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- Simple Henry

The next morning, Sophie was sat in her room with her son in her arms rocking him back and forth as she glanced at her children who were fast asleep next to her. Charles, Ella and Edmond had stayed with their mother refusing to leave Sophie once they've heard they have a new baby brother and had been dotting on him all of last night.

Emily had informed her twin sister that both James and Edward Buckingham had been arrested for treason against the king and had been taken to the tower to await their execution. Sophie held guilt in the pit of her stomach wishing there was something that she could of done to prevent James from following Edward path - maybe she could of saved him and reasoned with him.

In all truth, there was nothing Sophie could of done to stop her husband as he was determined especially since he knew how the king felt about his wife and wanted to get rid of him in hopes to mend and start fresh with Sophie but even if the situation had changed the blonde Evans girl would have never forgiven him for murdering her children father and the man she had loved all of her life.

Sophie Evans blamed herself as if it wasn't for her, James wouldn't even think about plotting against the king but like her sister had told her you can't help who you fall in love with but it's not like she had kept it a secret she had explained to him about her relationship with Henry before they had married and he excepted that she had deep feelings for someone else.

James just thought in a little time, her feelings for King Henry would fade and that they would become a family but it turns out fate had other plans as the two only slept together once and that was on their wedding night. Sophie relationship with the King remained strong and nothing could ever get in the way between either one of them as they loved too deep and trusted one another with their lives.

Meanwhile, Henry was in his chambers with Wolsey going over some paper work as he looked up at the older man and informed, " I have instituted a court of High Steward to judge Buckingham's case. Twenty peers will be appointed to the court, Norfolk, will be first among them."

"Your Majesty, if I may?" Wolsey questioned with a hesitant expression on her face causing Henry to roll his eyes but nodded his head in encouragement as he was interested what he had to say, " I believe it could be dangerous to find the Duke and James Armstrong guilty of treason"

Henry stopped writing with raised brows as he turned his attention to Wolsey and curiously questioned, " even if they are?" Wolsey nodded his head in confirmation with a heavy sigh and stated, " even if they are. On the other hand, they could be found guilty of some lesser offence - heavily fined and banished from court. In that way, he would be disgraced, but the Duke's friends and allies would have little cause or occasion to rise against you"

"And that would be the best outcome?" Henry questioned with a frown narrowing his eyes at Wolsey as these two men planned to kill him and now this man standing in front of him wants to pardon them of their crimes and let them go banished away from court and far away from their families. " I believe it would, yes" Wolsey muttered softly trying to persuade the King to see it from his point of view with a pleading look on his face.

Henry hummed as he stayed quiet for a moment taking in his words before he let out a sigh staring at Wolsey and curiously asked, " and you would see to it that the court come to that decision?" Wolsey nodded his head in agreement with a soft smile planted on his lips and replied, " I have every confidence" Henry scoffed turning his attention back to his letter with a look of disbelief and muttered under his breathe, " as i have in Your Eminence"


A little while later, Henry was playing a game of tennis with his best friend, Charles Brandon when he began explaining the situation regarding Edward and James because of their treason against himself, " Wolsey will set up the court. Norfolk will head it. I want you to remind His Grace of his responsibilities" he demanded with a pointed look causing Charles eyes to widened slightly but nodded his head in agreement.

"14 - 30. Chase to four, gentlemen" the page announcer loudly commented his voice echoing throughout the room as the two men continued playing the game of tennis while Thomas Boleyn walked over towards his daughter who was watching the King intently and called out, " Mary? Does the King still call for you at night?"

Mary eyes held a saddened look as she removed her gaze away from the King with a shake of her head and replied, " No, papa. Unfortunately, he loves Sophie. When our passion reached its limit, he called out a name. It was not mine. She may be pregnant at the moment but i have never seen anyone love someone the way the King loves her"

Thomas clenched his jaw with a frustrated look on his face at his daughters words as he thought since Sophie had been placed on bed rest at Armstrong place for the rest of her pregnancy he thought one of his daughters could capture his attention and pull him out of the spell Sophie had put him under. Thomas was greedy for more power and the only way he could gain that is if he was in favor with the King but it looks like he had lost interest in the brunette and knew that Anne was his only Hope.

About an hour and half later, the court trial had started as Edward and James were to be judged in their fate as the two of them walked into the room escorted by two of the King's guards before kneeling in front of judges who will decide whether they will live or die when Norfolk stood up from his seat looking directly at the two men.

" Your Grace, My Lord has been accused of treason and of imagining and plotting the death of the King's majesty. This Court of High Steward after reviewing all the evidence against your Grace and Lord Armstrong finds you both guilty of the charges against you" Norfolk explained narrowing his eyes at the two men as their faces dropped at his words.

"What?" James muttered quietly under his breathe so the only person they could hear him was Edward as his eyes widened in surprise and disbelief as Norfolk continued speaking, " and so sentences Your Grace, My Lord, to death at his Majesty's pleasure" the crowd started muttering quietly to themselves as four guards stepped forward taking the arms of the two men with Buckingham yelling out furiously towards Wolsey, " This is your doing! Butcher's dog! It's all your doing! Bastards!"


Charles, Ella and Edmond was playing outside of Armstrong place when King Henry turned up climbing off his horse with a look of excitement and amazement expression on his face handing the rains over to the stable boy. Henry ruffled his children's heads as he passed them rushing inside of the house and up the stairs towards Sophie's room.

Henry barged into the room causing Sophie to turn her attention away from her son in her arms only for a smile to appear on her lips as Henry stared at his son in overwhelming disbelief. The midwifes and Emily in the room all curtsied only to stand up properly when Henry gestured with his hand for them to stains up right.

Emily smiled warmly with a friendly look as she stepped out the way allowing Henry to sit by her sisters side as she handed over little Henry towards the King who almost broke down in tears at any moment at the feeling of his baby boy in his arms especially as this was good news after everything that had been happening on court regarding Buckingham and Armstrong.

"Hi" The King softly cooed down at the infant who stared up at him in wonder as he reached for his hand causing Henry to chuckle lightly as he turned his attention to Sophie who was smiling happily causing him to lean forward and pressed a lovingly kiss to her lips and curiously questioned with a hopeful expression, "is it a boy?"

Sophie laughed trying to hide how terrified she was as this was his third son that the blonde beauty had delivered as she nodded her head in confirmation as he held up his som unwrapping the blanked and loudly called out, " I have a son! I have a son! Thank god" Henry softly spoke bringing his son towards his chest running his hand through the fairly light hair on the top of his head, " thank god"

"He looks just like you" Henry teased Sophie with a huge smile on his face chuckling in amusement when she rolled her eyes as even if he had not that long ago been bored he had a little of blonde hair on his head and bright blue eyes and obviously took after his beautiful mother, " what is his name?"

Sophie stayed quiet for a moment as she looked at her baby boy before turning her gaze to the King, " His name is Henry" nodding towards the baby boy that was in his arms cooing loudly causing a bright smile to appear on his lips that she had named their son after him and he couldn't be more grateful as he wrapped his arm around Sophie the two of them enjoying their time together with their newly born son.


It was late at night, Henry decided to throw a celebration party to announce the birth of little Henry. Fireworks were set off in the night sky as the people of England were drinking, laughing and dancing together celebrating with the King who fired a gun in the air with a beaming smile on his face.

" Your Majesty is to be congratulated on such a happy event" Wolsey called out with a small smile walking over towards Henry who turned his attention away from the celebration and towards the elder man and with a nod of his head he replied, " Thank you, Your Eminence. Sophie is upstairs, she's not quite happy with my decision" Wolsey sighed heavily as he nodded his head in understanding and began to walk away when Charles called out to his friend, " Henry, congratulations"

"Thank you, Charles. Emily. I always knew it wasn't my fault" Henry firmly spoke smiling at the brunette who was standing close to Charles who had his arms wrapped around her causing him to chuckle as she pulled Charles away by his hand to get themselves something alcoholic to drink.

"His Majesty has decided to recognise his son unlike the other two you had with the King. He will be known for the present as Henry Fitzroy and he will have his own establishment at Durham house with a Champlain, officer and a retinue befitting his station. His majesty has allowed Ella to join her little brother as along as it's okay with you, Lady Sophie" Wolsey explained to the blonde girl who hadn't stopped looking down at the celebration with tears gathering on her eyes:

Sophie took a deep breathe as she turned around placing a smile on her lips as she nodded her head in understanding as she knew he would recognise her child if it were a boy as he had allowed her to keep Charles and Edmond with her and promised to not recognise them but Queen Catherine can't give the King a living boy and it seems that Sophie had been the only one to do so.

The blonde knew she had some time with her baby but knew it wouldn't be much not like she had with the rest of her children as little Henry now owned his own establishment and would be a duke in the future. He was the bastard son of the king of England and would have to learn in the future what this means for him especially since he is recognised by Henry himself.

"The Queen! The Queen!" The page announcer called out when Catherine walked into the room with her ladies in waiting causing the music to suddenly stop as Henry turned his attention to his wife who held a furious look on her face as she curtsied grabbing a goblet of wine holding it up towards Henry for a toast as she took a sip before turning on her heel and walking out of the room trying to hide how embarrassed she is.

It was hard enough she had to watch Sophie and Henry around court and that she had already had two sons with her husband and now Henry had only now decided to recognise the one Sophie had jus had. Catherine was shamed and embarrassed at her husband actions as Sophie wasn't born into a royal family but it seems Henry didn't care as in his eyes she's given him the one thing he truly desires - a son.

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