03 ; chosen

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To say Ginevra Potter was furious was an understatement, she was absolutely livid at the eldest Potter. When the letter from Ivy arrived at the Potter household saying she had been unsuccessful, Ginny completely broke down with her husband by her side. Although he wasn't one of the Triwizard Champions yet she was almost certain he'd be selected, almost like a mother instinct. Harry Potter wasn't taking the news very well, he started getting flash backs of his drowning friends and fire breathing dragons. As well the memory of Voldemort killing Cedric Diggory right in front of his face.

At Hogwarts Ivy watched as James received many howlers a day. The first one was from his mother saying the next time she saw him she'd rip his head off, or allow Ivy too throw a hundred hexes at him, she had to admit she wished that was true. The second one was from his grandmother, Molly had always had a bad temper there was no doubt about it. Ivy smiled at the end of the howler as Molly sweetly said hello to the rest of the Weasleys and Ivy.

Everyone was mad at James, even Albus. Albus had received a howler as well from his mother asking why he hadn't tried to stop his older brother from this terrible fate. His face turned into a crimson red as he wasn't able to stop the howler from yelling.

This had been going on for the past week but it would soon come to an end, that night the students would find out the three 'lucky' few. Although most of the kids were excited, Ivy was not. She knew if James got selected this could be horrible for his mother and father. They'd be in panic all year no matter the situation. Nothing good had ever came out of these tournaments.

Ivy watched as James strolled down the hall with his head held up high. The boy acted as the school revolved around him, and if she was being honest it probably did. James was a handsome boy she would admit, of course never to his face. He had girls swooning over him left and right causing his ego to increase by the day. That last thing he needed was to be the Triwizard Champion, they'd never hear the end of it.

"Why that face Ivy? Jealous you couldn't complete the task my mother gave you." James asked as he stopped in front of her in the halls. "Such a shame she has done so, so much for you, yet you couldn't stop me."

"There was no stopping you and your humongous ego James, if anyone should be in shame it is you." She fired back. "Did you even think twice about your parents? How this would affect everyone? Your family loves you James, yet you don't seem to care."

"At least my family cares about me." James replied looking down at the frown that had just formed on the young girl's face.

"Yes James you're right, at least your family cares. My father doesn't write to me through out the whole year how nice is that, don't you think that's nice? I'd give anything to have the relationship you have with your father, so don't throw it away. Although, I think it might be to late." Ivy finished taking a step away from the boy.

"Don't use your sob story on me Lennon, we both know it won't work. My father and I get into rough patches here and there, but he'll always be there for me." James finished readjusting his book bag on his shoulders.

"Well I sure hope he does." Ivy replied making her way out of the conversation.


"This is the third howler this week, I don't even see the point in opening it." Albus Potter groaned as the owl dropped a stack of letters in front of the group.

"This one is for you Ivy." Daisy spoke up handing her a letter that was placed towards the bottom of the stack.

"Who's it from?" Harlow asked glancing over Ivy's shoulder to get a closer look.

Ivy soon noticed it was from Ginny Potter and ripped it apart to read what she had to say.

Hello Ivy, first of all I'd like to thank you for trying your best to stop my son. I'm sure we both knew deep down we wouldn't be able to.

As you know this tournament was supposed to be banished, but was brought back unexpectedly. I don't mean to worry you and say something bad will happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I have a bad feeling, a very bad one, I need you to watch out for James for me. I would ask his siblings, but no one can control him. You are the only one I know able to put him in his place, you won't allow him to step all over you. I'm not asking you to become bestfriends, that would be impossible for you two, but become acquaintances.

James is just like his father, he won't ask for help when he needs it, he thinks he could do everything by himself. Even if he doesn't want your advice give it to him, he won't admit it but he takes it.

Maybe I'm just worrying and he won't be chosen, but if he does please look after him. I love you so much dear, can't wait to see all of you during the holidays.

Also please don't share this with anyone, not even Albus.

"So are you going to tell us?" Harlow questioned. "Or are we just going to snatch it out of your hands."

Ivy stood frozen not sure what excuse to make. Finally something came to her head, "It's from my father... I would share, but I don't feel comfortable, it's about something that happened with my grandmother." She lied. Her grandmother died before she was born, thank Merlin no one knew.

"Oh Ivy I'm so sorry." Harlow exclaimed pulling her into a hug. Although the group didn't know about her grandmother, they did know the strain relationship she had with her father. "Don't worry we understand Ivy."

"Look here comes Gryffindor Prince." Scorpius snickered as James made his way in with Fred by his side. "The last thing I need is a Gryffindor representing us in the tournament, I hope Garson gets chosen." Scorpius finished pointing over at the seventh year Slytherin.

"Monica Heers would be a good candidate as well." Daisy said pointing towards a girl in her house. "She's chaser for our Quidditch team."

"As much as I'd like anyone to get chosen besides James, I think we all know that won't happen." Albus said rolling his eyes. "My family wouldn't be worrying so much if they didn't think he'd be picked. It's bound to happen."

"Hopefully he gets killed during the tournament, that'd be the one good thing about him being chosen." Scorpius snickered.

"Now that isn't very nice Malfoy." Rose Weasley stated appearing out of no where causing Scorpius to choke on the apple he had been chewing. "Have you no heart?"

"No, no I don't Weasley. What are you even doing here? Did you not hear me when I said I didn't want to speak to you?" Scorpius asked annoyed.

"Well this may come out as a shocker, but the world doesn't revolve around you." Rose said sarcastically. "Albus your howler from grandmother ended up at our table." She finished handing him the howler causing him to let out a groan.

"Might as well start a collection, I swear I'm going to pick James' name out of the Goblet myself because of all the commotion they are all making." Albus finished rolling his eyes.

"Invite me to the show." Rose replied. "Bye everyone." She waved making her way back towards the Gryffindor table.

"What was that all about Scorpius?" Ivy questioned. Scorpius and Rose fought, but never had told each other to not speak to the other.

"Nothing." He mumbled, not interested in informing the group of the conversation he had with his grandfather about turning 'soft'.

Ivy looked down at her watch noticing she had to start making her way down towards her next class. "See you all later, Professor Longbottom hates me enough I can't afford to be late to his class." She stated grabbing ahold of all her items placed on the table.

"We have to sit at our own tables for the choosing of the Triwizard Champions, but maybe we can catch up after." Albus replied.

"Sounds like a plan."


The Great Hall was filled with commotion and excitement from all three schools. Everyone couldn't wait to see who'd be representing their school. James Potter sat with his fellow Gryffindors impatiently waiting for the Headmaster to start. After a week of yelling and howlers it all came up to this moment. He hoped his name would be pulled out from the cup just as his father's had.

Ivy sat worriedly at the Ravenclaw table praying that James' name wouldn't be pulled. If it did she'd have to get closer with the boy, she wouldn't disobey Ginny's request even if it killed both of them. Her O.W.Ls were this year and she already had so much on her plate, the last thing she need was James and his ignorant arse on it. Her finger nails would be gone by the end of this ceremony.

After what felt like an eternity the students watched as the three headmasters made their way towards the front of the Hall near the Goblet of Fire. It was a humongous cup that stood tall with blue flames firing out every direction.

"I'd be delighted if everyone settled down." Their Headmistress instructed glancing towards the students causing the hall to fall into complete utter silence. "Today we have the honor of announcing our Triwizard Champions for this year. The Goblet chooses who will be the lucky few to hold such honor. Without further a do we shall begin." The Headmistress finished making her way towards the Goblet.

It immediately let out flame releasing a single piece of paper falling into Headmistress McGonagall's hand. "Representing Beauxbatons we have Felicity Lyan." She called out as everyone in the hall began to clap as the young lady made her way out of the hall and into a backroom.

The Headmistress continued waiting for the next person to be chosen, it soon popped out of the cup making its way home into the palm of the Headmistress' hand. "Having the honor of representing Durmstrang we have Alec Bram." The roars from the men of Durmstrang filled the hall as Alec made his way towards the room Felicity had entered before.

The Hogwarts students immediately went quiet as they watched the Headmaster make her way for the final name. Everyone was on their toes wondering who'd it be. Ivy sent a quick prayer hoping it'd be answered. James sent one as well, but for the completely opposite reason.

The last name landed once again in the palm of their Headmistress. She took a pause before opening the folded piece of paper. A frown appeared on her face as she read the name written in messy handwriting.

"Representing Hogwarts we have... James Sirius Potter."

The whole Gryffindor table sprang up applauding James' accomplishment. Ivy stood in shock still trying to process the sentence that had just came out of the Headmaster's mouth. James. Sirius. Potter. She was going to kill him before his mother got the chance.

James blocked out all the negative glares he was receiving from his cousins and siblings as he made his way towards the back room with his head held up higher than ever before. This was his year and he had no intention of letting anyone ruin it, not even the Ravenclaw girl sending him a death glare.

Ivy watched as James sent her a smirk from across the hall. She rolled her eyes completely unamused of his 'accomplishment'. Looks like he really had the 'chosen one' blood running through his veins.

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