11 ; weddings

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Ivy walked down the halls oblivious of the stares she had been receiving. Girls and boys from all houses whispered her name into their conversations. News traveled fast at Hogwarts, and the latest was the unexpected pair attending the ball together. Everyone was confused as to why they were going together, since every time they talked it ended up in one of them getting hurt.

Speaking of people getting hurt, all the girls wanted to strangle Ivy for getting to guy they all wanted. Ivy on the other hand had no idea that word got out, and that her name was being whispered through out Hogwarts by students, and even some professors.

Ivy walked into the Great Hall looking for one of her friends; she soon spotted the group at the Slytherin table studying and eating their lunch. As she made her way towards them she finally started to notice everyone looking her way, especially the Gryffindor table. Most of James' friends thought she slipped him a love potion, or threatened him to be her date. Both sounded more reasonable then them going to the ball on normal circumstances.

The group stopped talking as soon as Ivy took her seat. They gave her questioning glances wondering if she was going to address the rumors going through out Hogwarts. Them themselves couldn't believe that she willingly agreed to join the ball with James, there was a greater chance of Ivy killing James on the spot than them going to the ball together.

"So..." Ivy started confused as to why the group wasn't being as loud as they usually were. "how was you all's day today? Can you believe all the work Professor Longbottom assigned? It's unbelievable."

"Why are you snogging a bloody Gryffindor." Scorpius questioned, earning a smack in the head from Albus. "What the hell man! It was just a question."

"If she doesn't want to talk about it, she doesn't have to talk about it." Albus said sending a glare towards Scorpius.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ivy questioned.

"I'm done with the suspense." Harlow exclaimed. "I know we said we wouldn't bombard her with questions, but this is James fucking Potter, she hates him more than she hates donuts!" Harlow finished.

It soon struck Ivy about the topic they were talking about, and all the glances she had been receiving. "How did you guys found out?" Ivy questioned. "I didn't tell anyone, and I doubt James went around the common room yelling my name."

"Apparently some Durmstrang guy went around saying you rejected him because you were going to the ball with James." Daisy said. "He said it to defend himself from getting rejected, but no one believed him until they asked James. When he confirmed it, it was soon passed around Hogwarts like wildfire, childish if you ask me." Daisy grunted returning to the notebook she was writing in.

"Four girls have asked me what love potion you used." Albus said.

Ivy scoffed. "I didn't use a love potion, I didn't even use a bloody potion."

"So it's true!" Harlow screamed causing several students to turn their heads. "James Sirius Potter actually asked you to the ball, and you actually said yes."

"Well I didn't technically say no." Ivy said rubbing the back of her neck. "I meant to say no, but James didn't give me much of an option when he turned down my last resort for me."

Harlow gasped. "The world is going to fucking end. I haven't even had sex yet!" She exclaimed causing Daisy to turn a bright shade of pink.

"That's disgusting." Albus groaned. "You're going to the ball with my brother. You promised you'd hate him for eternity with me, but either way I'm sure my mom is going to the love the news. Better yet my grandma is going to throw a party."

"Oh Merlin, please don't remind me." Ivy said remembering Molly's rant of how the two would eventually get together. She had gone as far as planning the wedding and what colors would look best on the floral décor, and even though Ginny wouldn't admit it she was secretly helping her mother plan as well.

"Grandma said Burgundy and Navy blue would be a good decision, what do you think Scorpius?" Albus said turning towards the Slytherin.

"I'd add a touch of Emerald." Scorpius replied playing along.

"I want to be the maid of honor!" Harlow screamed causing several eyes to widen in the Great Hall.

"Would you all shut up. There is no wedding, I rather marry a troll than James." Ivy said noticing all the students looking their way.

"Can I get a fake certificate to get you two married?" Daisy said ignoring the previous statement she had just spoken. "Or I'm pretty sure I can spell someone to give me theirs."

"You all are complete idiots."


Ivy sat in the freezing cold waiting for James to emerge from the water. He insisted he began training for the next event since he wasn't very good at swimming, in fact he was horrible. Ivy was hesitant at first, but agreed to join him as long as she went no where near the water considering it was her biggest fear.

She soon heard a splash that startled her causing her to loose the page of the book she had been enjoying. From the middle of the lake James came swimming back shivering from the water which was below zero. As he stepped onto shore he casted a spell warming his body up before he caught hypothermia, or some other disease.

"What was my time?" James questioned Ivy who was trying her hardest to find the page she had just left off on.

Looking towards the watch on her wrist she replied with the time. "Ten minutes, better than last time."

"Still not good enough." James groaned wrapping himself in blankets and sipping on the hot chocolate placed next to Ivy. "I got second in the last challenge, I need to get first in order to have a chance of winning the tournament."

"That's my drink you git." Ivy replied trying to snatch the drink that once belong to her. "Give it back, it's freezing."

"Exactly," James said swatting her hand away. "It's freezing and I just came out of freezing cold water."

"You're the one who insisted we come out here." Ivy said rolling her eyes. "If I were you I'd stay far, far away from the water."

"What's up with you and your fear for water?" James questioned. "The worst thing that could happen is you drowning, so what?"

"Yes I know that James, but excuse me if I don't want liquid filling up my lungs to the point where it feels like my insides are burning." Ivy said remembering what one of her step-sisters had mentioned while they went to the beach one summer, ever since she had refused to step any where near the water.

"C'mon I'll teach you." James said standing up and extending his hand out for her to take. "It's not that hard, you just have to float."

"James you barely learned how to swim yourself, I already told you I'm not going anywhere near the water." Ivy argued while continuing too look for the page she had left off on.

"It'll be fun, I promise." James said urging her to go into the water. "Plus I won't let you die, I wouldn't want to go the ball dateless."

"Believe me James, there are hundreds of girls ,and even some guys, at Hogwarts who'd leave their dates to attend the ball with you." Ivy replied.

"Sounded a little jealous there Lennon." James said chuckling. "Don't go and get attached to me, you'd ruin the oath you kept to yourself to loathe me for eternity."

"Trust me I won't." Ivy scoffed, but it was soon replaced with a smile finding the page she had left of on.

James watched as the girl continued on with her book. He knew the feelings he was feeling, and he hated himself for it. If he were being honest he had always felt something towards Ivy, but he'd never admit to anyone. He tried his hardest getting over the girl, but she'd always end up in his thoughts in the middle of the night. He believed that's why he hated her so much because he was never able to get rid of her, no matter how hard he'd try.


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