10 ; hogsmeade

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"You get your arse back here, right now Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy!" Daisy called out chasing the pale boy down the streets of Hogsmeade. He had managed to snatch her diary out of her grasp when she wasn't paying attention. Even though he'd never read it, he still liked to mess with the girl for his amusement.

While running Daisy had managed to fall straight on to her face. She stood up with an angered face, and snow covering her from head to toe.

Ivy chuckled watching the scene unfold in front of her eyes. The trips to Hogsmeade were her favorite events of the year, especially the ones nearing Christmas. She would use this time to buy gifts for all her family and friends. A frown appeared on her face when she realized she wouldn't be spending Christmas with the whole family, but Daisy attacking Scorpius lifted her spirits.

"I gave you your bloody book back Daisy!" Scorpius called out while dodging the jinxes being thrown his way. "I promise I didn't look, on Merlin's name! Stop throwing jinxes!" He yelled out once more before hiding behind Albus.

"I don't think so," Albus stated moving away from Scorpius, not wanting to be hit by a jinx as well. "don't put me in the middle of this."

"Help me out Albus!" Scorpius screeched barely escaping on of the spells being casted his way. "She's your cousin! Tell her to calm down."

"Sorry man," Albus said jogging away. "Ivy is calling me."

Ivy rolled her eyes towards his excuse. She was in no way shape or form asking Albus for help, but she scooted over allowing Albus to sit on the bench as well. "Yes Albus I need your help indeed, can I test a new spell on you." Ivy joked.

Albus scoffed. "Very funny Ivy, I just escaped one of Daisy's spells, I don't need yours."

"Just a thought." Ivy said continuing to sip on the hot chocolate that she held in her hands. It was nearing zero degrees Celsius, and the hot drink seemed to be the only thing keeping her warm at the moment.

"Where'd Harlow go?" Albus questioned noticing the brunette wasn't with the group. "Now that I think about it I haven't seen her for awhile."

"She went to go look for a dress for the Yule Ball." Ivy replied. "She went by herself saying she didn't want anyone seeing the dress until the day of the ball."

"So she's got a date I'm guessing, who is it?" Albus asked curiously.

"She wouldn't tell me, could you believe that!" Ivy exclaimed. "All she told me was that she asked someone, but made it very clear I wouldn't know who until the day of the ball."

"And you?" Albus questioned. "When are you going shopping for a dress, the ball is in less than a month."

Ivy shrugged. "I'm not sure, I don't even know who I'll be attending it with. If Scorpius doesn't get the courage to ask Rose I'll probably go with him."

Scorpius, who was eavsdropping on the conversation, spoke up. "I won't be asking Rose anytime soon, so might as well start shopping for a green dress."

"Scorpius just ask her!" Ivy exclaimed. "You two have liked each other for the past two years, this could be your chance, plus in no universe would I wear a green dress."

"I don't see the point." Scorpius said with a huff. "Even if we did become... something, our families despise each other. You out of all people should know."

"Pack it up Romeo and Juliet." Daisy joked joining in on the conversation between the group.

"Promise us you'll try." Ivy asked.

"I'll try," Scorpius said giving in. "but don't expect me to try my hardest."

"Don't worry Scorpius, we don't expect much from you anyways." Daisy said shrugging.

"Shut your mouth Dursley."

Ivy sat back watching the two bicker once again. It was nearing the time they had to head back, so Ivy volunteered to go find Harlow. Hogsmeade wasn't gigantic, but it would be difficult finding her through the crowds of busy people shopping for the holiday season.

James exited the Three Broomsticks noticing Ivy standing in the middle of the crowds with a worried expression on her face. He knew he had to head back with his friends in order to catch the carriage on time, but his mother would kill him if she ever found out he left the poor girl stranded. Before he could regret his decision, he bid goodbye to his friends making his way over to where Ivy stood.

"You look a little lost Lennon." James said startling Ivy. "The carriages are that way." He said pointing towards the opposite direction Ivy was headed.

"I know where the carriages are, I'm not an idiot." Ivy said rolling her eyes. "Also, would you stop scaring me any chance you get. I'm going to get a heart attack one of these days."

"That's the plan." James replied, not so jokingly.

"You're hilarious Potter, I would say to become a clown, but looks like you already are." Ivy said annoyed of his presence.

"Sorry Lennon," James started. "You told me that joke last week, therefore I win."

"We aren't even playing a game James." Ivy replied.

"We aren't?"

"James have you took notice that no one is laughing, not a soul." Ivy said. "Now unless you know where Harlow is I think this is the part where we bid goodbye." Ivy finished walking away from James.

"Harlow, the brunette always by your side?" James questioned catching up to her.

"Yes James, my best friend Harlow. I'm looking for her, she's been known to get lost in Hogsmeade multiple times."

"I saw her at the dress shop earlier when walking out of my uncle's joke shop." James said informing her. "Didn't see her after that, but I'm sure she headed towards the carriages."

Ivy groaned. "Well why didn't you mention that earlier! She's probably already at the carriages, and I'm here like a lost dog looking for it's owner."

"In my defense I didn't know you were looking for her." James replied. "Might as well head back towards the carriages before they leave us."

"I guess we should, I can't afford a detention for missing the carriages." Ivy agreed following James towards the ride.

The two walked quietly towards their destination, the last thing Ivy wanted to do was talk to James. She knew no matter what the conversation was, it would lead to a fight, and she had to much of a headache to put up with that. Lost in thought Ivy had failed to notice the boy approaching her.

"Ivy right?" The boy asked trying to catch her attention, which he succeeded in doing.

Ivy glanced over curiously since she had no idea who he was. She wasn't very social at Hogwarts, but she would of remembered him. He stood tall, around 6' foot, with broad shoulders and high cheek bones. He was one of the most handsome men she had ever met, there was no doubt about that.

"My name is Adrian Vladimir, I'm a student from Durmstrang." The boy said introducing himself with a thick Russian accent.

"Yes I am Ivy," Ivy said greeting him. "is there something you needed?"

James watched curiously besides Ivy, he didn't know this boy, but he didn't like him at all. He wasn't sure if it were the Russian accent, or his freakishly high cheek bones, he just wanted to send a spell towards the guy.

"I saw you around Hogwarts the other day, and you caught my eye." Adrian started. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

Ivy froze hearing what he had just asked. She hadn't expected him to ask her to Yule Ball, especially since they hadn't even had a full conversation yet. However though Ivy knew the ball was nearing, and she didn't have a date, most of the boys at Hogwarts were to scared to ask her out. Deciding to take a risk, she was going to agree to be his date to the ball.

"I would love too-"

"But she has a date to the ball already." James said cutting her off.

"And who's her date." Adrian questioned sending a glare towards James, they were around the same height, and towards Ivy's perspective it looked like they were having some sort of staring contest.

"Yes James, who is my date." Ivy said rolling her eyes.

"Why me of course." James replied causing her eyes to go wide. "Now if you'll excuse us Ass- I mean Adrian, we'll be heading our own way." James finished guiding her away from the boy.

"What makes you think I'm going to the ball with you?" Ivy asked annoyed of the scene that had just happened.

"You didn't say no." James replied with a shrug.

He was right, she hadn't said no.


who's your favorite
ship? (doesn't have
to be hp related)

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