β˜‚οΈŽοΈŽβ”†π‚π‡π€ππ“π„π‘ πŸ•: 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π‹πˆπŒππ’

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŸ•: 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π‹πˆπŒππ’
written by: peachyhxlland

While Cindy was obtaining her and your supplies from Thornhill, you drew sloppy circles on your notebook as students began to enter the conservatory for the botany class. You even brought your plush rabbit, Mr. Rabbit, to the class which was perched on your lap. You cast your eyes over the space filled with various types of plants before noticing Wednesday appears to be conversing with one of them.

After noticing this, Bianca threw a harmless insult at the girl. You made the decision not to pay them any attention and kept scribbling in your notepad. Your materials were set down in front of you by Cindy as she sat next to you. "I thought you were going to sit next to Xavier?"

You paused and sent a quick glance Cindy's way before turning to look at Xavier, who was sitting by himself and sketching in his sketchbook. "I thought he was going to sit next to Ajax."

"Ajax is with his other friends," Cindy responded as she started to sort her materials. She spotted Wednesday looking for a spot to sit at. "I guess Addams is sitting next to him."

After looking up from your notepad, you noticed Wednesday walking toward Xavier. Since Yoko was seated next to her, Enid was unable to use the space. Xavier noticed you looking and turned to look at you. The uncomfortable feeling in your gut returned as you hurriedly turned away from the scene and focused on your notebook. Again feeling envious, Bianca, who was seated next to Divina, also cast a jealous glance at Xavier and Wednesday.

Xavier sighed and looked down at his sketchbook as Wednesday sat next to him. "I thought you can't stand sitting that close to an elitist snob."

"I have no other options." As she replied, Wednesday noticed Xavier sketching a spider in his sketchbook. "I'm guessing your friend has decided not to sit next to you too."

When he cast a quick peek your way, Xavier noticed that you were already concentrating on the doodles in your notebook. A little smile spread over his face when he noticed Mr. Rabbit's head poking out from your table. "We don't need to sit next to each all the time..." While hiding the fact that he felt a little dejected, Xavier let out a faint yet fake scoff.

"I thought you two were a couple."

"Where did you come to that conclusion?"

Wednesday stared at Xavier. "What?" Her tone of voice suggested astonishment as she questioned. "You two are not?"


"Then I guess you two are hopeless fools."

Xavier furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. He raised his palm over his notebook as he concentrated on bringing the spider he was sketching to life. You and Bianca turned to face the pair before turning to stare at the spider as it crept out of the page.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe," Thornhill remarked when she noticed that Xavier appeared to be attempting to impress Wednesday with his abilities.

Xavier smirked on Wednesday. "Admit it, you're a little impressed."

Wednesday gave him a look before slamming her hand right at the spider, catching everyone's attention. The spider disintegrated to dust. Xavier tightened his jaw, and you winced a little. A few students let out some small laughs. Xavier shut his sketchbook right away.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us..." Thornhill told the girl as she tried to change the subject and stepped out of her large desk. "...on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." She presented a displayed and contained plant to everyone. "Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?"

Bianca raised her hand in order to answer. She was about to say the name until Wednesday got to her first. "Dendrophylax lindenii."

Bianca glared at her. "Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." She added as she lowered her hand down.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854," Wednesday added more information, earning an impressed look from Thornhill.

"Very good, Wednesday." Thornhill praised. The botany teacher turned to look at Bianca. "Looks like you may have competition for the first chair, Bianca."

A few students let out some "oohs" while Bianca's eye and lip twitched in annoyance. Cindy leaned at you, giggling. "Honestly, I can't wait to see Wednesday overthrowing Bianca out of her throne."

"I kinda feel bad for Bianca." You frowned. "She worked so much to become an achiever and earn her reputation."

Cindy shrugged. "Look, girl, I just want some tea and drama. I live for it." She winked as she took out her water bottle and drank some fluids.

Thornhill turned her attention to Wednesday. "Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities."

"Resilience and adaptability." Wednesday immediately answered. "It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it," Bianca noted.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix."

Bianca and Wednesday locked heated gazes with one another. Bianca smirked. "You can most certainly try."

Xavier decided to break the tension. "Are we still talking about flowers?" He asked earning a few laughs from some students.

"Thank you, ladies, for hose illuminating insights." Thornhill praised. "Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today."


"Looney (Y/n)!" Jason's two companions could be heard laughing as they followed him to your nearby location. "Wow, you're all by yourself now? I suppose your pals have decided to leave you because they have recognized how boring you are."

"Or I just want a moment to myself, Jason." You attempted to maintain your composure as you answered calmly. "I guess I won't be having that today."Β You only want to be at peace while reading a book about dragons on your own.

Jason burst out laughing when he saw the stuffed rabbit next to you. "You're so friendless you just made your stuffed toy for your friend. What are you five years old?" He mocked, earning loud laughs from his friends.

Jason blocked your way as you got up from your seat in the hallway and moved to grab your book and Mr. Rabbit. When you made an effort to turn away, his friends surrounded you, causing you to wrinkle your brows. "I just want to leave, please."

"Little shithead." Jason snarled and he attempted to take the plush rabbit away from you. As you attempted to retrieve the plush animal, you put down your book and brought the toy's body closer to you.

"Can you let go, please?" As you pulled more forcefully, you pleaded. As Jason finally claimed the stuffed rabbit, his companions suddenly snatched you up and held you captive in their arms. "Hey! Give it back!"

Jason examined the plush rabbit while placing his hand in the space between its head and body. "Let's play something. Decapitate a Toy, yeah?"

You attempted to get away from the boys' hold as your eyes widened in dread. "No! I don't want to play! He doesn't want to play!" The fact that there were no students in the corridor at the time was really unfortunate for you.

Jason started to detach the head and body from one another. You fought on, tears streaming down your cheeks. "No, no, no! Get away from him!" Every twist and pull in its threads causes your heart to bleed. "No! Leave him alone!"

You begged Jason not to do it, but he succeeded in detaching the head from the body of the plush rabbit. As you fixed your gaze on the broken stuffed animal, your entire body became motionless. Your heart dropped and something burned inside you. Your blood boiled in so much agony and anger.

As Jason flung the severed head of the toy rabbit on the ground, you let a few silent tears fall down your cheeks and stared at it. You put an end to escaping the boys' grip.

"Sorry." Jason frowned, making fun of the fact that he was acting distraught. A sarcastic smile took the place of his frown. "He looks better now, though."

Xavier, Ajax, and Cindy happened to be walking by at the perfect moment. Their eyes widened when they saw you fending yourself against Jason and his friends by yourself. While moving away from Ajax and Cindy and moving swiftly in your direction, Xavier's blood began to boil. "Get away from her!"

You flinched back when Xavier shoved the two boys away from you, but you were still too stunned to react as your gaze was still fixed on your broken toy. Before whipping his head at Jason and glaring at him, Xavier cast a quick glimpse at the headless stuffed animal on the ground. "The fuck is wrong with you?!"

"We're just having a little fun, Thorpe." Jason chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders casually. "Since you never know exactly how to have fun, you wouldn't know."

While Xavier confronted Jason with his crew and Ajax was making sure to prevent his friend from doing anything violent, Cindy made sure you were okay. "(Y/n), hey..." She gently rubbed your shoulders to soothe you. "Come on, let's get you to bed. We'll fix Mr. Rabbit, okay?"

However, you had a hard time hearing her. Everything was muffled and the world was spinning in your vision. Your damaged stuffed rabbit lying on the ground was the only thing you could clearly see.

"Not your fault..." You heard a faint voice in your head. "Not your fault..."

"Can't fix it, Looney?" Jason taunted while turning his attention away from Xavier to look at you. "Why don't you ask your mother for that? Oh, wait! You don't have one."

When Xavier struck Jason in the cheek with a hard blow, Cindy let out a loud gasp. "Xavier!" Ajax shouted as he dragged his friend away from Jason while holding his arm. When Jason fell back, his friends rushed to help him. "You're fucking dead, Thorpe!"

Jason marched forward to Xavier but suddenly felt himself being slowly pulled down by the ground. Quicksand formed on the ground in some mysterious way. When Xavier, Ajax, and Cindy peered at the ground, they realized they weren't sinking. The three turned to face you and saw you were heading in the direction of Jason and his friends.

"What the fuck?" Jason peered down and saw that a section of the floor was not sinking beneath your feet. "You..." Jason whispered when he understood you were to blame for him being stuck on the ground. He began to struggle. "Let me out, you bitch!"

You looked at him with no sympathy in your eyes as you tilted your head and clenched your jaw. "I play too..." You whispered as your wide eyes glowed yellow. "Two Limbs for a Head."

Jason furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he and the others carefully monitored you crouching down, the ground beneath your knee going solid so you wouldn't fall. Upon noticing the yellow markings on his arm, Jason's eyes became wider. "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?!" His friends were startled as his arm soon began to slowly transform into glass. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

You continued to transform his entire arm into glass without saying a word to him. Xavier, Ajax, and Cindy stood motionless in disbelief. They were clueless as to what to do.

You formed some sand into a rock by cupping it in your hands. Jason's glass arm was broken into fragments as you raised your hand and slammed the rock into it. Jason screamed loudly as his eyes enlarged. Jason's friends rushed away in fear for their lives.

"(Y/n)!" When Xavier yelled out to you and attempted to approach, you snapped your head up and glared at him to tell him not to get too close. After noticing your enraged look, Xavier took a step back, chills running down his spine.

Jason was yelling hysterically as you turned to face him. Before getting up to meet Jason, you used the ground to raise him up by turning it into clay mud. Jason begged for help as he was still unable to escape, but you dismissed him.

You grabbed Jason's exposed leg and turned it into wood as it was sticking out of the dirt.Β "I'll break this too." Jason wasn't comforted by what you said, despite your reassuring tone. "Don't worry."

"(Y/n)!" Xavier and Cindy rushed to you.

"Help me!" Jason begged.

Your waist was enveloped by Xavier's arm as he drew you away from Jason. Your eyes suddenly restored to normal as you awoke from your daze. When Xavier held you, you went limp. Jason slipped to the ground as the muck around him dissolved. Cindy put her hand over her mouth in shock when she saw Jason's right wooden leg and a missing arm. "Oh, my God..." Cindy breathed out.

You blinked your eyes, trying to process what happened. "What..." Jason whimpered when your eyes met his as you turned to gaze at your stuffed animal before focusing on him. You began to piece together what had happened. "I-I didn't mean to..." When you feel sick to your stomach, you speak so gently while tightly grasping your sleeve. A fresh round of tears started to fall down your face.

Before sighing, Xavier cast a quick glance toward your plush bunny. He helped you leave and took the damaged stuffed rabbit, saying in a soothing voice, "Come on."

Xavier glanced at Ajax and Cindy. "Ajax, Cindy, take Jason to the infirmary. I'll deal with (Y/n)."

As Cindy and Ajax looked at each other before assisting Jason in standing up, you and Xavier turned and left. "Not saying I support this kind of karma, but..." After assisting Jason in getting to his feet, Ajax sighed and groaned. "...you kinda deserved it. You're a huge puckering dick."

"How dare you!" Jason shrieked.

Cindy rolled her eyes. "Look, shithead, you were dealing with the girl who can turn anything into different things." She snapped. "You should've seen this coming from a mile away."


I didn't mean for this chapter to be long lmao

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