14 ; pictures

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"Don't forget about me." Harlow said as they bid goodbye at the train station.

Ivy rolled her eyes bringing her into a bear hug. "It's one week Harlow, I don't think it's possible to forget you within a week."

It was the day after Christmas where most of the students headed home for the holidays. They were all exhausted from the ball the previous night. Ivy's smile soon faded remembering James' disappearance. After she danced with her friends for awhile, she found herself looking for James who was no where in sight. After finally giving up, she tried her best to enjoy the rest of the night.

"Ivy hurry up before we leave you!" Albus shouted earning him a smack from his mother.

"Take your time dear." Ginny called out sending the girl a small smile.

Finally removing herself from Harlow's arms she made her way towards the Potter family with her trunk in hand. Ivy's father had left on a vacation with his wife leaving Ivy to stay with the Potters for the week, of course she didn't mind.

"How was the ball?" Ginny questioned looking in between the four of them. "I remember the Yule Ball like it was yesterday, definitely my favorite event at Hogwarts. I wasn't supposed to go, but Neville had asked me last minute thankfully."

Harry let out a scoff. "The ball was horrible, did we go to the same one? I practically made a fool of myself, and I sat at the table the whole night with Ron."

"Sounds like a personal problem." Ginny replied.

Ivy watched at the couple continued to bicker about their years in Hogwarts. She loved hearing the stories they told, and the events that took place. Unfortunately her attention was pulled away by the stare she felt through the back of her head. Slightly turning around she caught James' eyes, but he quickly turned his head pretending as if nothing had happened. Choosing to ignore the bipolar git, she turned back around maintaining focus on the floor as the thoughts in her head overflowed.

Ivy didn't know what to do with James anymore, just when she thought he wasn't actually as bad as he had seemed, he goes back into his 'mood' ruining the situation. She continues too rack through her brain wondering what she had done that made him so upset, one minute they were dancing the next he was no where to be found, why didn't teenage males make sense. Oh right, they're teenage males.

As the family continued walking out of the train station Ginny noticed the look the that her eldest and Ivy held, she knew her son like the back of her hand, he was just as stubborn as her husband, it wouldn't have surprised her if he had been an idiot and complete ruined Ivy's time at the ball. "Harry I'm going to the shop to buy a Christmas present for Hermione." Ginny said turning towards her husband. "Ivy could you come help me? You're better at this stuff than I am." Ginny asked sending a small smile towards her.

Although Ivy gladly agreed, she was a bit confused. Ginny always had presents ready a month in advance, it wasn't like her to 'forget' a present. None the less she followed her towards the tiny shop located near the exit of the train shop. The two went towards the clothes section skimming through the racks trying to find a piece of clothing Hermione would wear.

"So how was James at the ball?" Ginny asked turning towards Ivy, she watched as she grew tense finding an excuse to make, little did she know Ginny already knew he hadn't been what she had hoped for.

"Well." Ivy said with a shrug. "He behaved I guess you could say, we did the champions dance then talked for a bit, and we went our own separate ways after that. Didn't see him till right now when we got off the train."

Ginny listened at the girls explanation, she knew she was upset that he had disappeared, it was quiet obvious the feelings the two held for each other, everyone could see except the two of them. "James was quiet excited for the ball in the letter he wrote, why would he leave early?" Ginny questioned hoping to get more detail of the situation at hand.

"No idea, Albus asked for a dance, but right after when I went looking for him he was gone. Must of gone to the dorms." Ivy replied deciding to leave out the possible kiss that was about to happen if it weren't for Albus.

Ginny soon understood what had happened, James was always a very jealous kid, he was known to take everything out of context. It was no surprise to Ginny that he left after seeing her with Albus. "Maybe you should talk to him." Ginny suggested.

"Maybe." Ivy replied, but had no intention to. If he wanted to be stubborn, fine, two could play at that game.


"Oi give that back." Someone yelled from inside the Burrow.

A smile appeared on Ivy's face as they made there way inside the home, it was no doubt The Burrow was the place she felt happiest, not even James had managed to ruin that for her. There were many smiles in the house hold, very many, and the laughter was non-stop as Mrs.Weasley scolded at James and Fred, time does like to repeat itself. The table was set with a variety of choices to eat, but of course Mrs.Weasley's pastries always caught her attention, she wasn't exaggerating when she said they tasted like Heaven. They were the first thing Ivy planned on cooking when she actually learned how to cook, and she really needed to learn, she almost burned down the Potter's household while making biscuits.

Harry knocked on the wall hoping to catch the other's attention that they had arrived, anyone could have walked in and the rest probably would have never noticed, Mrs.Weasley refused locking the door saying "This house hold is open for anyone and everyone." The ruckus died down as they all greeted the family and Ivy. The lack of noise caught Molly's attention, she taught to herself either someone got killed, or someone just came in. Going for the most reasonable option she left the kitchen going to the living room where everyone was seated. As she made her way in she noticed her favorite couple, yes to her they were a couple, despite the fact that they weren't on the greatest terms.

She pushed everyone out of the way bring Ivy and James into a hug, squishing them together. "Oh look how lovely you two look! Albus sent me a picture of you two at the ball, I already framed it!' Molly said causing Ivy to send a glare towards Albus. Then she questioned how Molly managed to frame it so quickly considering the ball was yesterday, never mind she probably had the frame waiting in advance.

"We're here too grandma." Lily and Albus chorused, but Molly simply ignored them gushing over the two teens, young love as she liked to call it. She had seen all her kids go through it, and had been waiting what felt like ages to see her grandchildren go through it.

Ivy and James were silent not knowing what to say, they both didn't want to break Molly's heart, especially since they had got her all worked up. Deciding to be 'friendly' for the holiday season, which James may add already ended, so this was coming from his heart, gave Ivy a look saying to play along. "The ball was great Grandma, Ivy and I had a wonderful time, why don't you show us the picture you framed."

Although Ivy was shocked at first, she went along with James' statement once she saw the smile that appeared on Molly's face. Molly guided both of them towards a table where a bunch of pictures sat. She pointed towards a photo that sat in the middle, it showed the two dancing and laughing at the fact that Ivy couldn't dance. Although Ivy was furious with James at the moment, she decided she could hold off the bickering for a week until they headed back to Hogwarts, she hoped.

"She didn't even bother saying hello to me!" Harry exclaimed clinging on to his wife grumpily. "Since when did James become her favorite, this is absolutely outrageous! Maybe we should divorce then get back together so she can gush over me- I mean us again." Harry said thinking he had come up with the best plan ever.


"Yes Ginny?"

"Shut the fuck up."


i need a ship name
for James and Ivy lol

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