24 ; goosebumps

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quick note- someone asked me if they could send in a graphic for this story and i want to make it clear i will always display your work if you send them! i'd probably make a graphic gallery or something at the beginning of the story! anyways here's chapter 24 :)



"So it's a maze?" James questioned turning towards Ivy with a confused glance.

"I guess so, looks like you're the next Dylan O'Brien." Ivy joked remembering the actor who played in one of her favorite muggle movies.

"Dylan O'Who?" James said scrunching his nose. "Is it that guy you made a shrine for when you were twelve?" He said remembering the familiar name and how it was brought up in almost every conversation between his younger sister and the Ravenclaw.

"Yes along with Thomas Brodie-Sangster." Ivy said with a dreamy sigh as she envisioned the two men running side by side.

"Enough with the muggle actors." James said with a hint of jealousy in his tone. "What do you think is the point of this maze?"

Ivy looked at the maze wondering what might be held inside. Ginny had told her about it, driving the champions mad to the point where one attacked another, but they could add anything to the maze making James and the rest unprepared. She had also mentioned the trophy that was placed in the middle for them to find, unfortunately last time it wasn't exactly a trophy, rather a death transportation.

As she continued to eye the maze closer she felt a pit begin to grow in her stomach. The contest was still over a month away, but dark clouds began surrounding the maze mysteriously. Goosebumps crawled her skin causing the hair on her arms to spike up. Ivy turned to the boy who wore a proud look on his face, ready to complete any challenges that he faced. She wanted to scream at him for being an idiot and entering what was basically a suicide mission, all the times she told him he was nothing like his father she began to regret. He was doing this to live up to the Potter name, but all she wished was him to see he didn't need the title. Sadly, she knew there was no stopping the boy, he had already made up his mind, and she didn't want him thinking she didn't support him; there were already so many people who didn't believe him, she didn't want to be added to the list.

"Looks dangerous." She said with a warry tone. "Do you think you could do it?" Ivy asked already knowing the answer, but all she wanted to hear was a no.

"Of course I can." He said with a smirk wrapping an arm around her shoulder bringing her closer. "I knew what I was getting myself into when I joined the tournament, and it was quite funny watching you trying to stop me." James finished remembering the face she made when he jumped over the age boundary.

"You're an absolute git." She called out elbowing his rib. "You've almost died twice, yet you still joke about it."

"Four if you include my grandmother and mom, never mind make that five including you."

"James." Ivy said glaring towards the boy.

"Sorry, sorry." James said turning to face Ivy, taking both of her hands into his own trying his best to reassure the girl. "I'll be fine, although my Dad is completely against this competition, he has taught me what to do and not to do. It's more than just running to find a prize, I have to be careful, and I will."

Ivy let out a sigh, she knew he could do it, but she rather him not step foot into the maze. "James, please," She called out almost as a whisper. "please don't die. I know it sounds dramatic, but anything can happen in there." She finished looking over at the gloomy maze.

"Lennon don't worry." James said, lifting her chin to meet his gaze. "I'm going to come out of the maze with a trophy in hand." He said, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"If you die, I'll bring you back from the dead and kill you myself, I'm sure your mother will help me as well." She replied not so jokingly.

"I'm counting on that." James mumbled remembering the countless howlers he had been receiving whenever his mother was in a mood.

"Let's go back to the Great Hall." Ivy said tired of the feeling she had had since they arrived at the maze. "Fred is probably going to murder us if we don't tell him the maze is up, hopefully he won't do something stupid like going in it."

"You revealed our master plan." James said with a smirk.

Ivy looked up at the boy with a death defying glare. "Don't you dare talk Fred into going into that maze, knowing him he'd trip on a leaf and die. Don't forget that time we were at the Burrow and he cracked his head open because he tripped over a stick."

"How could I forget? You threw up all over my brand new tennis shoes after seeing all the blood. They were designed by Oliver Wood and I finally got a pair, but they were ruined within a day." He said, trying to forget the awful day.

"You could practically see his skull!" Ivy exclaimed. "Plus, you were in my way, it was either you or Roxanne, and quite frankly I thought she hated me at the time. Turns out you told her a lie about how I was the one who ripped her dolls in half." Ivy finished.

James avoided eye contact with her pretending he had no clue to what he had done. Growing up Fred and James were terrified of Roxanne, and still are, so when they accidentally tore her dolls they immediately blamed it on Ivy. "I did no such thing! You were the one who tore them to pieces, how dare you do that." James finished keeping up the act.

"You're an idiot at times, you know that?" Ivy said, letting out a small bubble of laughter.

"Ivy, I believe we already knew that." He said joining in on her laugher, which had slowly died down after hearing her name slip through his mouth.

She had always wanted him to call her Ivy, but now as the word rolled off his tongue it felt wrong almost. James sounded forced to say her first name after tormenting her with the name Lennon for almost a decade. Ivy had always hated the name, but now all she wanted was for him to call her that. She internally groaned of how attached she now was to the boy, at this time exactly last year they would have been yelling at each other, but now here they were holding hands as they joked and walked towards the Great Hall.

"You know you don't have to say that." Ivy said smiling up at James, but he looked down upon her with a confused glance indicating he wasn't sure on what she was trying to say. "You look forced saying Ivy, might as well stick to Lennon."

James let out a sigh or gratefulness. He too had felt wrong saying her first name, he had spent so long saying it had become a second nature, at times he forgot her real name was Ivy. "Thank Merlin." He murmured.

Ivy rolled her eyes of pure playfulness. "C'mon let's go before Harlow hangs your head for keeping me away for too long."

"You know she made a schedule!" James exclaimed, pulling out a roll of paper with different time sets.

"I'm not even surprised."


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