17 ; muggle shows

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Ivy woke up to an unpleasant smell, it was as if acid had been poured all over her bed. She quickly sat up looking at her surroundings wondering where the awful stench was coming from. She soon realized her pillow had bright pink stains, her eyes widened at the sight. She quickly ran towards the mirror slightly scared of what she was going to see. As soon as she looked into the mirror her first thought was "I'm going to kill Fred Weasley."

"Fred Weasley!" Ivy called out alarming the whole house. "You better apparate before I get to you unless you want to be dead." Ivy said as she stomped down the the stairs.

James look over at his cousin who wore a worried glance, it was only ten in the morning what could he have done. He then looked over at where Ivy stood with hot pink streaks down her hair, as much as he wanted to burst into laughter he simply took a step back not wanting to get hurt. "I had nothing to do with this Lennon." James said raising his hands in the air.

"What do you think James? I was going to go for blue, but I decided to keep the tradition going." Fred said with a cheeky grin, but James didn't reply, instead he sent a silent prayer for his cousin.

Without a second thought Ivy pulled out her want firing a spell towards Fred turning his hair neon green. James quickly put his hands over his head not wanting the same fate, he had nothing to do with this but who knew what the girl was capable of.

"What the fuck!" Fred shouted running towards the closest mirror. "Yours was just a couple of semi-permanent streaks, you just gave me a permanent green scalp!" Fred exclaimed.

"Would you like me to turn your skin green next?" Ivy questioned causing Fred to shut his mouth, he knew she was smart and held countless of jinxes up her sleeve.

"I think they suite you." James said trying to ease the tension. "They really match your outfit." He said referring to the pastel pink pajamas she still had on.

"I look like pinkie pie." Ivy replied rolling her eyes.

James looked up at her confused. "Who's pinkie pie?"

"It's a muggle show." Ivy said pulling out a bottled water from the fridge. "I really need to get you into some muggle shows you're missing out."

"I'll pass, last time you showed me some vampire show where all they did was drink blood, I don't understand how you can watch that." James said.

"The guys." Ivy said laughing to herself while James rolled his eyes.

"I'm way hotter." James said grumbling to himself.

"Sure you are." Ivy replied ruffling his hair. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find out how to remove pink hair dye before any one else sees."


Ivy watched amused as James and Fred were forced to set up the table. Victoire, who had just arrived with Teddy, tried her best showing where each spoon should be placed. The boys stood dumbstruck at the blonde girl, they didn't even know there was more than one spoon. Teddy's blue hair changed to a bright pink while dying of laughter, the boys shot him an annoyed look. Teddy's laughter quickly distracted Victoire which left the boys an opportunity to run towards the living room, where Ivy sat, before she went into further detail.

"Ivy you and Teddy have matching hair!" Fred joked referring to the pink strands she hadn't been able to remove.

"At least it doesn't look like I have a booger on my head." Ivy replied rolling her eyes. She didn't mind the pink strands as much as she did at first, they were fairly hidden and you could barely see them. It was nothing compared to Fred's bright green hair. "I think I'll just shave it off next time." Ivy grinned.

"You wouldn't dare." Fred gasped clutching onto his hair. "My hair is one of my greatest features, I'd look like an egg without it!"

"You already do." Albus mused from the stairs. Lily, Rose, Scorpius, Hugo, and Roxanne followed behind Albus making their way to the living room. It looked like a classroom as all the kids bunched up in the already tight room. "You're the Malfoy kid right?" Teddy questioned extending his hand to greet Scorpius.

"Yes." Scorpius replied trying his best to form a smile, he wasn't the best with meeting new people... he just wasn't good with people in that matter.

The adults soon joined the group, there were so many people Ivy couldn't count, then again she loved being surrounded by the warmth of the family. Molly instructed everyone to sit at the table while she brought out the food, everyone offered to help but she refused every response. Chatter was filled through The Burrow as everyone began to stir up conversations about their year.

"No fucking way!" Teddy yelled causing everyone to turn their heads and stop their conversations. "James took Ivy to the ball? How are the two still alive right now!" Teddy exclaimed pointing towards the picture of the two at the Yule Ball. Ivy's cheeks began to grow red while James sent Teddy a stern look.

"Teddy shut your mouth." Victoire said slapping her boyfriend on the back of his head, she had noticed the embarrassment that grew on Ivy's face. Victoire herself had gone through the same thing at the beginning of her relationship with Teddy.

"I asked her to the ball, simple as that." James replied.

"At least he didn't go with a Slytherin." Fred stated causing Rose to turn her direction towards him. Fred and Scorpius had been getting into arguments ever since he arrived, although James was able to keep him composure, Fred wasn't as successful. He repeatedly fought with Scorpius saying he wasn't good enough for his cousin.

"What's so wrong with Slytherins?" Albus asked speaking up. "Sorry that we aren't treated like royalty." He argued defending his house. Albus hated whenever houses were brought up because he was the only one who was sorted into Slytherin, when all his life he was expected to be in Gryffindor with the rest of the family.

"Nothing is wrong with Slytherin." Ivy said speaking up. "Everyone had different beliefs and views, the sorting had Albus placed into Slytherin for a reason and he is doing just fine." Ivy finished defending her best friend.

"Exactly." Victoire said joining in. Ivy and her both knew Ravenclaw was the superior house, but they decided to not act immature at shut their mouths for the time being.

"We need more Ravenclaws in this family." Ginny muttered towards her husband.

"But Gryffindors are better." Harry whispered back.

"You're almost forty and you still talk as if you're in our fifth year at Hogwarts." Ginny said rubbing her temple.

From across the table Ivy thanked Merlin for the change of subject, she didn't want that night being brought up again. She looked towards the black haired boy who began to stir a conversation with Teddy, she noticed the blush that grew on his face causing her to let out a chuckle.

"What's funny?" Lily asked turning towards Ivy.

"Nothing." Ivy replied taking her stare off James. "Nothing at all."


what fictional character
do you hate most?
(doesn't have to be hp)

this is more of a filler chapter,
but i wanted to post one
last burrow scene before they
head back towards hogwarts :)

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