16 ; spells

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"I think she has you under a spell mate." Fred said concerned over his cousins behavior.

The two had been planning pranks to play for the remainder of the stay, but every time Ivy was brought up as a victim, James immediately said no. Fred began getting warry of James, considering Ivy used to be his favorite victim, it wasn't like him to deny a prank that'd affect her. James hadn't told Fred about the conversation he had with Ivy, he knew that he'd tease him endlessly and tell the rest of the family. James knew Ivy was hesitant over his feelings, teasing from the family would just push her farther away, that was the last thing James wanted.

Ivy herself had noticed the difference in James, she found it quite amusing, but sweet as well of his change in behavior. He hadn't pushed his brother down the stairs, yet, nor had he punched Scorpius, again, yet. Turns out James Potter was trying his best to keep his word, and that's all she needed for now. A change in character was what she had been waiting for.

"She doesn't have me under a spell Fred, I just don't think we should prank her. I already ruined her time at the ball, she doesn't deserve to be stressed for the rest of the week because of me... I mean us." James finished fixing his mess up in words.

"She took Scorpius' side in the argument we had yesterday." Fred said referring to the argument the group had over Quidditch. "She said that Slytherin deserved the cup last year, it's barbaric, they definitely cheated." Fred said still upset over the lost from last year.

James rolled his eyes. "They did cheat, but it's a different perspective from the stands. She wouldn't have known unless she was playing the game."

Fred gasped. "Mate she really has you under a spell, you sound... sophisticated."

"Fred I don't even know how to spell sophisticated, blimey I don't even think you know what sophisticated means." James said.

"And you do?"

"Fair point."

Ivy and Albus walked in the kitchen curious of the argument Fred and James were having, their words weren't clear, but the pair had heard them talking from the living room. "What are you two talking about?" Albus questioned surprising Fred and James, they quickly stood in front of the supplies they had for pranks.

"Nothing!" The both chorused trying to not act suspicious, but they weren't the best liars.

"As long as my hair doesn't end up pink, continue on with your mischievous ways." Ivy said with a small chuckle. Although she wouldn't tell James because it'd add onto his ego, his pranks were... funny. They gave her a good laugh when she was feeling down, of course as long as the pranks were directed to someone else.

"That's actually a good idea." Fred started, but received a smack in the head from James signaling him to shut up, the last thing he needed was Ivy to be warry of him.

"I check my shampoo every time I shower thanks to you two, so there is no way you'll be able to prank me with that again." Ivy stated sending a glare towards both of the boys. "I'm sure you'll be able to prank Scorpius and Rose, they're both on cloud nine at the moment."

Albus let out a scoff. "Scorpius is checking his surroundings 24/7, he's terrified thinking Uncle Ron will come out of no where and hex him."

"I don't blame him." Ivy murmured. "I caught him hiding behind a tree spying on the two."

The conversation was cut short when Roxanne and Molly Weasley walked into the kitchen, Roxanne was trying her best to calm down her worried Grandmother. Scorpius' surprise visit caught Molly by surprise, and she hated that she wasn't prepared with a big meal to welcome him to the family, especially since her son was giving him a hard time, which she repeatedly scolded at him. The boy had just lost his Grandfather, whether he liked him or not, and his father was going crazy. Once she was informed the poor boy didn't have a mother she began to cry of sorrow for Scorpius, no one should have to go through this alone in Molly's mind.

"Roxanne I don't have the ingredients! He's going to believe I don't want him here, that is the last thing I want the boy experiencing!" Molly exclaimed rummaging through the cabinets. "You all are only here for another two days, I want him to have a proper Weasley dinner before he heads off."

"Just ask Teddy and Victoire to pick up the ingredients on their way over here, they are coming by tomorrow." Roxanne suggested.

"I need the ingredients by the morning in order to have everything set! It won't work out, I'm telling you honey." Molly said continuing to rummage through out her kitchen.

An idea popped into James' mind, he hadn't been able to have a conversation with Ivy in private since that night. It was almost impossible to talk to her with the amount of people in The Burrow at the moment, but a small trip to Hogsmeade would finally give him his opportunity to talk to her. "Lennon and I can apparate to Hogsmeade for your ingredients, if we leave now we'll make it back before the sun sets." James suggested wrapping an arm around her. She sent him a confused look, but went along with his suggestion. She had been cooped up in the house with so many people for the past couple of days, a trip to Hogsmeade didn't sound like a bad idea.

"Can I come?" Albus questioned.

"NO!" Fred and Roxanne chorused.

"I need help in the backyard." Roxanne lied. She knew the situation between Ivy and James, she also knew Albus was so blind that he didn't see their relationship growing.

"Ok?" Albus said slightly scared of the murderous glare he was receiving from Roxanne.

"Well," Molly said clapping her hands. "Here is a list of what I need for dinner tomorrow, Ivy I'm trusting you." Molly said handing her the list.

"Do you not trust me?" James asked jokingly.

"No." Molly answered bluntly. "Now head off both of you." She said pushing them out of the door.

The two made their way towards the empty grass in order to apparate safely. James took ahold of Ivy's hand intertwining their fingers. Ivy stared up at the boy raising an eyebrow. "Who said you could hold my hand?"

"Last time I checked you haven't took your apparation test, therefore I'm going to hold your hand so you won't get splinched and die on me." James said gripping her hand tighter at the thought of her getting splinched.

"I guess you're right."

"Always am." He replied sending her a smirk.


The pair walked through the streets of Hogsmeade with the groceries Molly requested in hand. The streets were busy as everyone hurried for fireworks and party décor for the New Year celebration. James guided the two towards The Three Broomsticks, while Ivy tried her best not to slip on the ice that covered the ground, she had already fallen twice and was sure she gained multiple bruises. The only thing that kept her from falling for a third time was James' hand which was intertwined with hers. Thank Merlin it was cold outside and she could blame the weather for the blush that crept on her cheeks.

After what felt like ages of walking through the cold winds, the pair finally found themselves at The Three Broomsticks, it was fairly crowded, so James led the two towards the back corner booth where they could talk without being interrupted.

"What do you fancy?" James questioned.

Ivy chocked on her own breath sending her into a fit of coughs. "What do you mean what do I fancy?" Ivy replied finally catching ahold of her breath once again.

"You know, to drink, what do you fancy to drink?" James asked once again.

"Oh, a hot chocolate will be fine." Ivy replied. She had been caught off guard by the question, her mind had heard 'who do you fancy' which caused her to freeze.

"Seriously Lennon? We're at The Three Broomsticks and you don't fancy a butterbeer, what is wrong with you?"

"Potter we just walked through the freezing weather, go get me a hot chocolate."

"Fine, fine, fine."

James soon came pack holding a butterbeer in one hand, while the other carried Ivy's beloved hot chocolate. He handed her the drink before sliding in next to her. The two continued to talk about random topics, the smile that Ivy wore at the Yule Ball returned once again speaking with James, hopefully he wouldn't run off this time.

"You've never been to a muggle concert!" Ivy exclaimed looking at the boy intensely. "Next time I go visit my father we have to attend one, they're fantastic!"

A smile grew on James' face watching the witch talk about the concerts she had been too, although he wasn't completely sure what she was talking about, all he cared for was the happiness that grew on her face. He simply nodded through out the conversation scared of saying anything that would cause the smile to disappear.

"It's getting late James, we should probably head back before the others get worried." Ivy suggested, James slowly nodded even though he himself did not want to leave, he was having a great time with Ivy.

"I didn't bring my wallet." Ivy said embarrassed by the scene, she didn't want it to seem as if she was dependent of him.

"You could always pay we back with a kiss." James said jokingly, although he wouldn't turn down the offer.

"In your dreams Potter."

"Worth a shot."


i was about to have jivy kiss...
but i have a future plan
for the two

i also want to say thank you
to all the readers, at first i thought
this would be a short book with
about 20 chapters, but i got so attached
to all the characters, it's a different
experience writing hp next gen because
there is no right from wrong
i can't wait for you all to read
what i have in store for this story!

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