, Harry felt a tad bit intimidated by her fiery appearance.

"I-er-" Harry stuttered, shivering slightly. This girl is known for her damning bat bogey hexes. What were you thinking when you told her the truth, Potter?

"I. am .not .here. to. listen. to. your. stupid. babblings! We are 'over'! Go catch that fish of a Chang on your own! Just - get - lost!" she shouted, her eyes flaring at him. Harry was sure the whole common room was staring at them but it was not in his hands to suppress the retort which rose to his mouth.

"I don't need your help, Weasley! I think I was much better off without the need to sit beside you! Really, I hate you so much!"

"I hate you more, Potter!"

The tension in the room was so thick that even the sharpest of gunmetal knifes would have failed to pass through it. However, when sharp things fail, blunt succeeds. "Oi! You both are going out of limits!" Harry and Ginny turned to face Ron with the most piercing eyes they could muster. "You started dating just a day ago!"

"What even brought you the impression that we are dating?!" Ginny emphasized her words. "We are-"

"Very much in love!" Harry completed her sentence, forcefully interrupting her by closing her mouth with his hand. She bit his palm and he yelped. "Ouch-I-I mean, love you!"

"Blimey! I don't want you guys fighting doesn't mean I want to see your cringe confessions!" Ron said, looking disgusted. Hermione chose this moment to enter the conversation. She was, after all, a diplomatic witch.

"We have a Hogsmeade trip coming up tomorrow. How does a double date sound?" Harry's bushy haired best friend suggested, looking between her friends. Harry's guts dared not to take up the dangerous offer. If only Cho had any feelings for him, any at all, it would vanish if she saw him on a date with Señorita. He was about to decline the idea but then his oblivious best friend, Ron, spoke up.

"Yeah, that's sounds nice. Ginny and Harry as a couple and we both could go as. . . friends?" Harry and Ginny sighed in unison as Hermione's face fell. It was quite obvious that the two Gryffindors were head over heels for each other, only oblivious. Even in moments such as this, they were quite dense. It was Ron in this case.

Harry met Ginny's eyes and a secret understanding, one which he had never experienced with her before, dawned in their brains. However, it was Ginny who chose to act. "Y'know, I like the idea. Maybe you both-" She jabbed her thumb at Ron and Hermione. "-should visit Madam Puddifoot's. I heard from Luna that they have some fascinating spellwork done there for people like you both." Ron seemed to consider it for a moment before he agreed.

"It's decided then. Let's meet up tomorrow morning!" Ron exclaimed, enthusiasm filled in his voice. Hermione smiled gratefully at Ginny before going back to the study corner. Ron excused himself to get some Potions homework done, lest Snape cut points from Gryffindor, leaving Harry and the person he liked to call 'Mad Hatter' alone. However, their silence was not awkward. Neither was it compatible.

"Y'know, Señorita?" Harry started shyly.


"Given the fact that we are forced to go on a d-date, I guess it would be better if we get back on talking terms. . . at least back to f-friends?" Harry stumbled over his words. He was never low on confidence, thanks to Sirius's upbringing. Finding his sentences mucked up was more of a shock to him than anything. It was generally Cho he was nervous around but this time, he felt truly guilty for calling Ginny what he did. "I'm genuinely sorry. . ." Harry's head hung low, causing his bangs to blind him.

"You-" That was all Ginny could get out before laughing like a truly crazy person.

"Wha-?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"You are a total comedy piece, Haddock!"

"What?" Harry was perplexed. What the ruddy hell is haddock?

"A new name to taunt you with," she said simply, shrugging.

"What does that mean?"

"Go fish!" she exclaimed and stood up, stretching. Harry must have looked like a gaping idiot, for, he was clueless. He felt as if he had forgotten his hard learnt vocabulary because of this girl. "And about your silly apology, I accept it. This time, Potter, I'm letting you off because of that cute action you did. Don't expect me to keep forgiving you for calling me names and never even imagine me to go with you on tomorrow's date. We are going different ways after 'getting lost in the crowd'. Have I made myself clear, Haddock?" she said sternly, her hands on her hips and a rather funny expression on her freckled face.

"Yes," he replied. She smiled smugly and made to leave but Harry was not done with her. YET. "Señorita."

"I hate you, Potter!"

Thank you for reading!

P.S. I can't believe this book already hit 100+ views!! Thank you so much guys!

Miyoko x

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