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Chapter Three: Are You Interested In Saving Her?


New character introduction

โ€ข Lilith (OC):

- She's the head maid at the Kurenai palace.

- She's very mean and ruthless to strangers and her colleagues (the other maids) but is another fangirl of Shu Kurenai. She spares no efforts in trying to get closer to the prince.

- If Shu asks her to do a task, she'll do it without any questions, no matter how dirty or what it will be.

- She may OR may not be a temporary character.



The five guys surrounded the poor little girls as one of them said,

"Oh look! Isn't it the girl, the prince announced as his enemy?"

The other said, "If I remember correctly, he said we are free to do whatever we want to her, right?"

His friends nodded their heads and began moving closer and closer to the two poor girls.

"Don't come near us bastards!"

Alisa said warningly but they just ignored her as one of them said again,

"This pretty girl has got an acquaintance who looks equally fun to toy with~"

"Yes~ tonight we're gonna have a double fun~"

Said another and licked his lips and a girl stepped out from the darkness.

(Y/N) was quick to spot her and asked,

"Hey! Who are you?"

The girl chuckled darkly and revealed her face as the brunette recognised her at the first glance.

"No way. It's you-"

"Nice to meet you two again~"

At the palace:

Shu stood in the balcony, gazing up at the moon and spacing out as his best friend walked in to give him company.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

The bluenette said as he now stood beside the albino and he nodded,

"Yeah. It sure is beautiful and peaceful."

"I was wondering if you're interested in knowing the current affairs."

Valt said as he rested his face between his hands and took in the night's cool and gentle breeze.

"Just tell me what it is. Don't beat around the bush."

The albino said as he looked at his friend who giggled before telling him,

"Well. Remember that girl (Y/N) and her friend?"

"Yes. What of them?"

"Y'know, I just saw your chief servant and some men with an "I-will-rape-you" face taking them to an abandoned warehouse. Say, are you interested in saving her?"

The albino looked at the bluenette as if he'd asked a child's play question.

"That's a ridiculous question. And I noticed one thing. There's two of them so why did you say 'saving her'?"

Valt giggled again,

"Because you're certainly not interested in that brown haired girl now, are you? According to your personality, I believe that you'll indeed go and save that (h/c) haired girl first."

"I'm not sure if that was a compliment or insult."

Shu said as he made a '๐Ÿ˜‘' face before turning to leave.

Out of curiosity, the hybrid asked him,

"Where are you going now? To save your Juliet?"

"Mind your own business, will you? Just wait and watch for yourself."

"Sure. That's a more feasible option for me."

A while later:
At an abandoned warehouse:

"Ugh...where am I?...what happened?"

(Y/N) muttered as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes, only to find herself sitting on a bundle of hay.

Alisa lay not too far from her and was still unconscious.

"Oh my~ it seems like the cutie is up~"

A voice said in an uncomfortable tone as certain black shadows approached to the (h/c) haired girl.

"Who're you?! Stay back! Don't come close!"

"My~ my~ feisty, are we?"

Another one of the shadows whispered in a sultry voice as they inched closer to the girls.

(Y/N) immediately rushed to her unconscious friend's side and tried to shook her awake.

"Alisa! Alisa! Wake up! This is no time to sleep!"

But it was all in vain as the others just laughed at her.

"Well. Let's have some 'fun' together cutie pie~"

One of them said as they were about to pounce on the girls but were stopped in mid air.

"W-what the-"

(Y/N) let out a shocked gasp as her jawdropped at the sight of the guys hanging in mid air.

"Step away from both of them this instant."

A familiar deep masculine voice asked as a black figure stepped in through the door, the wind following him inside and the glass of the windows breaking as he did.


One of them tried to say something but before he could finish, the vampire with his glowing red eyes smashed them into the walls.

(Y/N) was still so flabbergasted that she didn't speak a word. Shu smirked as he made his way up to her and noticed a bleeding wound on her head which was being hidden by her hair.

"Which one of them was responsible for this?"

He asked as the human female hesitated before replying to him,

"It was not them. It was a woman."

And just as a peacock makes it appearance at the right moment, Shu's chief servant Lilith appeared beside the vampire prince.

"Prince! Why're you saving this woman?! She's such a despicable human!-"

The red eyed vampire looked at her with a cold gaze and said with an even colder tone,

"Shut up. I don't even want to hear it. And this is your last warning. Don't try to do reckless things like this again or I won't show any mercy on you."

Lilith was taken aback by his coldness towards her but she decided to leave before she gets killed by the prince.

She quietly disappeared from there after shooting (Y/N) a last glare.

After she was gone, some of the palace guards rushed in and began taking the rapist guys away. Then Shu turned his attention to (Y/N),

"You're one hell of a silly human. You amuse me. I have made up my mind. I want you as my blood servant."

The girl's (e/c) eyes widened as she looked at him in pure disbelief and hatred before pushing him away from herself and retorting sharply,

"No! No way! I'll never!"

Shu didn't seem to be fazed even by a bit. His lips turned up in a smirk and his fangs came into view as he leaned to her ear and whispered,

"If you don't agree, then I might as well take this friend of yours who dared to stand up for you. Make your choice wisely. If you refuse, it's her I'll take instead."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in horror as he pointed at Alisa who was still lying unconscious, beside them.

"What's your answer?"

He asked looking into her face for a response. She shuddered,

"I...I...I'll do it!"

"That's a good girl."

The vampire prince smirked wider before hugging her and putting her head on his shoulder and speaking in a cold and scary tone,

"Listen up. From now on, it's not just you that'll belong to me. Each strand of your hair is mine to control understand?"

With that, he bit her on her neck.


The (h/c) haired human let out a sharp scream of pain as he sucked out her blood, until she passed out.

Shu smiled to himself satisfactorily and ordered one of his guards,

"Bring her friend to the palace."

Then he himself picked up the passed out female in bridal style and walked out from there.

In the palace:

The maids in the palace heard that their master has returned and quickly assembled at the front door of the palace.

As he walked in, their eyes widened in shock and one of them began,

"Master...this is..."

Shu cut her off before she could complete,

"It's none of your concern. Just follow my orders."


"Clean both of these girls up and then put the brown haired girl in one of the guest rooms and put the (h/c) haired one on my bed. No more questions."

"Yes master!"

Shu walked away from there, leaving the servants to do their work.

As he was walking, he came across the big balcony-corridors where his brother was enjoying a late night cup of tea.

He didn't seem to notice him but Phi surely did. As he called out to him,

"Shu, I heard you've brought two human women back? And those two were the same ones from the daytime?"

The albino stopped in his tracks and looked at him from the corner of his eye,

"It has nothing to do with you."

Phi chuckled and stood up as he walked over to the younger one whilst saying,

"I'm just looking out for you as an older brother. As the principal of this college, I have reminded you more than once that you shouldn't act recklessly. You're no longer a child now. Try to be more sensible while handling things..."

Then the long haired whitette stood beside the other one and continued,

"You said to me you wanted to teach those humans a lesson but you went to save them anyways. Aren't you afraid of becoming a joke? When will you stop being a hot head huh?"

Shu just stood silent the whole time with his eyes closed. He calmly replied to him before starting to walk away,

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

Phi smirked and asked him something which made him stop again,

"Does that girl with the (h/c) hair remind you of that servant in your childhood? I remember her name was-"


Shu snapped angrily.

"Don't mention that name in front of me ever again!"

And he left Phi stunned there.

A while later:

Shu had almost reached his room where his two maids stood waiting for him and bowed to him.

"Master, we did as you told us to do."

One of them informed him as the two of them opened the doors for him.

All three of them had their eyes widened at the sight in front of them. Especially the maids.

The bed was empty.

The albino walked to the window and saw a white cloth tied from the sill which flowed all the way down.

A smirk formed on his face as he thought,

'Looks like I have underestimated this girl.'


Looks like I've made this chapter too long. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to end it right now and save the rest of the fun for the next chapter. *smiles like a devil*

Please support this book and my other book titled 'Crimson Love Sparks Shu Kurenai x Reader'. I'd really appreciate if y'all will do so. ๐Ÿค—

And please vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters (other than the reader) belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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