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Chapter Two: Dignity? Ha! What Dignity?


"Who are you to defy my will?" Shu asked.

(Y/N) could only watch helplessly as her friend pushed through the crowd and screamed angrily,


Alisa yelled loudly as Shu just laughed darkly.

"Why should I do that? You're in no position to fight off a vampire prince like me. And I'm certainly not backing down on my words for a measly human like you."

"Then looks like a prince like you really doesn't care about his dignity."

Alisa said mockingly which provoked the albino vampire.

"What?! I do care about MY dignity." Shu asked as his eyes glowed a deathly red.

"Dignity? Ha! What dignity? What you're doing just now doesn't look like a very dignified action for a prince like you."

The brunette said provokingly. But before Shu could reply, he was interrupted,

"That's enough, brother. Stop it."

A voice familiar to him said as a figure in long white hair walked along with many guards accompanying him.

(Y/N) and Alisa recognised him in the first glance. It was none other than Phi. The elder brother of Shu Kurenai.

He walked up to the brunette and said with an apologetic smile,

"I apologise for my brother's behaviour. On his behalf, I'm taking his words back."

"What? But-"

"And I'd like to have a chat with you in private brother."

Phi said looking up at him from the ground.
Shu just made a 'tch' sound before nodding and letting go of (Y/N)'s hand and then leaving.

The other students silently watched because gossiping and whispering in front of the principal of the college would be very dangerous for them.

Alisa immediately made her way up to the balcony where her friend was as the albino was coming downstairs.

He stopped the girl with his arm as the two stood shoulder to shoulder.

"This is just the beginning. You don't know what you've started today and gotten yourself into."

The red eyed vampire said with a smirk. But to his surprise, the human girl also smirked and began,

"I assure you that you have no idea of what's started either..."

Then turning her expression into a serious one she said,

"...remember that I don't care who you are. If you dare to hurt (Y/N) in the future then I must warn you that I'll come after you myself."

"And what harm does a lowly human like you pose to me?"

"Much more than you can ever imagine."

She said with a mysterious smile and left him alone.

'Hmph. I've never seen humans like these two so bold to me before. Looks like these two in particular have something that can keep me amused. I'd like to see what it is in the near future.'

The vampire thought and smirked again as he also left to his own way.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!"

The brunette said as she rushed to her. The (h/c) haired girl smiled at her as she rubbed her wrists,

"Yeah, I'm fine. He just held my wrist too tight."

"Oh...phew...that's good."

"But Alisa. Promise me you won't do anything like what you did today again."

The girl said seriously as her friend shook her head in denial,

"I can't promise. If it'll be necessary to save you, I'm ready to jump in hell."
(Y/N) giggled at that.

"It won't be necessary then."

"Now let's get back to our classes or we'll be late!"

Alisa pointed out as she looked through the time table and they both rushed to their next classes.

Timeskip to at around 4:00 p.m. in the evening:

"Phew...finally...the school is over..."

(Y/N) giggled at her friend who laid flat on her desk, all worn out.

"But we still have to buy milk before we go home."

"Oh...yeah right..."

The brunette responded tiredly as she stood up with her bag and walked outside with the (e/c) eyed girl.

"If you're this tired then you can go home first and I'll buy the milk."

"What? No! Absolutely not! What if that arrogant vampire comes again?! Or what if some other dangerous person comes to you?! And come to think of it, we haven't seen that mosquito in the whole day after all that commotion happened."

Alisa said as (Y/N) sweatdropped at her for thinking too much.

"Are you serious? I think you're reading too many mystery novels lately."

"No, I haven't!"

Alisa said looking away and whistling nervously as (Y/N) looked at her with a '(๋ˆˆโ€ธ๋ˆˆ)' face.

The two were walking home through a dark alleyway because that was one of the shortcuts to the market and then to their home.

As they walked, they didn't know that they were being followed until,

"Um...do you think we're being followed?"

(Y/N) asked with unsurety in her voice as Alisa shook her head.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I don't know but I've been feeling like we've been getting followed for a while now."

"What? If that's so then..."

The brunette grabbed her hand as they both sped up and were about to get out of the alley until...

Two black figures blocked their way when they were right at the end.

The (h/c) haired girl was about to turn around and run with her bestie but three more guys came and blocked their way from behind.

"Cuties like you should be home at this time~"

Said one of them as all of them were inching closer to them and the two backed away in a corner.


Both the girls said at the same time as they realised they were outnumbered.


The chapters in this book will be long and short, depending on when the cliff hanger decides to come.

Also I apologise for the late update but I can't help it. I don't want my readers to wait who have requested for stories in my other book.

I'll try to update this book as much as I can and as fast as I can.

And please support this book and my other book titled 'Crimson Love Sparks Shu Kurenai x Reader'. I'd really appreciate if y'all will do so. ๐Ÿค—

Anyways vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters (other than the reader) belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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