The Reunion II

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- Cass's POV -

My feet crash through the leaves of the forest floor as I tear through the woods as quickly as I can manage to get to my family. Raw panic surges through my body, my limbs tingling with anxiety as I dash through the woods, dodging bushes and pushing off trees for momentum. Judith continues to wail in her halter, slightly muffled by the cloak, making me cringe, knowing I'll need to drug her asleep.

I come to a panting stop, holding onto the rough trunk of a nearby tree for support, my chest heaving, lungs burning with every breath. With my hands trembling, I unsling the diaper bag from my shoulder, rifling through it until I find the baby Benadryl stashed in the bottom.

Heaving off the mud-covered cloak, I pull a crying Judith and her halter off me before sitting her against the tree. With the hilt of my knife, I crush the Benadryl before mixing them with her powdered formula. I roll my shoulders at the relief of having the cloak, Judith, and the heavy diaper bag off my back, leaving me in just my faded tank top that has started to stain with sweat and blood.

In the middle of mixing the formula with the crushed Benadryl, my hands come to a sudden stop, my blood running cold at the male voice speaking up from behind me.

"You gotta keep that baby quiet," The nonchalant voice says, making the hairs on my arms stand up in alarm, my stomach throttling with panic. I slowly rise, turning to face the stranger, my breathing uneven and ragged.

Standing behind me is a man, around his late twenties, with oiled black hair and an unkempt goatee. I stare at him with wide eyes, my chest heaving, my heart pounding aggressively against my ribcage.

"Woah. Despite all that shit on your face... you're sorta pretty," He comments thoughtfully with a slight smirk, making me gulp, fearing the worst, becoming highly aware of the weight of the knife strapped on my belt. Instantly picturing how quickly I could reach around to my right hip to grab it if needed.

"What, no thank you? That's mighty rude when someone compliments you. You know she really needs to quiet down-" He begins, taking a step closer to Judith making me utter one word, my voice low and hard.

"Stop." I order harshly and loudly, cutting him off and making him falter, raising his eyebrows. His light eyes dart from her to meet mine, his smirk only growing.

"I just wanted to help calm her down, that's all," He explains with faux innocence, making raw anger flare through me, this act he's playing making my blood boil.

"You don't fucking touch her." I inform him sharply, my voice rough and harsh, having no patience for this bullshit, knowing what my family could be going through at this very moment.

"There's a bunch a' cold bodies headed to the explosion, you really want them hearin' her on their way over?" He questions me with squinted eyes, tilting his head, my body filling with disgust at the way he's looking at me, Judith's continuous screaming in the background aching my eardrums.

My mouth pulled down at the corners in revulsion, I shake my head, my glare cold and hard. "I'm handling it. You can leave now." I tell him sternly, my gaze moving to Judith who hasn't stopped crying as she stares at me with wide eyes, clearly more afraid than she was before thanks to this new stranger.

My gaze darts back to the man, adrenaline jolting through me at the look on his face. Like a lion about to pounce. My hand flies to my belt as he lurches forward towards Judith.

Before he gets the chance to lay his greasy hands on her, my knife plunges into his shoulder, making him whirl around, crying out in pain. "You bitch!" He shouts, lunging for me next, his hands outstretched.

My limbs vibrating with adrenaline, I doge him, before turning and kicking him hard around his middle, making him lose his balance and tumble over, falling roughly onto the forest floor. He cries out as the fall entrenches the knife deeper into his shoulder.

The rough, dirty, sole of my boot comes to press against the man's exposed neck, keeping him down as I glare down at him, hatred for this stranger crushing me.

"You. Don't. Touch. Her." I spit severely, blinded by fury as my boot digs roughly into the soft tissue of his throat. His eyes widened, he claws at my boot, his legs thrashing as he tries to free himself from me.

My chest heaves as I glare down at him, my blood boiling in pure rage, the edges of my vision red, not being able to get myself to move. Knowing that he was going to do something to Judith- makes me push my foot in deeper, my face contorted with an unbridled frenzy, fueled by my overwhelming need to protect my girl from monsters like him.

Something snaps in me and I realize I'm ready. Ready to watch the light leave his eyes for even considering touching my Jude.

The man's face is reddening rapidly as my boot relentlessly blocks air from entering his system. His lungs are probably burning and aching for a breath he won't ever get again.

"I warned you," I state simply with a tired tone, tilting my head as I watch the life finally leave his eyes, his body falling limp.

Letting out a shuddering breath I remove my foot, aching from pushing it as hard as I did against him, stumbling backward. The man's corpse stays still against the mosaic of green leaves, his lifeless eyes staring blankly up at the sky. Guilt twists somewhere deep in me before I glance back at Judith crying against the tree, that guilt immediately getting subdued. Taking a deep breath and pressing my hand to my forehead, I know it was what I had to do. To protect my girl.

Squatting down, I pull the man's shoulders forward to rip out my embedded knife from his back then stab the side of his skull to stop him from turning. After yanking the knife back out, I wipe his blood off the blade with the corner of his black graphic t-shirt, grimacing slightly in disgust. I practically jump out of my skin at the walkie-talkie chirping loudly that I hadn't realized was strapped to the back of his belt.

A male voice damped by the shitty speakers of the device erupts in the silent forest, muffled gunshots in the background. "Matt! Where the fuck are you? Someone blew up the side of our cafeteria and the damn cold bodies are everywhere! Its ba..." The voice trails off, the sounds in the background continuing before he speaks again. "Shit. Hey man, I wasn't-" The man is cut off by a loud gunshot, the walkie-talkie abruptly going quiet. [ A/N: Heyyy Rick ;) ]

Blinking in confusion, I drop the corner of the graphic shirt and push off the man, standing up and checking the surroundings for anyone else in the area. Seeing no one, I head back to Judith, a newfound determination fluttering through me. I grab her bottle from the dirt where I left it, adding water and mixing it quickly. Hoisting the baby girl in my arms I shush her as I secure her on my hip before giving her the bottle.

She drinks it gratefully, my ears ringing with relief at her crying finally stopping.

After Judith drinks all the formula, I bounce her in my arms anxiously as I wait for the pills to take effect. My chest rises and falls rapidly in worry as I look around wildly, praying that these drugs kick in soon and Matt didn't have any friends hanging around.

My stomach drops at the sound of sudden rapid gunfire erupting in the distance, only worsening my distress. Fearing the worst, my bottom lip trembles in overwhelming anxiety. Sasha, Maggie, Bob, and possibly Glenn are in there. I was so close to seeing them again... and now they could be dead or fighting for their lives.

Finally, Judith passes out, to my overwhelming relief. I secure her to me tightly, pulling the straps of her halter all the way to my chest so her sleeping body will stay safe close to my chest before hauling the mud-covered cloak and bag over the both of us.

Knowing this is my only chance, I set off once again through the woods, heading to Terminus.

Slowly and carefully, I push through the woods, heading toward the pummel of smoke rising into the sky. It has to be them. I know it is.

As the rapid gunfire stops, my heart sinks immediately in response. I pause, holding Judith close to me. I'm getting closer but I don't know if that's a good thing. For all I know, none of them are there and I'm headed straight into certain death.

It seems to take forever, but I finally reach a fence that separates the forest and Terminus.

My heartbeat racing, I come to a stunned stop, holding onto the chain link fence for support, staring out at the horrific sight in front of me. Terminus is what seems to be a complex of large brick buildings, half of it blown up and on fire, a massive herd moving through the destruction, distant screams emerging from the ruin.

Letting out a heartbroken groan, I sag against the fence in defeat, tears pushing past my eyes and itching down my cheeks. The destruction is too extensive to go in and see if my family is okay.

It's the farm and the prison all over again, watching helplessly as what could have been a safe haven burns away as walkers move through, taking it for their own.

The desire to go in and help is overwhelming, but I can't- not with Judith. And I can't just leave her in the woods while I go, that would be the same as handing her a death certificate with all the walkers heading this way.

I'm stuck.

A guttural scream of overwhelming frustration pushes past my lips and I just let it out, my heart shattering painfully in my chest. I kick the tree beside me repeatedly in blinding anger before sinking to the ground, leaning against the trunk I just assaulted, pressing the heels of my palms into my forehead.

I try to calm my racing thoughts of worry and concern for my family. but I can't. The images of them burning in that explosion, being ripped and bitten by walkers, or them being shot won't leave my mind, sending me down a rabbit hole of misery and worry.

My back aches after a while of sitting against the rough tree trunk wallowing in despair, my heart a deep void of hopelessness. My emotions have become too much that they've numbed out. I sit there, motionless against the tree, watching as flames devour Terminus, walkers wandering into it blindly.

I don't know how long I sit there, heartbroken, until I begin to notice the sun descending quickly in the sky and immediately know I have to go. More walkers will be drawn to the fire the darker the sky becomes. As much as I want to give up and stay here, let the walkers take me away, I can't with Judith. She needs me. And I need her.

I stand up, sparing one look back at the place that was my last hope. The gunfire has stopped, it did a long time ago. If anyone did make it there, they have to be dead now. The explosion is the main source of the destruction, half of one of the largest buildings completely crumbling away, flames dancing around what used to be some sort of garden. The endless herd of walkers is now freely meandering around the grounds, half of them actively on fire as the black smoke billows endlessly into the darkening sky.

With a heavy sigh, I turn and make my way through the woods groggily, my broken heart making it impossible to make it faster. I know I need to make it back to that loft or something like it for Judith but I just can't find the strength to walk faster. I've been surviving for so long alone. I'm just- tired.

God, I'm so tired.

I've slowly walked a few miles from Terminus when it happens.

My footsteps begin to falter as my surroundings change slightly. What has been a dead-silent forest for the past few miles, now has a new noise in the mix, making my ears perk up with curiosity. It's so quiet, it's hard to register at first. I have to stop in my tracks to hear it fully.

I turn to face the direction it's coming from, cautiously walking towards it, my heart skipping a beat when I realize it's the sound of voices. Squinting through the dark forest, I spot a flickering orange light not too far from me, realizing with a start that it's a camp. With people.

Could it be them? Did they escape?

Hope flutters through my chest as I make my way toward the noise, apprehension prickling through my veins.

As much as I try, I can't distinguish the voices to see if they belong to anyone from my family. Too many people are talking, too low and overlapping to differentiate them. Blinking my eyes rapidly in the darkness, I try to make out their dark figures in front of the bright fire, the thick brush of the forest making it difficult.

About ten feet from the camp, a twig snaps under my left foot, making me freeze, my heartbeat lurching in my throat and my stomach dropping in fear.

Frozen in my spot, I silently pray no one noticed. I need to find out who they are before they see me. Just then I lose my balance, stumbling slightly with lightheadedness, suddenly realizing I haven't eaten in hours.

"Uh- guys, I believe there is a biter encroaching on our camp," An unknown and matter-of-fact male voice speaks up, making an overwhelming sense of defeat fall over me.

It's not them.

The low conversations trail off and I look up to see the figures in front of the fire, turning and staring at me. I take a clumsy step backward, my heart hammering in my chest.


A weak flashlight shines in my direction, making me flinch, squinting at the LED light in my eyes.

"Son of a dick, that undead prick is covered head-to-toe in shit!" Another unfamiliar and gruff voice enthuses loudly, making my heart fall in defeat.

It's definitely not my family. Not my people.

Sagging with crushing disappointment, I let out a sigh of defeat. I let my hopes up again. Like an idiot. I begin to turn slowly, praying the group isn't violent and will let me go.

"...That's not shit."

A wonderfully familiar voice grunts, making me let out a shuddering gasp, stopping in my tracks.

"It's mud." He finishes, making a disbelieving smile quirk at my mouth.


My head snaps up and I stumble forward, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Daryl?" I croak hopefully, and the second the word leaves my mouth, a handful of the people tear forward, running toward me.

"Cass!" Carl shouts, making me fall to my knees at the sound, sobs of relief wracking my body and chills spreading over my arms. My knees are digging into the rough forest floor as my chest heaves with my sobs, not being able to believe what is happening.

Am I dreaming?

I don't even care if I am, all I can concentrate on is the suffocating relief and happiness that they are here. They're okay.

The group reaches me, multiple hands hoisting me up onto my feet. Two small bodies hug me tightly around my waist, and I sob uncontrollably with relief, knowing it's Carl and Sophia.

Through my teary vision, I take in the group around me, a smile of delight spreading across my snotty and tear-streaked face. Surrounding me is my family, Daryl, Maggie, Carol, Glenn, Tyreese, Bob, and Sasha. A massive smile pulls across my face, and I laugh in disbelief. "You guys- are alive!" I choke out, feeling like I'm dreaming.

"So are you!" Maggie enthuses through her own teary smile, making me beam back at her in unbridled joy.

"Wh- what happened? I saw your messages to Glenn and followed them here, then the explosion-" I stop myself, sniffling, my eyes searching the group for answers. Both of my hands rest on Carl and Sophia's heads, holding them close to me.

The group exchange looks. "We can talk about that later," Glenn dismisses. I glance over at him, warmth spreading across my chest seeing my good friend once again. I nod in acknowledgment, knowing it must have been bad, making my chest tighten slightly.

"I can't believe you guys made it- I've been alone for so long," I admit, my bottom lip trembling. "I thought I lost my family," I admit through a sob, making their gazes soften.

"Did anyone else make it?" I ask, searching their faces, hope growing in my chest, the absence of Rick and Michonne nagging at the back of my mind. My heart sinks as Tyreese looks down, clearly upset.

"Beth. She was with me- she got taken." Daryl tells me, making my stomach drop, my head whipping to the side to face him. "Taken?" I question in alarm, my eyes wide with worry. Daryl nods, pain is written clearly across his face, breaking my heart.

"Judith didn't make it," Carl says quietly as he steps back from the hug, mud smeared across his clothes, like Sophia beside him, making my head snap down to his.

"What?" I question him, my heart hammering in my ears. He thinks..?

"Me and dad tried to get her, back at the prison, but we found her carrier- full of blood," Carl manages weakly, not being able to finish his sentence as he looks down at his shoes. My heart breaks in my chest- this whole time, they thought she was dead?

"No," I say breathlessly, making Carl look up at me with confusion as a smile breaks out across my face. I pull off my mud-covered cloak before tossing it on the ground, revealing Judith's sleeping body in her halter. "She's right here," I tell him softly, my heart warming at his reaction. Shock flickers across his face before he lets out a sweet laugh of amazement, tears springing to his eyes.

After helping her out of the halter, Carl hugs Judith desperately, tears pouring down his face as he embraces her into him, warming my heart at the sight.

I grin, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness, this past month of surviving with her alone becoming so much more worth it as I take in the reunion in front of me. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything- I forget about her sometimes when she's asleep," I admit, laughing breathlessly.

"Dad's going to be so happy to see her," Carl grins, as he glances back up at me, making relief wash over me knowing Rick's okay. Thank god.

"Where is he?" I ask, glancing back at the camp, to see three figures watching us by the fire. Three unfamiliar figures. My attention is drawn back to the group as Daryl answers my question.

"Him and Michonne went to check the snares we put out, they'll be back soon," Daryl informs me, making me turn to him, a smile growing on my face knowing Michonne made it too. Unbuckling the halter quickly to get it out of the way, I rush forward to give Daryl a tight embrace.

Daryl hugs me back securely, almost lifting me off the ground as he does, making me let out a laugh, my heart lighter than it has been in a while.

I pull away, and Sophia practically barrels into me, hugging me tightly around my hips once again.

"Oh Soph, are you alright?" I ask her, turning and checking her face, my palms pressed against her freckled cheeks. She smiles.

"All thanks to Tyreese," She tells me, making me turn to him, my gaze soft as I take the large man in. Tyreese smiles sheepishly.

"You're a good man Ty, thank you," I tell him with a grateful nod, and he nods, looking down with a smile.

"She's a smart little lady," Tyrecce grins, making me chuckle, running my hands through Sophia's hair. "That she is." I agree.

I go around the group, hugging my family one by one, steadily healing my broken heart and easing that ever-present worry I've been carrying around for the past month.


"T-They were going to... eat you?" I question with disgusted disbelief, my brows raised with utter horror as I try to figure out the story with the group, my eyes searching theirs.

The group nods, the light from the flames of the campfire flickering across their solemn faces, corroborating the story of Terminus Glenn just told.

I bring a hand to cover my mouth, severe revulsion growing in me. How could people do this? Willingly trap innocent people to eat them?

What the actual fuck?

"That's horrific," I mutter, shaking my head and looking down at the leaf-covered ground we're sitting on. "I'm so sorry you all had to go through that," I tell them, tears welling in my eyes, imagining what they must have gone through. What they must have thought.

Dipping my scrap of fabric back into the bowl of dirty water to continue wiping the last bit of mud off my face, Maggie speaks up.

"We got out. That's all that matters." She says definitively. I look up, nodding in agreement, my eyes softening. She told me about her reunion with Glenn a few days ago. It seems like everything has come together in these past couple of days, allowing our family to be reunited once again.

"It may have been hell but it brought us together," Carol adds, making me smile widely.

"That's everything," I agree with a nod, glancing back to Carl and Sophia who are playing with Judith on the other side of the camp, about six feet to the right of where I sit on the edge of the group of adults by the fire.

"What's the plan now? Where do we go from here?" I question no one in particular, glancing back at the group.

"Washington D.C," One of the new people, Abraham, says as he sets down the rifle he was cleaning, staring me down.

My eyebrows raise as I scrub my face, averting my eyes from his intense gaze. "Why is that?" I question, glancing at the woman beside him, Rosita, and the matter-of-fact man who first noticed me earlier, Eugene.

"I'm a scientist. I know how to end all of this." Eugene tells me simply, his face devoid of emotion. I chuckle at his joke, stopping when I notice the serious expressions of the rest of the group, the laughter dying quickly in my throat.

"Wait- you're serious?" I ask with astonishment, gaping slightly.

Eugene nods. "Yes. I used to work on the Human Genome Project. Weaponized diseases and all that. I did the research and found the place with the best chance of survival also houses the mechanics powerful enough to stop it all. Washington DC." Eugene informs me, avoiding eye contact.

My eyebrows twitch together with thought. "Wow I- I didn't realize that was a possibility. I guess it's worth a shot though," I say thoughtfully, thinking hard on the few research papers I read on weaponized diseases a few years ago.

"Cass is a doctor too. A surgeon." Glenn informs the new members, earning a couple of impressed looks.

"Thank God." Rosita murmurs, making a curious smile quirk at my mouth as I turn to look at her. She looks up, seeming surprised that she said that out loud.

"It's just- I had basic first aid training so all the injuries have been my job to take care of so it's a relief to have someone who actually knows what they're doing," She explains as she glances around the group.

"Fear enough" I respond with a grin. I already trust them because of what my family has told me, but I'm beginning to like them too.

Judith giggles loudly, catching my attention and making me look over at her with her brother. A smile pulls across my face at the pure joy in Carl's expression as he grins down at her, holding her little arms.

Dipping the piece of fabric in the water again, I finish off removing the mud from my face and hair. Sparing a glance at Maggie I raise my eyebrows expectantly. She nods with a smile and a little thumbs up. I grin back, relieved that the mud is finally off me. Not as good as a shower, but it works.

Adrenaline suddenly jolts through me at the loud crashing on Carl's side of the camp, making me whip my head in that direction. Judith lets out a cry and out of instinct, I jump to my feet.

- Rick's POV -

"Not a bad loot, huh?" Michonne asks with a grin, holding up the two rabbits we caught on the snares. I glance to the side to look at her, forcing a smile, my eyes lingering on the dead, grey and brown rabbits that hang from the twine in Michonne's hand.

The corpses of that specific animal are a painful reminder of her.


I've done my best to push past my excruciating grief to be here for Carl but it hasn't been easy. I pushed through my injuries to ensure the safety of my family, fought against the worst type of men to protect them, and escaped what should have been our certain death just a few hours ago.

I've done a good job busying myself with this job of protector that I haven't had a moment to really think about her. I haven't let myself think about her.

That's what I do with Judith. If I think too long about that car seat, soaked in blood, I get so physically sick with grief that I can't think straight. 

And I try to do the same with Cass, just shove it all down. 

Despite my efforts, it's her face I picture in the silence of the night as I beg for sleep to come. It's the green of her eyes I see when I stare out into the bright green leaves of the forest as the sun shines through them. Like it used to shine in her eyes.

I try to turn that longing and grief off, to push forward and be there for my son, but in the back of my mind, I remember her. I see her in everything around me and it's agonizing.

Knowing I almost had her. If it weren't for that damn explosion, we would be together. She would be here.

"Hey, you still there?" Michonne asks, stopping me in my tracks, making me blink harshly, snapping out of my haze of yearning, the back of my throat tight with emotion.

"Oh- yeah, I'm here," I say, clearing my throat, my cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment being caught. Hopefully its too dark for Michonne to notice.

A soft smile pulls across her mouth as she looks back at me, pity written behind her eyes. "I miss her too Rick," She murmurs, making my stomach contract hearing her be mentioned out loud for the first time in a month. Apart from the argument Carl and I had the first night when we found the house, where he shouted at me, blaming me for her death. To be fair, he's not wrong. She's gone and I could have prevented it.

Cass. My Cass.

Clenching my jaw, I shake my head slightly. She was never yours, I remind myself.

Realizing Michonne is still waiting for a response I simply nod, avoiding eye contact, silently ordering the tears that want to fall to stay right where they are. I know Michonne would never judge me for breaking down but I can't let myself cry about Cass. If I start I won't stop.

Earlier today, back in that damn train car, I have never felt such a confusing rush of emotion. The situation was horrific, but I got reunited with most of my family. In that moment, I was torn between utter relief and crushing disappointment. While I was relieved Cass wasn't there to experience it, I had hoped she would be with the rest of them. It's just disappointment now, knowing we all got out alive.

She would have too.

Michonne pats my upper arm warmly for a moment. "Come on, let's get back, huh?" She suggests gently and I nod wordlessly with a gulp, leading the way back.

Our footsteps crash on the leaf-covered forest floor as we make our way back to the group. As much as I miss Cass, I should focus on the relief of finding the rest of my family, which is a miracle in itself. I just can't help that lingering disappointment in the back of my mind that she didn't miraculously survive too.

About a minute from camp, a new sound startles me, sending a jolt of shock through my body. The sound of a baby, babbling and giggling loudly.

My eyelids flutter as I stumble to a stop in complete disbelief as I realize with a start- It's not just any baby.

It's... Judith?

My heart begins to race as I look over at Michonne in utter shock to see her smiling back at me warmly, her dark eyes twinkling.

Without a second of hesitation, I set off in a sprint, tearing through the vegetation to get back. I crash through the bushes clumsily following the light of the campfire until I come into the camp loudly, immediately finding Judith in Carl's arms next to Sophia.

I waste no time running over in an all-consuming relief to see my baby girl alive and well. Carl looks up, a bright smile pulling across his face.

My mind can barely comprehend the reality of my situation as I collapse onto my knees in front of Carl, tears welling in my eyes as I take her in. Judith blinks at me with wide eyes before giggling as she recognizes me.

This time, I don't fight the tears spilling from my eyes as I collect my baby in my arms, my body tingling with amazement and overwhelming relief as I embrace her small body tightly.

I press a trembling kiss to her forehead, holding her soft body to me tightly. Blinking past my tears, I look at Carl with wide, questioning eyes.

"H-how?" I question him hoarsely, searching his grinning face. He glances to the side before nudging his head in that direction, smiling knowingly.

My brows twitching together in confusion, I follow his gaze to the other side of the camp to see Michonne's back as she hugs someone, her dreads and body in the way making it impossible to see who it is. I pass Judith back to her brother, slowly rising to my feet in curiosity, my heartbeat beginning to speed up in my throat.

Michonne pulls away, still blocking the person from view as I take a step forward, my limbs tingling with blind anticipation. As Michonne finally moves to the side, my world grinds to a halt.

Because standing five feet away from me is Cassandra Adams. Cass.

Standing in the flesh, smiling widely at Michonne, the flames of the campfire igniting her breathtaking beauty. She's never been a more welcome sight, goosebumps immediately flaring on my arms just seeing her.

I wonder if I'm dreaming as her eyes slide from Michonne's face to mine, making my stomach contract.

Emotion flickers across her features as she meets my gaze, her brows crinkling together in the middle in that perfect Cass-like way, her eyes softening as a sweet smile pulls across that captivating face.

My boots are frozen to the ground beneath them, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I stare at her in disbelief like an idiot. She's alive. Alive and right in front of me.

Then, her soft and slightly trembling voice utters a single word, "Hi", and that does it. I don't even realize I've moved until our bodies are colliding in a crushing hug.

My arms come around her back, pulling her into me desperately, losing myself in the intoxicating feeling of holding her once again. She lets out a delightful lilted laugh as she embraces me, her hands thrown around my neck.

The raw emotion coursing through me is suffocating as my hand comes up to rest on the back of her head, crinkling my face in pure happiness and relief.

Feeling her body against mine, her laughter vibrating across my skin, and her smell infiltrating my nose again, knowing she's alive, is like heaven.

Deciding to give her a break from my crushing hug, I pull away, relishing in the feeling of her hands resting on my biceps as I take her in, my hands on the sides of her torso. Her watery green eyes wrinkle with happiness as she beams up at me.

"What happened? You a-and Judith?" I question her dumbly, my brows furrowed, suddenly feeling overwhelming worry about what she's had to go through alone. Her brilliant smile falters as her eyes dart past my shoulder, looking at my daughter before meeting my gaze again.

"Well, after that explosion back at the prison, I-I woke up and saw Judith in her carrier crying and the walkers coming for her, so I killed them, grabbed her, and just ran," Cass explains, her voice wavering slightly, her gaze averted.

"And um- it's just been me and her since. Until today, when we found Maggie's message for Glenn and I followed it to Terminus," Cass tells me, making my stomach throttle at the idea of her being anywhere near that hellhole.

"It exploded before I could get close, and I-I thought I lost you guys again. Then on the way back to the place me and Jude were staying, I stumbled across the camp, and here we are," Cass summarizes, shrugging with a small smile, finally meeting my gaze again.

Seeing the pain written behind her eyes, knowing she ain't telling me the whole truth, my brows knit together in concern. I pull her in another intimate hug, making a sound of surprise fall from her mouth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I murmur into the crook of her neck repeatedly, hoping to convey my overwhelming gratitude, partly thanking whatever power above that brought them back to me.

"Of course," Cass whispers back softly as I hold her close to me, not getting enough of her. Having her and Judith back with me is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.

"My girls," I mumble lowly before I can stop myself, making nerves jerk through me, my eyes flying open in disbelief that I said it out loud. Gingerly, I pull away, praying Cass didn't hear.

She just smiles up at me in that breathtaking way, seemingly unbothered, sending a small wave of relief through me that she didn't hear.

"Well, we caught a couple of rabbits for dinner," Michonne announces with a bright smile, holding up the corpses for the eager group.

We cook the rabbits, dividing the meat evenly among the group. I can't help my wandering eye as we eat our dinner, watching as Cass converses with Rosita, munching on the dry but edible dinner.

I still can't comprehend that she's sitting right in front of me. Smiling as she gets to know our new group member, her copper hair flowing around her shoulder.

My heart hurts knowing she has been surviving with Judith alone all this time. There's something about it though, knowing she is the one who has taken care of my daughter for the past month, makes a part of my heart warm with tenderness.

It makes me envision how Cass could care for Judith in another way- in a purely motherly way. If she were with me- if she married me, she really would be Judith's mother. I immediately chastise myself for the ridiculous thought.

As I watch her put on a fake and polite smile for Rosita, that old ache in my chest pangs, longing for the dinners we had at the prison. Eating well-made food in the safety of the courtyard, Carl and I making Cass laugh so hard she threw her head back, needing to hold onto the table for support.

We were happy. And safe.

Realizing I've been staring at her too long, I make myself look away from her, back at the cooked rabbit in my hand, deciding right at that moment. It's my job. To find the next place.

I don't care how long it takes, I'll do it. Figure out how to get us all back somewhere so she can laugh like that again.

- Cass's POV -
the next morning

I'm awoken from sleep by Judith's crying. I groan, but get up like usual, fumbling around, searching for the diaper bag, my heart dropping when I touch the warm body next to me.

It's like someone dumps a bucket of iced water on me, jolting me vividly awake. In a millisecond, I'm on my feet, chest heaving and heart racing with panic.

Sagging with relief, I hold my hand to my forehead as I spot Carl sleeping soundly right next to where I was, a smile pulling across my face as I remember it all. I found my family. Finally.

I'm not alone anymore.

I slowly spin around in the early morning light, searching for Judith, only to find her in Rick's arms on the other side of the camp, making me stop, my breath catching in my throat. I still haven't gotten over the fact that we've been reunited. Actually seeing his face, only a few feet from me, those fucking eyes crinkled at the edges as he meets my gaze. He smiles softly at me, patting Judith's back, clearly trying to get her to stop crying.

Carefully clambering over the sleeping bodies of our family, I decide I'm too awake now to get back to sleep. I meet up with Rick, one of my hands coming up to pat Judith's back. My heart tightens slightly at the proximity to Rick once again, feeling at home being here with him again.

"She won't stop," Rick sighs quietly with defeat, glancing back worryingly at the rest of the group, clearly anxious about waking them up. I smile slightly to myself, loving how much he cares about them.

"Can I?" I ask softly, glancing up at his expression, my stomach flipping as his familiar blue eyes meet mine, lit up in the cool morning light. Rick nods, handing her to me without hesitation. I take the crying girl in my arms, bouncing her and kissing the top of her head.

"Come on honey, it's okay," I murmur, rubbing her back comfortingly. She blinks up at me, starting to calm down, a smile beginning to brighten up her face. I smile back down at her, not being able to help it, wiping her tears from her cheeks.

"Ma-ma" She babbles, her hand coming up to grab at the neckline of my top, making me chuckle in adoration. I glance over to Rick to share in the precious moment, my smile dropping when I see his expression.

His eyebrows are slightly raised, a deep emotion behind his eyes as he watches us softly, his irises darting back at forth between us.

Then I realize. He's never heard her speak. And she's calling me mama. My stomach drops in guilt and panic.

"Right. I'm so sorry Rick- I don't know why she started calling me that, I tried to stop her but it just stuck and I-" I stammer, but Rick's expression makes me trail off as he shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowed.

"No." He says simply, those eyes boring into mine, making me blink up at him in confusion, emotion brewing deep in my chest.

"You have cared for her since the day she was born. You've been the only person in her life for the past month- I'm not surprised she thinks you're her mom." Rick tells me gently, making me gulp, looking down at her for a moment, tears threatening to fall again. Just hearing the words leave his mouth makes my heart hurt with longing.

"I can never thank you enough for that," Rick states, making my eyes dart up to meet his again at the deep sincerity in his words, making my lower lip tremble.

"There's no need-"

Rick cuts me off as he hugs both of me and Judith tightly, my heart soaring at the motion. Feeling him once again, despite the fact we hugged twice last night, makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. I don't think I can ever get used to this feeling. Being in his arms with his body pressed against mine is the safest I have felt in a long time, Judith squished between us.

"I missed you" I whisper candidly into his shoulder before I can stop myself, my voice slightly hoarse with emotion, making him squeeze me tighter.

"I missed you too." Rick says quietly against the crook of my neck, sending goosebumps across my arms. "So much." He adds quieter, making my chest warm with crushing love and emotion.

We stay there for a while, two broken hearts healing for the first time in a while, unknowingly being watched.

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