13 ; corset

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"Ivy Lennon Blane! Get your fucking cat off me." Harlow yelled attempting to push the cat off her bed. "I refuse to have an allergic reaction before the ball."

It was the day of the Yule Ball. Headmistress McGonagall had cancelled all classes giving enough time for the students, who were attending, to prepare. Girls were rushing from dorm to dorm worrying about what they were going to do with their hair, while the boys took the free time to their advantage hanging out in the common room drinking butterbeer.

For the past hour Ivy watched Harlow pace around the room worriedly. She constantly asked if the color of her dress complimented her skin tone, or which heels matched the dress better. The dorm they shared was now a mess with clothes thrown all over the place, Ivy didn't even want to imagine how long it would take to get everything back in its place.

"My cat has a name, maybe if you said it she wouldn't bother you as much." Ivy replied defending Iris. "The ball is only eight hours away, can you calm down now? Wouldn't want mystery girl to see all your wrinkles."

Harlow gasped running towards the mirror. "You liar, tell me you're lying right this instant! I do not have a single wrinkle, I am flawless." Harlow exclaimed carefully examining every inch of her face.

Ivy let out a laugh watching the girl continue to grow more nervous as the seconds passed. "I was only joking with you Harlow, get away from the mirror you're causing it to fog up."

"You are an arse Ivy Blane. I wonder why we're still friends at times." Harlow said jokingly.

"Because you'd be nothing without me." Ivy replied laying back down on the soft bed. "Can you give me a clue about your date? What year is she in? Do I know her?" Ivy questioned turning towards Harlow who was still attempting to remove Iris from her bed.

"I already told you, you'll find out tonight. Like you said, the ball is only eight hours away." Harlow smirked using the sentence Ivy had used on her earlier. "Trust me you'll like her, in fact you already do."

"That's not fair!" Ivy whined. "You know who I'm going to the ball with, and I'm your bestfriend therefore I should have the right of knowing who you are attending the ball with." Ivy finished crossing her arms over her chest.

"Everyone knows who you're taking to the ball, in case you haven't noticed it was the biggest gossip around Hogwarts." Harlow replied in a deadpan voice. "I'm still being asked daily what love potion you used, you know it isn't nice to hog secrets."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "They ask me daily as well, at this point I just say I got it from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. George sent me an owl the other day thanking me for all the sales they've been receiving from his product."

"Ivy you could totally be the face of the company!" Harlow joked.

"Oh shove off."


"Ivy how does my hair look?" Harlow questioned playing with her thick locks. She had decided to leave her natural hair loose considering it was almost impossible to tame or straighten.

"For the fiftieth time Harlow, you look amazing I'm sure your date is going to be in awe." Ivy replied tying her hair into a low ponytail. Although she had planned to leave it in its natural state Harlow refused, using her iron she managed to straighten her hair before she had a chance to argue.

"Can you tie the corset? It's impossible doing it yourself." Harlow asked turning her back towards Ivy. "They need to make a spell to tie this damn thing."

"I'm sure there is, but you are to lazy to learn." Ivy said with a small chuckle.

Before Harlow could reply a fellow Ravenclaw came into their dorm informing them that the ball started in less than fifteen minutes. "Are you joking!" Harlow exclaimed checking the clock she had placed on her desk. "How could have I lost track of time?" She shouted gathering all her things while Ivy tried her best not to break out into a fit of laughter.

"Ivy stop laughing and grab your things! We are in a crisis." Harlow said acting as if a bomb were about to explode at Hogwarts. "I refuse to show up late at our first ball, put on your shoes immediately!"

"Going mom." Ivy joked slipping on her heels.

The two made there way out of the common room falling behind the crowd of students. After what felt like forever walking in the heels, they managed to find themselves at the staircase entering the Grand Hall. "Wait!" Harlow exclaimed stopping Ivy before she could walk down the steps.

"For the last time Harlow, you look amazing! Your date's jaw is going to drop when she sees you, I guarantee." Ivy finished sending a small smile towards her best friend. "You know I'd never lie to you."

Harlow let out a breath of relief after her statement. "I really like her Ivy, I don't want to ruin it. I've had a crush on her forever, and ever since she confessed her feelings for me I've been worried. That's why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want any teasing that pushed her away before we could become something, you know?" Harlow finished still slightly nervous.

Ivy gave her a smile before pulling her into a grand hug. "How could she not want to be with you? You're amazing, smart, and the whole package. If she doesn't see that then she's as blind as a bat."

While Ivy was comforting a nervous Ivy, James waited at the bottom of the steps with Fred. Turns out Harlow wasn't the only nervous one. The whole day James thought of all the things that could go wrong, he began to worry even more when the Headmistress informed him about the dance the champions had to do with their partners. He knew that he was great at dancing, but he also knew she wasn't exactly the best. Therefore he was scared she would leave him not wanting to participate in the dance.

"You look like you're about to give birth." Fred chuckled. "She'll be down in a bit, you know how long girls take."

"Wouldn't be surprised if she left him dateless." Scorpius whispered towards Albus, the two were having the time of their lives watching James Potter worry.

"At least I managed to get a date." James replied hearing his little remark. "Seems like every girl rejected you, I can't blame them."

Scorpius gave him a small smirk before pointing towards a figure standing behind him. "As much as I'd like to back you up cousin, I can't." Rose said making her way towards where Scorpius stood.

"Him Rose!" Fred and James exclaimed at the same time.

"Bloody hell what if Lily's date is the Slytherin I saw her talking to earlier!" James said.

"I think you might want to get to your date first." Fred said pointing towards the top of the stairs where Ivy and Harlow stood.

James' jaw dropped at her appearance. His eye's followed her movements as she made her way towards the final steps greeting him.

"Eyes up here Potter." Ivy joked.

James quickly knocked himself out of the faze he was put in. "Lennon do you really think that low of me? I am a gentleman after all."

Although Ivy had planned to reply, a certain pair caught her eyes. She watched as Harlow and Daisy shared a small kiss before entering the Grand Hall with everyone else.

"Close your mouth before you swallow a fly." James said pushing her chin up. "Why the shocked face all of the sudden? Can't believe how dashing I look?"

"I'm an idiot." Ivy said still shocked she hadn't seen all the signs.

"Well we already knew that."

"Shut up James, I'm still trying to process the fact that I couldn't see the love between my two best friends!"

"The curly one and the blonde one?" James questioned. "You really are an idiot Lennon, I can't even remember their names yet I thought they were a couple. Always see them making their way out of classes blushing, pretty obvious if you ask me."

The two continued their discussion before being interrupted by Headmistress McGonagall. "Mr.Potter and Mrs.Blane, the champion dance is about to start. Please do me a favor and make your way towards where the others are standing." She finished pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"James what dance is she talking about?" Ivy asked worriedly. "You know I couldn't dance even if my life depended it on it, I think I'm worse at dancing than I am at swimming!"

"Don't worry I've got this all under control."


"You did not have that under control." Ivy said towards James as they made their way off the dance floor.

"It wasn't that bad." James argued.

"When you told me you had a plan I hadn't expected it to be just standing of your toes the whole time." Ivy said.

"Technically it wasn't the whole time," James said grabbing a cup of butter beer and handing it to Ivy. "there was that lift."

James' plan wasn't horrible, but of course she'd never admit it. Although they weren't the best dancers out of the three pairs, they managed to prevent themselves from embarrassing each other in front of the three schools.

Ivy sat down at the seat with her name written on it, joining in on her right James took a seat as well saying he need to 'rest his toes'.

The two talked about what not, and Ivy actually found herself laughing from time to time. She liked this side of James, the one that wouldn't yell for no reason, or send jinx towards first years in the hallways.

"So you're going to play professional quidditch?" Ivy questioned.

"Yes, once I graduate I'm going to try out for Puddlemere United, Oliver Wood is the coach for next season he's one of the best quidditch players ever! Did you know my dad played with him?" James questioned.

"Yes James, you've only mentioned it ten times in this conversation." Ivy joked. "Although don't you have to be recruited in order to try out? There's no quidditch this year, how's that going to work?"

"I've been talking to scouts since my fifth year, and last year before this tournament came along I was offered a spot to be recruited my seventh year." James informed her.

"Well if you're half as good as your mum I'm sure you'll make it."

"I'm way way, way better than my mum." James argued causing them both to go into a fit of laughter. Even he knew he'd never be as good as his mom.

"Let's go dance," James said standing up and extending his arm for Ivy to take. "Just one dance then we can come back and talk."

Ivy looked towards the students who were dancing across the dance floor. The waltz had turned into some sort of jump movement that didn't seem too difficult.

"As long as I don't have to waltz I'm all yours." Ivy said reaching for his hand.

The two joined the crowd jumping up and down to the song that was being played. Ivy couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun.

"I love this song! I haven't heard it in ages."  Ivy yelled towards James through the booming of the song and yelling from students

James looked down at the girl curiously, he had not caught a single word of what she had just said. He then lowered himself to her height in order to understand what she had just said.

"What did you say?" James questioned.

Ivy froze at their proximity. James had failed to notice how close he had got, and how they were now making straight eye contact. He felt the adrenaline pump through his veins as he stared into her bright blue eyes, he was practically mesmerized.

The two soon cancelled everyone, and everything out. Almost as if they had forgotten there were other people in the world. Taking a risk James felt himself slowly leaning in towards her lips that were coated by a red gloss.

The loud booming of the music must have affected her brain, Ivy thought to herself as she found herself leaning in as well. Just as she felt his hot breath over her lips she heard a call causing her to pull away abruptly.

"Ivy!" Albus yelled making his way towards the pair. "You promised your best friend a dance." He said waving his arm signaling her to join him.

"Going," Ivy yelled back before turning towards James. "Got to go with the other Potter now." Ivy said in joking matter still trying to steady her breath from what had, or had almost happened.

"Yeah I guess you do."



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