Part [12]

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Hailey growls and steps out next to Scott in the Hale house. "You gonna kill me too Der?" Derek growls and there is a whistle of an arrow. "Cover your eyes!" Hailey puts herself on Scott to protect him. A bullet hits her shoulder and another hits her leg. Scott pulls her out of the line of fire, but he gets shot in the chest. Her bullet wound was smoking. "Scott! Get her out of here!" Scott grabs Hailey and pulls her away. Derek opens the door and roars.

Scott stubbles with Hailey. He falls. "Why-- why would you do that?" She chokes on black blood. "I... Couldn't let you die." Scott falls down next to her and passes out.


Hailey gasps awake. "Carefull." She blinks and looks around. She was in the animal clinic. She looks at Deaton and smiles. Her black stained teeth show how close to death she was. "I knew you knew." He glances at her and continues to work on Scott. Hailey stands. "Is he gonna be alright?" Deaton nods. Hailey places her hand on Scott's arm and starts to pull his pain. "You're his sister," Hailey looks at Deaton. "Aren't you?" Hailey gapes and Deaton laughs. "I've only seen this level of care and love between two wolves. And they were siblings." Hailey looks down at Scott, feeling guilty again.

Scott gasps awake. "It's okay Scott." Hailey pushes him back down. "I wouldn't get up just yet." Scott looks around. "Where am I?" Hailey smiles seeing Scott awake. "You're fine, and I've given you something to speed up the healing process." Scott looks at his bullet wound. "But you're a vet." Deaton nods. "That's very true, and 90% of the time, I'm mostly treating cats and dogs." Scott narrows his eyes. "Mostly?" Deaton smiles. "Mostly." and Scott passed out again.

Hailey looks at Deaton. "At this rate of no one telling him things, his head might explode." Deaton raises an eyebrow. "Coming from you, Mystiriódis Kynigós." Hailey's eyes widened. "You know who I am." Deaton nods. "And I see that you've changed." He eyes Hailey. "You are much different than I've heard." Hailey's eyes harden. "I'm not that girl anymore. I'm better than that." Deaton smiles at her as she stares at Scott, waiting for him to open his eyes. "I can tell."


Scott opens his eyes and sits up. Hailey is quick to be at his side. "Welcome back to the land of the conscious." Hailey helps him stand straight. "Are you feeling okay?" Scott chuckles. "Maybe you should sit down?" The door jingles. Hailey and Scott share a look. Peter. Deaton walks out. "I'm sorry, but we're-- We're closed." Peter steps forward. "I'm here to pick up." Deaton shakes his head. "I'm not sure I remember you dropping off." Peter walks closer. Hailey and Scott shrink down into a corner of the door. "This one wondered on it's own." Hailey nods at Scott. "Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you-- We're closed." Peter steps up the gate. "Well, I think you can make an exception this one time-- Don't you?" Deaton remains unmoved. "I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours." Hailey hears Peter's heart start to race. He was getting made. "You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it." Deaton stares at Peter. "Like I said..." Deaton steps forward. "We're closed."

Peter tries to cross the gate but there is a faint sizzle. Hailey smiles and turns to Scott. "Mountain Ash." She whispers. Peter says the same thing as her. "That's an old one." Peter turns and throws a chair at Deaton. He doesn't move. "Let me be as clear as possible. We... are... closed." Peter turns and walks to the door. "There are others that can help me get what I want Scott. More innocent... and far more vulnerable." Scott looks at Hailey. "Allison."


"Call it again." Scott scrabbles through his things, trying to find his phone. Stiles groans. "It's not here." Hailey leans in Scott's doorway and watches as he scrambles to look under his bed. "Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Scott moves things around under his ebd. "I can't afford a new one, and I can't do this alone. We need to find Derek."

Hailey scoffs. "What am I? Some token werewolf?"

"Well, A, you're not alone. You have me!" Scott ignores Stiles. "And, B, didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead." Scott sighs. Hailey looks at the ground. She shouldn't have left Derek there. "Argent's plan was to use him to get the Alpha. They're not going to kill him." Stiles shrugs. "All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know?" Scott throws clothes out of his bathroom. "They use Derek to get Peter-- Problem solved."

"Not if Peter is going after Allison to find Derek." Hailey sighs. "You guys don't even want to know what they are doing to him right now." They both look at her. "Torture." Scott begins looking for his phone again. "I can't protect her on my own."

"Hello, you forget me, you know? The one who saved your life?" Scott ignores Hailey again.

"We need to find Derek first. Just-- Just help me!" Hailey sighs and starts looking around Scott's room. "You probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you two?" Hailey growls, frustrated. "After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson?" Stiles looks between the two werewolves. "Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Hailey and Scott share a look. "He wasn't going to kill anyone." Scott nods at Hailey. "And we're not letting him die." Stiles pouts. "Could you at least think about letting him die?" Hailey whacks Stiles' head. A car's tires squeal outside and Hailey and Scott both stop moving.

"What?" Hailey's heart starts to race. "My mom just got home from work." Hailey and Scott listen to her phone call. "Is she okay?" Scott shakes his head. "What's she doing?" Hailey walks over to the window and looks down at Melissa's car. "Crying." Scott sighs and walks over to the bed. "Scott, you can't protect everyone." Hailey sighs and sits next to Scott and puts an arm around him. "Trust me, it's what I've been trying to do my whole life." Hailey shakes her head. "And things didn't go as I'd hoped."

"But I have to." Hailey hugs Scott tighter. "Then you don't have to do it alone." Hailey sighs. "Look," They both look at her. "I used to know you guys when you were kids." Hailey stares at the floor and Scott listens to her racing heart. She chuckles. "Melissa used to call us the Devil's Trio, because we'd always be getting into trouble." Hailey laughs. "Even when you guys were toddlers, you'd always manage to get into things." Hailey looks at them both. She had tears in her eyes. "But we were always there for each other." Hailey glances at Stiles. "I'd watch you when your dad would take your mom to the hospital," A tear slips out of her eye as she looks at Scott. "And you and I would make forts and watch movies when da-" Hailey clears her throat. "When your dad was drunk and Melissa was at work."

Hailey looks Scott in the eyes. "I'm not going to leave you Scott." Hailey shakes her head and smiles. "Not again."

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