02 ; selfish

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Ivy had always loved music. Growing up her and her father went to many concerts at arenas, or local bands in the city. Ivy couldn't remember a day she went without music. Her father used to tell stories of her mother and how she was in a small girl group called 'Amortentia'. They never made a big, but it's what her mother loved doing, so whenever she was in foul mood she'd play any song as if her mother were singing it to her.

When she heard 'Cruel Summer'  by a muggle artist named Taylor Swift playing throughout Hogwarts she couldn't help but laugh. She watched as their Astronomy professor grumbled and stopped her lesson. James Potter clearly didn't listen to the Headmaster and continued his pranks along with Fred. Ivy had to admit, she did quite enjoy this prank.

She hummed along to the song as the rest of the kids laughed at the professors in the halls trying to find the culprit. Ivy knew James Potter would never be caught, he and Fred had learned from the infamous George Weasley, he owned a joke shop for Merlin's sake he knew all the do's and don'ts.

She took a glance outside towards the courtyard where Fred and James stood giving each other a high-five. James was holding the invisibility cloak while Fred held up the map James' grandfather and friends had made during their years in Hogwarts. The professors were always trying to get ahold of the map, but never succeeded. After all it only took two words to change.

Her partner, Roxanne Weasley, rubbed her head clearly annoyed of her older brother's prank. "I swear this boy doesn't take into consideration we have our O.W.L this year. We are already two weeks behind due to their pranks." Roxanne finished rolling her eyes.

"They're in their final year of course they aren't going to take it into consideration. They were planning pranks at the Burrow all summer long, we should've seen this coming." Ivy replied agreeing with Roxanne.

"He wouldn't let anyone enter his room afraid we were going to ruin his 'gadgets'." Roxanne said informing Ivy. "On the topic of my brother, I'm sorry for the act he pulled the other day. He does like you, we all do, but you know he always helps James in a prank no matter what."

Ivy game a small smile towards Roxanne reassuring her it was fine. "I don't blame Fred, whatever James wants James get."

"Sadly they both do." Roxanne said rolling her eyes. "I've begged my mother to tell him to stop, but it makes our father happy seeing him continue the legacy. We can't take that from him. I just wish they'd die it down, or maybe do it when we're not in class." She finished.

"Let's just hope they don't pull the same prank your father did in his seventh year with his twin." Ivy replied remembering the story George had mentioned one night during the holidays. "Although I doubt Ginevra would let James live another day if he dropped out."

"If they pull that prank I'll kill them myself."


The second interruption of the day happened during Ivy's potion class. Harlow, Daisy, and Ivy were working on a potion, and just as they were about to finish their professor instructed the class to head towards the Great Hall and to take a seat at their house table. Daisy bid the two goodbye as she made her way towards her Hufflepuff friends.

Harlow and Ivy sat with the rest of the fifth year Ravenclaws curious as to what was going on. The Ravenclaw and Slytherin table were placed next to each other this year allowing Ivy to speak to Albus as their backs were facing each other.

"Do you know what's going on?" Ivy whispered towards Albus.

"No idea, usually my dad knows what goes on in Hogwarts, but he didn't tell me about anything exciting happening this year." Albus finished.

Headmistress McGonagall then walked in causing the hall to fall into complete silence. She stood on the podium glancing over the students. Ivy soon noticed their were two extra tables, one connected to the Hufflepuff house and the other to the Slytherin.

"We were supposed to have this greeting yesterday, but due to certain circumstances they didn't arrive till now." The Headmistress spoke up leaving all the kids in wonder. Who was this 'they' she was talking about. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior and expect you all to represent Hogwarts with pride."

Before the Headmistress could utter another word the doors of the hall burst open revealing a group of men who stood tall in their uniforms. Ivy immediately recognized them as the students of Durmstrang. They started chanting something she couldn't quite make out and put on a show for the students. Everyone's eyes were wide with shock.

It looked like the show wasn't finished, a group of girls came in gracefully. She remembered Fleur Weasley trying on her old uniform one day at the Burrow, the uniforms were identical she quickly realized they were the ladies who attended Beauxbatons.

Ivy laughed as she saw the boys in the hall in awe of their appearance. It was no doubt these girls were beautiful, and elegant might she add. They put on a performance without any flaws, almost as if they were gliding with the wind.

Ivy soon realized the event that was taking place, The Triwizard Tournament. It didn't make any sense, she had remembered the ministry deciding it wouldn't be held ever again due to the death of Cedric Diggory. She immediately thought of Harry Potter and what would he would think. Ginevra had told her about the Yule Ball and how she went with Professor Longbottom, but she also mentioned how long it took Harry to recover the tournament he hadn't even entered himself in. She had a very bad feeling sending shivers throughout her body.

"We welcome the ladies of Beauxbatons and the men of Durmstrang. Please give them a warm welcome." The Headmistress called out causing the whole hall to stand up and clap at the performances both schools had put on.

"Although there are some of you that know what is going on, there are others who aren't. The ministry had decided to bring back the Triwizard Tournament and has awarded us the honor of hosting." Headmistress McGonagall said, but as Ivy looked closer she noticed the face on the headmaster wasn't excited at all. She had a look of worry on her face, but she tried her best to hide it.

"As always in order to participate you must be seventeen years of age." The Headmistress explained causing most of the students to groan. Everyone who knew about the tournament, knew if you won you'd go down in history, not to mention there was a grand prize. "There is an age line between the cup that won't allow students under the age to cross. And for your safety don't try to find a loophole. We have had some previous trouble with that."

Ivy noticed most of the seventh years excited to enter their name in the cup. She peered over towards the Gryffindor table noticing the excitement on James' face causing her to frown. There was no absolute way his mother would let him after what had happened to his father.

James knew his mother wouldn't let him join, that was a fact, but this was his chance. James knew if he won the Triwizard Tournament he'd be able to live up to the Potter name. As the Goblet of Fire appeared next to the headmaster he was certain his name would go into it. His father had been one of the three, well four, selected students. James knew he could win, and he had no intension to letting anyone stop him, not even his mother.


Ivy was seated with her group of friends later that day as letters begun to pour in from student's parents instructing them not to go anywhere near the cup with their name. Ivy watched from across the hall as James' opened up a howler from his mother.

"James Sirius Potter! You know the many stories I have told you about that awful tournament, don't you dare do this to me, you better stay far away from the cup. You're father is stressed enough that this tournament is back he doesn't need his own son in it! Don't be selfish James think of your fam-" but before the howler could finish James took ahold of it ripping it in half clearly not interested in what his mother had to say.

Ivy looked down towards the letter she had received. She rarely received mail, as she ripped it apart she read the top indicating it was from Ginny Potter. She unfolded the letter reading what she had to say.

"Ivy I know my son like the back of my hand, I know he'll do anything to be like his father. He's going to join the awful tournament. Please try your best to talk him out of it, I know you and him don't have the best relationship, but do it for me and Harry. I can't bear hearing my son will be one of the chosen ones. If he puts his name in the cup he will be picked, even you know that. Please stop him, or at least try too. I've sent a letter do Albus as well, but I know you'll have a better chance." Before Ivy could finish the last word she stood up looking for James. Ginny had done so much for her, she owed her to at least try. Although deep down they both knew they wouldn't succeed.

She spotted James with a group of his friends heading towards the cup. She quickly ran after him leaving her group in confusion as to why she left. They were even more confused when they realized she was making her way towards James. Just before James could cross the age line to put his name in the cup she took ahold of his arm pulling him back.

James stood confused as to who pulled him back, but was furious when he saw Ivy standing there. "Lennon what the bloody hell are you doing?" he asked enraged.

"James don't do this, think about you're mother are you seriously going to do this too her? Your father almost died in this tournament for merlin's sake." Ivy ranted.

"Since when do you care? Let me guess my mother put up to this." James said ripping himself from her grip. She had tried her best to hold on, but it was no doubt he was stronger.

"James we might not get along, but I've known you for the past eight years, your family has done so much for me of course I care whether you enter a suicide mission!" she exclaimed.

"That's the thing Lennon, you care about my family, not me. If I had a choice I would have gladly erased you from the past eight years of my life without hesitation." James sneered. He soon realized she wasn't seventeen and couldn't go past the age line. He quickly hopped over the line preventing her from stopping him.

Ivy watched as James dropped a piece of paper with his name into the Goblet of Fire.

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