𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐗, it's raining (toxic) men!

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Okay I wanted to update earlier, but I haven't stopped playing Final Fantasy 16 since it came out. You can't blame me, the men are just so hot there AND THE ENDING FUCKING KILLED ME.

Anyway, SEASON 2 OF JUJUTSU KAISEN IS COMING SOON!!!! I already got my Crunchyroll subscription too!! I'm excited!

WHEN MIZUHIME OPENED HER EYES, the first thing she saw was Sukuna staring down at her with his hands on his hips.

"Had a fun night?" He asked sweetly, voice laced with sarcasm.

She blinked in confusion, but then realization dawned on her. Yuji's dorm was right next to Megumi's, and last night they had...

Her face turned bright red, practically lighting up the dark and dreary domain they were in.

"I—" Her face felt flush with embarrassment. "I—I, we, um—"

He harrumphed, crossing his arms. "Save it," he spat. "Like I give a shit about whatever little needle dick you decide to please yourself with. Was he even that good or were you just faking those noises I heard?"

She was trying desperately to cover her flaming cheeks with her hands, but it was no use. Every visible part of her was red, from the tips of her ears to the bottom of her neck.

"The sea urchin head," he rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you picked him out of everyone."

"Sukuna!" She squeaked.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "What possessed you to sleep with him anyway? I thought he was just a 'kohai' to you."

"He is! Well—I—ugh..." She groaned quietly, struggling to explain everything. "It was a... heat of the moment thing, I guess."

All she got in response was a raised brow and she sighed in defeat. He clearly wasn't going to let this go until he got a full explanation on what happened. Begrudgingly, she explained the events that led up to the night; how Megumi revealed Yuta's dirty secrets, how she tried to cancel the engagement to him but her father rejected her pleas, and how she eventually had to stay in Megumi's room because of the destruction she caused.

To her absolute annoyance, Sukuna reacted very smugly when he heard about Yuta's wrongdoings. She already knew what he was about to say.

"Don't say it," she grumbled.

He said it anyway.

"I told you so," he smirked. "I told you he was bad news, but did you listen to me? No."

She gritted her teeth and tried to keep her irritation at bay. "Are you seriously going to lecture me right now?"

"I should," he drawled, inspecting his sharp black nails boredly. "Because you clearly have terrible taste in men."

She pouted, "No, I don't."

He gave her a deadpanning look. "Exhibit A: Gojo."

She grimaced. "Uh, well—"

"—Exhibit B: the other Gojo. And exhibit C: that Okkotsu kid, who, coincidentally, is yet another Gojo. Honestly, what is it with you and Gojos?"

She quickly grew flustered. "I don't know!"

"Not to mention the sea urchin head was also being raised by a Gojo—seriously, melons, what's wrong with you? Truly, I'm disappointed in you. Your type sucks."

He had a type too because of course he did. He had taken many women—willingly or not—to his bed and they all "coincidentally" looked just like her. Not that she was aware of it. Regardless; the point was that he had a type too, but at least those women were acceptable. She, however, was into Gojos. Unacceptable. Irredeemable. Fucking disgusting.

She couldn't believe it. Her jaw dropped at his audacity. Instead of snapping, she petulantly crossed her arms.

"Kuna-chan!" She whined. "You're supposed to be my friend! Give me emotional support, advice, or something! Not lecture me about my type!"

"Kill Okkotsu," was all he said, shrugging. He would've advised her to kill Megumi too because how dare he sleep with her—that was usually what he did after sleeping with women who failed to satisfy him after all—but he had his plans for the boy, plans which required him to be alive for now.

"He's a Special Grade," she refuted, but the fact that she didn't bother to object to the idea pleased him. "Maybe I should just change my name and move to a different country," she joked.

He gave her an unimpressed look. In his eyes, no country could compare to Japan. He was born here after all, so that automatically made Japan superior to the rest.

"What are you going to do when you both wake up?" He asked, bringing the conversation back to the original topic. "I've watched enough annoying rom-coms thanks to the brat to know that 'the morning after' is going to be awkward for you. Is urchin-head even aware that this was a one-time thing or did you fuck that up too?"

Her face paled. Suddenly, the idea of fleeing to Canada didn't sound too bad anymore.

He cackled at her expression of despair. "Oh you've really dug a hole for yourself, melons! I'm glad the reincarnation process didn't change your stupidity."

"You are such a jerk!" She fumed, shooting a jetstream of boiling hot water at him. He stepped to the side to avoid it, and the attack struck his throne of bones. They watched in silence as the whole thing toppled to the ground.

He turned back to her, scowling and crossing his arms, "You know I'm gonna make you fix that, right?"

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

The morning after was just like what Sukuna expected—awkward. Especially since Megumi was already awake before her. Her only reprieve was that Sukuna was still stuck in the depths of Yuji's mind, unable to see this. Even better, Yuji was a late sleeper so there was no chance he could overhear anything either.

"Oh, you're awake..." Megumi muttered, suddenly becoming just as awkward as her. He swallowed thickly, nervously yanking at the collar of his uniform. "I, uh, brought you food and..."

His eyes trailed to his nightstand. For some odd reason, he was too flustered to finish the sentence. Mizuhime couldn't see what he was looking at so she sat up, carefully gathering the blankets to cover her bare chest, and saw a familiar small box of Plan B pills.

Her shoulders sank with relief. Thank god for Megumi's quick thinking, she had completely forgotten about their lack of protection last night. She couldn't help but bitterly think back to Yuta. Yuta was loudly adamant on not using any contraceptives so Megumi's act was very much appreciated.

Breakfast was quiet, but the awkward air between them was gone. She had taken the pill, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she ate her food in appreciative silence.

Suddenly, he spoke up.

"I know you're not ready for a relationship, so I won't push that on you," he began, then took a steady breath. "But are you and Okkotsu—"

"—We are over," she cut him off firmly. "At least... on my end, we are."

He frowned. "Have you spoken to him?"

She shook her head. "Nope! I've been ignoring him since the past few weeks actually. Besides, I'm more concerned with my father. He's the one with the most power to cancel this engagement and with him and Yuta against it..." She gave a hopeless shrug, but she looked concerningly calm despite the violent outburst she had yesterday.

"Will you tell Okkotsu about what we did?"

Another shake of the head. The idea of it seemed suicidal; she hadn't noticed the red flags until recently, but Yuta always had a jealous streak. At first, it was mostly based on insecurity, but since they started becoming second years, his jealousy derived more from possessiveness.

Even though she wanted nothing more to do with Yuta, their engagement wasn't over. She had no power over that, so what she had done with Megumi was basically infidelity...

She didn't want to know what he would do to her and Megumi if he were to find out.

Megumi nodded in understanding, but Mizuhime could see a look of disappointment cross over his face.

"I get it," he said tersely. And then, more hesitantly, "Do you regret what we did?"

The long pause before her answer made worry gnaw in his stomach, but then she finally replied: "No. You were just helping to distract me from him, weren't you? You were right when you said I needed to take my mind off of him. Besides, you were the one who showed me who my fiance really was, which I'm thankful for. So no, I don't regret it at all."

(Even though she probably should.)

He visibly relaxed at her words. He wouldn't have known what he would do if she said she regretted it. One thing was for certain, his reaction wouldn't have been pretty, especially since she had already rejected his feelings so many times before.

"I'm glad..." He breathed out.

And then, his hand inched forward to her own, clasping it tightly.

"Everything's going to be okay, Hime. Even if you don't want to be with me yet, let me take care of you from now on." He suddenly said, and the usage of her nickname rather than the usual 'senpai' she was used to hearing from him left her rattled. The 'yet' didn't go unnoticed either.

She tensed up, feeling something ominous now curdling in the air.


She was cut off by the ring of her cellphone. She glanced at the screen and huffed.

"Who is it?" He frowned, his hand slowly pulling away from hers.

"My father," she grumbled. "He's probably threatening to pull me out of the school again. I need to take this, I'll be right back."

She took her phone and left. Megumi watched her, feeling satisfied.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

A month passed since Yuji overheard what went on in Megumi's bedroom and the poor boy was barely able to look Megumi in the eye after it. It was getting to a point where Nobara was getting suspicious. The dark haired boy didn't seem to take notice, or he just didn't care, which was a relief since Yuji really didn't think he could handle a confrontation.

Even now, after nearly getting killed by a pair of oddly human cursed spirits whose corpses didn't dissipate like they were supposed to, Yuji still couldn't maintain eye contact with the boy.

"I got one of Sukuna's fingers," Megumi grunted, sitting up from his half-dead position. He held the creepy finger up for them to see, blood staining his fingertips.

Yuji couldn't help but stare at his hand a little longer. His mind kept drifting back to that night, Mizuhime's high gasps and desperate whimpers now ringing in his ears followed by Megumi's own grunts and low moans. He wondered how good Megumi's hand would feel wrapped around him, how soft Mizuhime's skin would feel under his palms.

He pictured him in the scene. Instead of being in his dorm pathetically humping at his pillow, he was there in the bedroom with them. He daydreamed of coy kisses and hands running all over his body and—

No. He instantly killed the fantasy. He needed to stop thinking about them that way. Mizuhime was engaged (to a creep, but that was beside the point) and he didn't even know if Megumi was into guys.

"So," he spoke up, eyes now planted on Sukuna's finger before pointing to himself. "Should I just eat it?"

"This ain't leftovers!" Nobara gagged in disgust.

"No," Megumi deadpanned at him. "We're not sure how many fingers you can consume. But since you look the least worn down, take it. Like I said, don't eat it though," he gave him a warning look at that.

Yuji sweatdropped. He thinks I have the comprehension of a dog... Which was offensive, but hey! At least dogs were cute! So that was basically a compliment!

He reached out as Megumi handed it over. Just as he placed the finger on his palm, Sukuna's mouth manifested and swallowed the thing whole. Both boys froze. Nobara's jaw dropped.

"WE TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT IT!" They yelled at him.

"WHA—?! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" He squawked. He glared at his palm. The mouth was gone, but he was sure Sukuna was laughing at him. "No way! This guy didn't even help this time!"

Nobara narrowed her eyes at his hand, as if expecting Sukuna to make a second appearance. "Do you think if I force you to eat shit, Sukuna would taste it too?"

He backed away from her with wide eyes. "Please don't."

"HEY!" A familiar voice yelled. "YOU BRATS!"

They looked up, spying Nitta glowering at them from the top of the bridge. They had left her alone to recover and she probably wasn't happy that they decided to do the mission without her.

"It's Nitta..." Yuji winced.

"She looks mad..." Nobara commented.

He snickered, helping Megumi stand. "Let's go home, guys."

"Finally~" Nobara sang, skipping ahead. "I need a shower!"

"You go on ahead," Megumi suddenly called out to her. "I need to talk to Itadori for a bit."

Assuming that he was gonna scold him for letting Sukuna eat the finger, Nobara grinned mischievously, "Got it! Good luck, Itadori!" She hurried away, to leave the two alone.

The boys stopped walking.

Yuji sighed in defeat, head bowed, "Look, I didn't know Sukuna was gonna do that. I can't really control when he manifests—"

Megumi shook his head. "That's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh," he blinked. "Then what?"

"You heard us that night, didn't you?" He said knowingly.

The reaction happened in an instant. Yuji's skin turned bright red, heat crawling up his neck and ears. He quickly looked away, as if to admire the trees.

"I, um, what do you mean?"

Megumi stepped closer. Yuji stepped back, now pretending to admire the grass beneath his feet.

"Me and Hime. You heard us fucking that night." He clarified, bluntly as ever.

"O-oh, that!" He laughed nervously, trying to adjust his collar. "I, er, vaguely heard some noises. So that's what you guys were doing! Wow! Congrats!"

Megumi sighed, irate. "Itadori—"

"—And, um, I don't really support cheating, but Okkotsu sucks so... y-yeah. Look, um, if you want me to keep quiet about it I will! Promise! You don't even have to ask, haha...! W-we're, like, bros after all—" Megumi's eye twitched at being called 'bro', but Yuji just kept rambling on. "—And I don't want senpai to get into any trouble and—"

Megumi seemed to have enough of his never-ending rambling. With a roll of his eyes, he grabbed Yuji by the sides of his face and brought him into a searing kiss.

Yuji's mind blanked. Blue-screened. Froze. Stopped. Suddenly his senses were overwhelmed with everything Megumi. He could feel the chapped skin of his lips, smell the sweat and blood coming off of both of them, and hear his heart beating away at his ribcage.

A second clicked, and suddenly his mind was screaming.

What. What? WHAT? Wasn't he in a secret relationship with Mizuhime? So why was he kissing HIM?! As much as his heart fluttered, he quickly pushed the other boy away.

"Fushiguro!" He gasped, looking horrified. "What the fuck, man?! Look, I'm fine with you helping senpai cheat on her fiance since he's a shit person, but I won't let you cheat on senpai with me!"

Megumi pinched the bridge of his nose. "Itadori, I like you."

"That's great and I support your bisexuality, or your pansexuality, or whatever else is there, but that doesn't justify cheating, you jerk!"

"Oh my—" He dragged a hand down his face, completely done with the world. "You dumbass! I like you and Mizuhime! I want to be with you both! At the same time!"

Yuji looked heartbroken. "You want to cheat on us?"

"Did Sukuna eat all your brain cells or did you not have any to begin with?" He scowled. "I want all three of us to be together. Like a polyamorous relationship? Do you at least know what that means?"

"O-o-oh," Yuji grew flustered. Yes, he knew what that meant. The heat came back full-force and he was beginning to struggle with keeping eye-contact.

The three of them together... That sounded nice. Great, even. He had fantasized about it on a handful of occasions... but that was all it could be. A fantasy. It could never become real because...

"Fushiguro..." He choked, the happiness swelling in his chest quickly deflating like a popped balloon. "I... you know it can't happen. My execution... it's—"

"—Don't think about that," Megumi nearly snarled. "It's not going to happen, okay? You don't think Gojo's actually gonna let the higher-ups kill you, do you?"

He looked down. "He might not have the power to stop it once I eat all the fingers."

"Then we should just run away."

The sentence took him off guard so badly that he nearly broke his neck from the whiplash of looking up. "What?"

Did he hear that right? He never would've thought he'd hear the words 'let's run away' coming from his mouth. It was usually something you would hear from a romantic drama (and he'd watched enough to know that).

Megumi shrugged, as if he didn't just suggest something outrageous. "You heard me. There's no way I'm gonna let the higher-ups kill you and there's no way I'm gonna let Hime marry that scumbag. So the three of us should just run away together."

"Dude... that was the most romantic thing I've ever heard you say."

Megumi scowled and started to storm away. "Oh shut up."

Yuji laughed and practically skipped after him. He hugged him from the back, ignoring the way Megumi tried to shrug him off and heartily gave him a loud smooch on the cheek. "You're really sweet, man."

"Shut. Up."

"You should be the one to ask senpai out, by the way," he chirped. "You're the one who had sex with her after all."

"Idiot," he sighed. "I can't just spring that up on her while she's still engaged."

"Oh yeah," the smile slipped off his face. "So... what do we do?"

"Give her space for now," he ordered. "She can't cancel the engagement—"

"—What?! Why not?!"

"She doesn't have the power to, being a girl and all," Megumi scowled darkly. "Her father would never cancel it, he likes Yuta as a son after all. And Yuta won't cancel it either since he's too obsessed. So for now, we give her space. And when we—yes we, 'cause I'm not doing this on my own and you are not allowed to ditch me—ask her out, our relationship is gonna have to stay a secret."

"Oh yeah, since she'll still be engaged then..." Yuji's frown worsened. He really hated how sexist Jujutsu society was. Couldn't they get with the times already? Better yet, couldn't the whole country?

"But we will have her," Megumi stated surely, a dark glint in his eyes. "And I won't let anything take you guys away from me."

Yuji snickered, "Geez, 'shiguro, possessive much?"

(He had no fucking idea.)

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

While Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Nitta were returning back to campus from their harrowing mission at Yasohachi Bridge, Mizuhime was storming through the grounds of Jujutsu Tech with a dangerous look in her eyes.

And then she finally saw him, about to walk through the red torii gate as if to head back home.

The clicking of her heeled shoes must have caught his attention because he turned around and grinned when he saw her through his blindfold.

"Hime-chan!" Gojo gasped excitedly. "What are you doing this fine night, hmm?"

"Is your Infinity on?" She asked abruptly, finally reaching him.

His grin widened. "Well now it isn't since you clearly seem so desperate to touch me—"

She slapped him across the face with enough power for his head to snap to the side. A furious red mark was left very noticeable on his cheek.

Slowly, he turned his head back to face her. He was stunned, unable to speak. Gingerly, he reached up to touch his stinging cheek and whispered, "Wh... why...?"

"I know what you did, you bastard," she seethed, raising up her phone. "The higher-ups called me, you know. We've gotten along pretty well ever since I came to ask them to rescind your request to take me out of the Goodwill Event. So they were all too happy to tell me that you came to them this morning to try and reject my promotion again. They told me everything. Apparently, you've been doing this to me since last year. This time, they refused you as a show of camaraderie to me."

Gojo's breath hitched. He could feel everything he had worked so hard for crumbling before his eyes.

He swallowed thickly, his throat feeling dry. "Hime, I—"

"—Why do you keep doing this to me?" She cried out brokenly. "All the lying, the deceit, holding me back, trying to make me weak, and telling me it's all in my head! You just keep hurting me over and over again and you don't even care, do you? Just as long as you get what you want."

"That's not it," he said shakily, feeling his hands begin to tremble with emotion. "Hime, please, I wasn't—"

"I hate this," she started to sob, and Gojo was pretty sure he heard his own heart crack. "You, my father, Yuta—I hate all of this!"

She wanted to be a thousand years back in the past, where she could just run to the river where Sukuna would be waiting for her and she could be away from her problems. She wanted to be anywhere but here, with the monster who was in the midst of ruining her life a second time.

As she reached up to wipe her eyes, she could see Gojo trying to reach out for her and instinctively flinched away. His face fell at the action.

"I-I just wanted to protect you," he stammered. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I just wanted to keep you safe—away from all the danger." He didn't want her to die again, even if it was his fault the first time. He wanted to make up for it, keep her safe. Sheltered. Protected. Happy. And with him.

"Protect me?" She laughed cruelly. "You can't protect anyone. You just hurt them."

Now it was his turn to flinch away. Images of Geto flashed through his head.

"You're the worst, and I hate you," she breathed out. "I will never forgive you for what you've done—" To me and Sukuna. "—And I hope you fucking rot in hell one day."

"I love you," he said hopelessly.

The look in her eyes cut into him. "You're not capable of love."

Gojo's mind flashbacked to a thousand years ago: the day of his death. He remembered being on his knees covered in blood and utter defeat as the Devil loomed over him.

"Sukuna... I'm sorry," he said remorsefully. "Iurk!—I-I didn't mean to... to kill her. I love her... I swear I do...!"

Sukuna's red eyes cut into him. "You don't love her. You don't even love yourself. You're incapable of understanding such an emotion."

He could've laughed. Sukuna, a monster, telling him that he wasn't capable of love? It was ridiculous. But here was Mizuhime, a reincarnation of the woman he was betrothed to and his greatest 'what-if', telling him the very same thing.

She might as well rip his heart out. It would've hurt less.

"You think I'm broken?" His voice cracked.

Her gaze never wavered. "I think you're a monster."

Something in him snapped.

He grabbed her, hand snatching the back of her head and forcing her into a deep kiss; savage, desperate, and full of regret. He wasn't broken or a monster. He was capable of love and he would show her that. Sure, once upon a time he had told her that he didn't love normally, but that was still love, wasn't it?

He pressed his lips against hers, eagerly eating up her little gasp. He ignored the small hands trying to push him away and savored the softness of her lips and the taste of the strawberry lip balm that she was using. His free hand slithered to the small of her back, pushing him against him so they could feel every inch of the other's body.

Suddenly ice cold water washed over him—literally. The sudden iciness made him pull away with a startled gasp. He looked over at her. She had summoned a miniature waterfall over them to stop what he was doing.

Mizuhime was breathing heavily, one hand covering her mouth. She was horrified. Gojo had... kissed her. He had always been super touchy and affectionate, but he had never kissed her (though there had been attempts that were fortunately interrupted).

"Hime..." He called out to her worriedly. "I—"

She didn't let him finish. She turned around and ran.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

Nanami wasn't expecting to see Gojo still on campus. He usually would be home by now after all. For some reason, Gojo was as still as a rock and he was soaked to the bone.

"Gojo?" He called out to him. "Why are you still here? And why are you wet?"

He stopped until he was in front of him, but now that he was closer, he was beginning to grow concerned. Gojo had removed his blindfold and he could clearly see that his eyes were trying to hold back tears. Not only that, but the expression on his face... something about it didn't sit right with him.

"Nanami..." He wasn't even using his annoying nickname for him. "I messed up."


"I kissed Mizuhime," he confessed, and the blonde went still. "I kissed her, but she ran away. She... she told me that she hated me. She called me a monster... said I wasn't capable of love..."

Nanami remained silent, but he was on high alert. He knew that Gojo had some... very inappropriate feelings for his student, but he was at least sane enough not to admit to it. But here he was now, airing his dirty laundry out without a care in the world.

"She found out that I was the one canceling her promotions," he went on, nearly rambling. "I was just trying to protect her, Nanami, I just wanted to keep her alive. I tried so hard... I wanted to change but—"

"—Do you understand what you're saying?" He cut him off harshly.

He looked at him miserably. "I'm in love with her."

"Gojo!" Nanami reeled back in disgust. "I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you, but stop it! Enough's enough! Get rid of these sick thoughts and get your act together, or else I'll have to report you to the higher-ups. Leave your student alone."

Gojo stared at him, and then threw his head back as he released an almost deranged laugh. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard, the hairs on the back of his neck raising.

"You're hilarious, Nanamin," Gojo chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. Nanami didn't know if the tears were from the laughter or the sadness he previously expressed. "But you don't understand anything, so butt out, yeah? Hime-chan... Hime-chan was promised to me. She was mine first. And sure she's a little scared, but I'm different now! I've changed, I just... I just need to show her! And then she'll love me again."

"You're crazy," Nanami said quietly.

"No," he denied. "Just in love."

"She's your student," he tried to remind him, tried to bring some sense back to him. "She's a child."

"I don't care," Gojo said fiercely. "I love her, and I will have her. I won't let anything ruin it again."

Nanami watched, speechless, and Gojo walked away, his words making a chill run down his spine. The second the older man was gone, he hurriedly pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Mr. Nanami?" A man asked.

"Mr. Gonzalez," Nanami replied in English. "It's about the student I informed you of. She'll be ready for a promotion to Grade 1 soon. When that happens, will you be able to take her in right away?"

Gonzalez didn't answer right away, which made the anxiety grow. When an answer finally came, Nanami thanked him and hurried to the dormitory.

Mizuhime was in the middle of furiously washing her lips when a knock came at her door. She tensed up, assuming it was Gojo. But then she heard a voice:

"Uchiumi-san, it's me, Nanami. Please open the door, it's urgent."

She furrowed her brows in confusion, but opened the door anyway. Without another word, Nanami hurriedly stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. She was beginning to get weirded out.

"Nanami-san...? Um, is something wrong?"

"Take this," was all he said as he handed her something in a ziplock bag.

Mizuhime took it, brows furrowing further. It was a Japanese passport. She rummaged through the pages and realized that it was a passport for her. But she didn't remember ever requesting for one, or even getting her picture taken for it. The picture on it was from her school ID with the background completely white.

She looked back at him in confusion. "What...?"

"It's a passport. I had one made for you because I figured you didn't have one," he explained. "Are you proficient in English or Spanish?"

"I'm fluent in both," she answered, but she still had no idea what this was about.

"Good," he sighed. Suddenly, his voice lowered, like he didn't want anyone to overhear despite the fact that they were completely alone.

"I've been in contact with an acquaintance of mine; he's a sorcerer from the States. He works with a small community of sorcerers in San Juan, Puerto Rico. They have a large influx of cursed spirits plaguing the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean—the Bermuda Triangle, to be more specific. Your technique could do miracles for them, but they can't take you in as a Grade 4. Once you get promoted to Grade 1, they'll accept you."

"N-Nanami-san, why are you telling me this?" She finally questioned, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Uchiumi-san... if you ever feel unsafe around Gojo or you feel like he might do something harmful to you, take this passport and leave." He said seriously.

Her eyes widened in realization and her breath nearly stopped.

"Get away from Gojo. Go to Puerto Rico. Just don't let him know about this or he'll try to intercept the transfer before you could go," he said firmly, before sighing. "I... I understand that this isn't a permanent solution... but this is the best I could do. I'm sorry I can't do any more."

"...H-how do you...?"

"He kissed you, didn't he?" He questioned.

She made a face of disgust, which pretty much told him the answer.

He sighed. "He told me himself just moments ago. No one right in their mind would ever admit to kissing their own student, that's why I came here as quickly as I could. I don't know what happened between you two, but Gojo's no longer acting rationally. He's already left, but I fear he might try something in the future."

He grimaced, running a hand through his hair. "I've noticed for some time now that Gojo's been behaving inappropriately towards you. Initially, I had hope that maybe he was rational enough to not take it a step further, but I was proven wrong. That's why I sought out some old colleagues of mine to ask if they would take you in. It was the only way I could think of to separate you from him, if only for a limited amount of time..."

"Sometime within this month, you, and possibly the other participants of the Goodwill Event, will be sent on a mission to assess you for a promotion to Grade 1," he explained. "I have no doubt that you will succeed, but after the promotion comes, you shouldn't waste any more time. My colleague has already agreed to take you in, so go straight to the airport to fly to San Juan, Puerto Rico."

Mizuhime stared numbly at the passport. Her hand was visibly trembling.

Nanami, seeing that she wasn't up to conversation, nodded in understanding. "I'll take my leave now, Uchiumi-san. I... I hope you stay safe."

He quietly took his leave. Mizuhime was still staring... until her mind finally snapped back into pace. Suddenly, she was moving in overdrive; rushing to find her suitcase and throwing as many clothes and necessities she could fit in it.

While she relished in slapping Gojo and telling him what he deserved to hear, she had now officially put herself on thin ice. She was in danger, and even Nanami seemed to notice. She was no longer safe here in Jujutsu Tech, a place she once thought of as 'home'.

She suddenly went still.

Her mother.

She needed to tell her... but Nanami had instructed her to keep quiet about it. She could understand the reason behind it; if her father heard word that she would be fleeing to Puerto Rico, he'd chain her back home. Or worse, send her to Yuta.

But what about Sukuna? Surely it would be safe to tell him...? Or maybe it was better not to risk it...

Forgive me, she thought guiltily after zipping up her passport in one of the suitcase's pockets. She then shoved the whole thing back into her closet. Heart still racing in her chest, she practically collapsed on the edge of her bed.

"Sometime within this month, you, and possibly the other participants of the Goodwill Event, will be sent on a mission to assess you for a promotion to Grade," Nanami had said.

She just needed to last throughout the month. She would make it, she had to.





— author's note —

When I wrote this chapter, Mizuhime was initially told to go to Florida, USA instead of Puerto Rico, but Florida's a fucking nightmare right now so I changed my mind. Plus, I've been to Puerto Rico more than I've been to Florida, so yeah 😅

ALSO I GOT FANART YAY!!! Made by shoyouchibi on Tumblr:

Mizuhime: *got engaged to Junichiro, had a lil idolization crush on Satoru, got engaged to Yuta, and slept with Megumi*

Sukuna: You have a type and it's TRASH

Maaaan, writing that ItaFushi scene after reading chapters 212 and 213 of the manga... it hurts 🥲

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