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"๐•ƒ๐”ผ๐•‹'๐•Šย assess, shall we?"

Wednesday sat in a chair, his hands bound tightly to the armrests, his legs secured to the chair's legs. A rough burlap bag covered his head, blocking his sight and leaving him in suffocating darkness. The fabric pressed uncomfortably against his skin, and the sound of his own breathing echoed in the confined space. He could feel the weight of the restraints, each movement futile as he tried to shift in the chair.

"Bag over my head for optimal disorientation, wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die. It's definitely my kind of party."

Someone abruptly ripped the bag off of Wednesday's head, the sudden exposure to light causing him to blink as his eyes adjusted. Once his vision cleared, he saw a group of people standing before him, all dressed in dark robes and wearing bird masks that obscured their faces. A harsh light from a projector shone directly into his eyes, making it difficult to discern details beyond the silhouettes of the figures.

A deep, distorted voice echoed through the room, demanding, "Who dares breach our inner sanctum?"

Wednesday remained unfazed, his expression blank as he calmly replied, "You can take the mask off, Bianca."

A huff of frustration came from one of the figures as the person in question reached up and pulled down her hood, revealing her face. Bianca's expression was a mix of irritation and resignation as she removed her mask, allowing it to dangle from her fingers. The rest of the group followed suit, pulling off their masks and lowering their hoods, revealing familiar faces.

"And just like that, my hopes were bashed against the rocks of disappointment. My foe was no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns."

Bianca turned off the projector, allowing the harsh light to fade and the room to come into clearer focus. As Wednesday's eyes adjusted, he began to recognize the faces around him. Xavier stood off to the side, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern, while Ajax hovered nearby, looking somewhat awkward without his usual air of carefree confidence. Other students he recognized from around Nevermore Academy formed the circle, their expressions ranging from guarded to curious.

But one face among them drew Wednesday's attention more than the others. Standing slightly apart from the group was Lilith, the familiar witch who had caught his interest more than once. She stood with a confident air, her gaze meeting his with a knowing look.

Wednesday's dark eyes swept over her, from her intricately braided hair to the subtle smirk that played on her lips. There was a hint of amusement in his expression, a barely perceptible curl at the corner of his mouth as he regarded her, his curiosity piqued. The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, the tension easing as Lilith held his gaze, her own eyes gleaming with something that matched the quiet intensity in his.

"Or maybe not all of them."

Wednesday turned his gaze to Bianca, his blank expression unchanging as his eyes bore into hers. "Wait, I preferred you with it on," he deadpanned, the dry remark laced with his characteristic bluntness. Bianca sneered at him, her irritation evident, but before she could retort, Xavier's voice cut through the tension, capturing everyone's attention.

"How'd you get down here?" Xavier asked, his tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

Wednesday's gaze shifted slightly, lingering on Lilith for a moment longer than necessary. "Rowan showed me," he replied coolly, his voice devoid of emotion as he gestured to his coat. "Left pocket."

Lilith's silver eyes flickered with interest as she stepped closer to Wednesday, her movements graceful and deliberate. Wednesday's gaze remained fixed on her, even as she reached into his coat pocket. The warmth radiating from her so close proximity made his usually stoic heart skip a beat, a sensation that caught him off guard. Her scent, a blend of something sweet and dark, stirred memories of the time they had hidden together in the hollow of a tree, their bodies pressed close as they evaded danger.

As Lilith retrieved the paper from his pocket, her eyes met his, and for a brief moment, the world around them seemed to fade. The connection between them was palpable, a silent exchange of understanding that neither of them needed to voice. She held his gaze a moment longer before straightening up, the drawing from the book now in her hand.

"I traced the watermark down to the Poe statue. Then I solved the riddle," Wednesday explained, his voice steady as he broke the lingering silence.

One of the other students, the siren who had been traumatized by Lilith and still nursed a bruised ego from being punched by Thing, piped up in confusion, "Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just had to snap twice."

Wednesday's dark eyes narrowed in unimpressed disbelief as he responded with biting sarcasm, "Well, aren't you the brightest of the bunch."

Lilith chuckled softly, the sound almost musical against the backdrop of the dimly lit room. The tension in the room eased slightly, though Bianca's expression remained stern. "The Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite," she stated, her voice carrying an air of superiority.

Yoko chimed in next, her tone more casual, "We have roof parties, campouts, and the occasional midnight skinny-dip."

Another student added, "And Yoko's an amateur mixologist."

Ajax grinned, joining in, "She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild."

Wednesday looked at them all, his expression unchanging as he deadpanned, "Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?"

He then turned his attention back to Lilith, who stood apart from the others, her presence a steadying force amidst the frivolity. "I'm just here for the books and history," she said, her voice calm and sincere.

Wednesday nodded slightly, his gaze shifting back to the rest of the group. "Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded." His words hung in the air, a challenge to the supposed exclusivity of the club they all seemed so eager to protect.

"Yeah, the group kinda lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died," Xavier explained to Wednesday, his tone casual as if discussing the weather. Yoko quickly added, "But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves."

"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asked, his voice dripping with curiosity and suspicion.

Bianca scoffed, her disdain for Rowan evident. "We booted that loser last semester." She rolled her eyes before continuing, "Question is, what are we gonna do with him? Only members are allowed in this library."

Xavier glanced down at Wednesday, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "I say we invite him to pledge. He has a legacy," he suggested, gesturing towards the picture of Wednesday's parents that hung on the wall.

Bianca looked at Xavier as if he had lost his mind. "After the crap he and Lilith pulled at the Poe Cup, there's no way in hell. We talk about not making waves? They're a tsunami."

Lilith, who had been silent up until now, looked at Bianca and spoke evenly, "Just because we beat you at your own game?"

Wednesday turned his gaze to Bianca, his expression unchanging. "Besides, let me save you the trouble. I'm not interested in joining," he confessed, his voice flat and uninterested. Yoko's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're seriously turning us down?" Wednesday looked at her, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Can you believe it?"

Bianca, realizing the situation was getting out of hand, ordered, "Untie him."

Wednesday, with an almost bored expression, pulled his hands out from behind his back, holding the rope in front of him. "I freed myself five minutes ago," he stated calmly before standing up. He approached Lilith, his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment before he grabbed the paper from her hand. Without breaking eye contact, he took her hand in his, guiding her towards the exit. As they moved to leave, the siren boy from earlier stepped in front of them, attempting to block their way.

Wednesday's eyes darkened, his voice laced with venom and warning. "Do you want a matching black eye?" he asked, his tone deadly serious. The boy quickly backed off as Wednesday shoved him aside, making his way towards the stairs.

Pausing at the base of the stairs, Wednesday turned back to the group, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name."

With that final remark, he and Lilith ascended the stairs and left the hidden library, leaving the Nightshades behind to contemplate what had just transpired.

Wednesday dragged Lilith to the quad, the moonlight casting sharp shadows across the cobblestones. His grip on her hand was firm as he spun her around to face him, his dark eyes boring into hers. "All this time, you were in the Nightshades," he began, his voice a low growl. "Did you enjoy watching me solve every mystery while you had an entire library at your disposal?"

Lilith opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Wednesday yanked her closer, their faces just inches apart. "What else should I know?" he demanded, his gaze narrowing as if trying to read her every thought. The suspicion in his eyes was unmistakable, and Lilith could see the unspoken questionโ€”did she summon the monster that killed Rowan?

A soft chuckle escaped Lilith's lips, and with a flick of her wrist, she used her powers to pin Wednesday against the cold stone wall. She stepped forward, closing the gap between them, her body mere inches from his. Her silver eyes gleamed with playful mischief as she leaned in, their noses almost touching.

"You think I'm the one pulling all the strings, detective?" she whispered, her voice a tantalizing mix of amusement and challenge. "Maybe I just enjoy watching you squirm a little, seeing how far you'll go to uncover the truth. Or maybe..." Her breath ghosted against his cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. "I'm just waiting for you to catch up."

Wednesday's heart skipped a beat as he felt her presence so close, her scent intoxicatingly familiar. Lilith held his gaze for a moment longer, her lips curling into a teasing smile. Then, without warning, she playfully punched his arm, the tension between them breaking like a snapped string. "See you around, crow," she said with a wink, before turning on her heel and walking off, leaving him pinned against the wall, his mind racing and a faint blush creeping up his neck.

As she disappeared into the night, Wednesday stood there, his pulse quickened and his thoughts a tangled mess. He looked down, a rare expression of flustered confusion crossing his usually stoic features. Lilith had left him more intriguedโ€”and unsettledโ€”than ever.


By: SilverMist707

I hope you all remember that you all are amazing in your own way. <3

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