07 ; outburst

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"Hippogriff." Ivy called out towards the fat lady who sent a glare towards the group.

"I can not believe I am here." Scorpius mumbled as he stepped into the red and gold common room. "If my father found out I was here-"

"No one gives a fuck about your father Scorpius, now shut up." Harlow replied annoyed over the comment Scorpius had said hundred times in the past five minutes.

Ivy chuckled at her friend's comment as she entered the common room. She had been in here a couple of times, but never for a party. The walls were red with gold designs of all shapes and sizes. Gryffindors of all ages were yelling and cheering as they drank butterbeer, of course firewhiskey was provided as well for the older students. She had to admit they knew how to throw a party. Music blared from the dance floor where everyone was having the time of their lives, completely forgetting of the classes that occurred the next morning.

"You all made it!" A tipsy Rose called out as she made her way towards the group. "There's butterbeer over there," She said pointing towards a table near the dance floor. "but just ask Fred for some firewhiskey he snuck in. Trust me it releases stress."

"We can tell." Scorpius grumbled from the back of the group. "Can we leave? I need bath, I'm starting to smell like a bloody Gryffindor."

"Oh get off your high horse Scorpius, we just got here." Daisy said making her way towards Fred in hope of having a shot of firewhiskey. "I don't know about you all, but I'm here to have fun."

"I second that." Harlow called following the Hufflepuff.

Scorpius soon wondered off to who knows where, leaving Albus and Ivy to engage into a conversation. It had been awhile since they had a conversation just the two of them because of her busy schedule. She had forgotten how much she loved talking to her best friend.

"I don't think you understand Ivy, I doubt I'll be able to take another lesson with Professor Lovegood." Albus said complaining over the class he had been failing. "You'd think since she was bestfriends with my parents she'd pass me, but clearly not. They named Lily after her for Merlin's sake! The least she could do is pass their son." Albus finished with a grumble.

Ivy let out a chuckle at his outburst. "I have absolutely no idea how you are failing that class, Care of Magical Creatures is one of the easiest subjects here at Hogwarts. Professor Lovegood is amazing at her job, she did travel around the world with her husband studying magical creatures before she got the position." Ivy said informing an annoyed Albus. "Also the last thing I need is you turning into your brother, he uses being Harry Potter's son as an excuse for anything."

Albus let out a scoff. "The last thing I'll be doing is becoming like my brother. You really think that low of me Ivy? Why I taught we were bestfriends." He joked.

Before Ivy could reply she heard someone calling Albus' name. Turning around they both spotted a young girl with blonde hair wearing her Gryffindor jumper.

"Oi Albus, come here!" Cara Harrison called out. Cara was well known around the school as the Gryffindor keeper. Albus and her have had an off and on relationship for the past year, yet they both seemed to always end up back together.

"Coming!" Albus called out before turning towards his best friend. "You don't mind do you? I told her I'd have a dance with her."

Ivy sent him a glare. "I thought you said you two were over, for good."

"I thought you were smarter than that Lennon?" James said as he approached the duo. "My little brother spends more nights in the Gryffindor common room than his own." James finished placing an arm around Albus for balance.

"Bloody hell James." Albus said pulling away from his brother. "You're tipsy, you can't just go blabbing around the common room!"

James shrugged putting an arm around Ivy for balance since Albus had rejected him. Unfortunately for Ivy he was almost a foot taller than her, she let out a groan as she felt his weight pushing down on her. In less than ten seconds the two tumbled towards the ground. James simply laugh as he felt no pain since Ivy had broken his fall. Ivy on the other hand struggled trying to push the boy off her while Albus broke out into laughter.

"This isn't remotely funny!" Ivy yelled towards the Slytherin. "Get your fucking brother off me before he breaks my bones!"

"Are you calling me fat?" James said rolling off Ivy. "I'll have you know I am very fit, I am the fastest flyer in all of Hogwarts, and-"

"My dearest apologies Ivy, but he seems to be your problem now. Have fun!" Albus said bidding goodbye to Ivy making his way away from the two on the floor.

"Albus Severus Potter! Get back here right now, he's your blood not mine!" She called out even though she knew he wouldn't come back to help, leaving James Potter to be her problem. She looked around the room hoping to find one of his cousins who wasn't completely wasted.

"Did I tell you what that bloody egg did?" James questioned peering up at Ivy.

"No, but go on tell me." She replied interested at what the egg had in store.

"I battled a human eating dragon for that stupid egg." James said before continuing. "All it did was make this awful eerie noise that left the whole common room death. I'm not exaggerating when I say my ears started bleeding. It sounded like you almost."

Ivy rolled her eyes at the boy's remark. "Could you go one sentence without making a stupid remark? I genuinely would like to know."

"Nope." He replied emphasizing on the 'p'.

"Great to know." She said walking away.

"Lennon!" He called out before she could take another step. "Mind helping me towards my room?"

Ivy rolled her eyes once again as she helped him of the wooden floors. He seemed to have regain balance once again which Ivy was very thankful again. She refused to fall on the floor once more. The two slowly made their way up the spiraling stairs that led towards the boy's dormitories.

"James could you walk any slower? By the time we get to your dorm it'll be December." She sighed as the boy made no attempt at speeding up.

"Could you be quiet for once? You wouldn't be such a pain in the arse if you kept that little mouth of yours shut." He said glaring towards the Ravenclaw. "You seem to get more annoying as the days pass."

"I'm doing you a favor to make sure you don't fall down these stairs and kill yourself." She said turning backwards to face the boy. "How bout' you stop being a complete asshole for once and say something like thank you. It's two simple words I'm not asking you to jump off the astronomy tower."

"When you don't show up for a Christmas dinner I'll say thank you, how does that sound? Except you'll always show up, I wonder when you'll figure out when you aren't wanted." James finished.

"For the hundredth time what do you have against me at your family dinners? I get you don't like me, but I don't even bother you unless you shoot some remark. I swear you're bloody obsessed with me and making sure I'm never happy." She said getting aggravated.

"I'm not obsessed with ruining your happiness." James scoffed.

"Oh really, where should I start? How about first year when you informed everyone to call me Lennon, or second year when you humiliated me in front of the whole school by showing embarrassing pictures of me. Lets not forget third year when you dyed my hair bright pink which lasted almost the entire school year." She fumed.

"I personally think you rocked the pink hair." James said hoping to calm her down.

She ignored his statement continuing her rant. "My all time favorite was when I got myself a boyfriend, but you told everyone I had put him under a love potion, he later broke up with me cause of your idiotic rumors you stirred up. I almost forgot the one that took the 'best prank award' home, you burnt my teddy bear which was the only thing I had from my mother."

James glanced towards Ivy with a guilty face. "Lennon I- I had no idea that bear was so important..."

"No, no you didn't, but everything is just a joke isn't it?"

"Lennon-" James started, but was interrupted by the shuffling that came from the broom closest a few feet away.

Forgetting about her outburst, Ivy tiptoed towards the closet wondering what was inside. Someone must have let their pet loose by accident. Although, instead of seeing an animal she was shocked by what, or should she say who stood in the closet.



James and Ivy yelled surprised at the two students who both had a blush rising on their cheeks. The two had been clearly making out before being caught by the two.

"Seriously Rose? A Slytherin, thought you couldn't sink any lower than Kaleb Graham." James said watching the scene unfold in front of him.

"Shut up James." Ivy said elbowing him.

"It isn't what it looks like." Rose said stepping out of the closet. "How bout' we just keep this between the four of us? That sounds like a good plan, don't you think Scorpius?"

"I fucking hate Gryffindor parties."


what house are
you in?

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