𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍, the foundations of decay

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WARNING: Noncon smut at the end of the chapter


IN MIZUHIME'S OPINION, THE MONTH of October was coming by way too slowly. She wanted the month to be over with already, for the mission determining her promotion to come forth and be done with.

For the past couple of weeks, she had been skirting around Gojo. Her saving grace was that he wasn't her homeroom teacher anymore, being a second year and all, so avoiding him was pretty easy. It was after class time that avoiding him became a little harder. He seemed to pop up everywhere like a Jack-in-the-box toy from a horror movie. Every time she heard his exuberant voice anywhere in the distance, she'd melt into a puddle of water and quietly slink away. One time, she even slipped into a water drain. It was kind of embarrassing.

She'd been so tense ever since Nanami visited her that she could hardly enjoy the month. Nobara and Maki had been planning what costume to wear when Halloween came and she was too disheartened to really provide any help in their discussion on 'whether we should rock the Powerpuff Girls look or the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus'. She had no clue who they even were and dully told them that she would be whoever the 'blue one' was.

She didn't even react that much when Nobara gossipped on the girls' group chat about Megumi and Yuji's newfound relationship. Of course she found them cute together, but Gojo had been waving at her when the message came through so her only course of action was to turn into water and pretend to be a puddle.

Speaking of Megumi and Yuji...

"If I have to listen to these gay idiots flirting one more time, I'm gonna kill the brat. Again." Sukuna ranted to her one day when she was pulled into his domain. Usually they would've been training by now, but lately he had turned their training sessions into a venting session, and the current hot topic of the day? Yuji and Megumi getting together.

"Oh come on," she rolled her eyes. "I think they're cute. You're just a... what do teenagers say? You're just a hater."

"Oh please don't adopt this generation's piss poor vocabulary," he said with clear disgust written on his face. "And it's not cute. It's nauseating. The brat's already bad enough on a regular day but when he's in love? Spare me. Do you know how many rom-coms he's watched just this past week? Six, and he started watching that stupid K-drama, Boys Over Fungi or whatever."

"I think it's called Boys Over Flowers," she corrected. Nobara had her watch it during a sleepover one time. In her opinion, the show could tune down with the dramatic tropes. Evil mother of the ML who hates the FL, amnesia, arranged marriage... geez, give the main character a break!

"Whatever," he said dismissively. "Not even the married couples back in our day were this annoying. I miss the days where he agonized over his future execution. At least that was entertaining."

This was the nth time Sukuna griped about ItaFushi—a 'ship name' that Nobara dubbed and a majority of the students agreed with—so it wasn't that hard for her to block him out in her head.

Once it was time for her to wake up, it would be another day of desperately trying to avoid Gojo again. She didn't think she could do this any longer. He was already aware of what she was doing. Eventually, he would get sick of the cat and mouse game and come after her, and she might not be able to escape him another time. She shuddered at what he would do if that were to happen.

God, she couldn't wait to be assigned to the promotional mission already. Her safety in this country was dwindling by the day.

"I'm gonna leave," she blurted out, interrupting Sukuna's story about how he bit Megumi's hand when Yuji tried to hold it. She was never any good at keeping secrets from her best friend after all, so it was a miracle she managed to hold on for this long.

"...Leave?" He echoed, eyes narrowed. He knew very well she wasn't talking about leaving the Domain.

"The country, I mean," she clarified. "I... Sukuna, I don't think I'm safe here anymore. Gojo-sensei's getting more unhinged by the day. A few weeks ago, he actually kissed me. It's gotten to the point that even Nanami—"

"—Who?" He blinked.

"The blonde man—"

"—Wearing those ridiculous goggles?"

"They're not... forget it. Look, even Nanami-san's beginning to get concerned. He even went so far as to prepare me a passport so I could leave the country. Apparently, he spoke to one of his old colleagues and they're willing to take me in once I become a Grade 1. And according to him, I'll be assigned a mission to assess me for a promotion sometime this month—they just need to find a bad enough incident for me to work on."

Sukuna crossed his arms, all signs of amusement leaving his face. "You're a fool if you don't believe he'll follow you."

She winced. "I'm aware," she agreed meekly. "This plan is... temporary at best, but it's all I have. It'll at least give me more time..." More time to do what, though? Brace herself for whatever horrors Gojo was ready to unleash? She was just delaying the inevitable at best, but what other choice did she have?

His frown only worsened into a dark scowl. "I would prefer it if you kept close to me."

"Sukuna..." She said gently. "You're still stuck in Yuji's body."

"Not for long."

There was something about the way he said those words that made the little hairs in the back of her neck raise. He spoke with a tone of certainty, as if his words were absolute, as if he was 100% sure that the day would come where he wouldn't be trapped in a vessel for long. Not only that, but the eerie blank look on his face... Mizuhime couldn't remember a time where he ever looked so scary.

"What... what do you mean?" She asked hesitantly. "Sukuna, are you planning something? Are you going to hurt Yuji?"

All he did was smile. Teeth sharp and red eyes gleaming. It looked nothing like the grins he used to give her a thousand years ago. It looked like a predator about to finish off his meal.

(She still didn't know what happened after her death. She didn't think she wanted to find out.)

And then, she woke up.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

One hour into the day, and so far Gojo was nowhere in sight.

But that didn't mean her morning was calm.

Yuta's grating voice shrilled nervously from the other side of the phone call, "Hime! It's morning where you're at right? Good mo—"

"—The only reason I'm bothering to answer your calls is because it's the only way to get my father to shut up," she snapped, interrupting whatever pitiful 'good morning' he was about to give her.

It was bad enough that she was still engaged to the little creep, but now she was being forced to interact with him. Ever since Yuta complained to Susanoo that she had been ignoring his calls and messages, her father had given her an ultimatum: "Stop acting like a brat, or I'll put you out of the school regardless of what Gojo says.".

There was a silence on the other end, and then he responded, more calmly this time, "Well. If that's how you're going to speak to me then maybe I should have a word with dad again, hmm?"

She couldn't believe she ever loved this guy.

She heaved a sigh. "What do you want?" She said grumpily.

"I just wanted to say 'good morning'," he replied, back to his bright and sunny attitude.

"Well, you said it. Can I hang up now?" Please, please, let me hang up.

She could hear him sigh, as if she was the one being unreasonable. "You're still upset, aren't you? I said I was sorry about... that. I told you, the camera was just a precaution."

"And what about the stolen clothes? The stolen underwear? The locks of my own hair that I found?" She questioned.

She could picture him now; his face grimacing and flustered. She could even hear it in his voice as he replied, "I-it's nothing like that!" He squawked. "I just... I like to collect things... a-and I didn't do anything weird with them so—"

She snorted in disbelief. "—Sure you didn't."

"How did you find out about it anyway?" He asked curiously.

"I thought I left one of my old jackets in your room," she lied swiftly. She wasn't going to throw Megumi under the bus, especially since Yuta was already so distrustful of him.

"Oh..." He said weakly. "Hime, I'm—"

"—I gotta go now," she interrupted, spying Nobara exiting the library with a scowl on her face. She hung up without waiting for him to say goodbye just as the younger girl drew closer.

"Nobara?" She called out, having gotten used to calling her by her first name (as she insisted).

"Remind me to never study with those idiots ever again," the short-haired girl huffed, readjusting the strap of her bag.

"Did, uh, something happen?"

Nobara's scowl disappeared. She looked worried now. "Itadori wanted to hold a study session between the three of us since we got this math exam next week. He was fine in the morning but..." She stepped a little closer and mumbled quietly, "Don't tell anyone I said this, but I'm worried about him. He's been acting off. I think Sukuna's giving him a hard time... Now that I think about it, Fushiguro's been acting weird too..."

"...Relationship troubles?" Mizuhime suggested.

She shrugged. "I hope so. Maybe Sukuna's being homophobic or something."

Mizuhime responded without thinking, "Actually, homosexuality wasn't seen in a bad light back in the Heian Era. Christian influence later on was what made them homophobic."

Nobara blinked owlishly at her. "Uh, how do you know that?"

"I... read it from a book?"

Thankfully, she bought that.

"Is Maki-senpai free?" Nobara asked eagerly. "I got more ideas on our costumes!"

Finding Maki wasn't that hard. 90% of the time she was somewhere training and in the other 10%, she would be in her dorm room avoiding people. In this case, she was in one of the training grounds. Nobara 'ooh'-ed and 'ahh'-ed at the spectacle before finally approaching her.

"Senpai!" She exclaimed cheerily. "You got a minute?"

"I'm on time for a break," Maki shrugged, setting her naginata down. "So, what's up?"

"More costume ideas," Nobara grinned. "We can be the Heathers! Or the Mean Girls! If we go with the first, then I call Regina! Heather Chandler if it's the second."

Mizuhime tilted her head thoughtfully. She was already well-acquainted with the Mean Girls movie, but to her disappointment, none of the girls wore blue. "If we go with Mean Girls, I'll take whichever is left over. As for Heathers... is there a blue girl?"

"That's Veronica, but she's not a Heather," Maki answered. "There's a green one though, but then that'd leave me with McNamara who wears yellow and I don't look good in yellow."

Nobara frowned, affronted. "Not true. You'd look great in yellow! Like... a hot bumblebee or something!"

She snorted. "Charming."

"This leaves us with four options now," Mizuhime pointed out. "Powerpuff Girls, Sanderson Sisters, and now Heathers and Mean Girls. We have three days until Halloween and we still don't even have our costumes ready..."

"Oh shit, it's already that soon?!" Nobara cursed. "Urgh... we should scratch out the Sanderson Sisters then, it'd be too hard to find clothes for them."

"Powerpuff Girls then?" Maki suggested. "We probably already have the clothes, we just need to style our hair."

"Powerpuff Girls it is then!" Nobara cheered. "I'm Blossom! Maki-senpai, you're Buttercup, and Hime-senpai, you're Bubbles, naturally."

Mizuhime nodded in acceptance. That seemed easy enough. She had tons of blue clothes and after a quick Google search, it looked like all she needed to do was style her hair in pigtails. There was no time to dye it blonde though, but whatever.

"We'll hang out in Shibuya when Halloween comes," Nobara squealed. "Ohhh, it'll be so much fun! And then we should have dinner at a fancy restaurant!"

"I just hope none of us get sent on a mission that day," Maki huffed. "We should be exempt from going on missions during holidays!"

Mizuhime opened her mouth to voice her agreement. Last year would've been her first time celebrating Halloween and Maki and Inumaki had been so excited to introduce it to her, but she had been called forth on a mission with Nanami that day. Nanami gave her candy at the end of it though, but it would've been nice to actually partake in the festivities.

This year though, she was determined to celebrate it for real.

A bzzz sound kept her from speaking. She groaned internally, already knowing who the message was from.

Hey r u done ignoring me??

"Yuta again?" Maki asked knowingly.

Aside from Megumi and Sukuna, Maki and Nobara were aware of what she had discovered in Yuta's room. She felt it safe to tell them. Plus, they always had her back from day one and they knew how awful Yuta truly was thanks to that one... attempted baby-trapping incident. She was pretty sure Yuji was aware of it too, she wouldn't be surprised if Megumi had told him.

But they were pretty much the only people she wanted to know. She didn't feel comfortable talking to anyone else about it; it felt pretty humiliating telling people that her fiance had stolen her underwear and... pleasured himself to it. Even worse, it wasn't like anyone could even do anything about it either. Susanoo would never let up on the engagement.

"Yup," she mumbled, not bothering to reply to his message and choosing to shove her phone back in her pocket instead. "My father's making me answer his calls and messages. Apparently Yuta whined to him about how I was ignoring him."

"So?" Nobara frowned.

She grimaced. "He threatened to pull me out of the school if I continued to 'act like a brat'."

"Ugh! They're both assholes! Men suck," the younger girl scowled.

Maki stared sympathetically. As if she knew the bluenette was seconds away from another breakdown, she offered, "Hey Hime... how about you hang with us girls for tonight? It's gotta suck being surrounded by all that testosterone, right?"

Immediately, her face brightened up. "You mean... another sleepover?!"

Maki smiled, "Yeah."

Oh this was perfect. A sleepover with the girls was just what she needed after a stressful month.

Even after parting with Nobara and Maki, the idea of the sleepover was really all she could think about. Thanks to being heavily sheltered until last year, she had never been in a sleepover (or a slumber party as Nobara liked to call it) and never even heard of it until Maki brought it up one time. Needless to say, slumber parties were her favorite thing.

After dinner was done, she hurried back to her dorm to get her things ready. In their last sleepover, Nobara had yelled at her for not bringing her skincare products to share with the group so she made a mental note to do it again.

The second she reached her room, she flipped on her lights...

And the smile slipped off her face.

Her eyes made contact with a pair hidden behind a blindfold and that was when she felt her blood freeze over.

"Gojo... s-sensei..." She uttered breathlessly. "What are you...?"

"Hime-chan," he grinned, rising up from her bed. "Finally you're here. I've been waiting for you."

She stepped back until she was standing right next to the short hallway where the door was, waiting for her on the other end.

When he began to approach her, she took another step back. "My friends are waiting for me."

"For the sleepover right?" He smiled mockingly. "Cute. I couldn't help but overhear you girls planning it."

"I should go," she said, her voice barely audible from the blood rushing through her ears.

He chuckled, and a shiver rolled down her spine. RUN, her mind screamed, but her body felt too frozen in fear to move. "You've been avoiding me, Hi~me~chan," he sang coyly. "It hurts my feelings."

Finally, her body moved.

She started for the door, but Gojo lunged after her like a wolf pouncing on its prey. He slammed her against the wall, caging her in with his more broader form while grabbing her wrists with ease.

"You're so beautiful," hot breath fanned her face, making her flinch away. "Even when you're scared."

"You're crazy," she spat.

"Crazy for you, yes," he agreed eagerly.

"This is wrong," she pleaded, trying to make him see reason.

All it did was make him laugh, grip on her wrists tightening and the bulge rubbing against her half throbbing as if her words had turned him on.

"Wrong...? Haha...! You're so cute, Hime-chan! Who cares if this is wrong?! I'm the strongest, remember? Do you really think anyone would try to step up against me?"

In a blind fury, she made her biggest mistake, something that she would regret for the rest of her miserable life:

"Sukuna did," she seethed. "And he fucking killed you for it."

Suddenly, Gojo went still. It took her half a second to realize what she had done.

She had doomed herself.

"How... how do you know that?" He asked. His grip on her wrists nearly slackened, but she was too terrified to do anything. "He told you, didn't he? No wait... then that means you remember, don't you?"

Her face went several shades lighter. There was a buzz in her ears and her limbs felt numb. "W-what do you mean?" She asked weakly.

His grip tightened once more. She could feel his disturbing blue eyes staring through her soul. "A wife shouldn't lie to her husband, Shisui."

He might as well punch a hole through her chest. Her knees felt like jelly, but in a burst of adrenaline she moved into action. Quickly, her body melted within his grasp, turning into water. She hurried for the door, but Gojo was quicker.

He tore off his blindfold and brought his hand up, crossing his fingers.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void."

Mizuhime's body was forced back into its original state and in the next millisecond, she felt her brain nearly explode right before her vision flashed white.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

A sensory overload and a sensory numbness at the same time. That was what it felt like.

She had heard him brag about his Domain Expansion numerous times before so that was how she knew of this. Though, she never really understood what he meant until now.

She sensed it all before she could even open her eyes. She could feel the soft touch of Egyptian cotton bedsheets and the plushiness of a pillow under her head while at the same time, her skin tingled with numbness. She could see a dim light pouring over her within the darkness of her eyelids, hear a muffled voice somewhere in the distance, and smell a light, expensive cologne... Gojo's.

"Shhh," she heard someone coo, before feeling a thumb trace her cheek, wiping away stray tears that she didn't even realize were there.

Despite her body protesting against it, she opened her eyes and it nearly felt like her eyes were burning alive. The lights were dim, but everything about her felt so sensitive now thanks to the aftermath of Gojo's Domain.

She heard him curse under his breath—the sound making a grating noise in her ears—before the lights finally died out.

"Is that better?" He asked softly.

She didn't answer right away. Her eyes fluttered open once more, and her breathing quickened once she got a good look at the room. A large bedroom that had a good view of Tokyo's night scene, the city lights illuminating the dark room.

She knew exactly where she was. She was in Gojo's penthouse. More specifically, his bedroom. She knew this because he had taken her to his house many times before after missions were done under the excuse of 'letting her have a break'. It was her first time in his room, though Gojo always offered to let her sleep here to 'rest'. She always denied it.

More importantly, she was far, far away from the school.

Panic seized her.

"Hey now, there's no need for that," Gojo chuckled, reaching out to wipe away more tears that spilled. Mizuhime was too terrified to even flinch away, her wide blue eyes staring up at him in pure fear. "You shouldn't try to move. Your body's still... ah, sensitive after experiencing my Domain Expansion. Sorry about that by the way, but you gave me no choice."

"Take me back to campus," she demanded shakily.

He let out a playful hum, "Hmmm~ No! I don't think so. There were too many... distractions there."

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked, trying to regain her composure. It wasn't working. Her whole body was trembling, her mind still felt buzzed from the effects of his Domain, and the closest escape route she had was the window—and she was on the seventy-second floor of the building they were in.

"I just wanted to talk," he inhaled. "But you've been avoiding me."

"So you kidnapped me."

He simply shrugged, as if he was saying, 'well, what else was I supposed to do?'. "It was the only way I could talk to you without any interruptions. I couldn't risk you running back to Sukuna after all," he said bitterly. "You love him, don't you? Even back then, you loved him..."

"Why does it matter?" She asked tensely.

"Why does it matter?" He echoed, sounding as if his heart had been snapped in two.

"Don't you see? I'm in love with you, Mizuhime." He confessed and it felt like someone snapped a shackle around her neck. "Back then... back when I was Junichiro, I treated you so horribly. I saw you as a shiny new toy and not as a person with their own thoughts and feelings. But things are different now, I—"

"—Let. Me. Go." She seethed, not wanting to hear this anymore.

"I've changed!" He insisted. "Can't you see it? I'm not the same man as I was before! I've changed! I understand what I did wrong and I'm trying to be better, I want to become better!"

"I don't care about that!" She cried out hoarsely. "You're the one who can't see it, Gojo! I don't WANT you to love me!"

"I can't stop it!" He snapped. "Do you think I want this? To always love people who leave me in the end?! My mother, my brother... You and Geto... Do you think I want to keep feeling this pain? Even after a thousand years, love continues to spit on my face and it's not fair, Mizuhime! For once, I just want to be happy, to have my own happy ending... Why is it so bad that I want one with you?"

"Because I don't want it," she told him. "You can't force that happy ending on me."

"But why not?" His lips trembled. His eyes were wet, but she looked away. She could not afford to feel sympathy. "I can make you happy. I swear it. You just have to let me. I love you..."

"But that's the thing," she said gently, eyes begging him to see reason and let her go. "I don't love you."

Something in his face changed. All that grief and pain he once expressed looked as if it had been sucked away. His features turned hard, his eyes empty and resigned. A shadow fell over his face.

"That's too bad then," he said darkly.

Her breath hitched. "G-Gojo, don't—" Her eyes squeezed shut when she felt his hand begin to caress the side of her face.

"I won't let you fade away like they did," he whispered. "I'll make sure of it. This time, you'll stay with me forever."

Gojo was a cruel lover, he knew that. He wanted nothing more than for Mizuhime to be happy, but if that meant letting her go, then he was fine with having her be miserable and broken. Because at least then she would still be his.

She opened her mouth to scream, "SUKUNA—MMPH!"

His large hand covered her mouth, a bitter smile on his face. "You screamed for him to come save you once, and he didn't come. What makes you think he'll be here this time?"

His words brought her to tears. She sobbed against his hand, flinching away when he buried his face into her shoulder.

"You'll learn to love me," he murmured, laying kisses on the side of her neck. "We have all the time in the world." 

WARNING: I repeat, this is NONCON YOU GUYS! DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE. If you want to skip the smut, then you're pretty much done with the whole chapter so you can stop here and go to the A/N!

Oh and if I have any anime-onlys here, just beware that the last meme I put in the A/N has a HUGE manga spoiler so yeah... tread carefully.

Despite her body protesting against it, she shoved him off of her and rushed for the door. She barely lasted a second before he caught her, arms wrapping around her middle, followed by an amused chuckle against her ear. The contact made her see stars, bright spots dancing in her eyes as her skin tingled from the stimulation. It was like being stuck in his Domain again.

"Naughty girl," he teased, swiping at the back of her ear with his tongue before nibbling at the lobe. He grinded his aching cock against her butt, making her shudder in disgust.

"Do you feel that?" He whispered tantalizingly, holding her waist tightly and pressing her against his burning body. He wanted her to feel every inch of him.

Her refusal to answer only made him more amused. Without another word, he whirled her around and pushed her down to her knees. He would've relished in the way her wide fearful eyes gazed back at him, but he had other matters to deal with. He hastily began to unbuckled his pants. Mizuhime tried to flee again, but he grabbed a fistful of her hair to keep her still.

"Uh uh~" He sang, a sick blush on his face as he looked down at her. On her knees in defeat was a position he was beginning to like on her.

Finally, he was able to pull his cock out. Her eyes grew a little wide when she saw it. He was... big. Bigger than Yuta and Megumi, for sure, and she had even struggled taking them. His size was intimidating and she didn't want that anywhere near her. Gojo, however, seemed to take her fear for something else.

"Someone likes what they're seeing," he teased, and she stubbornly looked away. But one tug of her hair and she was forced to make eye-contact with him.

"I'm feeling generous today, so I've decided to give you a choice," he began, languidly stroking his cock while keeping a tight grip on her hair. "You can either suck me off and make my dick nice and wet so I can enter you more easily, or I can go in dry and see how you like it."

This isn't a 'choice', she wanted to spat, but she had a feeling saying that would just rile him up.

She breathed in deeply, trying to cool her nerves, but it was impossible. The thought of that going in her with no preparation... she would break for sure.

"...Fine," she agreed quietly. "I'll do the first."

He grinned, knowing she would say that. "Good girl," he purred. "Now open wide for me, baby."

Precum was already dribbling from the tip as he slowly guided it to her parted lips. Her mouth stretched open wide to accommodate him, nearly gagging when his cockhead bumped into the back of her throat. He wasn't even completely in yet.

"Ah, I guess Yuta never taught you how to do this, huh? It's fine. As your teacher, I'll be happy to help!" He joked, and she glared up at him with watery eyes. Of all the things he was willing to actually teach her, of course it would be something as gross as this.

"All you gotta do is... nngh... relax your throat a bit," he instructed, shoving her head forward to take him more. She choked, tears stinging her eyes, but she relaxed her throat to make this easier on herself. "Ah...! That's a good girl, just like that!"

He began bobbing her head up and down his length. Praises spilled from his lips and he meant every word he said. This was her first time doing this, but she was already doing so good! See how wonderful of a teacher he was?

Small hands grasped the front of his pants, pawing for reprieve, but he didn't grant it. He breached her throat without mercy, enjoying the sight of his favorite student gagging on his big cock. When tears started to pour down her rosy cheek, he lovingly brushed them away, but continued with his punishing pace.

His body was getting too hot, so he finally released her hair in order to strip himself of his jacket and shirt. He kept his pants on for now, too high off pleasure to stop what he was doing.

Once his chest was bare, he went back to guiding her head. This time, with both hands grasping the sides of her head to push her down. He threw his head back, the rhythmic sounds of his thrusting and the gluck, gluck, gluck of her wet mouth joined by his guttural moans.

"I'm so close now," he panted. "And you're gonna swallow it all down, okay, sweetheart?" It was phrased as a request, but Mizuhime knew better.

At this, he set the pace even harder. Every time he slid his cock in, he could feel it abuse the back of her throat, almost bruising it with how harsh he was. And when he pulled out, he barely allowed her to gasp for air before cruelly pushing his cock back in again.

"Oh yeah, oh fuck, fuck, fuck," he moaned, his head thrown back in pleasure.

When he finally felt himself reach his peak, he shoved himself all the way in, her pretty face pressed against his pelvis. He held her there for a few seconds, knowing that she could hardly breath. Then, he finally felt his release: cum pouring out in thick spurts and painting her mouth and throat white.

She began to struggle, but he held her down against his crotch. "Swallow it," he said in a warning voice.

She swallowed as much as she could, tears streaming down her face as she did so. Once he was satisfied, he pulled his cock out with a pop. Saliva and semen spilled from her mouth and down her chin. It was a hot sight, Gojo made sure to imprint it in his memory.

Her whole body was shaking, but he wasn't even done with her. Without even giving her a moment of recovery, he yanked her back up, bringing her into a hot, messy kiss as he stumbled for the bed. She was so exhausted that she didn't even try to push him away, letting his tongue invade her mouth and taste himself.

Even after pushing her onto the bed and crawling on top of her, he continued to kiss her. Hand now grasping her jaw to keep her still as he lightly massaged her tongue with his own. He felt like he was on cloud nine right now. This was love. This was what he had been deprived of for so long now. After so many years of heartbreak, he was finally getting the love he deserved.

"I love you so much," he murmured sweetly, ignorant to her tears wetting his face as he started to take off her clothes. He brought his lips to hers again, silencing her cries.

She turned away. "I don't wanna do this," she whispered.

"It's okay," he crooned, kissing her jaw. "You'll learn to love me. I'll teach you."

Her panties were the only thing left. He grabbed it by the edges, easily sliding it down her smooth legs and tossing it to the side.

"God, what a perfect little cunt," he breathed out, rubbing her clit with his thumb. "Do you have any idea how long I've dreamed of this?"

She really didn't want to know. Her reddening face was set hard, trying fruitlessly to not make a sound as he continued to rub her clit over and over again. Then, he prodded it hard and a small squeak escaped her. He smirked cockily, pulling his finger back and relishing in the way her expression fell.

As much as he wanted to stretch her out with his fingers to prepare her, he was too eager to shove his cock in her. Kicking his pants and boxers away, he slotted himself between her legs.

"Pity you're not a virgin," he sighed, placing the mushroom tip of his cock against her entrance. "But I doubt Yuta stretched you out anyway."

"Sensei..." She tried one last time to get him to change his mind.

He bopped her on the nose. "Satoru," he corrected it with a smile. "As hot as it is to hear you call me 'sensei', I want you to call me by name. Like a lover would. Hmm, maybe I'll be gentle if you do?"

"Please don't do this," she begged. "You can still stop. I-I'll do anything, but not this, s-so, plea—HNNGH!"

With a steady push, he sheathed himself inside her at last. Gojo was seeing stars. He had never been enveloped in something so tight and warm before. Her perfect little snatch was squeezing him so hard that he actually hesitated to move any further. He didn't want to actually hurt her after all. At least, not too much.

But the hesitation left when he felt her walls start to convulse around him. His eyes widened in delight as he felt her come around his length.

"Oh fuck," he moaned out loud. "You came just from me putting it in? Fuck, you're amazing, you're so goddamn perfect, sweetie!"

His praises made her face heat up with shame.

"Awww," he cooed. "My poor little girl. You've never been fucked by a real man, have you? No, no, you've only had little boys to play with, is that right?"

She shook her head in protest, wanting this humiliation to end already.

"S-Satoru, please," she whimpered. "I don't want this."

"Filthy little liar," he giggled, grabbing her by the waist and finally moving. He thrust in and out of her pussy, watching her folds spread out with every move he made. He wanted to memorize everything—from the way her pussy spasmed around his length to the way her tits bounced with his thrusts.

His poor dear tried to slide back in a futile attempt to get away from him, but he wasn't gonna have it. Both hands grabbed at the small of her waist, pulling her towards him and even deeper onto his cock. She let out a pleasured cry, drool slipping past her lips.

"It's too big," she sobbed, trying to push at his abdomen. "No, no, no!"

"Don't worry," he groaned, continuously slamming his hips forward. "You'll get used to me, baby, I'll make sure of it. Gonna fuck your young cunt every day until my dick's the only thing that can satisfy it. Mold you cute little pussy into my shape. You like the sound of that, honey?"

His tone was so sweet despite the filthy words. She hated it. Hated the way her body grew hot at his actions, hated the way it continued to betray her.

"S... Satoru, stop," she panted. "You s-said—you said—!" She was too breathless to remind him about his promise to be gentle. She should've known he would never uphold it.

His hands reached out to grab at her bouncing breasts, fingers pinching and pulling at her nipples. She let out a cry, nails digging into his hard abs and legs trying to close in an attempt to protect herself. He laughed, grabbing her ankles and pulling her legs apart with ease.

She screamed, head thrown back. He wished he could take a picture. She looked so fucked out right now, and he wanted more. He wanted to fuck her dumb to the point that she only knew his name and nothing more.

His hands traveled down to her stomach. He let out a low moan; he could feel his own cock sliding in and out of her. He watched, mesmerized as her little tummy bulged due to his size. And then, he felt her muscles tighten up and knew what was gonna happen next.

Mizuhime knew it too. Her eyes widened in her, 'no, no, no' spilling from her lips over and over. He chuckled at her anguish, "Looks like you're gonna cum again," he taunted.

"Noo!" She sobbed, shaking her head in denial. "No more, no more! I don't wanna cum, 'toru, please—oh god, no, no, no!"

Her body, as usual, didn't listen. He pressed down on her stomach and it was like turning on a switch. Her whole body locked, tongue lolling out as cum spilled out of her. Gojo followed soon after, and she was too fucked out to even protest.

"I'm gonna cum inside you," he moaned. "Oh! Ohhh! Oh, fuck!" Thick cream exploded into her, but he didn't stop. He kept pounding into her relentlessly, forcing his seed further inside her cervix.

For a second, Mizuhime naively thought it was over. But it wasn't. Gojo slammed his mouth against hers, teeth clacking clumsily as he forced her into another kiss. He laid his body flat onto hers, his still rock-hard cock shoved back inside her sensitive pussy, making her squeal in his mouth.

"NO!" She moaned, trying to shove him off. Large hands grabbed hers, fingers intertwining together as he planted her hands firmly next to her head.

He started to move his hips once more. Mizuhime could hardly function. She was feeling too much all at once. His body was completely pressed against hers, allowing her to feel every muscle, every shudder, and even every beat of his heart. It was insane. The new position didn't help. It felt like he was deeper now, his cock now able to batter her cervix and she was just forced to take it.

She hated how much it hurt, yet how good it felt. She hated all of this. Even worse, he kept whispering about how much he loved her throughout it all. If this was love, she didn't want it.

This time, the sex was slow, but hard. Passionate. Almost like lovemaking. Gojo's lips stayed latched onto her neck, murmuring sweet nothings while his cock continued to move in and out of her. His thrusts were slow, but powerful, shaking her to the core.

Suddenly, a familiar hot feeling entered her belly. "S'toru," she whined.

The hands clutching hers tightened. He moaned in response, "I know, sweetie." He pressed his lips against hers, murmuring just one word: "Come."

Against her will, she came another time, mouth hanging open and stars dancing in her eyes. Even though she hated it, she couldn't help but follow his every command. She kept coming, the pleasure never fading away.

As usual, he continued to fuck her stuffed cunt, moving her body in so many positions it was impossible to keep count. Even when her body finally seemed to give up, he just took control over it. After coming so many times, a heavy haze finally entered her brain.

Gojo hummed in satisfaction. They had gone at it for so long to the point that all she could do was cry and cum. Her whole body was shaking and overstimulated, but he didn't stop. Not yet.

She was too tired to do anything when he lifted one of her legs, his cock plunging back into her to fuck her all over again.

"I wanna hear you say it," he whispered sweetly, his free hand grabbing her bruising hip. "Say that you love me and only me. Say it, and then I'll stop."

Her mind cleared up enough to understand what he was saying, but she remembered all the other false promises that he made.

Gojo's hand started rubbing her sensitive clit. She gasped sharply, more tears spilling from her eyes. She couldn't do this anymore. She had come so much, her body hurt.

"I... I love you..." She said through gritted teeth.

He let out a dreamy sigh. "I love you too."

And then he plowed himself back into her. She sobbed, knowing that this hell wasn't over.  

— author's note —


This was made by zitafriendship on tumblr:













































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