01 ; hex

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"Lennon!" A voice called out from down the hall.

There was one thing Ivy hated more than James Potter, and that was her middle name. From a young age she had always despised the name, she felt like an old lady when someone called her the name. When she got to Hogwarts James Potter's mission was to tease her as much as he could. He told his friends to call her Lennon in the hallways, but they soon stopped after she started throwing small hexes at them every time they did. Although, she gave up on James Potter, she could throw a hundred hexes at him and he'd still call her by that name.

She turned around noticing him making his way towards her. He was holding a stack of papers and Albus' bookbag. He was known to play pranks along with Fred, he had probably put an animal in the bag that would attack her. Not wanting to deal with him, she turned around and kept on walking towards the Great Hall to meet with her group of friends.

"Lennon I'm calling you, are you deaf?" James shouted as he started speed walking to catch up with her. He soon caught a hold of her and pulled her back. "Did you not hear me? I've been trying to catch up with you."

"I heard you. I just didn't want to talk to you." Ivy replied playing with her nails. He had already pranked her at the beginning of the week, she wasn't going to fall for another one of his idiotic games.

"How nice of you." James replied rolling his eyes at the Ravenclaw. "I need you to give this to Albus, he left it in the DADA classroom, and our professor asked me to return it to him." He finished handing her the bag with the Slytherin crest stitched in the front.

"She asked you not me, he's inside the Great Hall just go hand it to him. It's not like your being asked to fight a dragon." Ivy argued.

"You're delusional thinking I am going to walk in there with a Slytherin bag, are you mad? It's a shame my brothers is in the house I won't be sporting their crest as well." James finished handing her the bag almost as if it were lava.

"There's no reason to be 'ashamed' of your brother's house, what are we five? A house does not define a person get that through your thick skull." She said snatching the bag from his hands. Without a second glance Ivy quickly turned around leaving James behind.

She made her way into the Great Hall wondering what table her friends were seated at. The group consisted of two Ravenclaws, one Hufflepuff, and two Slytherins, so they were known to switch tables every now and then. She soon spotted Daisy Dursley's blonde hair at the Slytherin table. She made her way towards the group handing Albus his bag as she sat next to Harlow.

"Bloody hell Ivy, I've been looking everywhere for my bag. Where'd you find it?" Albus questioned as he looked through the bag praying his assignments hadn't gone missing or been stolen.

"Your brother found it actually, but he refused to walk in with a Slytherin bag." She replied while rolling her eyes. "I swear he acts like a child."

"I wouldn't want to see a Gryffindor sporting a Slytherin crest." Scorpius sneered. "That's an insult towards our house, especially if he was the one wearing it."

"Scorpius don't act like you don't fancy a certain Gryffindor." Daisy smirked. "You're constantly staring at Rose, anyone with eyes could see the attraction you two have for each other."

Scorpius and Rose had liked each other since their third year of Hogwarts, but neither would admit it. Scorpius knew his father would be furious if he brought a Weasley home, he had already complained since his best friend was Harry Potter's son.

Rose's parents would be irritated as well, Scorpius' father wasn't the nicest person, he was known to make fun of the whole family during their days at Hogwarts, especially towards her mother Hermione. George Weasley had even told us a story of how he beat up Draco after a Quidditch game for insulting their mother. Scorpius and Rose were a modern day Romeo and Juliet.

"Shut your mouth Daisy." Scorpius fired to her remark. Daisy Dursley and Scorpius Malfoy were not friends, but they kept their act together, most of the time. "Shouldn't you be with your Hufflepuff friends?"

"Watch it Scorpius." Harlow told Scorpius sending him a glare.

The group would get into constant fights, nothing was strange about that. Their friend group wasn't normal, but that's what they admired about it. They had once exploded Professor Longbottom's garden in the midst of an argument, they were in detention for a very, very long time. When Ivy and Albus went to The Burrow for the holidays they had received a long lecture.

Ivy watched as the group bickered at one another. They were getting stares from everyone, but the only reason they stared was because they were scared. It wouldn't be surprising if one of them through a hex that accidently missed and hit someone from another table.

"Would you all be quiet for once? I still have a migraine from my conversation with James." Ivy said joining in the conversation. "If it weren't for his parents I would have hexed him into oblivion by now."

Albus nodded his head agreeing to her statement, "I'm this close to-" but before he could finish his sentence a big 'boom' came from the inside of his bag covering the group with red glitter, feathers, and dust.

There was laughter from the Gryffindor table coming from James and Fred. The group was furious. All their school work had been ruined and stained red. Ivy looked down towards DADA assignment, that she had spent hours in the library doing, was now completely ruined. All the bent up anger she had towards James was finally released, she shot a hex his mother had taught her sending him flying against the wall.

The whole hall let out a gasp, including the group of friends. They knew she hated him, but they didn't think she'd actually use a hex against him, especially a powerful one. Headmaster McGonagall soon stormed into the Great Hall in shock of the scene in front of her.

"You've really done it now Ivy." Scorpius muttered as they all watched the expression on the Headmistress' face. "She seems more furious then the time we blew up the garden."

"My mother's going to love this story." Albus said sending her a smirk. She rolled her eyes flicking him off.

"Mrs.Blane and Mr.Potter, follow me immediately." The Headmistress called out pointing at each of them with her wand.

James groaned as he stood up from the wall. He looked towards Ivy sending her a death glare. She had embarrassed him in front of all his friends, with a hex his own mother had taught her. She was supposed to use it in defense, not to bloody throw him against a brick wall

The two quietly followed McGonagall towards her office where they were instructed to take a seat. Ivy had only been in here one another time, and she was not a big fan of the office. James' was here at least once a month, so he wasn't as bothered.

"I should have known that you two would duel at one point," She grumbled. "Mrs.Blane you could have put Mr.Potter into a dangerous position today. Although I'm sure he did something to provoke you, that does not mean we go throwing hexes. You should know better."

Although Ivy should be ashamed, she wasn't. She had been wanting to do something like this since she arrived at Hogwarts. He had it coming. "I'm sorry Headmistress, although I can't say it won't happen again I'll do my best not too."

"You're best?" James questioned. "You could have killed me for Merlin's sake, my mother taught you that spell to protect yourself not to use it on her own son." James exclaimed.

"Well her own son had it coming. This is the second time this week you have pulled a prank, I don't know who you're trying to impress, but you need to cut it out. I'm sick and tired of your games James." Ivy replied furiously.

"Enough both of you before someone gets killed." McGonagall called out. "Both of you need to get under control, and Mr.Potter if I hear that you pull another prank I will have to inform your parents. Unless you'd like another howler like the previous time." The Headmistress questioned glaring down towards James.

James tensed up remembering the previous howler he had received from his mother. He had accidently sent Albus falling down the stairs leaving him with a broken arm. To say his mother was mad was an understatement. If it weren't for her job she would have went to go yell at him in person.

"That won't be necessary." James grumbled. "I'll stop the pranking." James stated, but Ivy knew he was lying. She knew he was already conspiring another plan to get back at her.

"Very well then, both of you are released to go to class. Don't let this happen again, and you're a powerful witch Mrs.Blane watch what spells you're casting." The Headmistress informed Ivy.

"Of course Headmistress." Ivy replied making her way out of the office.

As they both made their way into the halls James grabbed her arm abruptly pulling her to face him. "Watch what you do Lennon, just because my family loves you doesn't mean I do. Just because you're father doesn't want you, doesn't mean you can cling onto mine." he sneered.

Ivy was outraged, this boy was doing everything to get under her skin, and he was doing a fair job. Not wanting to go through another lecture with McGonagall, Ivy let out a breath calming herself. "Jealousy is a disease James, get well soon." She replied ripping away from his grip and heading towards her next class.

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