18 ; difficult

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The halls of Hogwarts were once again filled with laughter as students from all houses rushed to their next class. It was the second semester bringing stress to all the students because of the upcoming tests. The three champions were once again training for their upcoming task in the lake. James started distancing himself from Ivy afraid that she'd be the person he had to rescue, he'd never forgive himself if she hurt herself or had a panic attack due to the water. Ivy began taking notice to the fact that James didn't bother her much, but instead of celebrating her heart began to sink. It hurt to admit it, but she missed fighting with James over the simplest things. She also began to worry if he had lost the feelings he said he had.

"What's with the frown?" Harlow questioned noticing Ivy's face. Ivy usually wore a smile with the group, but the past few weeks had been different. Everyone noticed the change of attitude.

Ivy lifted her head being pulled out of her thoughts. "Nothing, upcoming test have my head spinning." Ivy lied. She hadn't told anyone about her encounter with James and preferred to keep it that way. Everyone was doing just fine Harlow was happy with Daisy and Scorpius and Albus seemed to be enjoying their lives to the fullest, Ivy didn't want to be the one who brought everyone down.

"Ivy you're easily the smartest student in our year, you have nothing to worry about." Daisy said sending her a warm smile.

"Did my brother do something?" Albus asked causing Ivy to tense up. "I could go knock some sense into him if you'd like. I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind if she knew the reason I put James in the hospital wing, in fact I'd think she'd encourage it, better yet do it herself."

Ivy let out a small chuckle of Albus' joke, although she wouldn't be surprised if Ginny did do it. "Albus it has nothing to do with James, ever since the tournament began I've struggled keeping my grades high, that's all." Ivy said lying once again. She hated the feeling of lying to her bestfriends, but she felt as if it were for the best.

"Thankfully the second task is tomorrow." Scorpius said with a scoff. "If I'm handed another badge with James' face plastered on it I might drown myself in the lake. Twenty have been slipped into my bookbag today, twenty!" Scorpius exclaimed pulling out the collection of badges covered by James.

The expression on Scorpius' face caused the group to let out a roar of laughter, the frown that laid on Ivy's face faded as Albus choked on his drink because of laughter. Ivy hoped she could get through the rest of the day, and the practice she had with James.


James swam back to shore not noticing Ivy waiting for him. He went to the lake an hour earlier than usual hoping to avoid her, but he had forgotten she always came earlier than what they had planned. He stepped out of the water taken back by Ivy's figure, he almost fell back into the water. Ivy wore a frustrated face as she neared James, at first she hoped the reason they hadn't talk much was because he was busy, but she was certain now he was just avoiding her at all cost.

James let out a gulp as they stood staring at each other, the silence couldn't be louder. He knew he was ruining any chance of her having feelings for him, but he rather her hate him than face her worst fear. Knowing he'd be the cause that sent her to the bottom of the lake laid a sick feeling in his stomach.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Ivy questioned. "Ever since we arrived to Hogwarts you've been distancing yourself. I'm supposed to be helping you, but if you come a hour earlier than we plan how am I supposed to do that? You're being difficult James."

"I'm being difficult?" James said with a scoff. "The challenge is getting me stressed Lennon, I need some alone time without you hovering over my back all the time." James lied, he loved having her around, but getting her angry seemed to be the only solution of pushing her away.

"I'm not hovering over your back James, I'm just trying to do my part helping you. I was given a task and no matter how difficult you are I plan to complete it." Ivy replied.

James rubbed his temple over her stubbornness, there was no getting rid of her no matter how hard he tried. "Lennon I am capable of doing a couple of laps around the lake without you here, I know how to swim unlike some people."

"You aren't swimming laps James, you're going to the bottom of the lake! There's a huge difference between the two. Just because you can swim doesn't mean you won't drown. You don't know what's under the lake." Ivy said.

"Don't you have some test to go studied for? How about you go do that and leave me alone, I'm considering your statement of drowning." James replied.

Ivy could not believe his behavior, just as she thought he was changing, a new leaf starts to sprout again, there was no hope for James Potter. "Fine go ahead and drown, don't expect me to jump into the water if you need help," Ivy said. She picked up her bookbag heading back towards Hogwarts tired of him.

"That's the thing," James said whispering to himself. "I don't want you to go into the lake."


Ivy stormed into Hogwarts furiously, her sadness of James avoiding her turned into pure anger. She wanted to drown him herself. She was trying her best to put up with him, but at this point she wasn't even sure if it were worth it. Students sent a questioning glance as they watched her grumpily walk towards the library. Although it was stereotypical of her Ivy grabbed one of her favorite classics and began to read hoping to calm herself down.

"Ivy is right there Headmistress." A student called out.

Ivy glanced up from her book noticing one of the younger Ravenclaw students standing with the Headmistress. McGonagall quickly thanked the student sending him off. Ivy put her booked down wondering what the Headmistress needed. Had she come to inform her James requested someone else to help him, it wouldn't have surprised her.

"Did James tell you something?" Ivy questioned. "Whatever he said isn't true, he's just in a mood as always."

"Mr.Potter hasn't informed me of anything lately." The Headmistress replied. "I've actually came to you in need of help for the next task."

"Anything Headmistress." Ivy said with a smile. "Do you need help with lifting the stands or selling butterbeer?"

"No Ms.Blane I have that all covered, I have a bigger role saved for you."

Ivy gulped realizing what she needed her for. "Headmistress I believe you have the wrong person, James wouldn't mind leaving me down there for eternity."

"Boys are complete idiots." Headmistress said with a small chuckle. "They aren't the best in knowing what to do in complicated situations. Mr.Potter would fight a hundred mermaids to ensure you made it out of the water safely."

Ivy gave her confused glance. "I'm not sure if you're correct Headmistress, but if you believe I should go to the bottom of the lake, so be it. As long as I am asleep."

"Very well then, follow me."

Ivy took a deep breath following the Headmistress towards her office.


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favorite youtuber?

sorry for thanking SO
long to update, i have soccer
practice everyday and i'm so
tired once i get home, but i'm
trying to update more

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