30 ; silencio

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If Ivy were being honest with herself, she had no complete idea of what she was doing. She hadn't even planned out what spell she was going to cast, but the words "Expelliarmus!" soon left her lips. She knew a thousand other spells, but that single one seemed to be imprinted in her mind.

Delphini was in a state of shock as her wand flew out of her hand, and even worse the book she once held had seemed to disappear. At first, she thought one of the Professors caught onto her plan, but never had she expected to see the young Ravenclaw standing a few feet away from her. "I should have killed you when I had the chance!" Delphini exclaimed out of anger.

"Yes, you should have," Ivy replied calmly, even though on the inside she was a nervous wreck.

"Accio," Delphini chanted causing the wand to fall back into her hands. "Is this really how you want to go? You have so much potential, what a shame you've picked the wrong side. There's always time to switch, I'm sure I can land you a spot when I recruit my death eaters." Delphini said with a wicked smile.

Ivy let out a scoff at her statement. "I rather get hit with the killing curse than join you." Ivy sneered. "And even if I do die, there are hundreds of powerful wizards to stop you."

"Ivy what are you doing!" James, who was still tied up along with the rest of the champions, yelled hoping to catch her attention. "Get out of here, please." He pleaded not wanting to see her get hurt.

"Oh shut it, boy!" Delphini said towards James. "It's your fault she's here, after all. I forgot how many times I overheard her telling you to quit, but it seemed as if your pride was more important."

Before James could argue, even though he knew she was right, Delphini cast the Silencio charm on the Gryffindor. "Now where were we? Oh yes, I was about to blast you with the crucio charm." Delphini said in a sing-song voice.

Ivy quickly thought about all the possible factors to overthrow the dark witch. It seemed as if Merlin was on her side because she soon saw the book near her. She wasn't sure what she planned to do with it, but if it were important to Delphini she had to destroy it.

"Wait!" Ivy yelled causing Delphini to lower her wand. "If I join you, how high would I be in your ranks?" Ivy questioned.

"Are you being serious!" The Durmstrang champion yelled.

"High, my dear. Higher than any position you can achieve in the ministry." Delphini replied as a wicked smirk crawled on her face. "I'm glad you've come to your senses."

"Well, in that case, Caterwauling!" She cast causing a high pitch scream to temporarily distracted the witch. Ivy wasted no time running towards where the book laid. Multiple spells racked through her brain, none seemed quite right. Realizing she didn't have much time left, Ivy cast a spell that seemed to fit the occasion. "Confringo!" Ivy exclaimed causing the book to burn into roaring flames. The instant the book fell into ashes, she felt an agonizing pain take over her body, almost as if a part of her died.

Delphini, who was about to cast the killing curse towards the Ravenclaw, stopped abruptly confusing James and the other champions. The dark witch didn't realize it at first, but it seems her calculations were very, very wrong. It seemed The Heir was a she, and she stood right in front of her. "Well this took an unexpected turn, but that won't be a problem. I memorized everything for the blood transfer if things went South." She carefully walked towards the witch who laid on the floor from the growing pain inside of her. "It seems like you'll save your prince charming after all, doesn't seem like I need him. Do you know why?"

Although Ivy didn't want to believe it, she knew. Every part of the puzzle started to click together like magnets. Talking to snakes was the least of her worries at the time, but it should have been the biggest sign. Parseltongue was only gifted towards the heirs of Salazar Slytherin, how could she be so blind? Realizing she waited for her response, Ivy briefly nodded towards Delphini unable to speak from her sore throat.

"This makes us cousins, well somewhere along the lines of cousins. I'm sure you understand why I have to kill you, cousin. I have to live on my father's legacy, and surely you aren't up for the task. Don't worry though, your muggle father will be the first to go, I saw how awful he treated you." Delphini finished.

Ivy and her father were nowhere near good terms, but the last thing she wanted was him dead because of her. "Please, don't." Ivy found herself begging, something she wasn't very fond of.

Delphini lifted her chin the slightest to meet her gaze. "This will only hurt a bit, you'll see your mother soon."

James was trying his best to be released from the enchantment she had placed on him, but no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't budge. His muffled yells sounded almost like an echo due to the Silencio Charm. Ivy looked over and her heart broke in half seeing the drops of tears fall down his cheeks. Knowing this would be the last time she ever saw him, she quickly mouthed the three words she never thought she'd be saying, especially to James, but the world works in many mysterious ways.

Even though James' vision was blurry from tears, he was certain he saw her mouth the words perfectly. He soon replied saying the exact words, and he had never been more sure about something in his lifetime, unfortunately, it seemed their time had come to an end.

In less than a second, a set of unfamiliar words left Delphini's mouth. Ivy waited for the impact, but instead of darkness, she saw a blinding white tunnel with her mother on the other end. Her mother's smile assured her it wasn't her time. She gave a nod to the daughter signaling she'd be there waiting when the time came. Celeste Evermore then clutched onto the identical locket that Ivy wore. "I'm always here to protect you, Ivy." Was the last thing Ivy heard before the agonizing pain came to a sudden stop.

Ivy wasn't sure what her mother had done to save her, but she found peace as she grasped her locket tighter than ever.

Just as Delphini was about to celebrate her achievement, a frown grew on her face noticing the steady breathing of the Ravenclaw. "Why aren't you dead!" Delphini exclaimed causing all three champions to look towards both girls.

James felt a weight lifted off his chest, but he knew it was nowhere near over as long at the witch still stood.

Felicity Lyan, the Beauxbatons champion, had had enough. She had expected to leave this maze with a trophy, now it seemed what she needed when she left was a therapy session. Felicity began to rack through her brain possible ways to help, Ivy. Finally, she spotted a crack in between the walls she was held against. She placed her hand in between the crack to uplift herself towards Alec Bram.

"Get zee the wand in my pocket, Alec!" Felicity whispered towards the Durmstrang champion.

Alec quickly began pulling himself towards Felicity, using all his strength he reached out for her spare wand. "Now what?" He questioned.

Felicity rolled her eyes. "Cast a patronus, débile!"

Alec made an O shape form on his mouth, he quickly thought of his happiest memory (which wasn't the one they were currently in). Soon a fox sprang through the air, and luckily for them, Delphini was too occupied with Ivy to realize.

Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, who had managed to make their way into the maze, saw the fox signaling for help. The pair quickly began running towards the scene, hoping they weren't too late.

Delphini cast the spell towards Ivy, but no matter how hard she tried it seemed to bounce off the girl, almost as if she had a force field protecting her. Finally, she reached for Ivy's locket to remove it, she was sure that was what was protecting the witch. As she reached for the locket she found herself blasted away from it as soon as she touched it.

Delphini was fed up at that point, it was all going according to plan until she realized Ivy was the heir. "Either you take off the locket, or I cast the killing curse at James." She challenged.

Ivy quickly looked towards Delphini in shock. She then proceeded to look over at James, he began shaking his head signaling not to choose him. Using the wand, Alec casts a counter curse allowing James to talk. "Don't do it, Ivy," James exclaimed. "It's either me or the entire Wizarding World."

As much as Ivy loved him, she knew he was right. With Delphini in control, there would be no future for the witches and wizards of the world.

"Well then, it seems as if you made your choice," Delphini said turning towards James.

Felicity turned towards Alec. "Are you a dimwit! Pass me zee wand now." Felicity ordered. Alec, slightly scared of her, tossed the wand lightly for her to catch.

"Stupefy!" She cast before Delphini could cast the killing curse. As soon as the witch was down, the enchantment holding the champions faded allowing them to be released free. "You all will be paying for zee therapy of mine." She stated as her eyes rolled.

James ran to Ivy pulling her into a hug. He placed both of his hands on her cheeks, pulling her into a kiss. Ivy felt the need for the kiss, almost as if it were their last. "I'm sorry, and I know my apology doesn't even fix half of it," James said pulling away from their kiss.

"James," Ivy said with a small sigh.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"I can yell at you later, for right now kiss me." Ivy finished with a small smile.

James didn't wait another second before pulling her into another kiss. At that moment they both knew it wouldn't be their last. Unfortunately, their moment was ruined as Felicity began to speak again.

"We've all agreed on the I am zee winner, right?" She said crossing her arms.

Before any of them could answer, Ginny and Harry ran towards the group, but stopped abruptly noticing the witch who laid frozen. Their faces grew confused wondering how they had defeated her.

"I called help ages ago!" Felicity said marching up to the pair. "I thought zee man who killed Voldemort might have helped, but I had to take zee matter into my own hands, I could have broken a nail!" The French woman finished.

Both adults didn't have the words to reply, Harry still had his wand out because he thought there would be a grand fight to defeat, Delphini.

"I believe that is enough, Felicity. I'll pay for your therapist, but please stop screaming." Alec said pulling her away.

Ginny and Harry then went on towards the pair, and although James was sure his mother was about to scold him, he was surprised when she pulled them into a grand hug. Ginny started to quietly cry from the thought about the two close to certain death, and that's cause she didn't know her son was almost sent a killing curse.

"You're fucking alive!" Albus screamed with relief as he ran towards the group. Nobody was sure how he had made it in, but they didn't seem to care as they let him into the hug. "I thought I lost my best friend, assholes," Albus said as tears of joy started rolling down his face.

As Ivy continued to embrace the hug, one thing still didn't sit right in her mind. She was The Heir.


uhh that's a wrap omg!
i'm so sad to see james and
ivy go, but all good things
come to the end. this book
has been amazing to write
and all the comments i received
made everything worth it!

thank you guys for the endless
amounts of love you've given this
story <3

i will be creating epilogues of
their future so please let me
know what you would want to see!
follow me because i will be
announcing them !!!

i hope you enjoyed this story as
much as i did :)

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