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I survey my reflection in the full-length mirror. The seafoam green dress I picked up earlier from my parents' house hugs my body perfectly, showing the curves that are now harder to notice thanks to the immense stress I've gone through during these months. It also matches my hazel eyes. It's safe to say I look pretty.

Satisfied with my final look, I slip into my coat and sling my minaudiere bag and saunter out of my bedroom.

Melody hasn't returned yet from the bar she works at. With a sigh, I turn off all the lights and lock the door as I leave.

My heels click loudly as I head to the elevator and hit the ground floor button.

Just as I reach the entrance door, Nathan's driver gets to the door. I unlock it and he keeps it open for me to step outside and with his help I descend the few steps.

"Thanks," I softly say as he opens the black Mercedes's door for me. Before I climb in, I pause and turn to him. "Drive slow, I don't want you to race down the highways."

"Yes ma'am."

I nod and get in the car and he shuts the door for me. I lean into the comfortable leather seat and close my eyes. Today was a long day, even though I took a long hot bath after getting to my flat, the exhaustion lingers in my body.

The ride lasts forever, but at least the driver sticks to his words and drives slowly, keeping me safe from potential mental breakdowns.

At last, we reach the hotel Nathan's father owns. The driver jumps out and opens the door for me, helping me out of the car and up the steps leading to the entrance door.

I've come here on multiple occasions, one being after our prom night. The six of us crashed here, to show we're officially free and grown-ups.

I sigh and make a beeline to the elevators, thankfully not needing to wait with these needle heels, I step into the one that's empty and hit the last button to take me to the highest floor of the building.

I focus on my breathing, pushing my shoulders back, and preparing myself for another round of challenges.

The music stops and the elevator comes to a halt. The door slides open and I step out and barely manage to hold back a gasp.

The entire floor is empty, let alone for a single table placed next to the largest window with the best view of the city. Nathan's back is facing me, as he watches out of the ceiling to floor window covering an entire wall of the restaurant.

The lights are dimmed, barely illuminating the area let alone for the few tall candles placed on the table.

Nathan turns as I approach him. The first few buttons of his white button-down shirt are undone and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. His dirty blond hair is combed back, and his electric blue eyes are sharp, with a familiar mischievous glint in them. He smiles at me and stretches his hand to me, while his other hand remains tucked in his navy blue suit pants pocket.

I accept his hand and he pulls me into a brief hug.

"Glad you came," he whispers next to my ear, his hot breath tingling my skin, his aftershave scent tickles my nostrils.

I smile as he walks to the other side, pulling the chair for me. I remove my coat and take my seat, placing my bag on the small hanger on the side of the table.

A waiter hurries to us, taking my coat as Nathan settles across from me.

I gaze out of the window, watching the city lights twinkling under the dark sky. "Don't you think you went a bit over the top with reserving the place just for us?" I glance at him.

He shrugs. "I'm sure my dad can manage the loss."

I smile and he smirks, taking his time to survey me, noting every little detail about my appearance.

The same waiter returns and pours wine for us and hurries away.

"To us," Nathan holds his glass up.

"We haven't agreed on anything yet," I point out but near my glass to his nevertheless.

"To our future partnerships," he smirks and I laugh, shaking my head. He's hopeless.

We clink our glasses and take a sip. I set down my drink and clasp my hands. "You wanted to talk about something?"

"Jumping straight to business I see." He softly says and I arch an eyebrow. He sighs and leans into his chair. "I have a deal for you." Nathan stops and I barely stop myself from cursing him out.

Only until I realize the waiter is nearing our table with a food trolley. He stops before us and places two Verrine in front of each of us before going away.

"Seriously Nathan, you didn't have to go all the way with the hors d'oeuvres and everything else." I wave my hand and he chuckles.

"What can I say, anything less would have seemed wrong and not enough."

"You flatter me," I playfully roll my eyes earning a grin from him. "Which knowing you, cannot be a good sign," I add as I hold up the spoon.

He laughs, and I take a small piece of the food and savor its exquisite flavor. Once again, I'm reminded of how deeply I miss my old lifestyle.

He inhales sharply and straightens himself. "Before I let you in on my plans... I have to know; have you been following the news going around the business world?"

I frown and shake my head as I place another small bite in my mouth.

A blow of air rushes out from his lips and he shifts in his seat. "I thought so," he mumbles. "The thing is, a lot has changed Gracie."

I bite my tongue to stop myself from snapping no shit sherlock. Instead, I gaze quizzically at him.

He sighs. "You were richer than all of us, so when the power transition happened, it affected everyone in the industry."

I shrug, I couldn't care less about these double-faced people.

"Benjamin Stewart made a deal with Ramirez Inc... to cover up their tax frauds in return for their constant support. When Ben overtook your company, he turned against his word and through threatening he bought fifty-one percent of the shares."

I gape at him. "Does that mean he now owns Alex's family business?" I ask with shock.

"Sort of, the Ramirez family owns about forty percent of the shares now, the highest shareholders after Benjamin."

My mouth shapes an O. Now this is indeed interesting. I lean back into my seat and pick up my wine glass, swirling the red liquid around the glass. "So... does that mean you're richer than him? Or did Benjamin do the same to you guys too?" I take a sip and watch him carefully over the rim of the glass.

He smiles. "I can't say he didn't try, but so far he hasn't found anything to worm his way into our company." He drums his fingers on the table. "But that's not important at the moment."

I arch an eyebrow and give him a disbelieving look. That explains why he dared to sleep with me on Saturday night. And also why Alex called me a gold digger. Things have surely changed, for better or worse.

"You know William... the rich William?"

I roll my eyes. As an ex-rich person, I can't stop myself from saying, even back then when life was good, William was disgustingly rich, hence the prefix the added to his name to make him stand apart from the rest of the Williams in the industry. "Who doesn't?"

He chuckles, "Good point." He takes a sip from his drink and glances outside of the window. "Ben poked his nose into the William's matters. And that guy is not someone you want to mess with."

I frown and tilt my head. Holy shit! So William did want to use Dad! That's why he offered a spot to him in his company.

"Ben is too rich and strong for anyone now to face alone, even for Judy Corp, Stewart industries is too huge to ignore and take Ben's threats lightly. We're making a deal, the business industry is dividing, my family has picked its side. We're with William, while Alex and Everly's families are with Ben."

I huff a laugh. "Good for you buddy, but I can't see where I stand in this shitshow."

He grins like a Cheshire cat. "You have no idea what a huge role you play."

I raise my eyebrows and take another small sip.

"Your dad declined the job, but you," he points at me and I shake my head.

"I have classes, I can't move to Chicago."

He laughs, "Rae, just listen, you don't know the power you hold. Ben knows you don't know anything about business. In fact, a few of our friends have found out that he has prepared the paperwork of a deal he'll soon be offering to you."

I furrow my brows, but Nathan doesn't let me ask anything.

"The deal will clearly state, if you agree to separate yourself from your family, parents, and brother, he'll return the combined share of you and your mother's while the company was still yours, back to you. Only if you cut everything off with your own family and stand by his side."

"What the fuck!"

"His image is tarnished, he fears other powerful people will join together and bring him down. But if he brings his niece by his side, and cooks up a lie that your father and brother are the bad guys, he'll win back his respect. And by giving the shares to you, he makes sure everything is still under his control since you don't know anything about business, the shares will only be in your name on paper, the control and money will stay his."

My mouth hangs open and I stare blankly at the tall building visible behind Nathan, I struggle to wrap my head around everything. "That's messed up," I breathe out. I turn to him. "Why would he even think I'd agree to this!"

"Money, comfort, luxury, the extravagant lifestyle you had, he'll give them all back to you."

"And what about my parents?"

"If you transfer the money he gives you to them, he'll call off the deal. Even his spies spot you with your family, the deal will be off and you'll lose it all again."

I shake my head and huff.

"That's why, I have a deal to offer you," Nathan says at last.

∞ ∞ ∞

Well =)) I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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Thanks for reading.

Next chapter will be up on Monday =)

Till then,

stay safe, lots of love, happy reading ^^

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