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The entire time I was in the subway and the remaining distance I had to walk to reach my parents' house, I spent pulling myself back together.

These two days have been eventful, overwhelming me, but now I'm sorted through.

Or rather I've gathered my scattering thoughts and locked them in a corner of my mind.

As I reach the floor, panting slightly, I knock on the door and wait.

Surprisingly Dad opens the door and I grin at him. He truly has been getting better. We greet as I step inside, but as soon as I do, the tension rippling in the house hits me full force.

I glance between Mom, who is in the kitchen, Mason, across from us in his wheelchair, and Dad still standing next to me.

"Gracie, honey, so glad you dropped by, do you want me to bring something for you to eat?" Mom asks but her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

"No, I'm good. I just need to pick one of my dresses I couldn't fit into my flat." I suspiciously watch Mom's forced cheerfulness.

"Oh, okay. Some of the boxes are in your brother's room, the rest is in the other bedroom." With that, she spins, returning to whatever she was doing but not before sending a glare in Dad's way.

I quizzically frown at Mason and he subtly shakes his head.

Without another word, I set down towards Mason's room and he follows behind me, leaving the door half-open.

"What's going on?" I ask in a whisper, planting my palms on my hips.

He sighs. "Don't ask, from Sunday, after you left, they've been fighting nonstop."

I squint and tilt my head. "Why though?"

"You know... the William?"

I furrow my brows. "Owner of the Judy Corp?"

"The very same. He offered a job to Dad... well kind of."

I turn, walking towards the boxes piled up on one corner of his room, not allowing myself to get excited about the news. "What do you mean? And where was he all this time?"

"William was apparently Mom's childhood best friend... he recently found out what happened to us and-"

I spin to Mason, interrupting him with disbelief, "Recently found out? Does he live under a rock or something?"

Mason presses his lips into a thin line.

"What?" I snap and return to opening the boxes and rummaging through them, hoping to find my expensive dresses. "Come on, don't play dumb. Everyone in the business industry found out what happened the second we went down. Why now? What's his... agenda?" I ramble and groan not finding anything in the first box. With great effort, I pick up the heavy box and drop it on the floor.

"Maybe he just wants to help."

I huff and turn to Mason, pushing aside the hair sticking to my forehead. "Why now? Something's up."

"So what?" Mason hisses.

I frown at his sudden change of tone before opening the other box. I smile at myself, finally seeing my glamourous dresses. "I get it we're not like we used to be... but what if he wants to use Dad... or I don't know, maybe he has other motives... things that could be against us, harm us." I shrug. "I don't know," I mumble, fiddling with the corner of the box. "Do you want Dad to take up the offer?"

"Of course, I want that. Mom does too. I don't get why he's refusing. It's not like he does anything useful around here."

"Hey." I spin and glower at him.

"Don't give me that look, I'm being serious. All he does is sit around and stare out the window. The job is management spot in Judy Corp's Chicago branch and he's refusing to go. He has lost it. Saying he can't leave me and Mom alone here, as if him staying does any good," he fumes and I stare at him with surprise.

His eyes are wide and nostrils flaring, the dark circles underneath them showcasing how exhausted he is. But the bitterness is what throws me off guard.

I rub my brow and press my lips into a thin line. "You shouldn't talk like that about Dad. You can't force him to leave Mom behind... and he's coping okay?" I cross my arms in front of my chest.

He barks a humorless laugh. "He was never around when he had his own business. What are you even talking about!"

"Well, this offer sure as hell looks like a stupid charity to me. Don't force Dad to do something he doesn't want to do. He was the CEO of the Stewart industries. He wanted to make you the CEO and become the chairman and now you're telling me William has offered him a managing spot. He has to work under an executive." I throw my hands up in exasperation. "Don't be ridiculous Mason. That spot might be good for someone like you, but not for our dad."

I spin and roughly look through the box to distract myself from the boiling anger within me.

"I'm being ridiculous, are you serious now!" he shouts.

I roll my eyes, biting my lip to stop myself from shouting back as I flip through the dresses, finally finding the green dress that I never got the chance to wear. Though I remember how it made my eyes stand out when I tried it in the shop.

"Hate to burst your bubble Rae but we're not the Stewarts anymore. We're broke, we're poor and once my insurance money stops coming, we'll be homeless too. Mom's money is nowhere near enough to feed three adults and keep a roof over our heads. We have nothing. The truth is Rae, maybe we do need charity because there is no difference between us and all the other poor people you see on this street."

I clutch the dress as his voice rings in my head. We're not like all the other underprivileged people. We're just not. I refuse to accept that. As long as I'm Gracie Stewart and my dad is Michael Stewart, we won't ever be like them, because we'll always have this name. And this name is our power.

I gaze at the blue sky, as the sun slowly begins to make its way to the horizon.

"And you're telling me he's coping!" Mason yells. "You've gotta be fucking shitting me. What is he coping with huh? For how long will this bullshit go on? He was supposed to fix this. All of this was supposed to be temporary, but the moment we lost that day in the court, Dad lost himself, he's not the man we've known for our entire lives."

"Because he lost his life's hard work, what did you expect? For him to just ignore it and go on." I pull out the dress from under all my other clothing items lying atop it. "He obviously needs time to pull himself together, he's coping, healing."

Mason scoffs. "I'm the one who needs coping, not him. This shitshow literally hit me the hardest. All of you can go on with your lives like nothing happened, but I can't. I won't ever be able to have a normal life again. Do you see me moping around like him? No. My life is ruined and the least he could do was try to give a damn about it and make an effort to change it."

His words sting, burn and hurt. Like being stabbed by knives that have been dipped in poison. Unwanted tears spring up to my eyes and the lump in my throat makes it impossible for me to breathe evenly.

I hold on to the dress and gaze up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly hoping to make the tears go away before they fall down.

"You think this is easy for me? It's not. For once Dad can stop putting himself first and do the hard thing. Just for once, for us. But no, his goddamn ego is too big to let that happen."

I draw in a shaky breath, but my tightened chest makes it impossibly hard. Words stick to my throat. I ruined his life. He should be mad at me, not Dad. My bottom lip quivers as I manage to nod. "You're right," I choke out at last.

"Rae," he starts much softer.

I spin and shake my head. Holding his gaze I hug the dress closer to my chest. "You're right. I ruined your life, and maybe you won't ever be able to walk again. You've been going through it every waking second of your life in these past months, and Mom has had to go through with it along with you. You have all the right to be furious. I'm away, living in my own flat as if nothing's happened..."

"Gracie," he warns in a lower voice and I shake my head again.

"No, you're right. None of us have it harder than you. Looking at it through your eyes, you have a valid point and I don't have anything to say, because... you're right," my voice wavers, and I look away, blinking away the tears.

"I have told you hundred times, the accident wasn't your fault, stop blaming yourself."

I nod. "Sure," I mumble, not looking at him. I inhale sharply. "I should get going. I'll see you soon."

With that I hurry out of the room, but not a pace away from the doorway, I halt, my eyes lock with Dad.

His gaze drops to the floor, shoulders hunching. My heart squeezes painfully.

I approach him and we slowly walk down the narrow hallway.

"I'm sorry," he whispers and my heart breaks.

"You don't have to apologize for anything."

He shakes his head. "I do Rae, I'm sorry for letting you and your brother down."

"We're all going through a hard time Dad and it's alright. Mason is a little frustrated... and who can blame him, but you don't have to apologize for anything." I look up at him and we halt in front of the entrance door.

He offers a weak smile, barely reaching his sad eyes. It hits me how much I miss the old him. The bankruptcy destroyed him. He looks defeated and exhausted, the usual gleam of hope has disappeared from him, leaving him dejected. I suppose we're all battling with our own demons.

I hug him tightly, not sure if words will be able to show how much I still love him. He lightly pats my shoulder. I let go and turn to the kitchen.

"Mom I'm leaving," I announce.

She stops whatever she was doing and spins to me. "Oh, you won't be staying for dinner?"

"No, I promised to meet one of my old friends." I hold up the dress as if to show my point.

She smiles and nods. "Have fun."

I open the door for myself.

"Take care," Dad says.

I smile at him. "Will do, bye."

With that I shut the door and descend the stairs, desperately trying to bring my emotions and thoughts into order. I need to have a clear head when I meet Nathan.

∞ ∞ ∞

So... what are your thoughts on Gracie's dad? And her brother Mason? I'd love to hear (in this case, read) them =)

Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to drop a vote if you did.

Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.

Till then, stay safe, lots of love, happy reading! <33

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