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๐•ƒ๐”ธ๐•‹๐”ผโ„ at night, the dormitory was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the windows. Enid slept peacefully in her bed, a content smile on her face as she clutched the Poe Cup trophy close to her chest, her fingers wrapped around it like a cherished treasure. The night was calm, with only the gentle rustling of leaves outside and the faint hum of the wind filling the air.

Across the hall in his dorm, Wednesday sat at his desk, the dim light of a desk lamp casting long shadows across his face. His fingers moved deftly over the keys of his typewriter, the rhythmic clacking of the keys, the only sound breaking the stillness of the night. His expression was focused, his dark eyes fixed on the words appearing on the page before him.

"Nevermore continues to be an enigma. A place where the questions far outweigh the answers."

Wednesday's fingers paused over the typewriter keys as his gaze drifted to the right. His eyes settled on a drawing pinned to the wall beside himโ€”a sketch of himself, rendered with careful, delicate strokes. He reached out, lifting the paper from the wall and bringing it closer to the light of his desk lamp. The details came into sharper focus: the dark shadows around his eyes, the sharp line of his jaw, and the solemn expression that seemed to capture his essence perfectly.

He stared at the drawing for a moment, his mind quietly reflecting on the artist's intent. There was something in the way he was depicted that stirred a strange feeling in him, something unspoken yet understood.

As his gaze shifted, it caught on another object resting nearbyโ€”the small flower Lilith had given him. It lay on the corner of his desk, its petals still vibrant despite the passage of time. The sight of it brought back memories of their recent moments together, the warmth of her presence contrasting with his usual cold demeanor. He let the drawing fall gently back to the desk and reached out to touch the flower, his fingers brushing lightly against the petals.

"But sometimes... the answer is staring you right in the face."


Wednesday stepped into the dimly lit quad, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. The quiet of the night seemed to wrap around him as he made his way down the long hallway that led to the statue of Edgar Allan Poe at its end. The shadows cast by the moonlight danced on the walls, adding to the eerie stillness that surrounded him.

As he approached the statue, Wednesday reached into his pocket and pulled out a small flashlight. With a flick of his thumb, the beam of light cut through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead. He directed the light upward, shining it onto the face of the statue. The cold, stony features of Edgar Allan Poe stared back at him, the light casting sharp shadows that accentuated the deep-set eyes and stern expression.

"Don't worry, Edgar Allan. I see your sanctimonious smirk. But I will get the last laugh."

Wednesday stepped onto the base of the statue, feeling the cold stone beneath his shoes as it elevated him higher. The small platform provided just enough height for him to lean in closer, his gaze narrowing as he focused on the book held in Edgar Allan Poe's outstretched hand. The flashlight's beam danced over the weathered pages, revealing the intricate details carved into the stone.

He held his breath as he leaned closer, the light finally settling on the inscription etched into the book's surface. The words were faint but legible, hidden away in the shadows until now. Wednesday's eyes traced the lines of text, the mystery deepening as he absorbed each word, their meaning slowly unraveling in his mind.

"Your penchant for riddle was legendary. And this might be your cleverest yet."

Wednesday directed the beam of the flashlight onto the stone book, its light revealing several small riddles carved into the pages. The intricate script was almost hidden within the folds of the carved book, as though meant to be found only by those who sought them out.

"Because it's not just a single riddle. Rather, each line is its own separate one."

Wednesday, he pulled out a small notebook from his pocket, flipping it open to a blank page. He glanced back at the carved riddles, the beam of his flashlight steady on the stone book. With a careful hand, he began to jot down each riddle, the scratch of his pen the only sound in the quiet hallway.

" 'The opposite of the moon. 'Sun'."

" 'A world between ours. 'Neither'."

" 'Two months before June. 'April'."

" 'A self-seeding flower. 'Pansy'."

"One more than one. 'Two'."

" 'It's leaves weep to the ground. ' Willow'."

" 'It melts in the sun. 'Ice'."

" 'It's beginning and end never found. 'Circle'."

" 'Every rule has one. 'Exception'."

Wednesday hopped off the statue, his footsteps echoing faintly in the empty hallway. He took a few steps back, glancing down at the notes he had just scribbled. As his eyes skimmed over the words, something caught his attention. The first letter of each word seemed to form a pattern. He squinted slightly, tracing the letters with his finger before realizing they spelled out something significant. A sense of intrigue sparked within him as he pieced together the hidden message:

S un
N ether
A pril
P ansy
T wo
W illow
I ce
C ircle
E xception

"The answer will give a sharp cracking sound."

Wednesday smirked, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his face as he turned back toward the statue. With a deliberate motion, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers twice. The sound echoed in the empty hallway, and, as if responding to a hidden command, the statue began to move. The arm holding the raven shifted, coming to rest in front of Poe's body. Then, with a low rumble, the entire statue slid backward, revealing a secret passage behind it.

Without hesitation, Wednesday stepped into the passage. The air was cooler, and the walls seemed to close in slightly as he began descending a flight of stairs. His footsteps were soft, almost inaudible, as he took in the details around him. Along the walls, dimly lit by sconces, were pictures and portraitsโ€”faces of people who were likely former members of this hidden place, their eyes seeming to follow him as he descended.

At the bottom of the stairs, Wednesday found himself in a circular room. The atmosphere was thick with history, the walls lined with bookshelves that held ancient tomes and scrolls. Other paintings and photographs adorned the space, all adding to the room's mysterious aura.

In the center of the floor, the symbol of the Nightshades was inlaid in dark stone, its intricate design gleaming faintly in the dim light. Wednesday stood in the room's center, his gaze slowly sweeping across the space, feeling the weight of the secrets held within these walls.

"Secret societies. Hidden libraries."

Wednesday's eyes met with an old photo of his parents hanging on the wall.

"My mother staring at me in a judgemental way. These are all things I've come to expect."

Wednesday walked toward the bookshelf, his eyes narrowing as he noticed something unusual. Among the thick layers of dust covering most of the shelves, a small section in front of one of the books was conspicuously clear, as if someone had recently taken the book out. His curiosity piqued, and Wednesday reached for the book and pulled it from its place.

Flipping through the pages, his eyes scanned the contents until he came across a familiar illustrationโ€”the same one Rowan had shown him. The image held a strange significance, and it solidified the connection between what Rowan had revealed and this hidden room.

With a decisive snap, Wednesday shut the book, his expression unreadable. He slid the book into his backpack, his mind already racing with the implications of what he had just discovered.

"But the minute I inch closer to the truth..."

Wednesday turned around, but before he could react, a black cloth was suddenly shoved over his face, plunging him into darkness. He tried to pull it away, but strong hands restrained him, dragging him forcefully through the hidden passage. The suddenness of the attack left him disoriented, struggling to make sense of his surroundings as he was pulled away.

"Luckily, I'm not afraid of the dark."


By: SilverMist707

I hope you all enjoy and have an amazing night.

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