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this is family and no one messes with our family

Sam runs into the house with Hank and Kim behind her, panicking and says, "Where are they?!"

"I'm sorry, Sam. I've called them at least a couple dozen times and nothing" Lucy says, getting off the couch with Gracie on her hip. Tears run down the brunette's face, when Jay walks into the living room and says, "Jay?"

"There's no sign of them" Jay states, "Not since this morning when they left for school"

When Sam starts to hyperventilate, Jay brings her into a hug and kisses her head and says, "Shh, we're going to find them"


The team is gathered on the unit, where Sam is sat at her desk, her knee bouncing uncontrollably while Jay rubs her back and Hank, who is standing next to the white board, with the team gathered around with pictures of Denise and Wyatt taped to the board and says, "Right now, Denise and Wyatt have been missing for 12 hours. Which means, the people who took them are that far ahead of us. This is the only thing that matters, until we find them. The last person who took one of the kids from this unit was Diego Dawson, 6 years ago and we know how that ended. So we get our feet on the ground, go around to your CI's. They took my grandson. They took Denise, who's adoption papers just went through. Do anything and everything to find them, alright? This is family and no one messes with our family"

"We'll find them, Sam" Antonio says. Sam stares off into the space in front of her and Jay says, "Yeah"

"Porter, you and Sam go to their school. Talk with the principal, their teachers"

Brayden nods his head as he and Sam get up from their desks and head out. Kevin walks onto the bullpen from the tech room with a file in his hand and says, "I got something. I pinged both of their phones and got a hit from Wyatt's. A corner store on Chandler and Crane, time stamped at 7:45 a.m. I also looked at the security footage from inside the store and from across the street"


"After grabbing some snacks from inside the store. They were seen getting pulled into a black van 5 minutes later" Kevin says, taking out a photo of the POD footage and tapes it onto the board, "Got a partial, 97H and on the corner of the footage you can clearly see someone watching this happen, so I looked into any 911 calls and got a hit. A Nataile Murlow called at 7:50, says that two offenders wearing ski masks dragged them into the back of this van"

"Alright, there's a start. Jay, you and Hailey go pay a visit to this witness. Adam, search the DMV database for the partial and everyone else get out on the streets, talk to your CI's" Hank says, walking into his office, shutting the door behind him to make a phone call.


"Hey, it's going to be okay. We're gonna find them" Brayden says, as he and Sam get out of their covert car and walk towards the school.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish we weren't 12 hours behind these asshats" Sam says, opening the front door of the school.


"Thanks for meeting with us Principal Mendez. We just have a few questions about a couple of your students" Brayden says, as they follow the principal into his office.

"Sure, anything for Chicago's finest. How can I help?" Lorenzo Mendez says, sitting down in his chair.

"Denise Gifford and Wyatt Voight"

"Excellent students" the principal says, making Sam perk up a bit, knowing her kids are doing well, "Which is why I'm surprised they didn't show up to school yesterday"

"They didn't show up?" Sam asks. Mendez shakes his head and says, "No"

"Were either of them having problems with anyone?"

"No, not that I know of. But my secretary did say that someone came by to check Denise out, but we didn't allow it because he couldn't show us any sort of ID and he wasn't on the list to sign her out"

"Can your secretary describe him?" Brayden asks.

"I'll call her in" Mendez says, then clicks on his intercom system, "Betty, can you come into my office please"

A couple minutes later, Betty Vescez walks in and Brayden says, "Can you describe the man that came in looking to check Denise Gifford out?"

"Tall, about 6'1". African American. He had a scar on his left cheek and a spider's web tattoo on his neck"

"How long ago was this?"

"A couple weeks ago"

"Okay, thank you" Brayden says, handing Principal Mendez his card, "If you think of anything else. Call us"

"Of course" he says, as the two detectives leave.


Jay and Hailey walks up the porch steps of Natalie Murlow's house and the brunette knocks on the door. A minute later the door opens to a petite, brunette woman, and Hailey says, "Natalie Murlow?"


"We're here about the 911 call you made yesterday at 7:50, saying you witnessed two masked offenders drag two teenagers into a van"

"Yes. Come in" she says, stepping aside for the detectives to walk in.

"Can you tell us exactly what you saw" Jay says, as he and Hailey follow the woman into the living room and sit.

Natalie lights a cigarette and says, "I was out on my daily run and I decided to do an extra mile and when I was about to turn the corner, I saw these two men with black ski masks, dragging these scared kids into a van"

"Did you notice anything else? Like tattoos or scars on these men or the license plate on the van?"

"I actually have a video. But it didn't start until they were half way into the van" Natalie says, taking out her phone from her pocket, pulling up the video and showing the detectives.

The video showed two masked offenders, clearly dragging Denise and Wyatt into the van.

"Look, a clear license plate number" Hailey says, "Can you email me this?"

"Of course" the brunette says, taking her phone back from Jay.

"One more question. You go out for runs but you smoke?"

Murlow scoffs and says, "Yeah, I know. Bad habit. Trying to quit, got down to two a day"


"The man that Betty Vascez was describing is Darnel Gifford" Sam says, pointing to his picture on the board, "Denise's father"

"What do we know about him?" Hank questions. Brayden opens the file in his hand and says, "He got paroled a year ago from doing a 10 year stint in stateville"

"I can't narrow down the search for the license plate any further than 800" Adam says, walking onto the bullpen from the basement.

"Good thing you don't have too" Hailey says as her and Jay walk onto the unit.

"Yeah, you got a license plate number?"

"Yup. Talked to one of my guys down at tech" Jay says, handing Voight the file, "License plate is 97H-650S. And it's registered to a Landon Marcus"

"Okay. Kim, Kevin. Go grab him up" Hank says.


"I told you I don't know anything about two kids getting snatched up" Landon exclaims as Voight and Sam interview him in interrogation.

"Right, and we're supposed to believe that you didn't know your van was used in a kidnapping?" Sam says, placing a picture of the van at the scene of the crime in front of the man.

"I didn't. It got stolen a couple weeks ago"

"Did you report it?"

"You really think the cops gonna believe a black man from the southside got robbed by a couple of white dudes?"

"So you know what they look like" Voight says.

"I only saw the back of their heads"

"Okay, so what did the back of their heads look like?" Sam asks.



"Uhm, I don't know. One has brown hair and the other blonde hair. Tall, like me and the blonde dude had a spider's web tattoo on his neck" Landon says, making Sam and Hank look at each other.


"Alright, I did a search on anyone who did time along with Darnel. And I found matches of two guys matches Landon Marcus' description. And only one was impressive" Antonio says, taping his picture onto the board, "Dean Jensen"

Brayden opens his file and says, "They both got picked up doing a robbery together. That's why they were put away in the first place. And it says here that Jensen got a longer sentence because Gifford ratted on him. So, I'm guessing Jensen found out and got pissed"

"And he got paroled two months ago, for good behavior"

"Do we have a current address for Dean Jensen?" Hank says.

"6222 West Abass. Home to a Jared Samuels, who matches the description of the other offender"

"Kim get a warrant and let's pick his ass up"


The team slowly walks towards the house of Jared Samuel's, with their guns drawn in front of them. Kevin, Kim, Hailey and Antonio head around the back of the house, while Sam, Jay, Adam, Brayden and Voight continue up the small steps to the front of the house.

"You guys in place?" Voight says, over the walkie.

"We're good, Sarg" Hailey says.

Jay slams his fist on the front door and yells, "Jared Samuels, Dean Jensen, Chicago PD, open up!"

Gunshots were then heard and seen coming through the door, as they stand to the side, taking cover. And when the bullets stop, they enter, Adam kicking the door in, guns still drawn slowly making their way through the house.

"Police, stop!" Sam yells, as she sees Samuels start running. Then he stops, with his arms up, walking backwards when Voight has his gun to the man's forehead and says, "Give me a reason"

"Where are my kids?" Sam demands. Voight makes Jared get on his knees and says, "I-I don't know what you're talking about"

"Denise and Wyatt! The scared kids you took yesterday morning. Where are they?!"

"I don't know!" Samuels says, as the team starts gathering in the dining room.


"Not here" Antonio says.

"Denise and Wyatt aren't here either" Kim says. Hank pistol whips the man, who then falls to the ground.

Sam grabs the man by his collar, pulling him closer to her and pointing her gun to his head and says, "The next bullet that's being fired, is the one from my gun to your head. So, tell me where the hell Jensen went with my kids. Now!"


The intelligence team makes their way through a warehouse, where Samuels said Jensen took Denise and Wyatt. As Sam and Brayden slowly walk through a room, Sam disappears behind some sheets and Brayden whisper-yells, "Sam. Sam!"

Sam slowly makes her way through another room she found to see Denise and Wyatt, she holsters her gun and was about to run to them when she feels a gun on the back of her head.

"Mom!" Wyatt yells.

"Move and you and your kids die!" the voice spoke.

"Jensen, you don't wanna do this"

"And why not?"

"Because you just kidnapped the kids of two police officers"


"You just got out of prison. You really wanna go back?"

"Hell no. That's why I'm gonna kill you. No witnesses" Dean Jensen says, when someone puts a gun to his head.

"You're dead either way. Try it" Jay says. Jensen slowly lowers his gun and as soon as he does, Jay cuffs him and Sam runs over to Denise and Wyatt, untying their wrists and ankles, who then both engulf her in a hug.

"You guys okay? I'm so sorry, it took us so long to find you" Sam breathes out.

"We're fine, Sammy" Denise says, "We're just glad you're here"

"And you guys are never walking to school again"


After finding out that the reason Dean Jensen kidnapped Denise and Wyatt was because of some revenge scheme against Denise's father, Darnel, and Wyatt was just there. Sam and Jay bring Denise down to town hall, who asks, "What are we doing here?"

Sam hands her the letter stating that the adoption finally went through and her eyes widen, "Really?"

Jay nods and Sam says, "Now that you're officially part of the family. We came to make it official-official. What did you think about changing your last name to Halstead?"

Denise smiles and nods her head as the three walk towards the office building.


Sam walks into her and Jay's room to see her husband leaving the bathroom and says, "I wanted to say thank you"

"For what?"

"For being there for me"

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere" Jay says, pulling his wife into a hug, and kisses her head, "I love you, Sam. And nothing will change that"

"I love you too, Jay"

Gracie then walks into the room and just says a bunch of random babble, making the two laugh. Jay goes to pick up his daughter and walks back over to Sam who says, "Hi baby" and then they hug.

"We're pretty lucky, huh?" Jay says. Sam smiles a Denise and Wyatt walk into the room and join in on the group hug and says, "Yes we are"


Denise and Wyatt are okay ๐Ÿ˜Œ
& Denise is officially a Halstead ๐Ÿ’–
Sam and Jay are bad ass parents and as a couple ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
Also, this might seem like a long wait but the surprise won't be for another 10 chapters, so I'm accepting comments on what you think the surprise it ๐Ÿค”

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