𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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fathers and sons

"So, okay, uh, graduated magna cun laude from Loyola, played varsity soccer in high school, sang karaoke with Mike Ditka at Franky's Tavern. 'You Don't Send Me Flowers' Barbra Streisand. Neil Diamond. Go" Trudy says, as she's surrounded by the Intelligence unit, at a restaurant, to celebrate her 25 years as a Chicago police officer.Β 

"Ditka don't do karaoke, so that's the lie" Kevin says, as Hailey points at him, indicating that she agrees.

"No, definitely not. It's soccer. The woman hates moving" Kim states.

"Yeah, there's no way you played varsity soccer in high school" Brayden says.

"Really?" Trudy says.

"They didn't even have girl's soccer back then, so.." Antonio says, making everyone laugh, expect Trudy, of course.

"Up high" Kim says, standing from her seat to give Dawson a high five.

"Who was your coach, Jesus?" Antonio jokes again, making the table laugh again.

"Any last guesses?" Platt asks.

"Gracie and I think it's the first one. Graduated magna cun laude from Loyola" Sam states.

"What is it? What is it?" Adam asks. Trudy looks around the table and says, "Sam's right. It's the loyola thing"

"Yes" Sam smiles, high fiving her 3 year old.

"I dropped out after two years so I could move to LA with my boyfriend" Trudy says, as Hank gets up from the table to answer a call, "I played keyboards in a heavy metal rock band called Black Ice. What could possibly go wrong?"

"25 years, I think that's pretty amazing" Kim smiles, stuffing a fork full of cake in her mouth.

"Yeah, well, it's actually insane, and by the way, it feels more like 50, so get out while you can" Trudy says, making the group laugh.

"Gracie sweetie, do you want to give aunt Trudy the picture you made for her?" Sam asks, as Gracie nods her head. Gracie gets down off of her uncle Adam's lap and walks over to Trudy with a piece of paper in her hand. Platt picks Gracie up, setting her on her lap, looking at the picture and says, "Wow, this is really great. It looks just like us" then shows everyone who agree.

"Hey, guys, sorry to break up the party." Hank says, walking back to the table, "I got a call from the CI. Drug mule just showed up at his motel. We gotta roll"

As everyone gets up from their chairs, Trudy hands Gracie back to her mother, who struggles in her arms, wanting to get down. Sam puts down her daughter who goes straight over to her dad, putting her arms up. Jay picks up his three year old, kissing her cheek and says, "I gotta go princess"

Gracie starts to cry, making Jay sad. Sam gives her husband a quick kiss and says, "Be safe" before grabbing her daughter from him.


Sam and Adam follow the M.E. into autopsy, where the victim they found, was gutted in a bathtub at the motel.Β 

"Got an ID on the female DOA. Name is Gloria Sanchez, 19. For now, the male DOA is a John Doe" The M.E explains, as Sam and Adam stand opposite of him, looking at their victim.

"So John Doe takes the trip with the mule, delivers her to the buyer, makes sure nothing goes wrong" Sam says. Adam looks at the detective and says, "Sounds right to me"

"Poor kid had enough cocaine in her system to kill a horse. Stomach acid ate through the latex" The M.E states.

"Was she alive when they cut her open?"

The M.E sighs and says, "Looks that way. Ooh" he says, taking a blacklight and grabbing the victim's wrist, "I did find something else you might be interested in" and then shines the blacklight on the girl's hand to show a scorpion stamp.


Adam tapes the picture of Gloria's hand on the whiteboard and says, "Alright, this was found on the back of Gloria's hand. Guessing it was one of those invisible nightclub stamps"

"Okay, but why would a girl with a kilo worth of blow inside of her walk into that nightclub?" Kevin asks.

"Maifest came in from Customs, guys" Jay says, looking at his computer screen, "I got the name of the John Doe. It's Miguel Lopez, age 39. Lists his recent place of employment as the Scorpion club. Occupation, bartender"

"Anything on this girl he gutted, Gloria Sanchez?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, also Scorpion club. Occupation, dancer"

"Yeah, that's the place on 6th and Steward, right?" Adam questions.

"Yeah, that's the one. The logo matches the hand stamp"

"Alright, so run the owner and every employee. Look, this is a homicide now. We bust the guy moving the drugs, we can nail him for murder, too" Hank says, as he walks into his office.


After Hailey and Adam go undercover at the Scorpion club and they make a deal with one of the bartenders, named Larry, who tells them he could hook them up with his source which is the owner of the club, Sprio Dalon, they head back to the the district.

"Spiro Dalon." Brayden says taping his picture onto the board, "Grew up in Greektown. He's got a clean record. He owns the Scorpion club and he does pretty well for himself"

"Suspiciously well" Kim says, standing next to Brayden, "I had Asset Forfeiture run the financials for his club and the numbers don't add up. He's in the hole until six months ago and then there's this huge surge in profits. I mean, there's no way that's legit business. They'd need like, a revolving door for all those customers"

"Right, so I checked with immigration. Along with Gloria Sanchez, I got a dozen other temporary work visas for exotic dancers from Juarez this year" Brayden says, handing Hank the file, "They all list Scorpion club as their place of employment. Frequent border crossings. Multiple trips, it's a pattern"

"Okay, so Sprio uses his own girls as mules to smuggle the coke in his own club to launder the money. Smart hustle" Kevin says.

"Well, now it's your turn to hustle" Hank says, looking at Adam, "I want you to get in with this guy. Get him to trust you and make a deal"


When Hailey and Adam go back undercover to get closer with the owner, Sprio. Sam heads home to relieve Lucy when she looks at her ringing cell phone to see an unknown number calling her for the 5th time today.Β 

After finishing the laundry, getting the kids fed and putting Gracie to bed, she walks into her room and flops onto the bed. Jay walks into the room and says, "Hey gorgeous"

Sam sighs, sitting up and says, "Hi"

"What's wrong?"

"Tired. How did the meet with Spiro go?"

"Good, up until Adam's mic cuts out halfway through"

"Huh. That's weird" Sam says, standing up from the bed and walks over to her husband and wraps her arms around his neck. Jay places his hands on his wife's hips and as they were about to kiss, the baby monitor goes off. "Daddy"

"That's your cue" Sam says, giving a quick peck to Jay's soft lips, before he walks away to his daughter's room.

Jay walks into Gracie's room to see her standing up on her new big girl bed, with tears staining her perfect, chubby cheeks and when he picks her up, she immediately lays her head on his chest, hugging him and Jay says, "I'm here, princess" bouncing her up and down to try and calm her down, "Daddy's here and he's not going anywhere, I promise"


"This is Rita Moore. Sprio's current girlfriend" Hailey says, scrolling through this girls instagram on her computer, back at the district, "We found these pictures on her instagram feed"

"This was posted two days ago, right here, 4 p.m." Adam says, pointing to a picture, witch the blonde clicks on, "This is Sprio, of course, and Rita, and back here.."

"Gloria Sanchez" Sam says.

"Less than an hour before her murder" Kim says.

"Looks like Rita just became our number one eyewitness. What do we know about her?" Antonio says.

"She's an exotic dancer, Single mother, two drug priors, and she's got a pending case for a DUI" Adam says.

"Good work. Hailey bring her in" Hank says.


After questioning Rita, and putting her undercover at the club to try and get Sprio's phone. The next day, Adam and Hailey find her dead in her apartment.

"Someone slit her throat" Adam says, as Sam and Jay walk into the apartment where Adam, Haley and Antonio are.

"Not someone, Sprio" Hailey states.

"DCFS is looking after the baby, and we got three patrol guys outside knocking on doors and looking for witnesses, but so far, nothing" Jay says.

"So there's no sign of forced entry, no sign of a struggle, so...it seems like she let her killer in the door" Adam says.

"Or he had a key" Antonio states.

"I'll get an emergency ping on Sprio's phone" Hailey says, walking away.


"Sprio was at the Scorpion club all night. He left around 4:15 a.m. We even have the surveillance footage to back it up" Sam says, standing next to the whiteboard.

"Right, and according to the M.E, Rita died at 2 a.m., which takes Sprio off the hook for the murder, at least" Atwater says, standing next to Sam.

"I got something" Kim says, walking onto the bullpen and sits at her desk, and looking something up on her computer, "This is from a resident's home security camera near Rita's apartment" then the team surround the brunette at her desk to watch the video, "A man in a baseball cap enters at 1:50 a.m, exits again nine minutes later"

"Can you get any closer to his face?" Upton asks.

"No, and I have been trying. But working backwards from PODs and footage from other buildings, I was able to piece together his path and pulled a plate from his car, which is registered to a Juan Morales"

"Who the hell is Juan Morales?" Voight asks, picking up the file from Kim's desk.

"Male, 37, Hispanic. He's got quite the rap sheet. Two narcotics related charges, and one aggravated battery with a deadly weapon."

"I saw this guy at the club with Sprio" Hailey says, then walks over to the whiteboard and points to him on POD footage, "This guy"

"Well, looks to me like Juan Morales is our alpha dog" Hank says.

"Hold on, I mean...the only problem is, other than his car being near Rita's apartment, we don't have any real evidence tying him to either of these murders" Dawson says.

"Alright, so...we lay off Morales for now. We focus on Spiro" Hank says, then turns to Adam, "And you have gotta do whatever you gotta do to make a drug deal with this guy. Listen, we catch Spiro dirty, maybe we can get him to give up Morales on the murders"


After Adam was able to make a deal with Spiro. Hank and Sam meet up with him and Kevin in an empty lot to give them a duffle full of money to make the trade with Sprio when Hailey's voice comes over the walkie and says, "We're in position, eyes to the front"

"We got the back" Dawson says, on his walkie.

"There's a vehicle approaching. Silver SUV. It's Sprio. He's got a driver with him. Adam it's your dad"

"No, no, no, are you sure?" Adam asks, over his walkie.


"No. No. no" Adam yells, "No!"

Hank shakes his head, as Sam and Kevin look at each other when Adam says, "I told him, boss. I'm sorry! I don't know how you wanna play this, but I told him. I told him he had to quit"

"Hey!" Hank says.

"I told him"

"We don't do this deal today, these guys aren't coming back to the table, no way. You understand? But if you think your father might be dirty, that he could compromise you or Atwater, I'm not letting you go in"

"Oh, no, there's no way. No. He's a good cop, he's my dad, there's no way he's...he can't be dirty"

Hank looks at Atwater and says, "Kevin"

Kevin looks at his partner and says, "I'm with Adam. If he says he's good, I'm good"

"Alright. Go in there and do your thing" Hank says, throwing Kevin the bag of money, then he and Sam get back into the SUV.

"Hank, if Bob gets involved with this deal in any way, this could go bad real quick" Sam states.

"I know. I know. Adam knows what he's doing. Just let him play it out for now"

While Adam and Kevin are currently undercover in the warehouse, doing the deal with Sprio, Hailey gets on her walkie and says, "Morales just pulled up with two, three unknowns with him"

"Alright, get ready. We go in on my signal" Hank says.

A couple minutes later, Hailey says, "We got a problem! Bob's going into the building"

"Everybody hold"

After gunshots were heard, the team hurries to enter the building, before anyone could escape, except Morales, who is being chased down by Jay and Hailey. Sam quickly enters, gun drawn into the warehouse and rushes over to Adam and his Dad and says, "Bob, you good?"

"Yeah" Bob breathes out, holding onto his shoulder in pain.


Sam stands outside of Bob Ruzek's room, while he and Adam have a heart to heart. A couple minutes later, Adam walks out and Sam asks, "How is he?"

"Good. Bullet went right through"

"That's good. You okay?" The detective asks, as they walk towards the elevators. Adam shakes his head and says, "No"

"I know what will make you feel better"

"What?" Adam asks, as they stop, waiting for the elevator doors to open. Sam smiles and says, "Coming over for dinner, so you can see Gracie"

"You know what, sure. Seeing my favorite niece, might just do the trick" Adam says, putting his arm around his friend's shoulders as they walk onto the elevator, "Thanks again for being here with me. I appreciate it like always"

"Always and Forever" Sam says, holding her pinkie out and Adam wraps his around hers as the doors close.


Sorry, I've been so inactive on this book :(
Anyways, I hope everyone liked the chapter!
Jay and Gracie are my favorites πŸ’–

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