28 ; petrified

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The skies were a dark grey as Ivy walked down the corridors of Hogwarts. Students all around were filled with glee as they celebrated the upcoming event that was about to take place in a couple of hours. The Gryffindor colors were able to be spotted where ever you turned, even some of the Slytherins could be seen wearing badges in honor of the Hogwart's champion, but Ivy couldn't bear to look at them.

Sadness still filled her heart over the boy's decision, she had thought she'd be good enough for him not to risk his life, but it seemed as if she were wrong. The glory and fame must have sounded more appealing than her smile. Although her mood seemed gloomy, she hadn't given up on the boy just yet. The last thing James would be doing today was going into that maze, and Ivy was going to make sure of it, no matter how many times Scorpius told her to let the boy get himself killed, and she had agreed with him for longer than a second. Unfortunately, James had stolen a part of her heart that she couldn't quite take back.

There was a reason Ivy was placed into Ravenclaw, she managed to plan things quicker than the blink of an eye. In no way would she harm James, but the items she had secretly requested from George Weasley's shop would manage to put the boy to sleep past the tournament, and hopefully she could find another way to prevent the other champions from entering the maze.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Fred questioned, handing her the bag filled with the items she needed from his father's shop. "James is stubborn git, and even I know something isn't right with that maze, but he currently isn't listening to anyone. This is the last resort."

Ivy thanked Fred as she took ahold of the items. She was hesitant at first to ask him for his help, but luckily even the courageous Gryffindor wasn't a fan of the maze and didn't want his best friend entering it. "You two used this on Lily and me back in our third year, so it should keep him down till midnight. I know the password to your common room, so I'll pretend to apologize and hand him the treats. Lily and Roxanne promised to help hide him from the rest of the students, and they'd make up some excuse of jitters. Hopefully, I can cancel this thing before it even begins." Ivy finished informing Fred. The whole family disagreed with James at this point and didn't want to risk anything.

"Ivy," Fred said in a low whisper. "Do you believe there is something bad that's going to happen? I know the whole plan we're making sounds silly, but you feel the darkness as well, right?"

Ivy nodded in agreement. "I'm not sure what's happening, but it isn't normal. None of this is really." She finished motioning towards the treats she had in hand.

"Good luck with him," Fred said as he watched her figure turn towards the direction of the Gryffindor common room, but he called her name once more seeking her attention. "Ivy, he really does fancy you, he's basically head over heels, but sometimes he makes the wrong choices."

Ivy let out a chuckle. "I figured," She replied. "but hopefully he grows out of that." Ivy finished waving goodbye once more towards the Gryffindor.

She continued her journey through the halls trying her best to hide the bag filled with sleeping sweets, the products weren't exactly allowed in the school and would most likely be confiscated. Ivy continued to make her way in between the students who were headed to their next class, most paid no attention to the products considering they were wrapped up in their own thoughts and conversations.

Rose, who was giving Hugo a lecture, spotted Ivy with the sweets and sent a nod of approval. She quickly mouthed "He's in his dorm." before returning to her brother who had a face of embarrassment plastered.

Just as Ivy was to step onto the moving stairs, a stern voice sought out her attention. She quickly turned to realize it was no other than their Headmistress. "Follow me to my office, there is much we need to discuss." She instructed the Ravenclaw.

"Headmistress, there is something I must do first. It won't take me more than half an hour, I promise." Ivy pleaded not wanting to ruin the plan she had spent all night creating.

"It was not a question Ms.Blane, now follow me to my office." She stated, turning away from Ivy and making her way towards her office.

Ivy sighed before following the Headmistress towards her study. Albus soon noticed the pair and sent his best friend a confused glance, but Ivy sent a small smile reassuring him she had everything under control.

The two finally arrived at the Hippogriff statue which led into the office. "Say the password." The Headmistress stated.

"Excuse me?" Ivy asked shocked as to why the Headmistress didn't know the password to her study, but she had remembered Rose mentioning the Headmistress asking her the same question the previous night, and they all knew the password changed according to the day.

"Say the password, I am growing impatient."

Ivy was taken aback by the cold glare she was receiving from McGonagall, never had she seen the woman with an evil look in her eye. "Acid Pops," Ivy said allowing the two to enter.

Ivy quietly followed McGonagall still slightly confused as to why she was there, her mind quickly went to the tournament wondering if that was the cause. "Is there something I can do for you Headmistress?" Ivy questioned, hoping to leave as soon as she could.

"First of all, you could hand me those sweets in your robes." She replied pointing towards her robe. "I have eyes everywhere, you weren't going to get past me."

Ivy gulped before slowly reaching for the bag and handing them to McGonagall. "Headmistress I don't think you understand, you weren't taking matters into your hand, so I had to do it for you. The students mustn't compete, they're all in danger." Ivy said.

An evil grin rose on McGonagall's face. "You've already told me, but go ahead and continue. What is so dangerous that I must cancel the tournament?"

"As I've said before, there is a lady in the castle, and I'm sure that sounds like nonsense, but I have further proof," Ivy stated with a serious tone. "I stole a map that shows everyone in the castle from a friend."

McGonagall's eyes immediately went wide at the Ravenclaw's statement.

"While investigating I noticed an uncommon name, Delphini Diggory. I contacted the Diggory family and questioned about the unfamiliar name, but they confirmed they knew nothing of a Delphini Diggory and she simply didn't exist. Clearly, this woman is using some type of dark magic to hide her existence." She finished.

"You are going insane Ms.Blane, I do not believe such a thing. It is impossible to come into the castle without granted access." McGonagall said defensively.

"But I am not Headmistress, and I can prove it!" Ivy exclaimed pulling out the map. "See, here are you in the..." Ivy paused noticing the Headmistress wasn't in the room with her, but instead in the dungeons. She quickly traced her eyes back to where she was located, Ivy soon froze noticing Delphini 'Diggory' was sitting right in front of her.

"Clever little witch, I must admit," Delphini stated. "I'm sure you've heard of the Polyjuice potion, it has quickly become one of my favorite potions in a short amount of time."

Ivy still stood frozen not sure as to what she should do, she quickly reached for her wand but frowned realizing she left it in her dorm. "What is your plan, surely you didn't come just to let snakes around the school."

"Oh, of course not. Those were simply my little spies, but it seemed not all of them informed me of the Ravenclaw who was figuring out my little secret." Delphini said while rolling her eyes. "but, seeing as you aren't leaving this room anytime soon, I guess it wouldn't hurt to inform you of my plan to avenge my father."

"Father?" Ivy questioned.

"My fault, my surname isn't Diggory, but it seems as if you've already figured that out. It's Riddle, my father was Tom Riddle, but you might know him as Voldemort, ring a bell?" Delphini said sarcastically.

Ivy tried her best to think of ways to escape, but there seemed to be no possible way. She was faced with the Heir of Slytherin, which explained the snakes she thought to herself. "Doesn't ring a bell." She replied with the same tone of sarcasm.

"Quiet down Half-Blood." She sneered.

"Wasn't your father a Half-Blood?" Ivy questioned briefly remembering her study of the dark wizard.

"Enough! You have no right to speak about my father, never." Delphini yelled towering over the witch.

"Carry on then, tell me how you'll avenge him," Ivy stated.

"Merging with the Heir of the evil and wise of course, the child is gifted with the blood." Delphini said as if it were obvious.

"Salazar and Rowena had placed a blood protection on the child, but it went terribly wrong. Instead of protection, it gave the child powers that no other person had seen before, the powers were passed down through generation but soon forgotten. If they chose too, they could have every witch and wizard dead with the flick of a wand, and I plan to merge myself with the young wizard granting me eternal glory." Delphini informed her.

"Who is he, you might ask?" Delphini continued. "Well no other than your little boyfriend, that reminds me, watching you two was quite the reality show. What a shame he will be dead by dawn."

Ivy wore a puzzled face, she knew James' father was a parseltongue, but that was simply because of the part of Voldemort that used to live inside him. And, there was no trace of any ancestor of Rowena Ravenclaw in years, the only one was Helena, but she was killed by her lover long long ago. "You have no idea what you are doing Delphini, you are going to end up getting yourself killed."

"Don't doubt me, Blane, I've done my research. Long ago Rowena had a secret child with Salazar, and the ancestry traces back to the Potter family. Since James was the first born, he was the first to carry on the sacred blood. And, It wasn't hard setting up the tournament, I simply cast the Imperius Curse on the minister and he was under my will from there on, by the way, you'll find him at the bottom of the black lake, dead." Delphini said with a small chuckle. "Lastly, this old hag was the hardest job, but I managed to capture her. Everything is going according to plan, and you're a fool thinking I was going to let you ruin it."

"You are wrong Delphini, very wrong. James isn't the Heir, it's impossible." Ivy said knowingly, there was no doubt that James wasn't the Heir, none of the Potters were.

"Well, you'll find out once someone finds your petrified body, Petrificus Totalus!" Delphini shouted, sending the spell towards Ivy.

Ivy soon felt her body become petrified. And although she couldn't technically feel anything, she did feel complete sadness wash over her body, she had failed everyone.

"I was going to kill you, but I want to see the pain on your face when I inform you of your dead lover, do you think that sounds fair?" Delphini questioned.

Silence filled the room, all Ivy wanted to do was scream.

"Oh right! You can't speak, my fault." Delphini snickered. "Very well then, I have a tournament to get to, I'll let James know you love him," Delphini said before exiting the room.

Although Ivy was petrified, she felt a tear roll down her cheek.


this was so hard
to fit, and not
everything is answered
yet, but i hope you
understood it!

i hoped you enjoyed
this chapter, the book
is almost completed!

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