29 ; remembrance

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Ivy watches as a blonde figure enters the Headmistress's study. Hidden near the corner of the room, she silently prays that the lady will notice her petrified body. After what feels longer than eternity she finally feels the presence at her side.

"Rennervate!" The lady cast, reviving Ivy from her stunned state.

Ivy let out a gasp as she felt her blood flow once again, and a smile grew on her face as she was able to wiggle her toes once again. She finally looked towards the person who saved her and sighed noticing it was no other than Professor Lovegood.

"My dear, what you doing stunned? In the McGonagall's study!" Luna exclaimed helping the young girl to her feet. "I came in to hand in grades since I hate watching that horrific tournament," Luna explained.

"The Headmistress is not McGonagall, it's Delphini Riddle, the daughter of Voldemort. She has some weird theory about James being the Heir of Slytherin and Ravenclaw, which makes no sense." Ivy said before continuing to ramble. "There is some blood curse, but it hasn't been heard of in years, and I've studied every curse and have never heard of such thing!" Ivy said out of breath. "Did you understand all that?" She questioned noticing the confused glance the Professor wore.

"Not quite, but I've heard more absurd things in my lifetime," Luna stated. "Plus I found it quite odd she didn't except my pumpkin pastries."

"Wait," Ivy stated, realizing what the Professor had said earlier. "The tournament has started? They are in the maze!" Ivy exclaimed with wide eyes.

"It started a while ago," Luna said calmly, which was quite opposites to the fellow Ravenclaw. "Take my hand she instructed."

Ivy, who was still cautious over who was who, hesitantly took Luna's hand. The Professor usually wore a heart-warming smile that no other could imitate. After a loud snap, Ivy found herself at the stands of the tournament. Everyone was seated patiently waiting for one of the students to arrive with the cup.

"Now, let us go inform Ginny and Harry to what is happening, they'll know what to do."
Luna said making her way towards the couple.

Ivy, on the other hand, began to search the stands for the fake McGonagall, but quickly realized she was nowhere in sight. Before anyone could stop the girl, she did something she thought she'd never do. Ivy ran past the crowd and made her way into the gloomy maze.

Yells erupted as they watched the girl enter, they hadn't even noticed her arrival. Molly's yells and Ginny's angered voice seemed to fade away as she went deeper into the maze.

Ginny Weasley, who knew Ivy would not do something as stupid, rushed to follow the young girl along with her husband. Unfortunately, the two weren't permitted access as the vines enclosed the entrance.

"What is she doing!" Ginny exclaimed while casting spells on the vines.

"She they're all in trouble, we came to warm you but she seemed to have a different idea." Luna said trying her best to keep calm.

"What!" Harry and Ginny exclaimed at the same time.

Not knowing what was going on at the entrance at the maze, Ivy carefully went deeper into the maze, she felt her mind begin to grow with twisted thoughts, and at one point she was convinced she saw her mother's corpse at the far corner. Luckily Ivy knew the intentions of the maze and how it purposely conducted your worst fears at times.She was convened there was an endless amount of twist and turns in the maze, she was unsuccessful in finding any of the champions, which began her to fear for the worst.

As she kept on wondering she felt a burning pain flowing through her blood, she knew she was here to save James, but there seemed to be a greater force guiding her to the middle of the maze. The imaginary feeling began to guide her left to right, but the further she went the greater the pain.

Pained screams began to fill her ears, the voices of all three champions inclined as she neared the middle. Ivy quickly hid behind one of the many walls as she noticed Delphini, who was no longer McGonagall, binding all three to the ground with magic.

"You're sick." She heard James yell. "I'm not the Heir of Salazar and Rowena! I'd never be caught with Slytherin anything, nor am I smart enough to be an ancestor of Rowena Ravenclaw." James argued slightly dumb folded.

Even though they were all in a life-threatening situation, Ivy found herself hiding the chuckle that was on the verge of escaping. She began to analyze the scene wondering what Delphini had planned, but the only thing she could see was the brown spell book the woman had in hand. Ivy tried her best to read the ancient symbols on the cover, unfortunately, the girl couldn't recognize the language, nor did she think it was even a language.

"The spell I've conducted should have started harming you in some way," Delphini said directly to James. "Your blood might be protected, but after years I've finally found the right spells to harm, no matter where you are in the world I could bring pain to every bone in your body and make your blood boil, you should have already felt a burning pain from the source, me."

Ivy's eyes widened hearing the witch's statement, she had described the burning passion perfectly, but it couldn't be. Ivy hugged herself as her mind began to spin, she briefly remembered Harry hiding her mother's identity before she left the Wizarding World, had he secretly placed his identity as her own, but Ivy quickly shook the idea from her head. Delphini was simply mad and had no idea what she was doing, it seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.

Ivy was quickly taken out of her thoughts by an agonizing scream. Her heart broke realizing it was James's scream. Her head quickly began thinking of ideas to get all the champions out from this certain situation alive, but even though she was top of her class she couldn't seem to figure anything out.

She then went on to consider all the stories Harry told her growing up, and all the challenges he faced. Maybe, she thought to herself, she had to think like a Gryffindor rather than a Ravenclaw. It seemed impossible to just march up to the dark wizard and defeat her with a flick of a wand, but maybe that was exactly what she had to do.

Taking a deep breath Ivy took ahold of the locket across her neck and sent a silent prayer to her mother, just maybe she was there watching over Ivy and cursing her outrageous plan. Ivy's mind quickly remembered all the good times that unfortunately led up to this very moment. Meeting the Potters for the very first time warmed her heart, and Molly gifting her, her very first jumper with the letter 'L' because James had tricked his grandmother saying she preferred her middle name, and although Molly made her a new one she never got rid of it.

And, even though her father was a complete git, she still felt a teardrop for all the moments they didn't get to spend with him. After all, he was the only person left with the remembrance of her mother, well including Harry once she found out.

Ivy never expected her life to turn out the way it did, she never expected to fall in love with a boy she vowed to hate for eternity, but as she once told James 'there's a thin line between love and hate', and even though told him she hated him at the time, turns out overnight she crossed the line.

Taking one last thought of Harlow, Albus, Daisy, and even Scorpius himself, Ivy clutched her wand tightly preparing for what could be her last spell.


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"glory and gore"

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