08 ; daft

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Ivy watched as the snow slowly started falling towards the ground. Winter was a time she adored for many reasons. The weather was amazing and she loved the festivities. Christmas held a special place in her heart, from decorating the trees to opening presents, Ivy was excited every year for the holiday season. When she heard she wouldn't be spending the special day with the Weasleys, but instead at a ball here at Hogwarts... she wasn't the happiest. She had no clue how to dance, nor did she want to learn. Most of all she hated that she'd have to put up with someone during the ball.

"I'm so excited for the ball!" Daisy cheered. "My cousins told me about their dances in the muggle world, but I'd never thought I'd experience one. The only thing I am worried about is the dancing, I'm not very good at that."

"I heard one of the professors saying we'd be taking lessons." Harlow informed joining in on the conversation. "They are separating us, Gryffindors will be taking classes with Ravenclaws, while Slytherins will be attending the classes with Hufflepuffs."

"Not the bloody Hufflepuffs." Albus groaned. "No offense Daisy."

"As if Slytherin is any better." She replied while rolling her eyes. Truth be told she didn't have many friends in her house, but she still stood up for her house with pride.

"There are a million things I rather do than go to a ball." Scorpius said playing with his food.

"Just ask Rose," Ivy said with a smirk. "you both looked comfortable in the broom closet. I'm sure you both will be fine on the dance floor." The group let out a loud laughter that caused the surrounding students to turn their heads. Ivy had failed to keep the secret, and told the group about her encounter with the pair.

"Don't act like you're excited for this dance, I think the whole haul heard your groan when the Headmistress announced it." Scorpius replied.

"Yeah what was that about?" Albus asked with a mouth full of chicken. "I thought all you girls would be jumping up and down."

"Don't get me wrong the ball sound fantastic and I am slightly excited, but the fact that we have to spend Christmas in Hogwarts upsets me." Ivy finished.

"I guess you got a point, at least we get to go home for a week after the ball." Albus said.

"Who do you all plan on going with?" Harlow questioned the group.

"We all know who Albus will be attending the ball with." Scorpius said.

"Oh shut your trap." Albus said sending him a glare.

"Did you say yes to the Durmstrang boy Ivy?" Daisy questioned.

Ivy looked up from her plate giving Daisy a glare. "I thought we agreed never to speak of what happened."

The group looked towards Ivy with a questioning look. The last time a boy had approached Ivy asking her to go to Hogwarts, she sent a jinx causing him to spend the night at the hospital wing. According to her he had deserved it, but the group was to scared to question what he had done.

"Well that's not fair." Harlow whined. "Now I want to know, Ivy c'mon tell me, I promise I won't laugh." Harlow said sticking up her pinkie finger. "Pinkie Promise."

Ivy rolled her eyes knowing she wouldn't escape Harlow's questioning. "Well for starters I didn't jinx him. James and I were walking out of the fields when a group of boys from Durmstrang headed our way. One of them came and asked if we were a couple, and I said no. He then proceed to ask me to the ball." Ivy said before continuing.

"I was going to say no, but before I could, James thought it'd be an excellent idea to embarrass me. He fired a tickling spell that sent me into a wave of laughter. I sent him into the lake after, but I'm still debating whether to kill him." Ivy said finishing her story.

"Kill him." Albus and Scorpius said in unison.


Ivy sat in her dorm studying for her upcoming test on Astrology. She gently rubbed the back of the white cat that sat in her lap peacefully. Before leaving Hogwarts her dad had gifted her the young kitten he found at the shelter. He had told her the kitten had the same bright blue eyes her mother once had. Although Ivy loved her friends, she loved the feline much more.

Harlow sat in her bed, listening to music, while sneezing every now and then. She had a mild allergy to cats, but she knew Ivy would never part with the animal. She was convinced Ivy would rather die than be separated from the cat.

"Did Iris sleep in my bed again?" Harlow questioned.

"Don't you go blaming my cat." Ivy argued. "She's a sweetheart, she knows not to go to your bed."

"Sure she is." Harlow grumbled. "I'm going to change the subject before I attack your cat. What is going on with James?"

Ivy closed her book looking up towards her best friend. "What do you mean?"

"Well you don't find it odd how he embarrassed you in front of the group of Durmstrang boys?" Harlow replied.

Ivy scoffed. "James will do anything to make my life a living hell. You'd think he'd be nicer since I'm taking time out of my day to help him."

"Although I understand you and James have a strained relationship, you don't think it has to do with anything else?" Harlow said hoping she would understand where the conversation was going.

Unfortunately she was completely clueless. "Harlow I'm positive the only motive James has is ruining my life, and that's it."

"I swear you are so daft at times, how did you get sorted into Ravenclaw." Harlow joked.

"Oh shove off!" Ivy exclaimed throwing her pillow across the room hitting Harlow square in the face. Both girls erupted into laughter most likely waking up everyone in the Ravenclaw dorms.


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