23 ; stupid holidays

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"Get up!" Harlow demanded shaking the girl roughly.

"No." Ivy replied with a groan. This had became a daily routine for the two since their first year of Hogwarts, Harlow always seemed to wake up at seven am sharp, while Ivy preferred the comfort of her bed till the last minute. "Iris attack Harlow." Ivy ordered in hopes of Harlow leaving her alone on a bloody Saturday.

"It's your birthday! I refuse to let you sleep through the whole day, I've got a bunch of things planned for your special sixteenth birthday!" Harlow exclaimed finally managing to push the girl off her bed landing on the floor with a big thud.

"It's my birthday Harlow, I'd appreciate if you let me sleep an extra hour." Ivy said collecting herself from the floor and flopping down on the soft mattress once again. "You're supposed to be nice to me."

"That's asking for a lot." Harlow joked. "C'mon get up! Everyone is waiting for us in the Great Hall, your boyfriend is there too along with your future brother-in-law."

"He's not my boyfriend." Ivy mumbled finally pulling herself off the bed, she wasn't technically lying. The boy hadn't built up the simple question, which she would have been eager to say yes to without hesitation. "Albus would kill me if I ever called him brother-in-law, I'm not even sure if he knows what's going on between James and I."

"I think everyone knows what's going on between you and James." Harlow said while rolling her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, he's always showing affection towards you by either holding your waist or hugging you at the most random times, and don't act like you two don't sneak away to snog."

"You know that!" Ivy exclaimed embarrassed of the situation, she had thought they were discreet.

"I invented that Blane, now hurry and get dressed!" Harlow ordered throwing her a pair of black boots to wear. "I want to spend sometime with you at Hogsmeade before lover boy steals you away, we're going to have to make a calendar of days I get you because he is being unfair. I think even a bit of Gryffindor is rubbing off you."

"Not in a million years." Ivy grumbled.

After what felt like an eternity of pulling the Ravenclaw out of the common room, the pair found themselves at Hogsmeade along with the rest of the friend group awaiting them. Harlow wasn't joking when she said had the whole day planned out, she pulled out a list revealing each of there stops and how long they could afford to be in each. The boys groaned noticing the long list, but quickly shut their mouths as Harlow sent them both a death glare.

"It's Ivy's sixteenth birthday, both of you are going to suck it up and pretend you're enjoying this." Harlow said with a wicked smile.

"You only invited us to carry your bags." Scorpius deadpanned. "My arms don't feel like doing work today, so how about we get breakfast instead of shopping for new skirts." Scorpius said snatching the list from Harlow's grasp. "After I am fed we can continue with your list."

"Why you selfish git-" Harlow stated pulling out her wand before being pulled back by Ivy and Daisy.

"Maybe we should get food." Ivy suggested trying her best to control her best friend's temper, but thankfully Daisy was there to help calm down her girlfriend. "You and Scorpius are hangry and that isn't a pretty sight." She finished with a chuckle.

"I second that." Albus said raising his hands as he rubbed his stomach. "Harlow woke us up so early we didn't have time for breakfast." He finished with a frown.

"Well then," Ivy said clapping her hands. "We'll go eat then continue the day as Harlow planned."

The groups let out a chorus of approval as they made their way to the Three Broomsticks in hope of warm biscuits and cold butterbeer. The group walked towards the corner of the building in hope of having a quiet conversation to themselves. In between relationships and school, the group hadn't had a chance to communicate by themselves like old times. They began talking about their favorite moments through their year at Hogwarts such as the time Albus blew up the Slytherin common room with smoke that was meant for Gryffindors, or last year when Scorpius managed to tame a hippogriff.

In the midst of the conversation Ivy felt a pair of eyes staring at her, as she turned around she noticed a man with the same auburn hair she wore. He was dressed in all black and made small signals guiding her to follow him. She quickly made an excuse to her friends before the man disappeared, they all gave her concerning looks, but she told them was fine.

She walked through the corridors the man had took until she came face to face with him. "Dad, how are you here?" She asked her muggle father who had never stepped foot into the Wizarding World.

"We need to go." He ordered not even bothering to explain what was going on. "You'll tell your headmistress you'll be exchanging schools, I've decided it's best you go back to the real, or what you 'muggle world', and attend the same school as your step-sisters."

Ivy felt the steam that began to grow out of her ears. She hadn't seen him in almost a year, and he hadn't even said hello or wished her happy birthday. She wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know today was her birthday. "Are you insane?" She exclaimed. "I'm not leaving my friends or Hogwarts, I belong here I'm not letting you take me out."

"I promised your mother I'd save you from magic if any signs started appearing, I didn't know what she meant at the time, but now I do. I don't think snakes in you bedroom back home is normal Ivy." Her father said as worry began to fill his eyes.

Ivy gulped at the mention of the reptiles. "Whatever is going on I'm sure is a coincidence." She said in hopes of convincing not only her father, but herself. "Hogwarts is the safest place for me, who knows what will happen if I go to the muggle world. I could have a breakdown and things can go out of control, you know I can't control it at times." She finished.

"We'll find a way, but right now we need to go." He ordered once more with a stern voice.

"I'll go with you." She said calmly surprising him. "Only if you tell me why today is important."

"Don't start playing tricks on me Ivy, you know I don't know what stupid holidays they celebrate in this world." He said with a disgusted face.

"It's my birthday Dad, not some stupid holiday." She said on the verge of tears. "I'm not going anywhere with you. You don't write to me in months, and decided to show up on my birthday forcing me to move half way across Europe."

"If you don't come now, don't bother coming at all. There's something dangerous out there Ivy and I can't afford it hurting your step-mom and sisters." He said. "I'm the only family member you have left, unless you go run off with Harry Potter as you always do."

"At least he's been the father figure to guide me unlike some git who doesn't even remember his only daughter's birthday, but I'm sure you can remember Kassandra and Kaitlyn's birthday." She said referring to her step-sisters as tears began to fall on her cheeks.

"You've made your choice Ivy, don't come running back." He said not even bothering to say goodbye.

"Trust me, I won't"


yeah this sucked
sorry lol

i had no motivation
for writing these
past few days,
but hopefully you
liked it?


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