Part [11]

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Scott runs up to Derek and Hailey. "Thank god! Where have you been? Do you have any idea what has been going on?" Neither of them answer, but Hailey growls as Peter steps out from behind Scott. Scott turns around. "I really don't get lacrosse." Scott's eyes widened. "It was you..." Hailey grabs Scott and pulls him away from Peter, her protective instinct taking over. "When I was in High School, we played basketball. There's a real sport." Scott looks at Hailey. "Still I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American Tribes who played it to resolve conflict. Do I have that right?" Peter puts down the lacrosse stick. "I have a little conflict of myo own to resolve, Scott." Hailey growls. "But I need your help to do it." Scott shakes his head. "I'm not helping you kill people." Peter makes a face. "Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include..." Peter looks at Derek. "Allison." Scott breaks out of Hailey's death grip. "You're on his side?"

Hailey growls. "I most certainly am not." She mutters, but Peter gives her a look, reminding her that he knows about Scott. "Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" Derek looks at Peter. "It was a mistake." Scott looks at Derek like he's crazy. "What?"

"It happens."

"Scott." Scott looks at Peter. "I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your full potential." Hailey growls. She, better than anyone, knows Scott's potential and it doesn't include killing. Just the opposite. "By killing my friends." Peter nods. "Sometimes the people closest to you..." Peter looks directly at Hailey. "Can be the ones holding you back the most." Scott narrows his eyes. "If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you... I'm okay with that." Peter steps closer to Scott. He glances back at Hailey who is growling loudly. "Maybe... you could try and see things from my perspective." Before Hailey can react, Peter's claws are in his neck. She has to wait, because if she breaks the connection, Scott could die.

Peter releases Scott, who falls back into Hailey's arms. She grabs his hand and pulls his pain. She holds him until Scott wakes up. "Are you okay?" Scott nods and notices a lack of Derek. Hailey growls. "Next time I see that son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill him."

Hailey sits with Scott when Stiles comes rushing in. "Dude, we have a huge problem." Hailey looks at Stiles who mouths 'Are you okay?'. Stiles nods. "Trust me... I know."


Hailey pulls up to Scott, Stiles and Jackson. She'd heard them fighting. She takes off her helmet and turns so Jackson can see the gun strapped to her leg. "Problem here boys?" Jackson stares at her gun. "No." He walks over to his car and drives off. Hailey gets off her bike and walks over to Scott and Stiles. "Jackass." Hailey looks at them. "Let's pray, he never becomes a werewolf."


Hailey pulls to a stop outside the small diner. She smiles at its logo. This used to be her favorite place to eat. She walks in and over to where Noah Stilinski was sitting. She promised him a catch up lunch. It was her payment for not arresting her. "Hey." She looks at the breakfast plate in front of her. She beams at Noah. "You remembered." She bites into her bacon. "Of course. It's all you used to eat. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage." Hailey laughs. It's true. She'd usually have to make her own meals because Melissa would be at work and her father would pass out drunk. Melissa would make sure she always had pancake batter. "I remember that time I made you, Stiles, and Scott Chocolate pancakes," Hailey pours syrup onto her pancakes and chuckles. "Yeah, that was the time we found out I was allergic to chocolate." The two laugh. "You passed out and Stiles started jumping on you to wake you up." Hailey giggles. "I remember."

Hailey's nose twitches. "Yeah, my life has been pretty private for a while." Hailey stands up. "And I'd like to keep it that way." She grabs Stiles from the booth behind them. He gapes and tries to hide from his dad. Hailey bends down to his ear. "Did you forget I'm a werewolf? I have a knack of ripping peoples throats out." Stiles shakes his head and runs out of the diner. Hailey shakes her head and laughs. "How'd you know he was there?" Hailey smirks. "I heard his heartbeat." Noah gives her a weird look and she laughs. "I'm joking." She points out to the parking lot. Stiles scrabbles into his car and drives off. "I saw his car."

"So where did you go after you left Beacon Hills?" Hailey gulps down her orange juice and practically chokes on it. She didn't leave Beacon Hills for two years after she'd left the McCalls. "Oh, uh, Well..." She wipes her mouth with her napkin. "I traveled a lot." Understatement. Hailey has practically been everywhere in the US and has spent some time in Canada and Mexico too. Hunting took her alot of places. "Met alot of people." Noah can see that she's uncomfortable. Hailey would always stuff her mouth with food when she was nervous. Which was what she was currently doing. "Getting a fake FBI badge." Hailey chokes and her face turns bright red as she tries to breath.

Noah laughs as Hailey coughs. "Yeah, yeah that too." Noah's laughter dies down and he turns serious. "When are you going to tell them Hails?" Hailey looks down at the table. "Melissa has gone to PI's to look for you." Hailey's eyes widened. She has? "Even tried to contact your dad." Noah's eyes widened a bit. "Do you know--" Hailey nods. "Yeah, I figured it out." She smiles a bit. "I'm glad she finally had the courage to leave him." Hailey picks at her food, no longer feeling very hungry. "I'm going to tell them, it's just hard." She sits back in her seat. "My mother wasn't a very good person." She shakes her head and looks out the window. "She drilled it into my head that I'd never see any of you again." Hailey sighs, defeated. "And I believe her. Being back has been really hard."

Noah grabs Hailey's hand and she looks at him. "I can help you, if you'd like." Hailey searches his eyes. "I can tell Melissa if you'd like." After a moment Hailey starts to cry. "yes , I'd like that." Noah stands and goes to sit next to Hailey. He hugs her and she cries into his shoulder. "It's so good to be back." Melissa was more her mother, and Noah was always there for her whenever her father was drunk.

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